DENR DESIGNATIONDESIGNATION OFOF WATERWATER QUALITYQUALITY MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT AREASAREAS ININ THETHE PHILIPPINESPHILIPPINES Ms. Leza A. Acorda-Cuevas Republic of the Philippines DefinitionDefinition WQMAWQMA AnAn areaarea coveringcovering thethe samesame physiographicphysiographic unitunit whichwhich affectsaffects thethe physicophysico--chemicalchemical andand biologicalbiological reactionsreactions andand diffusiondiffusion ofof pollutantspollutants inin thethe bodiesbodies ofof waterwater drainingdraining thethe saidsaid area.area. NAANAA BodiesBodies ofof waterwater wherewhere specificspecific pollutantspollutants havehave alreadyalready exceededexceeded waterwater qualityquality guidelinesguidelines andand thereforetherefore inin needneed ofof rehabilitation.rehabilitation. TheThe PhilippinePhilippine CleanClean WaterWater ActAct 20042004 (Republic Act No. 9275) 1 2 3 4 AIMS TO IMPROVE WATER QUALITY THROUGH FOCUSED INTERVENTIONS OR ACTIONS TO ADDRESS WQ PROBLEM(S) OF THE AREA WATERWATER QUALITYQUALITY MANAGEMENTMANAGEMENT SYSTEMSYSTEM PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF WQMA ACTION PLANS DESIGNATION OF IDENTIFICATION WQMAs OF NAAs ObjectivesObjectives ofof DesignatingDesignating WQMAWQMA WQMAWQMA isis aa significantsignificant tooltool inin enforcingenforcing thethe CWA.CWA. AimsAims forfor thethe improvementimprovement ofof waterwater qualityquality toto meetmeet thethe guidelinesguidelines (DAO(DAO 34,34, ss 1990)1990) underunder whichwhich theythey havehave beenbeen classifiedclassified oror toto improveimprove theirtheir classificationclassification soso thatthat itit meetsmeets itsits projectedprojected oror potentialpotential use.use. CreationCreation ofof GBGB whowho willwill bebe responsibleresponsible inin thethe preparationpreparation ofof WQMAWQMA ActionAction Plan.Plan. TheThe PlanPlan isis preparedprepared andand implementedimplemented thatthat providesprovides focusedfocused interventionsinterventions toto addressaddress specificspecific waterwater qualityquality problemsproblems inin thethe area.area. TheThe WQMAWQMA ActionAction PlanPlan moremore stringentstringent effluenteffluent standardsstandards (IRR(IRR RuleRule 6.1.3)6.1.3) andand expansionexpansion ofof permitpermit coveragecoverage forfor pointpoint sourcessources (IRR(IRR RuleRule 13.6);13.6); limitinglimiting newnew sourcessources withoutwithout aa reductionreduction inin dischargesdischarges fromfrom existingexisting sourcessources (IRR(IRR RuleRule 6.3.1),6.3.1), itsits relocationrelocation (CWA(CWA SectionSection 6),6), andand itsits effluenteffluent quotaquota allocationallocation (IRR(IRR RuleRule 14.17);14.17); properproper landland useuse planningplanning andand zoning;zoning; bestbest managementmanagement practicespractices forfor nonnon--pointpoint sources;sources; andand technologiestechnologies thatthat promotepromote wastewaste minimizationminimization andand cleanercleaner production.production. CoverageCoverage ofof WQMAWQMA DesignationDesignation SurfaceSurface waterswaters –– naturalnatural ,, manman--mademade streamsstreams (rivers(rivers andand creeks)creeks) lakeslakes marinemarine waterswaters LandLand withinwithin thethe hydrologichydrologic unitunit residential,residential, industrial,industrial, commercial,commercial, agricultural,agricultural, tourism,tourism, forestforest andand protectionprotection areasareas (Groundwater(Groundwater resourceresource notnot included)included) ConditionsConditions forfor WQMAWQMA DesignationDesignation 1. The WQMA to use the appropriate THE USE OF APPROPRIATE physiographic unit such as a PHYSIOGRAPHIC UNIT watershed, river basin, water resource region, or sub-basin, micro- watershed. 2. The WQMA shall have similar hydrological, hydrogeological, meteorological or geographic conditions which affect the WATER QUALITY OF physicochemical, biological and WATER BODIES IS bacteriological reactions and AFFECTED diffusions of pollutants in the water bodies. 3. The WQMA may share common SHARES COMMON interest, or face similar development INTEREST, PROGRAMS, programs, prospects or problems. PROSPECTS, PROBLEMS Conditions for WQMA Designation 4. The water quality of specific water body/ies within that physiographic unit may be: a. A non-attainment area (NAA) that needs immediate WQ management interventions to improve WQ. b. A combination of NAA and INTENSITY OF POLLUTION PROBLEM AS IT IMPACTS Attainment Area (AA). This is ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND applicable when there is a need to THE REGIONAL ECONOMY improve WQ and the management of the existing and potential pollution sourcesAll mustfou ber b addressedasic c othroughndit ions must be present specific interventions. c. An AA but WQwh managementen the W QMA is designated. interventions are needed to improve and/or preserve its