20000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE September 12, 2005 Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I see One point on that: This is a picture well as the east bank of Jefferson. St. the Senator from Mississippi is in the of New Orleans that was done by the Bernard was still completely under- Chamber. I do not want to interrupt New York Times. I thought it was ex- water the last time I flew over as well. any scheduled business. I was sched- tremely helpful, and I would like to So our work is complicated by having uled to speak in morning business. I take a moment of my short time on the banks and schools not functioning. can take 5 minutes later, after the Sen- floor to show this picture in a larger Shown in this picture, in each one of ator from Mississippi is finished, if he view. these blocks—I know I only have 1 would like to proceed. I do not mind We understand the city of New Orle- minute left—these are schools, these waiting. ans has been particularly hard hit, not green dots. All of these schools have 10 Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, if the only by the hurricane but the subse- feet of water in them, every single Senator will yield. quent breaches of the levees that put green dot, except for the ones along the The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- most of the city under 10 feet of water ridge. These are our courts. Most of our ator from Mississippi. for 5 days, 6 days. Even going into ac- courts are not able to function, city or Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, it is tually today, the 15th day of this dis- Federal courts. my understanding the Senate was to aster, there is still water in the city, Our police stations are underwater, return to the consideration of H.R. which is being pumped out now that which is why some of our police were 2862, the Commerce-Justice-Science ap- the levees have been fixed. But the not able to function as well as they propriations bill at 3 o’clock. water is still not completely gone. would under normal circumstances. The PRESIDING OFFICER. That is In addition, in the picture you can But I am pleased to report, after hear- the previous order. It would require see Jefferson Parish. I am going to try ing from Chief Compass today, not one unanimous consent to allow morning to provide an update of that tomorrow. commander of the New Orleans police business to continue beyond 3 o’clock. Over here is St. Bernard Parish. Again, force left his post, even though 80 per- Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I do I am going to try to provide an update. cent of them have lost their homes. not want to object to the Senator pro- On this side of the lake is St. Tam- Some of them have lost their families. ceeding to discuss whatever she wants many Parish, and I will try to get to As the President said himself, first re- to discuss. I am happy for her to take that in another day or so. sponders have been victims themselves. whatever time she needs to talk about But as Senators come down to view So I thought I would present that this issue that is of great concern to this whole region—not just New Orle- today, to say thank you to the Sen- me, as well as to her. ans but an area of 90,000 square miles, ators for organizing the trip. I know Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, I the Finance Committee is going to an- thank the Senator from Mississippi. I the size of Great Britain, stretching from the Gulf Coast halfway through nounce in just a few minutes some tax ask unanimous consent for 5 minutes, relief opportunities that Senator and then we could proceed to the bill. Louisiana—one thing to note about New Orleans that is still not quite un- GRASSLEY and Senator BAUCUS have Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I have worked out. I have worked with them. no objection to the Senator having 5 derstood is this river ridge was the high part of the original city. As you Senator VITTER and others have minutes. worked to put that together. We are The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- know, before we had concrete high- ways, the highways we built this Na- very pleased more help is on the way. ator from Louisiana is recognized for 5 Mr. President, I appreciate Senator minutes in morning business. tion on were our rivers. So this city, COCHRAN giving me the opportunity to Ms. LANDRIEU. I thank the Pre- being one of the oldest in the Nation, speak for a few minutes about those siding Officer. was built on this river. points. I will try to get to the floor f Amazingly and thankfully, the areas close to the river are not underwater, sometime tomorrow for the same rea- HURRICANE KATRINA which is this whole ridge. The French son. Ms. LANDRIEU. Mr. President, today Quarter has stayed pretty much high Thank you, Mr. President. is day 15 of Hurricane Katrina, which and dry, even the Lower Garden Dis- f has devastated the southeastern part of trict. Some of the poorer areas along CONCLUSION OF MORNING Louisiana and parts of Mississippi and Tchoupitoulas Street are, thank God, BUSINESS some parts of Alabama and other out of the water all along the river The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. States. I have come to the floor, just ridge. The west bank has been spared THUNE). Morning business is closed. for a few minutes, to give a few brief where we want to build our Federal remarks—some on a positive note as to city complex. We now know it is a good f some positive things that are taking place because it is a highland area and MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR place, and then some which are descrip- a good place to build. SCIENCE, THE DEPARTMENTS OF tive detail as Senators, both Repub- But this entire city—eastern New Or- STATE, JUSTICE, AND COM- licans and Democrats, begin to build leans, which is a middle-income neigh- MERCE, AND RELATED AGEN- ideas for the rebuilding of this great re- borhood of White and Black citizens, as CIES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2006 gion. well as some poor, very poor; and the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under First, let me say how pleased I am Lower Ninth Ward—this is where the the previous order, the hour of 3 p.m. that a group of Senators will be coming Lower Ninth Ward is—Gentilly, which having arrived, the Senate will resume down to the region on Friday. Details is a middle-income neighborhood of consideration of H.R. 2862, which the of that trip will be announced, but Sen- Black and White citizens; the Bywater clerk will report. ators from Mississippi and Louisiana neighborhood; Mid-City; Lakeview, The legislative clerk read as follows: have suggested that some of our col- which is predominantly White but very A bill (H.R. 2862) making appropriations leagues come down and see firsthand integrated in some parts and very high for Science, the Departments of State, Jus- the devastation. Not wanting to use as- income—is completely underwater. tice, and Commerce, and related agencies for sets that were being required for search Then, of course, there is the midpart of the fiscal year ending September 30, 2006, and and rescue, now that phase is almost the city, which is low. for other purposes. completed, and it is appropriate for So as our Senators come in, they will Pending: Senators to come down. I understand literally see what looks like Noah’s Lincoln amendment No. 1652, to provide for Senator REID and Senator FRIST are or- Ark, looks like something of Biblical temporary Medicaid disaster relief for sur- ganizing that trip with some of the proportions. Maybe the water will have vivors of Hurricane Katrina. Dayton amendment No. 1654, to increase Senators here. Senator VITTER and I gone down by Friday. They are pump- funding for Justice Assistance Grants. and others look forward to getting ing it out quite fast. But just to get Biden amendment No. 1661, to provide them down on the ground to show them some sense, the entire city—poor areas emergency funding for victims of Hurricane the breadth of the devastation. and wealthy areas—is underwater, as Katrina. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:49 Feb 28, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK15\NO-SSN\BR12SE05.DAT BR12SE05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE September 12, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 20001 Sarbanes amendment No. 1662, to assist the committee’s bill. It touches a wide The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without victims of Hurricane Katrina with finding range of interests and concerns, and it objection, it is so ordered. new housing. is very important for us to complete The amendment is as follows: Dorgan amendment No. 1665, to prohibit this bill as soon as we can so these (Purpose: To make available, from amounts weakening any law that provides safeguards otherwise available for the National Aero- from unfair foreign trade practices. agencies and departments can make nautics and Space Administration, Sununu amendment No. 1669, to increase their plans for activities that will be $906,200,000 for aeronautics research and de- funding for the State Criminal Alien Assist- funded in this bill at the beginning of velopment programs of the National Aero- ance Program, the Southwest Border Pros- the next fiscal year.
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