1 e MagHfJfJtlt eli's eItel' WITH Issue No. 215 JUNE 1995 Price 70p O~y.lGi.. Co f::J FIRST COMMUNION IN MAYN901~DJ4 CAN COLLECf Contact Aine Lennon with her granny Mrs. Kelly Lenny and Mrs. Murphy with their grandchild Darrell .~..if(;:~~ The Cardinal Press ~::-0~~~~~ .. ···:J'rj.!f;'~:l'''··· Dunboyne Road, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. JOBS Telephone: 01 - 628 6695 • Fax. 01 - 6286440 • FULL COLOUR BROCHURES • GENERAL PRINTING • NEWSLETTERS INVOICES NCR SETS STATEMENTS • QUALITY WEDDING STATIONERY LETTERHEADS THIS BUSINESS CARDS • CONTINUOUS STATIONERY TICKETS POSTERS • COLOUR COPYING • LASER PRINTING • OFFICE STATIONERY & FURNITURE • BOOK RESTORATION • TYPESETTING (LASER & IBM) & THESIS BINDING FAST. Fr. Supple with group - Orla Bambrick, Julie Ann & Clare, Suzanne Harney, Declan Bambrick, Barry Harney, Gerard Hoare . l . '5 " ~ ? . Editorial Statement· .Eaitorial . f ,,~ '" ? / - f ~ 'k '" ~ '" "~)5"' '" MAYNOOTH NEWSLETTER In last months issue your indulgence was requested if the Com­ PUBLISHED BY munity Council Office was closed as a result of strike action MAYNOOTH COMMUNITY COUNCIL against the cutbacks on FAs Community Employment Schemes. Most of the staff of the Newsletter, Community Editorial Board Council, Supervisors and Sponsors marched to Dail Eireann Peter Connell in protest against these cutbacks on May 12th. Patricia Condron Willie Healy We hoped our efforts would be successful and we were given to believe they had been. The government through it's various Community Council Staff Maeve McCullagh ministries, granted ten million pounds to FAs to make up the short fall in funds. Unfortunately we have found that the im­ 481, The Crescent, Straffan Road, Maynooth, Co. Kildare. The opinions and statements expressed in the articles are those plementation of the cut backs is going ahead and that nothing Telephone: (01) 6290452 of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Editorial will change for the next few months. Thus we will be obliged Board All material to be included in the next edition of the to pursue further action to maintain or even come close to the Newsletter should be addressed to:- position pertaining in February. The Editor,Maynooth Newsletter, Town Centre Mall, : - PROFESSIONAL CHILD CARE DEVELOPMENT - Maynooth Te1.OI-6285922 We would again appeal for your understanding and support if Maximum number oj words 500 per article certain facilities are not available and we would ask you to get COPYDATE: FRIDAY 16TH JUNE BEFORE 5P.M. in touch with local politicians to see if it is possible to put pressure on the government to ensure that this very valuable KINDER CRESCENT EDITORIAL STATEMENT asset to the community continues as at present. The Maynooth Newsletter is published as a service to the is a beautifully equipped and professionally run people and organisations of the neighbourhood. It is an 'open access' publication and will generally carry any material sub­ Nursery and Montessori School mitted to it, subject to the law of the land and to editorial judge­ ment. This judgement is exercised by the editorial committee in order to preserve the independence and balance of the News­ Our Facilities include: letter. The committee reserves the right to alter, abridge or CONTENTS omit material which in its opinion might rend the Newsletter • Montessori School- age 3 to 5 years - 9.30 a.m. - 12 noon the promoter or mouth-piece of sectional interests. Any con­ 4 tributor seeking further guide-lines in this matter is invited to Community Council Notes Book Now For September 1995 contact the committee. Clubs, Organisations, Societies 6 NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS Childrens' Comer 20 • Hot Meals Provided We request all our contributors to make sure their material is legible. If possible, material should be typed, but as not every­ Residents Associations 22 • Garden Play Area one has access to typewriters, the best way to present material is to use either neat legible writing or block letters, on one Features 24 .. Free Montessori Tuition for children attending Nursery side of the paper. In future all Letters to the Editor must have the writer's name and address available for publication. Street Talk 26 • Nursery open all year round from 7.30 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. We emphasise that material submitted after the copydate will not be accepted and will be withheld until the following Muintir Mil Nuad 28 • We cater for babies from 3 months to school going age copydate. 