1 Improving Transport Connectivity for LLDCs and the Status of Implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action in the Africa Region Background report for the Africa regional review meeting on the implementation of the Vienna Programme of Action for the Landlocked Developing Countries for the Decade 2014-2024 2 This study was commissioned by the United Nations Office of the High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States (UN-OHRLLS) in collaboration with United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). UN- OHRLLS and UNECA gratefully acknowledges Mr. Remigious Makumbe for preparing the report and for the comments received at the regional review meeting that was held on 18-19 March 2019 in Marrakech, Morocco. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the United Nations. The funding for the preparation of this study was made possible through the project led by UN- OHRLLS entitled: Strengthening the capacity of Landlocked Developing Countries under the “Belt and Road Initiative” to design and implement policies that promote transport connectivity for the achievement of the SDGs which is funded by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Sub- Fund - United Nations Peace and Development Trust Fund. 3 CONTENTS Acronyms 04 Executive Summary 05 Introduction 10 PART I: IMPROVING TRANSPORT CONNECTIVITY FOR LANDLOCKED DEVELOPING 11 COUNTRIES 1.1. Background 11 1.2. Status of Corridor Development in Africa 13 1.3. Road Network Development 18 1.4. Railway Network Development 20 1.5. Port and Maritime Development 23 1.6. Air Transport Network Development 25 1.7. Policy, Regulatory and Legislative Frameworks for Infrastructure and Challenges to 27 Implementation of Infrastructure projects and maintenance 1.8. Financing of the Infrastructure Gap in Africa 28 1.9. Trends in Development Financing 34 1.10. Conclusions and Recommendations 38 PART II: THE STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE VIENNA PROGRAMME OF ACTION 40 2.1. Introduction 40 2.2. Socio-Economic Development of LLDCs and their Assessment of SDGs Performance 40 2.3. Priority 1: Fundamental transit policy issues 43 2.4. Priority 2b: Energy 48 2.5. Priority 2b: ICT Connectivity 52 2.6. Priority 3: International trade and trade facilitation 55 2.7. Priority 4: Regional integration and cooperation 67 2.8. Priority 5: Structural economic transformation 71 2.9. Priority 6: Means of implementation 82 References 86 4 ACRONYMS ACG Arab Coordination Group Partners SADC Southern African Development ACGF African Credit Guarantee Facility ICTs Information, Communication Community AfCFTA African Continental Free Trade Area Technologies SAPP Southern African Power Pool AfDB African Development Bank IDA International Development SARA Southern African Railways Assistance Association AfT Aid for Trade IPPF Infrastructure Projects SDGs Sustainable Development Goals AICD Africa Infrastructure Country Preparation Facility Diagnostic Study SE4ALL Sustainable Energy for All IT Information Technology AIDA Accelerated Industrial Development SGR Standard Gauge Railway for Africa ITU International Telecommunications SMMEs Small, Medium and Micro-sized Union ASA Advisory Services and Analysis Enterprises IXPs Internet Exchange Points ASYCUDA Automated System for Customs SNCC Congolese National Railways Data GJVs Global Joint-Ventures SOEs State Owned Enterprises AUC African Union Commission JICA Japan International Cooperation SSA Sub-Saharan Africa Agency AXIS African Internet Exchange System SSATP Sub-Saharan Africa Transport LAPSSET Lamu Port Southern Sudan- Programme BAPA Buenos Aires Plan of Action Ethiopia Transport SSC South-South Cooperation BIAT Boosting Intra-African Trade LLDCs Land Locked Developing Countries STC Specialized Technical Committee BOO Built-Own-Operate-Transfer LPI Logistics Performance Index STEM Short Term Energy Market BOOT Built-Own-Operate-Transfer M&As Majors and Acquisitions BOT Build Operate and Transfer STEM Science, Technology, Engineering MGCI Mountain Green Cover Index and Mathematics BRI Belt and Road Initiative R&D Research and Development STI Science, Technology and BRCS Brazil India China Russia RJVs Regional Joint Ventures Innovation BTL Built-Transfer-Lease MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio TACB Technical Assistance and Capacity CAR Central African Republic MOTRACO Mozambique Transmission Building BRI Belt and Road Initiative Company TAH Trans African Highways CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agricultural MOU Memorandum of Understanding TFA Trade facilitation Agreement Development Programme MW Mega-Watts TFI Trade Facilitation Index CBM Coordinated Border Management NAM Non-Aligned Movement TFTA Tripartite Free Trade Area CBN Continental Business NCTTA Northern Corridor Transit and TMEA Trade Mark East