iThp N pu i fSjampaljto Volume 16.— Issue 19. DURHAM, N. H., FEBRUARY 25, 1926. Price, 10 Cents VARSITY BASEBALL STUDENT COUNCIL PRESIDENT BACK PROSPECTS BRIGHT DRAMATIC CLUB HAS BUSY MEETING N. H. WINTER SPORTS TEAM CAPTURES FROM CONFERENCE Powerful Nine Expected to Represent PRESENTS PLAY Point System Now Enforced— Cut CHAMPIONSHIP OF U. S. AND CANADA N. H. Wealth of Material on Hand. System Is Being Investigated— Six Letter Men to Form Nucleus. Committee Calls on Another Vote to Be Taken on Beat Dartmouth by One Point in I. W . S. U. Finals at Emerson's New Farce a Mascot President Coolidge The New Hampshire Varsity base­ Three Act Production Hanover— Take Three First Places— McGill Third ball team, with six letter men as a nucleus, looms up as one of the most At the Student Council meeting MIL. TRAINING DISCUSSED RAN YEAR IN NEW YORK CAPT. MICHELSON WINS ONE MILE SKI RACE powerful nines ever to represent the held Tuesday afternoon, it was re­ University. All battery men will be ported that only two men were ex­ The Whole Town’s Talking Will Test Coolidge Pleased With Assurance A f­ called out within the next two weeks, ceeding twenty points, the number Proctor, Green Star, Takes Firsts in Ski Jump and Proficiency Contests- Talent of Local Students... To forded by Land Grant Colleges— although the coach does not expect to allowed under the point system that Establishes New Record Leap— Dustin Wins Ski Cross-Country be Presented at Community has recently been put in force by the Plan of Radio Broadcasting Con­ have the men out-of-doors until the and Peaslee Leads Field in Snow Shoe Grind— Tetley and House March 3 and 4. council. Before the week is over it sidered first of April. According to Coach Worthen Feature in Speed Skating Swasey the schedule, a sixteen game is expected that both of the cases will affair, is the best the team has had On March 3rd and 4th, Mask and be adjusted. The committee on the President Hetzel is back from his for several years. Dagger will present John Emerson’s cut system deferred its report until New Hampshire won the Inter­ trip to Washington, where he attend­ With Garvin, Bruce and Fudge, three act farce, “ The Whole Town’s the next meeting of the council. In national Intercollegiate Winter Sports ed a meeting of the Executive Com­ pitchers, and French, catcher, all Talking,” in the Community House. the meanwhile, it is gathering data RAPID PROGRESS championship at Hanover last Friday mittee of the National Association from last year’s varsity, and Slayton, This play ran for a year in New on the different methods of allowing and Saturday, when she nosed out of the Land Grant Colleges of Evans, the star twirlers of the York and for a year on the road cuts here on the campus, which will Dartmouth by one point in a field America. “ Frosh” team last year, the team starring Grant Mitchell. be presented to the Administration ON HETZEL HALL comprised of the best aggregations Many important questions were will be well fixed for battery ma­ What happens when a “ boob” falls committee. The men in Fairchild in the United States and Canada. in love with a girl who will have Hall have asked the council for aid Coach Perley’s men took three first discussed at this meeting, one being terial. First Quadrangle Link the plan taken up with the Secre­ Although the infield will be lack­ nothing to do with him, “because he in securing a telephone for the dormi­ places and piled up a team score of tary of Agriculture of giving to ing in experience in varsity compe- has never lived, because he has never tory. At present the situation is Completing as Scheduled 29 to Dartmouth’s 28. McGill Uni­ Land Grant Colleges the privileges titon, being composed mostly of last sowed any wild oats?” The girl’s very annoying as it is necessary to versity finished a poor third with a father is very anxious to bring about use a phone in some other building. total of 18 points. of radio broadcasting. There is a year’s freshman men, it is expected WILL CONTAIN 95 ROOMS general feeling that radio will be­ to prove the strongest inner defense the match. A romance is invented and President Hetzel is taking up the In the first event of the meet, the come very important in educational the nine has ever had. Larson, Eng­ the “ boob” is framed up with a mo­ matter with the telephone company. one mile ski race, Capt. Michelson work in the future. lish, Bridge, Celia, Schurman, and tion picture star whom he has never The “ announcing of unannounced Large Living Room Opening on Ter­ showed his usual form and led home seen. The whole