30 • Qualified Experienced Staff All Material Copyright Maynooth Newsletter 1995 Garda Talk RIGHT TO REPLY Defence of Schemes 36 • Full y Insured / In fairness to our readers and given that this magazine is not / insured against libel damages or cost, we undertake the fol­ March on Dublin 42 Frurther information contact: lowing: In case of errors of fact we will publish corrections 44 when we become aware of such. Hobbies & Interests In the case of unfairly impugning the reputation of any person 48 SHARON or YVONNE we hereby offer that person or their representative the right to Political Party Notes reply in this magazine subject only to reasonable length, the 50 laws of libel and our right to respond to such reply. Crossword • • • • • • • • • • • • • Letter to our Readers: This is just a note to remind you all Communion Photos 53,55,57 KINDER CAMP - SUMMER SCHOOL that the Newsletter exists for your enjoyment and that we welcome all contributions from our readers. We would like to Sports 54 FOR MONTH OF JULY 9.30 -12.00 ALLAGES. hear from any new organisations or indeed from individuals with something to say or suggest. We hope you continue to en­ Birthdays 60 Our camp will include arts & craft, skills, outdoor games & activities. joy your monthly read and keep us informed of your activities. Classifieds 62 BOOKNOW! Community Council & Newsletter Staff 3 tommunity E00unciJ N~tes' c' , c c The Community Festival normally takes place during the month of June. Prosperous, Naas, Co. Kildare. 045 - 68230/045 - 68482 This year because of the state of the town it has been decided Undertakers and Complete Funeral Furnishers that it will take place in August. It is hoped that by then the ~ B ALLDD NEE ANI) town will be tidier and the "thing in the square" will be gone. g Wreaths Headstones Mourning Coaches ~ PARTY I)E[DR A large festival is planned to coincide with the bicentenary r.n New Funeral Parlour at Town Centre Mall, Maynooth celebrations in the college. Anyone interested in helping with for all occasions, small or BIG, Undertakers to Maynooth Mortality Society the festival planning should get in touch with the Community ,?v,'O'6 we'll make it special Council. Ph. 628 5922. (Funeral Parlour Free To Society Members) Katie's Flowers Particulars & Arrangements Contact: . e,S Ie MAYNOOTH TIDY TOWNS COMMITTEE , '?~'\\."\ Telephone 6289310 Ids'p Paddy Nolan (Sec), 7 Castlebridge, Maynooth. Phone: 6286312 0 I 0\,,0 All enquiries welcome 'lrlJ~ Kevin Murphy, O'Neill Park, Maynooth. Phone: 6286399 Our comprehensive report and entry for this year's Tidy Towns Competition has been forwarded to the Department of the En­ 21st Birthdays Weddings Retirement~ .. vironment together with our £100 entry fee. We are greatly encouraged by the reaction of the residents of Maynooth to I I the excellent work being done by the Maynooth Tidy Towns ~------------------------------------~ FAs team. For the summer months the team will be aug­ mented by a number of students under the Students' Employ­ : CPL MOTOR CTOR : ment Scheme. I I As part of our on-going policy with regards to re-cycling, we NUZSTOP NEWSAGENTS : MAIN STREET, MAYNOOTH, E00. KILDARE. : are pleased to advise that a waste paper re-cycling container Main Street, Maynooth : TEL: (01) 6286628 / 6286301 : has been installed in Maynooth Shopping Centre. We thank the shopping centre management and Kildare County Council I I for their co-operation in bringing this latest initiative to Maynooth. Agent for Lotto • Lottery Cards • Call Cards • Stamps I PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS, I We would appeal to drivers to stop parking on the edges or in Grocery • Confectionery I • some cases in the middle of the green opposite St. Mary's R.c. Large selection of Cards, Toys Church. It is ruining the green and destroying the edging. Fresh Sandwiches & Rolls Daily II~ ~ TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. $.~' I Why not ring in your order? Our annual door-to-door collection will take place during the Phone: 628 6072 latter part of June: notices will be placed in shop windows : BATI'ERIES, PLUGS, EXHAUSTS & BRAKE PADS : advising of dates. Please be generous. Thank you. Opening Hours: Weekdays 7 a.m. - 9.30 p.m. I I Sat. 8.30 a.m. - 9.00 p.m. • Sun. 8.30 a.m. - 8.309 p.m. R. Farrell, P.R.O. ~------------------------------------, DR. LINDA M. FINLEY - McKENNA CHIROPRACTOR Diathermy & Beauty Clinic Dublin Road, \.~.~,~ -:; 4 Belgrave Road, MARY COWHEY & CO. Maynooth, ~.-~: ..;p ...."" Rathmines, SOLICITORS Co. Kildare. '".;, J Dublin 6. Main St., Maynooth (Beside Barry's Newsagents) Tel: 01 - 6285962 )r Tel; 01- 4970174 Phone: 6286272 • Litigation & Accident Claims • Wills & Probate ====== ALL HOURS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ======== Specialising in Electrolysis • Confidential Independent Legal Advice MAYNOOTH RATHMINES Diathermy for Broken Veins, Skin Tags • Residential, Commercial Sales Tues 10.00 am - 1.00 pm Cathiodermie Facial, Bio-Peeling, High Frequency Facial & Purchases 5.00 pm - 8.00 pm Mon & Thurs 10.15 am - 12.30 pm Basic Facial Waxing, Eyelash & Eyebrow Tinting Wed 4.00 pm - 8.00 pm Manicure, Make Up, False Tan, 37 Tube Turbo Sunbed • General Legal Services 5.00 pm - 8.00 pm Fri 10.00 am - 12.00 noon Wed 10.15 am - 12.30 pm Tues., Thurs: 10 a.m. 7.30 p.m. Wed., Fri., Sat. Main Street, Maynooth, Co. Kildare 4.00 pm - 8.00 pm 10 a.m.
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