the indep-nden fItrid Students recount Soviet experience.13 Spurrier: 'There's no excuse' for UF's 27-3 Not 0111,0y as9twd wh Ihe Unrv. *y o Flo do PvbIhypM by Cmp., Comm .n.t.on. Irto ofGame. o victory..24 VOLUME 84, NUMBER 20 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1990 Lombardi looks for alternative to NCAA penalty By SKAMON BENN Lombardi said Sunday he Is look- Both Lombardi and UP football compete tn a b owl game. Asking for the stronger penalty Alligator Staff Writer ing for a "reasonable alternative" coach Steve Spurrier said they One alternat ve is to request a would show the NCAA that UP is to the NCAA Committee on agree the penalty was too stiff be- harsherpenalty forthe football pro- willing to be punished (or its UP President John Lombardi Infractions'decision handed down cause it punishes the innocent foot. gram, such as a reduction of schol- wrongdoings, [ombardi said said he will announce Tuesday Thursday. The decision capped a ball players who are trying to win arships during the next two years, "it isn't reasonable that the com- whether the school will appeal an two-year investigation that un- their first Southeastern Confer- lombardi said. If UF takes that mittee will give us a lighter pun- NCAA ruling barring UF's football earthed violations committed by ence championship. According to route, the foot all team could win team from playing in a bowl game the football and men's basketball a 2-year-old SEC rule, the team is the SEC title and play in a bowl see NCAA. page 9 this year. programs. ineligibletowin the title if it doesn't game. Last week to pick up coupons for Growl By JACK REMAIN Aligator Writer Students wanting a Gator Growl ticket may be out of luck if they don't pick up their coupons this week, Growl ticket director Eliza- beth McArthur said. Coupon pick-up for those who have already paid began last week and runs through Friday at Gate 13 of Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. If students don't get them this week, their coupons will be resold, McArthur said. "They won't get their money back," McArthur said, "because we're giving them two weeks." Students who haven'tyetpaid for acoupon can no longerget one and must buy a guest ticket if they want to attend Growl, the UP homecom- Ing event billed As the nation's larg- est student-rumn pep rally. To pick up coupons, which later can be redeemed for Growl tickets, students must show a fee card and picture Identification, she said. Those students who miss Friday's coupon deadline or want an extra ticket can buy the un- claimed and unsold coupons for 8 at Gete 13 starting Monday. She Crowd pleater The opening of the Samuel P. Ham Museum Saturday brought hundreds of visitors. The museum features eight exhibits, dents ar limited to one guest of the ticket. Including this piece, "The Red Dragon," by Alexander Calder, in the new $8.5 million facility. For more photos Florida Blue Key, U's presitt- museum, see page 10. *e Grwl, page 2 UF relaxes measles policy for fear of losing students Rather than risk closing UP, ad- dents, UP Infir may Director Boyd bleak in August, by Sept. 12, more the second shot to register for the By JAY ST. IAWRENCE the week be- Kellett said. than eight out of 10 had the second fall semester. Alligator writer ministrators decided Previously, all UF students were fore school to relax the rule that Barring tho se students would vaccination. of returning UP stu- from clan if have impair(d)theprocensofthe Returning students and trans- required to get the shot. In a letter Thousands would bar students Kellett sent to UF students who denta who scrambled to meet a they didn't get a second males school's ability to function,"Kellett fers front Florida's other eight pub- new UIF msle vaccination re- vaccination. said. lie universities who didn't get the had only one vaccination, he wrote quirent this fall MAY as well Only about 20,000 UP students 11i, requie meant wis In jeow, shots by the deadline have until that failure to have a second me iles shot"could result in withhold- have waited a few weeks - be- - 60 percent of UF's student pop- ay of shuttis down the univer next semester to get them, Kellett cause adminietrators changed the ulation -- geth second shot by sity," UP Interim Registrar Steve said. Ing the fall class schedule' of the only "brand-new requirement before classes md-Aadst, meaning U would iprts said. Pritz said that -ai Meiwass, pil5 a have had to burm away 13,000 stm- While thennumbers appeared students" wem required to have (4 Z ALIGATOR. MONDAY. SErMMBER 24, 190 VOLUNTEERS F OPEN FOR of Clerk typist to assist with project at a research center to four hours a week. Sa UnWed Choice Volunteer may choose days and hours dunng the week Early childhood education major. to supervise and I mom I 3M Whole Wheat low in- between 8 arm.