town starts talk­ quizes” the week before finals con­ a large field in exceptionally fast Arrangements with the Secretary Kelsea at first, Hatch and Michelson race a Feature — Accommodations of Agriculture were made in the ing, all the girls fall madly in love trary to the spirit of the ruling was time. His work in the s k i proficiency at second, Ramsey at short, and Hoyt for 156 Men—Will Greatly Re­ methods of procedure in which Land at third, will all be trying hard for with him, and he is the hero of the acted upon by the council. The contest, however, netted him only Grant Colleges cooperate in carry­ their respective positions. hour. Then Letty Lythe, the movie council recommended that a different lieve Present Overcrowded third place. Charlie Proctor of Dart­ ing on the new problem laid down in The Coach will have a wealth of queen herself, comes to town accom­ type of clothes rack be placed on the Conditions mouth gave a beautiful exhibition of marketing Agricultural products. The veteran material in the outfield. panied by her fiance, a prize fighter. second floor of Thompson Hall. This skill and daring while defeating What happens? was in the form of a safety first Rutherford of McGill for first honors. understanding was that colleges With Capt. Nicora, W. Gustafson, Hetzel Hall is well under way, and should have the same relation to the Eaton and Applin all trying for The cast for this play has been measure as the present racks take up Cunningham of Williams won both hard at work for the last seven weeks most of the hall way and fail to meet will soon be ready for occupancy. the skating races in the evening, but Federal Government that they now berths, there should be a merry fight Mr. Kendell, supervisor of the con­ have to the Extension Work. for these positions. rehearsing faithfully from two to the needs of the students. It is urged New Hampshire’s freshman stars, four hours daily. Farce is hard to by the council that student organiza­ struction, is quite confident that the Tetley and Wendell, added several The Committee also called on The Schedule: new men’s dormitory will be com­ April 24—Dartmouth at Hanover. play, requiring much more skill and tion petitions be submitted through points to the Granite State total by President Coolidge, with whom it 29— Bates at Durham. effort than any other type of drama the council. In this way they will pleted as scheduled. The new edifice their excellent work in these events. discussed the work of the Land May 1—Maine at Durham. has been the product of rapid con­ Grant Colleges of the country. The 4— Tufts at Durham. to be effective, and the cast has been receive much more consideration. Failure to enter men in the figure 8—Bates at Lewiston, Maine. pushed consistently to its utmost Due to the fact that the student struction this winter, due to favor­ skating competition prevented the President was assured that the col­ 12—Brown at Providence, R. I. able weather conditions. The out­ leges were expected to meet the obli­ 15—Mass. Aggies at Durham or Dover. capability that this presentation may vote on the college mascot was so Wildcats from scoring in this con­ 18— B. U. at Durham. be professional, not amateurish. close between the Wildcats and Bulls, side is practically finished, and there test, which was won by Bolton of gation which they have assumed in 19—Quantico Marines at Durham. remains very little to do on the roof, connection with military training 20—Northeastern at Durham. A handsome new set has been con­ neither name receiving a majority of McGill. The first day of competition 22—Middlebury at Durham. structed for the production by the the votes, the council decided that with the possible exception of a small ended with the Blue and White snow and that the work will, will be car­ 28— Union at Schenectady, N. Y. technical staff of Mask and Dagger even though the University has re­ portion in the rear of the building. and ice men leading the field with 15 ried on in such a way as to train the 29—Williams at Williamstown, Mass. This accomplishment will allow the students to serve effectively as 31—Connecticut at Durham. under the direction of Elroy Chase. ceived a great deal of publicity by points. Dartmouth was second with June 2—Bowdoin at Brunswick, Maine. construction to go on in spite of any officers in case of necessity. Presi­ 5—Tufts at Medford, Mass. No expense in money, time, and the name Wildcats another vote 14, McGill trailing with 13, and energy has been spared in producing should be taken.
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