Africa Network Transport Coordination Authority TMSA Trade Mark Southern Africa CEC Copper-belt Electricity Company NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s TTFA Trade and Transport Facilitation CEN-SAD Community of Sahel-Saharan States Development Audit COMESA Common Market for Eastern and NPCA NEPAD Planning and Coordinating TTTFP Tripartite Trade and Transport Southern Africa Agency Facilitation Programme COMRA COMESA Railways Association NSW National Single Window UN United Nations COO Certificate of Origin NTBs Non-Tariff Barriers UNCTAD United Nations Conference on CPIS Coordinated Port Information NTFC National Trade Facilitation Trade and Development System Committees UNDP United Nations Development CSOs Civil Society Organizations NVRs National Voluntary Reviews Programme CTTTFP Comprehensive Tripartite ODA Official Development Assistance UNECA United Nations Economic Transport and Trade Facilitation OECD Organization for Economic Commission for Africa Programme Cooperation and Development UNIDO United Nations Industrial CVTFS COMESA Virtual Trade Facilitation OSBP One-Stop-Border-Post Development Organisation System PAeN Pan African e-Network UN-OHRLLS United Nations Office of the High DAM Day Ahead Market Representative for Least Developed PIDA Programme of Infrastructure Countries, Landlocked Developing DFIs Development Finance Institutions Development in Africa Countries and Small Island DFID Department for International PMAESA Ports Management Association of Developing States Development East and Southern Africa UNOSSC United Nations Office for South – DRC Democratic Republic of Congo PMACWA Ports Management Association of South Cooperation DRM Domestic Resource Mobilization Central and West Africa USA United States of America EAC East African Community PNDES National Plan for Economic and VICMED Lake Victoria Mediterranean Sea Social Development ECCAS Economic Community of Central Project African States PPDF Project Preparation and VPoA Vienna Programme of Action Development Facility ECOWAS Economic Community of West WACIP West Africa Common Industrial African States PPI Port Performance Indicators Policy (WACIP ECREEE ECOWAS Centre for Renewable PPI Private Participation in WCO World Customs Organization Infrastructure Energy and Energy Efficiency WHO World Health Organization PPP Public Private Partnership EQuIP Enhancing the Quality of Industrial WTO World Trade Organization Policies RCBGS Regional Customs Bond Guarantee YD Yamoussoukro Decision ESA East and Southern Africa Scheme ZTK Zambia-Tanzania-Kenya ETLS Trade Liberalization Scheme RECs Regional Economic Communities EU European Union REIPPP Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement FTA Free Trade Area RIDMP Regional Infrastructure HDI Human Development Index Development Master Plan GCF Green Climate Fund RRP Railway Revitalization Programme GDP Gross Domestic Product RSA Republic of South Africa GEF Global Environmental Facility RTMS Regional Transit Management GII Gender Inequality Index System HLF4 Fourth High Level Forum on AID RIXP Regional Internet Exchange Point Effectiveness SAATM Single Africa Air Transport Market ICA Infrastructure Consortium for SACREEE Southern African Centre for Africa Renewable Energy and Energy ICPs International Cooperating Efficiency 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY amongst African countries as well as promote deeper The General Assembly of the United Nations in its integration. Road dominates the transport sector in resolution 72/232 decided to convene a comprehensive most African countries, covering 80-90 per cent of high-level midterm review on the implementation the passenger and freight traffic. The Trans-African of the Vienna Programme of Action for the Decade Highway Network, which is at the heart of regional 2014–2024, with the objective of analyzing the status of connectivity for the continent has a total length of implementation of all aspects of the Programme as well 54,120 km distributed along nine corridors. However, it as identify best practices, lessons learnt, obstacles and is characterized by missing links and poor maintenance constraints encountered and hence actions needed to in some key segments. accelerate the implementation of the VPoA. The study identified a number of transport corridors This report is presented in two parts: Part I: Improving designated by the Regional Economic Communities Transport Connectivity for Land Locked Developing which are the focus of infrastructure development Countries; and Part II: Status of Implementation of the and transport connectivity. In addition, the study also Vienna Programme of Action. recognized the transport corridors identified under PIDA programme, which constitute the veins and In Part I, the report sought to review
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