25th25th AnniversaryAnniversary EditionEdition 20082008 STATESTATE OFOF THETHE WORLDWORLD Innovations for a Sustainable EconomEconomyy THETHE WORLDWATCHW ORLDWATCH INSTITUTE 2008 STATE OF THE WORLD Innovations for a Sustainable Economy Other Norton/Worldwatch Books State of the World 1984 through 2007 (an annual report on progress toward a sustainable society) Vital Signs 1992 through 2003 and 2005 through 2007 (a report on the trends that are shaping our future) Saving the Planet Who Will Feed China? Beyond Malthus Lester R. Brown Lester R. Brown Lester R. Brown Christopher Flavin Gary Gardner Sandra Postel Tough Choices Brian Halweil Lester R. Brown How Much Is Enough? Pillar of Sand Alan Thein Durning Fighting for Survival Sandra Postel Michael Renner Last Oasis Vanishing Borders Sandra Postel The Natural Wealth of Nations Hilary French Full House David Malin Roodman Eat Here Lester R. Brown Brian Halweil Hal Kane Life Out of Bounds Chris Bright Power Surge Inspiring Progress Christopher Flavin Gary T. Gardner Nicholas Lenssen 2008 STATE OF THE WORLD Innovations for a Sustainable Economy A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society Gary Gardner and Thomas Prugh, Project Directors Erik Assadourian Brian Halweil Bill Baue Tim Jackson Ricardo Bayon L. Hunter Lovins Ger Bergkamp Lisa Mastny Jason S. Calder Danielle Nierenberg Zoë Chafe Jonathan Rowe Christopher Flavin Claudia Sadoff Hilary French John Talberth Mark Halle Linda Starke, Editor W . W . N O R TON & COMPANY NEW YORK LONDON Copyright © 2008 by Worldwatch Institute 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 www.worldwatch.org All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. The STATE OF THE WORLD and WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE trademarks are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Worldwatch Institute; of its directors, officers, or staff; or of its funders. The text of this book is composed in Galliard, with the display set in Gill Sans. Book design, cover design, and composition by Lyle Rosbotham; manufacturing by Xxxxxxxxxxx. First Edition ISBN 978-0-393-33031-1 W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110 www.wwnorton.com W.W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 This book is printed on recycled paper. Worldwatch Institute Board of Directors Øystein Dahle Cathy Crain Nancy Hitz Chairman UNITED STATES UNITED STATES NORWAY James Dehlsen Akio Morishima Thomas Crain UNITED STATES JAPAN Vice Chairman and Treasurer Christopher Flavin Samuel S. Myers UNITED STATES UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Larry Minear Robert Friese Izaak van Melle Secretary UNITED STATES THE NETHERLANDS UNITED STATES Lynne Gallagher Wren Wirth Geeta B. Aiyer UNITED STATES UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Ed Groark Emeritus: Adam Albright UNITED STATES Abderrahman Khene UNITED STATES ALGERIA Satu Hassi L. Russell Bennett FINLAND Andrew E. Rice UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Jerre Hitz UNITED STATES Worldwatch Institute Staff Erik Assadourian Brian Halweil Michael Renner Research Associate Senior Researcher Senior Researcher Courtney Berner Alana Herro Kimberly Rogovin Development Manager Staff Writer Development Assistant Assistant to the President Andrew Burnette Ling Li Web Manager China Fellow Lyle Rosbotham Art Director Zoë Chafe Yingling Liu Staff Researcher China Program Manager Janet Sawin Senior Researcher Robert Engelman Lisa Mastny Vice President for Programs Senior Editor James Russell Stanford Fellow Barbara Fallin Danielle Nierenberg Director of Finance and Research Associate Patricia Shyne Administration Director of Publications Thomas Prugh and Marketing Christopher Flavin Editor, World Watch President Julia Tier Darcey Rakestraw Marketing and Hilary French Communications Director Communications Associate Senior Advisor for Programs Mary Redfern Raya Widenoja Gary Gardner Foundations Manager Biofuels Program Manager Senior Researcher Worldwatch Fellows Chris Bright Sandra Postel Victor Vovk Senior Fellow Senior Fellow Senior Fellow Eric Martinot Payal Sampat Senior Fellow Senior Fellow Mia MacDonald Molly O’Meara Sheehan Senior Fellow Senior Fellow Acknowledgments This twenty-fifth anniversary edition of State deserved honor. of the World is the product of a collaborative We are especially indebted to the Royal effort, involving dedicated individuals from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government dozens of countries. All deserve our sincere of Norway for its third year of strong support thanks for their contributions to the book of our flagship report. The Royal Ministry and to the Institute’s work. has been a leader in its support for sustainable We give special thanks to our energetic development, and we appreciate its assistance Board of Directors for