AGENDA SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING cry Hall OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH 2200 Al South March 2, 2016 5: 00 P. M. St. Augustine Reach. EL 32080 A OTICE TO THE PUBLIC THE CITY COMMISSION HAS ADOPTED THE FOLLOWING PROCEDURE PERSO. SWISHING TO SPEAK ABOUT TOPICS FHA TARE ON THE AGENDA MUST FILL OUTA SPEAKER CARD INAD LANCE AND GIVE IT TO THE RECORDING SECRETARY THE CARDS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE BACK OF 931E MEETING ROOM THIS PROCEDURE DOES NOT APPLY TO PERSONS WHO WANT TO SPEAK TO THE COMMISSION UNDER ' PUBLIC COMMENIS' I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. INTERVIEW OF CITY ATTORNEY CANDIDATES A. 5: 00 p. m.— 5: 45 p. m.: Ginn& Patrou, St. Augustine Beach B. 5: 45 p. m.— 6: 30 p. m.: Hassell- Legal, Daytona Beach C. 6: 30 p. m.— 7: 15 p. m.: McCabe Law Group, Ponte Vedra Beach D. Public Comment E. Decision of Which Firm to Hire V. CONTINUATION OF ITEMS FROM REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING OF MARCH 1, 2016 A. PRESENTATIONS: Request for Approval of Permit for Northeast Florida Bicycle Club' s Run through City on Sunday, April 24, 2016 B. Location of Streetlights: Consideration of Changing Current Policies and Approving Location of New Lights on Certain Street C. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH COMMISSION CONSISTING OF MAYOR O' BRIEN, VICE MAYOR GEORGE, COMMISSIONERS ENGLAND, SAMUALS, AND SNODGRASS; CITY MANAGER ROYLE, CITY ATTORNEY BURNETT, POLICE CHIEF HARDWICK AND CITY CLERK RADDATZ; AND REPRESENTATIVES FROM DJ DESIGN SERVICES AND KBJ ARCHITECTS; WILL MEET FOR A CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO F.S. 447. 605, TO DISCUSS SECURITY BUILDING PLANS FOR CITY HALL OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING WITH THE FIRMS LISTED BELOW. VI. INTERVIEW OF ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO CITY OFFICES A. 7: 30 p. m. — 8: 00 p. m.: DJ Design Services, Holly Hill B. 8: 00 p. m.— 8: 30 p. m.: KBJ Architects, Jacksonville VII. ADJOURNMENT NOTE: The agenda material containing background informationfor this meeting is available on a CD in put/ format upon request at the City Manager' s office for a S5 fee. Adobe Acrobat Reader will be needed to open the file. NOTICES: In accordance with Florida Statute 286.0105: If any person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this scheduled meeting or hearing, the person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose the person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities act, persons needing a special accommodation to participate in this procccdine should contact the City Manager' s Office not later than seven days prior to the proceeding at the address provided. or telephone 904- 471- 2122, or email sabadmin(dreityofsab. org. MEMORANDUM To: Mayor O' Brien Vice Mayor George Commissioner Samuels Commissioner Snodgrass Commissioner England FROM: Max Royle, City Manag DATE: February 3, 2016 SUBJECT: Information for Interviews with City Attorney Candidates and Representatives from Two Architectural Firms INTRODUCTION At your February 1st meeting you scheduled a special meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd, starting at 5 p.m. The purpose will be to interview the three candidates for the City Attorney's position and representatives from the two architectural firms for a project, which will be developing a design for improvements to the outer office of the Building Department and the City Manager's office. On the agenda, we suggest that the candidates and then thearchitectural firms be interviewed in alphabetical order. Each has been notified by regular mail of the date and time of their respective interview. At your January 4th meeting, we suggested that the interview for each City Attorney candidate be 45 minutes, and the interview for each architectural firm be 30 minutes. No one objected to that schedule. II. CITY ATTORNEY CANDIDATES Attached for your review is the following information: a. Behind this memo is a chart which provides in summary information about each of the three candidates. b. Pages 1- 12, Ginn and Patrou's application for the position. c. Pages 13- 41, Hassell- Legal' s