DOCUMENT RESUME ED .228 336, UD 022 .629 TITLE Proceedings: National Conference On Issues Facing Black Administrators at Predominantly White Coll.eges and Universities (1st, Cambridge, MA, June 1982). INSTITUTION Massachusetts Inst. of Tech., Cambridge. PUB DATE Jun 82 NOTE 325pn; A publication of the Association of Black Administrators. A AVAILABLE FROMClarence G., Williams, Association of Black, Administrators,.10-211 Okfice of the President, Massachusetts Institute.of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 ($30.00). PUB TYPE Collected Works'- Conference Procee0ings (021) Viewpoints (120) -- Reports -,Generil-040) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not-Available from EDRS.' DESCRIPTORS *Administrator Role; *Administrators; *Black Leadership; **Blacks; College Administration; Educational Finance; *Higher Education; Occupational Mobility; Racial Relations; Stress Variables; Universities ABSTR4CT In 1982, the.first national conference was held to address the issues facing black administrators in predominantly white postsecondary institutions. This volume contains the conference's . Aeynote addresses as well as tht nearly 50 individual papers presented. The papers are divid 4 into the following topical areas; (1)'econbmic retrenchment, Feder 1 cutbacks, and their impact on programs affecting black people; (2) the difficulties experienced by black administrators who must meet simultaneous and often conflicting demands from blacks and white§ at their inStitutions; (3) black mobility in higher education; and (4) orgenizational cAtributions to stress among black administrators at white institutions. Appended are die conference schedule, rosters of the National Advisory Committee to the Massachusetts Institute of'Technology (MIT) Association of Black Admkpistrators and of the MIT conference planning committee, . and a list of the more than 600 conference participants. (GO 4 ********************************************************************* ., * ' Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made * * . * from the original document. , **************4**t***************************************************** .. ) .0 PROCEEDINGg, r4 cvaD'' First National Conference On Issues Facing Bietk Administrators at PredoThinantly White Colleges. I. and Universities 5. 1982 .AssoSiptiorr of Black Administrators Inititute of Technology "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS .MATERIAL INMICROFICHE. ONLY HAS BEEN GRANTED BY CLIC-Cm(hr G-v TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES- ' INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." U$. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION 4 EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION CENTER IERICI Arsdocument has been reproduced received from the person or organuition ongmating it Mmor changes have been made to improve repeoduction quality _ Points of view or otunioastated m this docu ment do not necessarily representofficial NIE posibon or policy . , - . , .I- . I . ,t 1., The statements made and the views expressed in the conteht of papers , presented in this publication are solely the responsibility of the euthors. Indiv.idual preferences of style have been preserved. af te. All rights reseTve& by.the 4 111* Association of Black Administrators, Massachusetts,Institute of Technology. ReprintiAg of the contents prohibited wieout the permission of the editors. 7 vs. .40 C.0 N T E-N T S . 1 1.. Forewod Paul E: Gray, M.I T. 1 Preface 4 John B. Turner and Clarence G. Williams, M.I T 3 Opening Keynote Address Black Administrators.on White CampZiaes Samuel D. Proctor, Rutgers University 6 Banquet Keynote Address: The New,World: Aiming for the Twenty-firSt Century Richard Gordon Hatcher, Mayor, Gary, Incliana 13 a . $ . PART ONE ECONOMI6 RETRENCHMENT, FEDERAL CUTBACKS AND THEIR . IMPACT ON BLACK PROGRAMS AND BLACK PEOPLE 1\ Overview; }- John B. Turner 24 . Economic Retrenchment, Federal CutbaCks:ana their Impact,on Black Programseand Black People c Mary F. Berry, Howard University 25 Analysis of U.S. ,Fconomic Trends'aiid 'their ImpactOn Black Programs Ronald F. Ferguson, Brandeis ,University 31 Anarysis of U.S. Economic trends and their Impact on Black Programs t , ^Phyllis Wallace, M.I T' 35 BlaCk Colleges' Relationships to White Colleges as Money Gev Tighterefop Student Aid . , . Warier L. Smith, Florida A & M-University 39 Impact of Declining Fe4eral and State Student Financial Aid on Black Enrollment : q Kenneth R. Wadleigh, M.I.T. ...... L. 43 i lmpact,of Declining Federal and State Student Financial Aid', on'Black Student Enrolltent Jimmy L. Ross, Indiana University, Bloomington '--47,, . -.._s The Impact of Declining Federar,Financial Aid on' Black Student Enrollment . Meldon S. Hollis, formerly of Texas Southern University -...... Is There True Institutional Commitment.to Black Programs - and Personnel? Phillip E. Jones, University of Iowa 1 . ,...58 Highet Education-Commitment to Affirmative Acticin: Strong or Waning? .A r Leroy'Keith, Jr., University of District of Columbta 4 164 The Outlook for Funding from Foundations 'and- 0 .. 