The National Daily Newspaper of Commercial Radio and Television VOL. 49, NO. 40 NEW YORK, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1949 TEN CENTS ANOTHER VIRGIN ISLANDS STATION OK'D UN To Honor Sarnoff u NID Advances Date FCC Approves 2nd Outlet In For Release Of Sttidq Territory; December 27 has been set as Sanctions Sale Of WCHS, WDAD With Special Citation the tentitive date for the release of Broadcast Measurment Bu- Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff, chair- reau's Second Study. Originally And Grants Two More CP's man of the board of RCA, will be sot for release last September, Bureau r cited on December 10 by the De- the study has been delayed, ac- JVasashis of RADIO DAILY partment of Public Information of cording to a BMB spokesman, Para. To Back Study because of the complexity of this + the UN "for his advocacy of con- yesterday okayed the sale of cepts of freedom to listen and free - study as compared with the first WCHS, Charleston, W. Va., brr r dom to look." stuly release in September of Of TV's UN Coverage The presentation will be made 1946. Three new day and night and authorized a second stand- time figures have been added. ard broadcast station for the at a Carnegie Hall ceremony mark- An first anniversary of the BMB says. analytical study of the TV Virgin Islands. ing the coverage of current General As- The WCHS adoption of the Universal Declara- sembly sessions, sale involved transfer of near- tion of Human Rights by the UN; sponsored on CBS by Ford Motor Co., will be con- ly complete stock control by (Continued on Page 2) ducted by graduate journalism stu- John A. Kennedy to the Tier- ii Record Sales Grow dents of Columbia University in a ney Company, Bluefield, W. Johns -Manville Renews special project to evaluate the ef- (Continued on Page News Program On MBS fectiveness of the programs in re- 3) With N. Y. Dealers porting United Nations activities. Johns -Manville has renewed, for Financial requirements of the Ross Being Offered an additional 52 weeks, "Bill Henry Record sales in New York City study have been assumed by Para - i And The News" over Mutual effec- have increased in recent weeks (Continued on Page 7) tive January 2, it was announced though they are still below last As Seasonal Co -op yesterday. The five -a -week, fifteen year's figures, a RADIO DAILY survey minute news program represents shows. Commercial Radio Service Offering Lanny Ross as a more than $1,000,000 in billings. Dealers report in most instances Offered In Germany special that the LP's are now leading the Xmas season co -op program for J. Walter Thompson is the agency. local sponsorships, Mutual also announced the re- field with 45 rpm disc buyers grow- The only all- German commercial Mutual notified ing. The survey also shows that station is now open stations yesterday that. the Ross newal, for 39 weeks, of "Juvenile to advertising package could Jury" over the entire web effective 78 sales are much less than in the from American exporters, the Pan be sold on a three - weeks Monday through Friday basis January 1. Show is sponsored by past. American Broadcasting Company The dealers indicated that the announced yesterday. starting Tuesday, December 6th. General Foods in behalf of Gaines Ross Dog Food. The international radio station will be heard in a 15- minute (Continued on Page 3) program of songs and interviews (Continued on Page 3) Bristol -Myers To Appeal Airline Will Use Radio (Continued on Page 3) FTC Ruling On Ipana And TV In Eight Cities Coleson Will Represent Private Stations File Adv. Council On Coast Their Briefs In Canada The Federal Trade Commission Trans World Airline will use ra- ordered the Bristol -Myers Co., on dio in eight cities and television Robert C. Coleson of Hollywood Montreal-Private radio stations Tuesday to stop advertising the in New York and Chicago to pro- has been named Pacific Coast rep- took advantage of the sitting here therapeutic value of Ipana tooth- mote its "Quickie Vacation" plan. resentative of The Advertising of the Royal paste. The company Commission on the shortly after- The advertising for the winter Council, T. S. Repplier, president National Advancement of Arts, ward announced its intention to vacations is on radio for its second announced yesterday. Coleson has Letters and Sciences, fight the order. to present (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 3) briefs criticizing CBC control of Lee H. Bristol, president of the radio in Canada. company, said "The Commission A brief presented by Station CBF, which is a CBC (Continued on Page 2) Broadcasters Would Abandon (Continued on Pace ) Documentary Annual National Convention Opposition "A Radio History of the War" Registering featuring the voices annoyance at the of men who wired music and commercials made history during World War