their tremendous sup- in allowing us to reach key decisionmakers port and leadership: Chairman Øystein Dahle, in the developing world. We also thank the Vice Chair and Treasurer Thomas Crain, Sec- V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation, a major sup- retary Larry Minear, President Christopher porter of the Institute’s Global Economy Pro- Flavin, Adam Albright, Geeta B. Aiyer, Leo ject, of which this volume is the primary Russell Bennett, Cathy Crain, James Dehlsen, output to date. Robert Friese, Lynne Gallagher, Ed Groark, Thank you as well to the many foundations Satu Hassi, Jerre Hitz, Nancy Hitz, Akio and other institutions whose support over Morishima, Izaak van Melle, Samuel Myers, the past year made the Institute’s work pos- Wren Wirth, and Emeritus members Abder- sible, including the Blue Moon Fund, Ecos rahman Khene and Andrew E. Rice. Ag–Basel, the Energy Future Coalition and the This year we recognize in particular our Better World Fund, the German Government, Board Chair, Øystein Dahle, who has served the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund, The the Institute with wisdom, grace, and humor Goldman Environmental Prize, Greenpeace, for nearly two decades. Last summer Øystein the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, the Steven was honored for his work in advancing the C. Leuthold Family Foundation, the Marianist cause of sustainable economies by the King of Sharing Fund, the Natural Resources Defense Norway, who bestowed on him the Cross of Council, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the St. Olaf, one of Norway’s most prestigious Shared Earth Foundation, the Shenandoah awards. Øystein was nominated by the envi- Foundation, the Sierra Club, the Food and ronmental leaders of every major political Agriculture Organization of the United party in Norway, a testament to his skill in Nations, the United Nations Population Fund, appealing to a broad range of constituencies the United Nations Environment Programme, on the issue of building sustainable societies. the Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc., the We are proud of our long association with Wallace Global Fund, the Johanette Waller- Øystein and congratulate him for this well- stein Institute, and the Winslow Foundation. WWW.WORLDWATCH.ORG vii STATE OF THE WORLD 2008 Acknowledgments We are also grateful that the Institute’s Cobb, Aaron Cosbey, Robert Costanza, work is supported by more than 3,500 Friends Gretchen Daily, Dan Friedlander, Kevin Gal- of Worldwatch, who provide nearly one third lagher, Ian Gary, Joshua Goldstein, Raquel of the Institute’s annual budget. Their faith- Gomes, John Gowdy, Jonathan Harris, Tom ful support is indispensable to our work. Higley, Daniel Kammen, Stefano Pagiola, For our twenty-fifth anniversary edition Patricia Rosenfield, James Salzman, Astrid the Institute drew on the talents of a wide Scholz, Juliet Schor, Michael Shepard, Keith range of skilled authors from a variety of orga- Slack, Paul Stern, Sean Sweeney, Daniel Tay- nizations. We are grateful for their commit- lor, Tim Wise, and Ted Wolf. Chapter 1 ben- ment to the project amid the many pressures efited from input from Frank Ackerman, of their own work. John Talberth of Redefin- Herman Daly, Josh Farley, and Neva Good- ing Progress draws on his knowledge of yard- win; Chapter 2 from Suntara Loba; Chapter sticks for measuring sustainability to produce 4 from Sharon Afshar, Stephen Hall, and Chapter 2. Hunter Lovins applies decades of Jonny Tinsdale; Chapter 5 from Jennifer Lac- expertise in sustainable production to the quet, Miyun Park, and William Weida; Chap- analysis of cutting edge manufacturing prac- ter 7 from Katherine Hamilton, Kristen Hite, tices in Chapter 3. Tim Jackson, who has Thomas Marcello, Kyle Meng, Melanie Nak- worked at the University of Surrey and as a agawa, Annie Petsonk, Mark Trexler, and consultant to the U.K. government, explores Tomas Wyns; Chapter 8 from Josh Bishop, the conundrum of consumption in Chapter 4. Megan Cartin, Charlotte de Fraiture, John Ger Bergkamp and Claudia Sadoff, both at Dixon, Lucy Emerton, Mark Giordano, Kirk IUCN–The World Conservation Union, Hamilton, and Mark Smith; Chapter 11 from explore the world of markets and water use in Lois Arkin, Montserrat Besnard, Mabel Chapter 8, while Ricardo Bayon of Ecosystem Cañada, Nancy Chege, Diana Leafe Christian, Marketplace examines markets and biodiver- Jonathan Dawson, Scott Denman, Edie Far- sity services in Chapter 9. Jonathan Rowe well, Kirstin Henninger, Jennifer Henry, Ann reintroduces us to the important world of Karlen, A. E. Luloff, Christopher Lynch, the the commons in Chapter 10, drawing on his Can Masdeu Community, Grady and Tena affiliation with the Tomales Bay Institute. Meadows O’Rear, Graham
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