L A U Z v'Z. South African Council On Sport ................. founded MmcJi 1973 t'A.u-identiaZ AdcU&ii SzcAeXcMjot V.tpoKt Viyuuicxat Staiemejit pKiAWted to the ThtAd Btennlat Con^eAence at The Muitim A6iemb.ty Halt Lodewyk Road Newitetd Eitate CAPE TOWN on SeptembeA ),J9 7 9 M.N.FATHER GENERAL SECRETARY P.O.Box 24S1 Vu/iban, Hatal REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA CONTENTS Officials 1 National Codes 2 3 Notice - 3rd Biennial General Meeting 5 6 Minutes of Previous Biennial General Meeting held at Durban on 9 October 1977 7 17 Messages 13 30 Presidential Address 31 32 Secretarial Report 33 154 Financial Statement 155 Constitution igg 159 OFFICIALS PRESIEENT: Hassan Howa, Cnr. Station Road & 2nd Avenue, HEAIHFIELD, 7800. RSA I: - VICE PRESIKOT: Frank A.van der Horst, 2 Eden Road, WOODSTOCK, 7925. RSA GENERAL SECRETARY M.N.Father, & P.O.Box 2451, TREASURER DURBAN, 4000. RSA PATRCN: Ge o S i n ^ , 177. Grey Street, DURBAN, 4001, RSA ************** NATIONAL CODES Scxilii African Amateur Athletic Board, 137, Haworthia Drive, Malabar, 6060, PORT ELIZABETH Scuth African Billiards & Snooker Ccntrol Board, P.O.Box 3831, Durban, UOOO, NATAL. Scuth African Amateur Bocfy Building Federation, 1. Norwood Street, Athlcne, 7700, CAFE PROVINa. South African Cricket Board P.O.Box ■ » , (,<» Salt River, ' 7925, CAFE PROVINCE. South African Cycling Board, 7, Senop Coart, Nooigedacht, 7460, CAPE PROVINCE. South' African Darts Board of Control, P.O.Box 6282, Roggebaai, 8012, CAFE PROVINCE. Scuth African Hockey Board, 2 Eden Road, Woodstock, 7900, CAFE PROVINCE. South African Women's Hockey Board, 51, Kennilworth Avenue, Sydenham, 4091, NATAL. South African Primary Schools' Sports Association, 4 Hcmeria Road, Belhar, Parow, 7500, CAPE PROVINCE. South African Rugby Union, 12 Katberg Street, Bosmont, 2001, JOHANNESBURG. South African Senior Schools' Sports Associaticn, 17 Montrose Avenue, Elrich Estate, Huguenot, 7646, CAPE PROVINCE. South African Softball Association, 57 ’Jterth Ro a d , Gcasey Park, 7B00, CAPE PROVINCE. South African Amateur Swinining Federation, P.O.Box 48178, C o l b e r t , 4078, NATAL. South African Table Tennis Board, 242/3, Goodhope Centre, 92/96 Queen Street, , EUrban, 4001, NATAL. •Southern Africa Lawn Tennis Union, P.O.Box 2451, nurban, 4000, NATAL. South African Amateur Wei^tlifting Federation, 1, Norwood Street, Athl o n e , 7700, CAPE PROVINCE. Durban Golf Club, 177, Grey Street, Durban, 4001, NATAL. APPLICATTCW .FOR REINSTATEMENT South African Soccer Federation, P.O.Box 48016, Qualbert, 4078, Durban, NATAL. South African Soccer Federation Professional League, 30, CNR, House, 22 Cross Street, Djrban. 4001, NATAL. Eastern Province Council of Sport, P.O.Box 4229, Korsten, 6014, PORT ELIZABETH. Natal Council of Sport, P.O.Box 23501, Isipingo Rail, 4110,NATAL Transvaal Council of Sport, P.O.Box 25127, Ferreirasdorp, 2048 TRANSVAAL. Vfestem Province Council of Sport, P.0:Box 4924, Cape Town, 8000, CAPE PROVINCE. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Border Council of Sport, 6 M e l b c u m e Road, Buffalo Flats, 5201, EAST LONDON. Boland Council of Sport, "Marizel" Kloof Street, Wellington. 7655 CAPE PROVINCE. Griqualand West Council of Sport, 28 fevertcxi Road, .8301 KIMBERLEY South Western Districts Council of Sport, c/o. Mr.Oliphant 1406 Zebra Road, Bridgton, Oudtshroon, 6620,CAPE PROVINCE. 