Phoenix -Broadcasters of the 16th District that further streamlining of District NAB went on record in a is now being offered commuters 11 will be presented on WNEW, NAB desirable and imperative." resolution urging that the districts Declaring that United States re- who pass through Grand Cen New York. The first of the series tral station. the New will be broadcast be de- defined, board membership lations with Cuba are being ad- Yorker on Sunday reduced to magazine is crusading against from 5 to 5:39 p.m., and other approximately one -half versely affected due to violations and such type of entertainment. Pe- installments will be presented on that the national convention by Cuban broadcasters of alloca- be discontinued with district meet- tions agreed upon at the Havana titions have also been passed subsequent Sundays. Ted Cott around on commuter will produce and write the histor- ings taking the place of the annual treaty, the broadcasters urged that trains ask- get -to- gether. In adopting this reso- NAB notify ing the railroad to silence the ical series. the United States rep- commercial lution the broadcasters declared "it resentatives at such negotiations to sound system. :s the consensus of the Sixteenth (Continued on Page 5) 2 RADIO DAILY Thursday, December 1, 1949 UN To Honor Sarnoff COMING AND GOING With Special Citation Vol. 49, No. 40 Thur., Dec. 1, 1949 10 Cts. ARTHUR CHURCH, general manager of HERBERT ANDERSON, of NBC network KMBC, Kansas City, Mo., a visitor yesterday sales, today will go down to Washington for JOHN W. ALICOATE : : Publisher at the offices of CBS, with which the station tomorrow's meeting of the Association of (Continued from Page 1) is affiliated. American Railroad Officials. the event will be telecast by NBC FRANK BURKE Editor from 5:15 to 5:45 p.m. CHARLES C BARRY, MARVIN KIRSCH . Business Manager vice -president of the HAROLD FISHER, whose weekly news pro- The American network in charge of programs, re- gram is heard on KNBC, San Francisco, has ceremony will be followed Published daily except Saturdays. Sundays turned to New York yesterday following an left on a round-the -world trip. He will repre- by a roundtable discussion on extensive trip to and Holidays at 1501 Broadway. New York, the West Coast. sent the American Institute of Pacific rela- "Freedom of Information." Brig. (18). X. Y.. by Radio Daily Corp., J. W. tions at the India Conference. Gen. Carlos Romulo Alienate, President.and Publisher; Donald M EUGEN SHARIN, president of Ambassador of the Philip- Mersereau, Treasurer and General Manager; Films, Inc., producers of musical shorts, to- WORTH KRAMER, assistant general man- pines and president of the UN Marvin Kirsch. Vice- President; Chester B. morrow will leave via Pan -American Airways ager of WiR, Columbia network affiliate in General Assembly, Dr. Gerrit Jan Bahn, Vice-President; Charles A. Alicocte, for a trip to London, Munich and Vienna. Detroit, was in conference here yesterday with Van Heuven Goedhart, Secretary. Terms (Postage free) United He'll be gone two months. officials of the web. Netherlands States (other than California) $10.00 one representative to the UN, and Gen- year; California, $15.00. Foreign, $15.00. STANTON KETTLER, general manager of JOHN T. MADIGAN, American network's eral Sarnoff will take part in the Address all communications to Radio Daily. WGBS, Miami outlet of CBS, is in New York director of news, today is in Erie, Pa., to on station and network business. produce the Martin Agronsky program, which discussion. Benjamin Cohen. UN 1501 Broadway. New York (18), N. Y. will Phone Wlsconsin 7.6336. 7.6337. 7.6338. originate at that point. He'll be back assistant secretary general in charge Coble address: Radaily, New York. ERIC SEVAREID, Washington correspondent in New York tomorrow. of Public for CBS, on Sunday will be in Montevallo, Information, will be the WEST COAST OFFICES Ala., to speak on the subject, "The World TESS MASE, assistant to Nancy Craig, femme moderator. Allen Kushner, Manager From Washington" at the Alabama State commentator on ABC, is back at the network Will Be Broadcast Women's College. following a 6425 Hollywood Blvd. Phone: Gladstone 8436 five -day "Thanksgiving Week -End" The will house -party at her country place in Wilton, event be rebroadcast WASHINGTON BUREAU PAULA CARR, of Roberts 6 Corr Produc- Conn. over NBC on Sunday, December 11 Andrew H Older. Chief 6417 Williams. Rd. tions, is back from a business trip to West from 1:30 to 2:00 p.m. as the "Uni- Phone: Wisconsin 3271 Virginia and Ohio, where she signed additional MARGARET WHITING has returned to Holly- versity CHICAGO BUREAU stations for the ET -show, "From Your Home wood after having spent three days in Cincin- of Chicago Roundtable." Hal Tate, Manager.
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