application. d. Pages 42- 53, the McCabe Law Group' s application A This information is being provided to you well in advance of your March 2nd meeting, so that you' ll individually have time to check the credentials, references and employment history of each candidate. Action Requested It's that you hold the interviews and then decide which firm you want to hire. The current City Attorney can then draft a contract or agreement for services. At your March 2nd meeting, you can either authorize the Mayor to review and sign the contract, or you can put it on the agenda for your April 4th meeting, when the entire Commission can review and approve the contract. The new City Attorney would begin working for the City on the date the contract is signed. You' ll note from the agenda that public comment is allowed after all the interviews have been concluded and before you decide which firm to hire. III. ARCHITECTURAL FIRMS The project for which the City is seeking architectural expertise is the redesign of the outer office of the Building Department and the City Manager's office for security purposes. Also, for the City Manager's office, we suggest that the architect hired design a layout that will include an office for the City Clerk. For your discussion, we've provided a separate booklet from each firm. This information was provided in response to the City's Request for Qualifications. Action Requested It' s that you interview each firm about their qualifications and understanding of the project. You can then ask each to submit a sealed proposal to the City Manager by 3 p. m., Friday, March 18th, with the not-to- exceed price the firm will charge to do the project. You can review the proposed prices at your April 4th meeting and decide then which firm to hire. The City Attorney can have a contract ready for your approval at the April meeting. PLEASE NOTE: Chapter 287.055, Florida Statutes, is the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act. It regulates how cities and other public agencies are to hire architects, engineers, landscape architects, and surveyors and mappers. The City would have to follow the Act's requirements IF the architectural services we are seeking cost more than 35,000 and IF the construction cost to modify the offices cost more than $ 325,000. As the project is a simple one and limited in scope, it's unlikely that either threshold will be met. B W N >, H 4J m N • N gCt re C ^ 40, G 5 ` ' N ' tlOsCa 00 En b He wZ<' 22, E4 5 4z 01 0 V N 0 t " - A o i 11 NN g H A 1 11' z •-. B t 0 o • Ci gG O0p a •• £ O 1 4 it w Et ro U ro HH H re HW 11. i >, kl 1 ro i H N A Q, bEn Li-w QI VE4• ro >, i a h 1/ 1 N V C a1 00 acS a a E w UT 8C.C8re8 tom i rl O i1 >, • N F, N 43 1/1 v N 3 38i r1 a3 w t 4ri 8.°' ro 18En w 0 O O g :,H 0 O o 2 .emu Ni o -H G 110 w 04 V 8C .OmHro NF >1 N > m OSaai ro > ha O ' 1 C w• . w G 0 0 -. i . 10 ro w - H 0 4a w 4 R • 0 E a HI a) • 10 N to b,. Y' N N U Y 3 CNia CH N i- 1 OF .G H ti 1 O O . 1 w• • H + H co vl U UE l't1A XQN 11 J= 5-1- w . O r N H re 8 . y i1 0 . i RC [ n FC C w M HE . i i C 0 Y H O 0 2. 2- in H 2 > w w I N 3- i AI N Q1Al i W i > 1 . H N a d N O N o G er•, 1 F > ra b O L I I O + ' IJ x A 4) N v N =w 41 w ' N 11 N La O 1 1tP8 d 4ONro UL z 0 No rid L PNIn tr, co c e, W32-2- o . 8 0 n .i a Ni1 N 0 y H 5 p C 0 IA 5C Z H rn 0 C b U N N U H N wa z el 1 H ry nl C J1 QD l ESriUm GINN & PATRCU GINN & PATROU CITY OF ST. AUGUSTINE BEACH REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR LEGAL SERVICES BID 15- 07 INTRODUCTION The City of St. Augustine Beach is seeking an attorney licensed to practice law in Florida to be the City Attorney. Continuous membership in the Florida Bar is a precondition for consideration and a continuing condition of being the City Attorney. The firm hired is required to have more than one attorney. Preference will be given to firms that have their main office * within a 15 mile radius of St. Augustine Beach. Questions about the City Attorney's position, its workload, the amount and type of litigation the City now has, etc., may be directed to the current City Attorney, Mr. Douglas Burnett, at (904) 495-0400 or by email to [email protected].
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