NATIONAL ENERGY BOARD OFFICE NATIONAL DE L’ÉNERGIE Hearing Order GH-1-2006 Ordonnance d’audience GH-1-2006 EMERA BRUNSWICK PIPELINE COMPANY LTD. (EBPC) Application to Construct and Operate the Brunswick Pipeline VOLUME 10 Hearing held at L’audience tenue à Hilton Saint John Trade and Convention Centre Loyalist Room One Market Square Saint John, New Brunswick November 16, 2006 le 16 novembre 2006 International Reporting Inc. Ottawa, Ontario (613) 748-6043 © Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada 2006 © Sa Majesté du Chef du Canada 2006 as represented by the National Energy Board représentée par l’Office national de l’énergie This publication is the recorded verbatim transcript Cette publication est un compte rendu textuel des and, as such, is taped and transcribed in either of the délibérations et, en tant que tel, est enregistrée et official languages, depending on the languages transcrite dans l’une ou l’autre des deux langues spoken by the participant at the public hearing. officielles, compte tenu de la langue utilisée par le participant à l’audience publique. Printed in Canada Imprimé au Canada HEARING ORDER/ORDONNANCE D'AUDIENCE GH-1-2006 IN THE MATTER OF Emera Brunswick Pipeline Company Ltd. (EBPC) Application to Construct and Operate the Brunswick Pipeline HEARING LOCATION/LIEU DE L'AUDIENCE Hearing held at Saint John (New Brunswick), Thursday, November 16, 2006 Audience tenue à Saint-Jean (Nouveau Brunswick), Jeudi, le 16 novembre 2006 BOARD PANEL/COMITÉ D'AUDIENCE DE L'OFFICE S. Leggett Chairperson/Présidente K. Bateman Member/Membre S. Crowfoot Member/Membre Transcript Order GH-1-2006 APPEARANCES/COMPARUTIONS Applicant/Demandeur Emera Brunswick Pipeline Company Ltd. - Mr. Lawrence E. (Laurie) Smith, Q.C. - Mr. Nick Gretener - Mr. Peter Doig Intervenors/Intervenants Companies/Compagnies Anadarko - (Bear Head LNG Corporation, Anadarko Canada LNG Marketing, Corp. and Anadarko LNG Marketing, LLC) - Mr. Bernard Roth Enbridge Gas New Brunswick - Mr. David MacDougall - Ms. Christa Baird Imperial Oil Resources and ExxonMobil Canada Ltd. - Mr. Ron Moore Irving Oil Limited - Mr. James H. Smellie Repsol Energy Canada Ltd. - Mr. Peter C.P. Thompson, Q.C. - Ms. Kirsten Crain - Mr. Gerald Nemec Shell Canada Limited - Mr. Robert Gall 504-474 N.B. Ltd. - Dr. Darrell Gallant Transcript Order GH-1-2006 APPEARANCES/COMPARUTIONS Groups/Groupes Teresa Debly (On behalf of Concerned Citizens, Teresa Debly and the Estate of A.J. Debly) - Ms. Teresa Debly Friends of Rockwood Park - Saint John Fundy Chapter Conservation Council NB - Mr. David Thompson - Mr. Alan Ruffman - Mr. Eugene Gould South Central Citizens / House of Tara - Ms. Anne-Marie Mullin Individuals/Individus Ms. Teresa M. (Terry) Albright - Mr. Ivan Court Ms. Carol Armstrong - Ms. Carol Armstrong Ms. Dawn Baldwin - Ms. Dawn Baldwin Mr. Bernard Ball - Mr. Bernard Ball Mr. Philip Blaney - Mr. Philip Blaney Mr. Michael Burgess - Mr. Michael Burgess Mr. Ivan Court - Mr. Ivan Court Mr. Patrick Bruce Court - Mr. Patrick Bruce Court Mr. Charles L. Debly - Mr. Charles L. Debly Transcript Order GH-1-2006 APPEARANCES/COMPARUTIONS Individuals/Individus Ms. Janet Dingwell - Ms. Janet Dingwell Ms. Deborah Fuller - Ms. Deborah Fuller Mr. Glenn Patrick Griffin - Mr. Glenn Patrick Griffin Mr. Edward Harned - Mr. Edward Harned Ms. Patricia Higgins - Ms. Patricia Higgins Ms. Frauke Humphrey - Ms. Frauke Humphrey Dr. Tom Inkpen - Dr. Tom Inkpen Mr. James L. Laracey - Mr. James L. Laracey Ms. Betty Lizotte - Ms. Betty Lizotte Dr. Robert Moir - Dr. Robert Moir Ms. Frances Oliver - Ms. Frances Oliver Ms. Joan Pearce - Ms. Joan Pearce Ms. Yvonne Perry - Ms. Yvonne Perry Mr. Jack Quinlan - Mr. Jack Quinlan Transcript Order GH-1-2006 APPEARANCES/COMPARUTIONS Individuals/Individus Ms. Darlene Richard - Ms. Darlene Richard Ms. Carol Ring - Ms. Carol Ring Ms. Ernestine Rooney - Ms. Ernestine Rooney Mr. Horst Sauerteig - Mr. Horst Sauerteig Ms. Linda Stoddard - Ms. Linda Stoddard Dr. Leland T. Thomas and Ms. Janice L. Eldridge-Thomas - Dr. Leland T. Thomas - Ms. Janice L. Eldridge-Thomas Ms. E. Jean Thompson - Ms. E. Jean Thompson Governments/Gouvernements Environment Canada - Mr. Jake Harms NB Department of Environment - Mr. Paul Vanderlaan NDP, Friends of Saint John Community and Dan Robichaud - Mr. Dan Robichaud Nova Scotia Department of Energy - Mr. Stephen McGrath National Energy Board/Office national de l’énergie - Ms. J. Saunders - Ms. M. Yuzda Transcript Order GH-1-2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS/TABLE DES MATIÈRES Description Paragraph No./No. de paragraphe Opening remarks by the Chairperson 14300 Preliminary matters brought forward by Mr. L. Smith 14304 Preliminary matters brought forward by Ms. J. Saunders 14309 Preliminary matters brought forward by Mr. A. Ruffman 14311 Preliminary matters brought forward by Emera Brunswick Panel 4 14315 Emera Brunswick Panel 4 - Engineering Design, Safety, Risk Analysis Mr. Ralph Mayer Dr. Frank Bercha Mr. Andy Drake Dr. John Kiefner Mr. Mike Whalen - Examination by Ms. L. Stoddard 14340 - Continued examination by Mr. A. Ruffman 14431 - Examination by Mr. E. Gould 14724 Ruling by the Board 14865 - Examination by Mr. D. Thompson 14893 - Examination by Mr. P. Blaney 14953 - Examination by Mr. J. Quinlan 14988 - Continued examination by Mr. P. Blaney 15090 - Examination by Ms. D. Richard 15104 - Examination by Dr. R. Moir 15283 - Examination by Dr. L. Thomas 15319 - Examination by Mr. H. Sauerteig 15359 - Continued examination by Dr. R. Moir 15505 - Examination by Ms. J. Thompson 15653 - Examination by Dr. T. Inkpen 15676 - Examination by Mr. J. Laracey 15769 - Examination by Mr. D. Robichaud 15913 - Examination by Mr. S. McGrath 16156 - Examination by Ms. M. Yuzda 16179 Transcript Order GH-1-2006 LIST OF EXHIBITS/LISTE DES PIÈCES No. Description Paragraph No./No. de paragraphe B-63 Response to an undertaking given by Panel 4 to Mr. Ruffman concerning CFER Circle material 14305 B-64 Response to an undertaking given at Volume 5, paragraphs 7330 to 7334, relating to residences contacted on Creighton Avenue. 14886 B-65 Direct evidence of Philip B. Ribbeck and direct evidence of Denis Marcoux. 14889 B-66 Response to an undertaking given by Mr. Blair to Mr. Harms concerning Bicknell’s thrush 15188 Transcript Order GH-1-2006 Preliminary matters --- Upon commencing at 9:02 a.m./L'audience débute à 9h02 14300. THE CHAIRPERSON: Good morning everyone. 14301. I think the only preliminary ma tter that the Board has is just that in sitting late last night and hearing the sound from next door, we have discovered that there's a Raffi children's concert taking place next door from eleven to noon today. 14302. So what we're proposing is that we will probably break early for lunch because we figure that's a better use of our time than -- I don't think any of us can compete with Raffi. So if that's what happens and the noise becomes an issue, that'll be our plan is to break between eleven and noon. 14303. Are there any other parties who wish to raise preliminary matters? Mr. Smith? 14304. MR. SMITH: Madam Chair, I had a response to an undertaking. This was an undertaking given by Panel 4 at Volume 9, paragraph 14133 to Mr. Ruffman and it was the CFER Circle material. That's C-F-E-R. If I might have an exhibit number, please? 14305. THE HEARING OFFICER: Thank you. That's Exhibit No. B-63, Pièce numéro B-63 --- EXHIBIT NO./PIÈCE NO. B-63: Response to an undertaking given by Panel 4 to Mr. Ruffman concerning CFER Circle material 14306. MR. SMITH: Madam Chair, beyond that, the Panel, I know, has transcript corrections and further undertaking responses but if there are others with preliminary matters perhaps to let them go first. 14307. THE CHAIRPERSON: Are there any others who wish to raise preliminary matters at this point? 14308. Ms. Saunders? 14309. MS. SAUNDERS: Thank you, Madam Chair. I've been advised that for parties who need additional charts for marking their exhibit numbers we've made some more available at the back on the table, if you need those for -- in preparing for your cross-examination. Transcript Order GH-1-2006 Preliminary matters 14310. THE CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Ruffman, do you have a preliminary matter? Of parties, as far as the order. Yeah, please come and let us know? Thank you. 14311. MR. RUFFMAN: Linda Stoddard is -- has to work this morning. She's AWOL at the present time. She has consulted with me and I've consulted with Mr. Smith about whether she could do her few questions and interrupt myself and we agree to that, providing the Panel agrees to that. 14312. THE CHAIRPERSON: That would be fine. We'll proceed on that basis. 14313. Any other preliminary matters? --- (No response/Pas de réponse) 14314. THE CHAIRPERSON: With that, Mr. Smith, we'll turn it over to your Panel, then for their preliminary matters. --- RALPH MAYER, Resumed: --- DR. FRANK BERCHA, Resumed: --- ANDREW DRAKE, Resumed: --- DR. JOHN KIEFNER, Resumed: --- MIKE WHALEN, Resumed: 14315. MR. MAYER: Thank you Madam Chair. We just have a few transcript corrections. First turn -- this is referring to Volume 8 of the transcript and turning to paragraph 11820. It's identified there that the speaker was Mr. Whalen but in fact, we believe the speaker was Mr. Smith. 14316. The next one appears at 11835, where it says that Mr. Whalen was speaking but in fact, we believe Mr. Mayer was speaking. The next one is on 11839, where it's indicated Mr. Whalen was speaking but in fact, it was Mr. Mayer that was speaking. 14317. The same correction can be made to 11846. Again it indicates Mr. Whalen but it should be Mr. Mayer. And the last one is on paragraph 12113, where it says Mr. Whalen was speaking. It was actually Mr.
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