Meeting Regular Council Date 5 February, 2019 Time 7:00 PM Place Munici al Hall - Council Chambers Present Mayor Martin Davis Councillor Bill Elder Councillor Sarah Fowler Councillor Lynda Llewellyn Councillor Josh Lambert MarkTatchell, ChiefAdministrative Officer (by phone) Deb Bodnar, CPA, CMA, Director of Finance Janet StDenis, Finance & Corporate Services Manager Public 7 members of the public A. Call to Order Mayor Davis called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. Mayor Davisacknowledged and respected that Council is meeting upon Mowachaht/ Muchalaht territory B. Introduction of Late Items and A enda Chan es None. C. A rovaloftheA enda Fowler/Llewellyn: VOT 057/2019 THATthe Agenda for the February5, 2019 Regular Council meeting be adopted as presented. CARRIED D. Petitions and Dele ations None. E. Public In ut # 1 None. F. Ado tion of the Minutes 1 Minutes of the Regular Council meeting held on January 15th, 2019 Llewellyn/Lambert: VOT 058/2019 THAT the Regular Council Meeting minutes from January 15th, 2019 be adopted as presented. CARRIED Minutes from the Committee of the Whole meeting held on January 15, 2019. Fowler/Llewellyn: VOT 059/2019 THAT the Committee of the Whole meeting minutes of January 15th, 2019 be adopted as presented. CARRIED 3 Minutes of the Public Hearing held on January 21st, 2019 Llewellyn/Lambert: VOT 060/2019 THAT the Public Hearing meeting minutes of January 21st, 2019 be adopted as presented. CARRIED G. Rise and Re ort From theJanuary 30, 2019closed meetingCouncil rises and reports as follows: Staffare directed to workwith legal counsel to repeal and replace Property Maintenance Regulation Bylaw No. 573, 2013 and to draft a Council policy with respect to applying Community Charter provisions for taking remedial action against nuisance properties; Staff are directed to explore opportunities with the provincial 2 government to sub-tenure the Village's licence of occupation at the Tsowwin Narrows; and Council agreed to strike an Advisory Committee composed of 3 members of Council (Mayor Davis, Councillors Lambert and Elder) and 4 community members to provide input into the Official Community Plan. Staff are directed to contact the community members. H. Business Arisin Report to Council Re: Recreation Centre 2018 attendance and revenue report Fowler/Llewellyn: VOT 061/2019 THAT this Report to Council be received. CARRIED J. Council Re arts Ma or Davis Report to Council- Feb 5, 2019 I recently attended Strathcona Regional District budget meetings in Campbell River and we have now passed the SRD budget for the year. There is a copy of the budget document at the front counter and I would note that there are no changes to the printed budget document pertaining to Tahsis. There has been discussion regarding the President's Tree and whether to leave it lie or to utilize some of it to make tables or other crafts as mementos. It should be noted that the largest section of the tree would not be touched as it has dry rot and would not serve any potential purpose except as a reminder of how big trees can grow here, and as a nurse log for small trees in time. Much like tropical forests, most of the biomass of our forest ecosystem is locked up in the trees themselves as the humus is rapidly broken down and utilized, unlike many colder regions of Canada. It is an amazing experience to walk along the massive log and I would encourage people to have a look for themselves. The upper section of tree has potentially useable wood but I would also say that it has a twist in it and may not be suitable for tables as it will warp during the drying process. I would like to hear from the general public as to their wishes regarding this. I am happy to say that we had our first training session for volunteer belayers for the climbing wall at the rec centre. It was well attended and I strongly encourage those able to use the climbing wall to do so once it opens. It is a great way to get in shape and push your limits a bit. Thanks to all the volunteers for their fundraising and to Brooke Jones in particular for her drive and determination in making this happen! I would also like to mention the passing yesterday of Gerry Furney, former mayor of Port McNeill. He wasthe longest serving mayor in BC at 39 years, with 46 including his time as coundlor. I have met him a few times and he was one of those larger than life characters. Just a couple of weekends ago I attended an open mic session at the Port McNeill theatre that Gerry owned. It was free to all and an excellent night of music and spoken word and in its own way was and is, a fitting memorial to his generosity of spirit. Councillor Elder No report. Councillor Fowler (written report) Firstly I will explore the unease of independent groups to rent the meeting room in the rec centre. The hourly rate structure of the rental makes the cost of screening a movie prohibitive ($69. 30) and the fact that the person putting on such community events is essentially paying $20 an hour to sweep the floor. After hosting a birthday in the rec centre I understand why my peers, the other parents of young children had their parties at private venues. It is not lost on me thatfor the same amount of money I could have paid for a bunch of pizza and got the room rental and insurance for nothing. The fact remains that the taxpayer supported venue is byfar the worstvalue and for manythe most inaccessibleoption available in the village. Procuring private insurance is a small cost but it is a confusing process and a undue barrier for those who do not have credit cards or internet access. I encourage the recreation centre staffto help people who need it, even so far as to get the insurance and then add the fee to the rental cost. As some may not have the technical literacy to find the path to securing independent insurance. By taking steps for them, event organizers can focus more on invitations and decorations thus highlighting our vibrant community. I will continue to advocate for a flat rate rental of the common room to more easily facilitate volunteers who need to organize a meeting, without having keep an eye on the clock during debatesor film screenings.This would be more of a onesize fits all option. Secondly I want to discuss the Nootka Sound Watershed Society meeting I was able to attend on Councillor Llewellyn's behalf. Notably the deputy mayor of Gold River and Paul from WFP were in attendance. Frank Collins discussed a culvert at Pete farm pond that may need attention and the work done byvolunteers in the LesDowding memorial hatchery in the public works yard. He also briefly highlighted the potential for helicoptering fry into the upper Leiner, which Paul retorted that there was no fish above the falls there. Many anglers and fish biologists were quick to correct him as they had witnessed salmon in the area which is currently being logged by WFP. The collaborative agreement is up for renewal and this sparked some debate about hatchery vs habitat, bring attention to proactive long term or short term strategy. Another notable thing that was presented by Roger Dunlop was concept of Salmon Parks to which I recommend the Village of Tahsis sent out a letter of support considering Mckelvie, Tahsis and Leiner are considered indicator rivers. (see below) Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council *f<wa*K- MUL *'. *tt ,. "*' t>1<6*r'° lA "TV n I tl <t ri. TUf-W iliur'k-f.duy i »KW>*U*"TJ^/ ucw^nit* ffduwr 1WCn*TU»f' tfc*n;w*>H t. t-i.W »<1 .a *<«!*<at < vtinu Wild Salmon Park* PropO Ml '. »ta Wt> of th* ltuu<l»»-, numN»iontt>nV»xoi;irt>lti*n;»t[n)(iti*naftNPiet^owne«6f RwMi Coiror »n»i*Twil . tv4«"i 0* Irtmon hriu Ti*Pn, nwo* hN »i*<uinoilly»0-crw k«f -*W) iml*r>h»?t Tt» «BN"»Krtnr . wr t^si* Er cnw . 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