-4 p.m. entertain preschoolers at a day-care center for Thurs Sal or onginal phone counselor to make telephone come children Time and day to be arranged with center Bereavement IXI am-3 Mom PIZZA crusts contact with families. Volunteers should be comfortable director. with the grieving process and will participate ia2o-hour Phone operators to answer phones during fund ran- Free Delivery -lol w univery Ave CAl 37-GUMBY training session. Schedule is flexible mig drive for radio station needed Oct. 3-14 Weekday GUMBY'S CHOICE TIER TAMER BULLDOG BUSTER I Guardian advocate to assume the responsibility of hours 4:30 to 8-30 p m. and weekend hours 6 to 11 p.m ,12"pzza 16" pizza 20" pizza providing consent for medical, dental and surgical pro- Get your Vonp ready to help with bulk mailing and cedures for disabled people who do nothavethecapacity passingoutfliersforatheatricalperformancecoming up $3,99 $5.40 $8.99 to give consent. this fall. 754 per item 994 per item 994 per item Anthropology and archaeology majors to assist Public relations volunteers to work on layout of ---- - - - - - - --- - -- professionals with museum collections, in lab or oc- posters, fliers, mailings and somereproduction work. PR casionally in the field. Volunteers may work in the pot- experience helpful but not essential. tery lab, archaeologyareaorwithcomputerwork within Fornsore rnJm fton, sets arcall The Volunteer Ces- thecollections. Orientation andtrainingavailable.Three ter, P.O Bar 14561, Gainesmlle, Ra, 32604,378-2552 WHAT'S HAPPENING Christian fellowship: Chi Alpha Reitz Union third floor. Anyone in- American Studies Film Series meets tonight at 7 in Matherly Hall terested in joining, please attend. presents "Gabriela" Tuesday at 5 15 Room 9 Call Elaine at 376-0341. Call 336-1310. p.m. in Turlington Room 2353 Free National service sorority: Women's group: There will be a and open to the public. Call 392- Gamma Sigma Sigma will have an women's discussion grouptonght at 0375. information session tonight from 7:30 in the Murphree Area Com Fire rescue: The Gainesville Fire 6:30 to7:30inTurlington Room2334 mons on date rape prevention. Call Rescue Association meets for fall rush. Semi-formal attire. All Karla at 334-8867. Thursday. Sept. 27 at 7:30 p.m. at female students interested in per- Journal: The Undergraduatelour- Fire Station 42, 2210 SW Archer sonal growth and community ier- nal of the University of Florida is Road. Call Jeff at 335.5528. vice are invited. Call 392-4094 or accepting submissions in areas of Open house: Mias Brothers/Jor- 334-8065. fiction.poetry, photography, art and dan Marsh and Burdineswill have an Yearbook staff: The Tower year. non-fiction now through Oct. 17 in open house Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the book staff meets tonight at 7 in the Little Hall Room 352. Call 334-8910. Arredondo Room of the Reitz Union. student center conference room. Gabylel.: The Center for Latin Dress is casual Call 392-7166. applications for bloc seating. sell $8 tickets for handicapped stu- GROWL But since 5,000 student coupons dents Wednesday and Thursday, from page 1 were never sold, Blue Key decided faculty and staff tickets for $8.50 to sell guest coupons on Oct. 1, on Oct. 3-4, and general public gious leadership honorary that McArthur said. tickets for $8 on Oct. 11 . runs Growl, wasoriginally going to 'Now students and their guests Groups of 12 or more can pick sell only guest tickets - not cou- can redeem their coupons at the up bloc seating applications Oct. 1 pons - on 0c. 8. the same day same time and sit together," she at the Blue Key office, Reitz Union studentsare to exchangetheircou- Sid. Room 312. pons for tickets and turn in their The University Box Office will If your friend was blind, would you let him drive a car? Then don't let him drae drunk Sh~i fly apfecaip n d s mn fhn a bt o spemih for irdeft d volume 84 ISSN 0889-2423 number 20 | K anS lten and men ri aft f wfarom. listifilled Thd all fht the Independent florid. Witis al o d will miB ier simantics SEny ON n tmil AI, nuV I -eloal pmbWms. Pbarms tI can somlimes be faiii her offNo suicy ancetfimby.actdwhiti~un~vri r olFoiablFllig a dbto a C unnctoaIcorm,.Of Gannrills, FL .oensaCurri Edbor Su4yAPhunha P,*CedEdlltr O Maeair Edtr M & Conm Ccpy Coes y ig m5 Do you.
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