condition. ConditionsConditions forfor WQMAWQMA DesignationDesignation EvenEven ifif thethe WQMAWQMA withoutwithout aa NAANAA isis justifiedjustified givengiven thethe aboveabove conditions,conditions, PRIORITYPRIORITY shouldshould bebe givengiven toto thethe areasareas wherewhere waterwater qualityquality hashas alreadyalready exceededexceeded thethe waterwater qualityquality guidelinesguidelines toto ensureensure thatthat limitedlimited resourcesresources isis efficientlyefficiently used.used. WQMAWQMA ConceptualConceptual FrameworkFramework WQMA – Conceptual Framework WQMA may consists of: Watershed/Sub-basin 1. NAA 2. Combination of NAA and AA 3. AA (Area for protection AA and conservation) NAA WQMA AA HypotheticalHypothetical WatershedWatershed // SubSub--basinbasin AA NAA : River Channel AA : River Basin Boundary : Boundary of Catchment Area for Tributary or River Channel Section WQMA,WQMA, NAANAA andand AAAA DesignationDesignation AA NAA AA AA WQMA = Catchment + NAA + AA ProcessProcess ofof WQMAWQMA DesignationDesignation InitiatingInitiating ProcessProcess InitiatedInitiated byby ConcernedConcerned GovernmentGovernment AgencyAgency oror CivilCivil SocietySociety OROR InitiatedInitiated byby DENRDENR RegionalRegional OfficeOffice thruthru EMBEMB RORO DesignationDesignation ofof thethe WQMAWQMA 1.1.SpecifySpecify a a water water body/dies body/dies with with a a water water quality quality problem problem.. 2.2.SpeciSpecifyfy the the water water cl classiassificatificatioon/n/use.use. 3.3.SpecifySpecify and/or and/or describe describe the the type type of of water water quality quality problem problem.. 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. 4.4. Data Gathering Evaluation by Coordination with Convene Maps EMB RO NWRB Stakeholders Major Threats a. Criteria for a.Data a. Identification of to Water Boundary Requirements Key Pollution Setting b.Review Stakeholders Common -Need Justification b. Conduct of Interest Rehabilitation c.Recommend Information & Protection Designation Dissemination Stakeholders Activities Support - Establish most affected c. Conduct of WQMA Socio- waterbody/ies Meetings economic Profile b. Other Factors - Manageability - Similar Development Plans DesignationDesignation ofof thethe WQMAWQMA 5.5. 6.6. 7.7. Conduct Public EvaluationEvaluation ofof Recommend Consultations Proposal by WQMA ProposalProposal byby Designation a. Identification EMB CO of the “Public” EMB CO and GB BasedBased onon thethe Composition to b. Information Following:Following: DENR 8. Dissemination Secretary Activities CompletionCompletion ofof Designate c. Conduct of alalll DataData the WQMA Public RequirementsRequirements by DENR Consultations ResultsResults ofof KeyKey Secretary StakeholdersStakeholders (DAO) MeetingsMeetings ResultsResults ofof PublicPublic ConsultationsConsultations 9. 10. Inform the LGUs, Submit Names to NGAs, Business, DENR of GB Membership. Civil Society/NGOs Names of 11. And Water Utility permanent and Sectors to Submit alternate Re-designation Nominations in members of the of WQMA GB. GB shall be by DENR submitted to by DENR DENR shall sit DENR Secretary as Chairman of Secretary for (DAO) the Board. approval DESIGNATION OF MEYCAUAYAN-MARILAO- OBANDO (MMO) RIVER SYSTEM as WQMA DENR Activities Undertaken Leading to WQMA Designation 1. Initiated the identification and evaluation of candidate sites 2. Identified water quality problems and possible actions to address the problems 3. Verified Water Classification and Use of the proposed WQMA Activities Undertaken Leading to WQMA Designation 4. Gathered relevant data (primary & secondary) 9 Maps – Topo, Drainage, Land Use, Satellite Imagery 9 Water Quality Monitoring Data 9 Pollution sources data including GPS reading of industry locators 9 Census and socio-economic data 9 Listing of various stakeholders Activities Undertaken Leading to WQMA Designation 5. Evaluated data for boundary setting 9 Established the most affected part of the river systems 9 Determined the sources of pollution 9 Plotted and mapped the physical boundary of the WQMA Activities Undertaken Leading to WQMA Designation 6. Convened Key Stakeholders Introductory Meeting – 24 July 2007 1st Stakeholders’ Mtg. – 13 Aug. 2007 2nd Stakeholders’ Mtg. – 11 Sep. 2007 3rd Stakeholders’ Mtg. – 4 Oct. 2007 Public Consultation – 23 Oct. 2007 Information Disseminated to the Key Stakeholders 9 Overview JICA-EMB CDPWQM 9 Salient features of the CWA and its IRR 9 WQMA, NAA and AA Concepts 9 Composition and Role of WQMA GB 9 Background on the National & Area WQ Management Fund 9 WQMA Action Planning and LGU Compliance Scheme 9 The Proposed MMO River System WQMA SELECTION OF MARILAO-MECAUAYAN-OBANDO RIVER SYSTEM WQMA The immediate need for water quality management interventions to revive the river systems; Has an active group
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