'Philanthropic Agencies . , . Roy V. Hill.II, The Moton foundation 'outlook for Funding from Foundations and ,Philantheopic Agencies Bruce t. Williats, Rockefeller4oundation 4 ,,, , ,,, i l.,/ . $ e PART TWO SERVING TWO MASTERS .. .s. ..., . ...,, , ... * 'Ouerview .. ,d Shirley Mc Bay, M.I T 83 t ! t . Serving Two Masters% Perspective-of a Black President of.a. .HistOrically 'Black Institution within a Predominantly hite System . ., . 84 Frederick HumOhries, Tennessee State University . ' . Serving Two Masters: Perspective of.a Black Administratorat an A .. , . Urban Black 'Institution within a Predominantly White System ' Elmer L. Washington, fermerly pf Chicago State University 91 7 Serving- Two Masters: Pdrstives of a Black President of a .., Predpminantli White4akitution ' . Richard M. Turner.40a,404th Central'Community Coll'eie 4 105 Serving Two Masters: 'Perspective,pf a Black Administrator with a . ,. Minority-EociAed Function at a Predominantly White Institution , Frank W. Hale, Jr.,,Ohio State-University ....,.... 113 u A Serving Two..Masters 4 James E. Lyons, Delaware State University ,,.., ' 121 Serving Two Masters:\ Keepihg One's Identity as a BlackpPerson While' Maintaining Credibility Within both the Black and White Communities ,1.23. , Willie J. Kim:Ilona, Wayne,County Community College Issue§ of Black Administratort in Predominantly White Colleges ,.and. Universities of Different Types . Walter Stafford, National Urban League, with the assidtance of Edwin Dei..,129 . '-', :PART THREE AN EXAMINATIQN OF BLACK UPWARD MOAILITY IN HIGHER EDUCATION Overview .. f43 4 Clarenpe, G. Williais, M.I.T . t .:e. , , .. Black Upward Mobility in Higher Education: The _Missions and the Dream. 7---.' 'At Leon Higgifibotham, Jr., Judge, U.S._Court of Appeals, Third Circuit ....145- , Euil4ing "Mentoring" Frameworks for J31acs (and.other people) as Part of an Effective Equal Opportunity Ecology . 4 152 .- Mary Rowe, M.I.T. .... t Tenure and Promotion of Brack FaCulty: The Tri-State Area Audrey Williams; Baruch College . 158 A Map to Faculty Promotion and Tenure .. 165 Wesley L. Harris, M.I T . 1 i - A Competittve Strategy for Black Faculty Seek Tenure and Promotion at Tredominantly White.Cdlleges and Unive sities Reuben R. McDaniel, Jr.,'Oniversity of- Te as, Austin ,.169 Snick Faculty and the Academic Melting Pot 177 ' Ronald L. Taylor, University of Connecticut, Storrs Nk., , Breaking.the Stereotype for Black Educators in Administration Charles V.'Willie, Harvard University . 185 Upward Mobility in American Higher Education and Black American Educators:'trends and Prospects ° Elias Blake, Jr,,.*Caark College 189 Studgat SerVices and the'Black Dean. for StudentAffairs - Phenomenon: Hoy to Make It Transferable 195 Ellen S.,Jackson; NOtheastern'University s The Once and Future Status of Black Professionals in Student Affairs . CI rence Shelley, OpiVIrsity of Illinois, Champaign . ..,. .,.. 197'4.04 * An Exa Lion of Black Uftard Mobility in Higher Education Institutions Cdns antine B. Simonides, M.I T . ... 1 202 . FactorS-Affec'ting Carter MObility of Black Administrators ' at Predominantly White Colleges and Universities, 207 LeVester Tubbs, Uniirersity of Cedtral Florida ' . 0 a 1 ,Estimating Success 'Potentials of Directors of Centers for ' Black Spidies in P4edominintly White COilegeS and. Universities . - Floyd L. Bass,University of Connecticdt, Storrs 213 The'Role of Black Eaculty in Facilitating Upward Mobility . William M. Harris, University of Virginia e 216' Professional Mobility CausatiOn and thedkack Administrator . f--1\ Joseph J. Russell, Indiana UniVertity, BlOomington. s 219 The Role of Black Studies 101 Upward Mobility , ' .. Johnnella E. Butler,.Smith College ; 223 Impact of Black Mobility in Higher Educalion: Tbe Roletof Bla.ck Studies James 0: McDowelle and William M. Harris; University of Virginia 228. An Examination of Upward. Black Mobility in DeVelopment J. Ernest &many, Dartmouth College 4 ,,. , 238 . Underrepresentation'of Black Administrators in Higher Education Operating Departments .s... William R. Dickson, .M.I.T. 4 A 241 PART FOUR dRGANIZATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO STRESS IN BLACK ADMINISTRATORS AT WHITEXNSTITUTIONS Overview. Isaac M. Co lbert, M.I.T. ... 1246 . Executiye Stress and Federal Supergiade Executives: . X Comparative Analyais of Black and White Executives .1Fobert W. Brown, U.S. Department of Labof 248 . Organizational Contributions toStress: Ambiguity and ft. Power/Authority.Relationshqs < Pearl Speais Gray, Oregon State University 257 , Sources oi Stress.and 6ping Strategies
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