1979, May 14, NOTICE TO THE PATRON, OmCIALS, AFFILIATES AND ITS ACCREDITED DELEGATES SOUTH AFRICAN AMATEUR ATHLETICS BOARD Notice is hereby given that the Third Biennial General ^feeting of the South African Council of Sport will be held SOUm AFRICAN BILLIARDS « on Satiorday, September 1, 1979, commencing at 10.30am and SNOOKER BOARD OF CONTROL continued the following dat at the: SOUTH AFRICAN CYCLING BOARD * VENUE: THE MUSLIM ASSEMBLY HALL, SOUTH AFRICAN CRICKET BOARD Lodewyk Road, SOUTH AFRICAN DARTS BOARD Newfield Estate, OF CONTROL CAPE TOWN SOUTH AFRICAN HOCKEY BOA^D SOUTH AFRICAN AMATEUR Business to be transacted: SWIMMING FEDERATION SOUTH AFRICAN SOCCER 1. Credentials and acceptance. FEDERATION 2. ^plication for Membership - coifirmaticn of SOUTH AFRICAN SENIOR SCHOOLS Executive recommendations and new applications. SPORTS ASSOCIATION . * 3. To confirm Minutes of the previous Biennial General SOUTH AFRICAN SOFTBALL Meeting held at Durban on the 8 and 9 OctdDer 1977. ASSOCIATION 4. Matters arising therefrom. SOUTH AFRICAN TABLE TENNIS BOARDS 5. Correspondence - relative to 'the Conference. SOUTHERN AFRICA U w W TENNIS 6. Presidential Address. UNION 7. To read and confirm Secretarial Report. SOUTH AFRICAN AMATEUR WEIGHTLIFTING & BODY BUILDING 8. To accept Audited Financial Statement. FEDERATION * 9. Amendments to Constitution and Rules. SOUTH AFRICAN WOMENS' HOCKEY BOARD 10. Eiection of Office Bearers. DURBAN GOLF CLUB 11. Other competent matters. e a s t e r n PROVINCE COUNCIL OF SPORT Your presence/'the presence of your accredited Delegates NATAL COUNCIL OF SPORT at -this meeting is earnestly requested. TRANSVAAL COUNCIL OF SPORT WESTERN PROVINCE COU ^IL Spcrtwise, OF SPORT ASSOCIATE MEMBER IL SOUTH AFRICAN SOCCER TJOERATION PROFESSIONAL LEAGUE M.N.FATHER: .GENERAL SECRETARY. ^ South A^>UcaM Gouucil ou Spaot Suite 203, Victoria Heights, 56/58 Victoria Street, Durban 4001 Phones: 329561 - 329562 - 69237 PATRON: Gao Singh, Phona 684364 PRESIDENT: Hm m k ) Howa. Ptwna 021-723052 VICE-PRESIDENT: Frank van der Horat. Phone 021-471887 GENERAL SECRETARY: M. N- Pathar. Phona 424366 All corraapondanca to ha addraaaad to the Oanaral Sacratanf. P O 8 o i 2451, Durban 4000 South Africa ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA 12 Dialogue - continuation of discussions. 13 Sponsorship. 14 Press and Pressmen. 15 New format for the constitution. 16 ^pointment of a Secretariat. n 17 Non-racial Principles. 1$ 18, Karate - formation of a National association. h 19, Surf Lifesaving - report by Mr.Morgan Naidoo. i o 20, SA Senior Schools' - its report on the use of the Kings' Park Stadium at Durban. 21, Swimnihg of the English Channel - unfinished debate. 2.-0 22, Softball - report fran the I^vincial Councils. 23, Talks and discussions with people not within the non- racial sporting fraternity - continuation of ojnfinished debate. MINUTES OF THE SECOND BIENNIAL CONFERENCE OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN COUNCIL ON SPORT HELD AT THE BOARD ROOM, CURRIES FOUNTAIN, DURBAN ON SATURDAY 8 OCTOBER 1977 COMCNCING AT 2.30PM AND CONTIJ'IUED ON SUl-iDAY 9 OCTOBER 1977 AT 10 AM. THOSE PRESD'IT PATRON: Geo Singh: ACTING PRESIDENT: Hassan Howa: SECRETARY: M.N.Father. AFFILIATES: DELEGATES: SA Amateur Athletics Board: Dhanpal Naidoo, A.L.A.Pillay, M.V.Rajah and Lux Gordon. SA Darts Board of Control: S.David, M.F.Johnson, S.A,Reddy & A.G.Naidoo. SA Hockey Board: Frank A.van der Horst. SA Amateur Swinming Fedeietion: A.A.T.Hulley, D.K.Singh, Donald Naidoo and D.P.Naidoo. SA Soccer Federation: M.N.Govender, Charles M.Pillay & Rabi Gobind. SA Soccer Federation Pro.League: Krish Govender & G.K.Naidoo. SA Table Tennis Board: C.M.Bassa, and I.G.H.Patel. Southern Africa Lawn Tennis Union: A.E.Fortuin, E.Osman, B.S.Moodley & Lew Azor. SA Senior Schools Associati(xi: M.S.Singh SA Weightlifting & BB Federation: Abbas Rasool and Billy J.Naidoo I^orban Golf Club: R.Lutchman. and representing the : Natal Council of Sport: Krish Mackerdhij, Dr.R.R.Human & G.Ramalu. Transvaal Council of Sport: Reggie Feldnan, I.S.Gattoo, A.Gattoo and A .B .Gandabhai. Western Province Council of Sport: I.G.Williams. OBSERVERS: Mrs.Amina Gattoo, .T.Mahomed , I.M.Vayez. and Dr.Asvat. PRESS:' Ami Nanackchand, Chester Maharaj, Marian Padayachee (Post Newspapers) Iqbal Ilian (Sunday Times) Sunny Bramdaw (Leader) Devan Moodley (Natal Mercury) The Acting President, Hassan Ikjwa presided over the meeting. CIRCULAR: The Notice convening the meeting was read and noted. WELCOME: The Chairman in his address stated that he was pleased at the attend­ ance and in welcoming tte delegates from the various codes expressed the desire that the meeting will resolve for the betterment of sportsmen and women of South Africa and called upon the various codes for solidarity at all times. The Chairman also thariced the Sports Ground Association for having made available its Board Rocm to SACOS. As SACOS Conference was important he reccaiciled the same with the importance of a Board Roesn and complimented the Sports Ground Association for this facility, Tlie Chairman also thanked Dr.R.R.Human, Geo S i n ^ and R.Lutchman for having arranged teas and luncliecn. Credentials /. CREDENTIALS: _pn the motion by Geo Singh, Seconded by M.N.Father credentials from the following were accepted: SA Darts Board of Control SA Hockey Board SA Amateur Swimming Federation SA Soccer Federation SA Soccer Federation Fro.Leaguj SA Table Tennis Board Southern Africa Lawn Tennis Union 'SA Weightlifting S. Body Building Federation and Durban Golf Cliib. AFFLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIF: The Executive Committee's recommendation to accept the application from the SA Amateur Atliletic Board and the SA Senior Schools Sperts Association were confirmed on the motion by Geo Singh seconded by M.N. Father. An application from the SA Billiards i Snooker Board of Control, for membership was confirmed on the notion by Geo Singh seconded by D.K.SingJi. The South African Cycling Board, a newly constituted body to replace the SA Cycling Association applied for membership. 'Hie'meeting having discussed the matter resolved that in view of the existence of the Association and as its membership with SACOS has not been terminated althougli t}ie Association, accord­ ing to reports has participated in"Multi-National” events, the Association be written to giving it fourteen days to show cause why its membership with SACOS should not be terminated. The Secretary intimated to the meeting that the Secretary of the SA Cycling Association, whom he telephoned, stated that the Association will be forwarding to this meeting a report on its activities and will also designate one Winston Middleton to represent the Association at this meeting.
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