Volume III Monday No. 7 7th November, 1966 PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES DEWAN NEGARA (SENATE) OFFICIAL REPORT THIRD SESSION OF THE SECOND PARLIAMENT OF MALAYSIA CONTENTS ANNOUNCEMENT BY MR PRESIDENT- Message from the House of Representatives [Col. 801) BUSINESS OF THE SENATE [Col. 802] ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [Col. 802) BILLS- The Consolidated Fund (Expenditure on Account) Bill [Col. 808] The Development Funds Bill [Col. 812) The Currency Laws (Amendment) Bill [Col. 819] The Customs (Amendment) Bill [Col. 819] The Treasury Bills (Local) (Amendment) Bill [Col. 821] The Royal Malaysia Police (Amendment) Bill [Col. 822) The Standards Bill [Col. 834] The Municipal (Amendment) Bill [Col. 838] ADJOURNMENT SINE DIE (Motion) [Col. 839] WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS [Col. 840] DI-CHETAK DI-JABATAN CHETAK KERAJAAN OLEH OOI THEAM HOCK, PENGUASA, IPOH 1968 MALAYSIA DEWAN NEGARA (SENATE) Official Report Vol. III Third Session of the Second Dewan Negara No. 7 Monday, 7th November, 1966 The Senate met at Ten o'clock a.m. PRESENT: The Honourable Mr President, DATO' HAJI ABDUL RAHMAN ·BIN MOHAMED . YASIN, S.P.M.J., P.l.S., J.P. (Johor). the Minister without Portfolio, TAN SRI ONG YOKE LIN, P.M.N. (Appointed). TUAN A. ARUNASALAM. A.M.N. (Appointed). TUAN ABDUL RAHMAN BIN AHMAD (Perlis). TUAN ABDUL SAMAD BIN OSMAN, P.J.K. (Appointed). TUAN HAJI AHMAD BIN HAJI ABDUl LAH, A;M.N. (Penang). TUAN HAJI AHMAD BIN HAJI ABDUL MANAP, P.P.N. (Melaka). PUAN AISHAH BINTl HAJI ABDUL GHANI (Appointed). PUAN BIBI AISHA BINTI HAMID DON, A.M.N. (Appointed). TUAN AMALUDDIN BIN DARUS (Kelantan). DATO' JOSEPH AUGUSTINE ANGIAN ANDULAG, P.D.K. (Sabah). TUAN AWANG DAUD MATUSIN (Appointed). DATU TUANKU Bu;ANG Bl~ TuANKU HAH OTHMAN (Sarawak). TUAN CHAN KEONG HON (Appointed). TUAN CHAN KWONG-HON, J.M.N., s.M.s, ·J.P. (Selangor). TUAN CHEAH SENG KHIM, J.P. (Penang). DATO' DR CHEAH TOON LOK, D.P.M.K., D.M.K., J.M.N., J.P. (Appointed). DATO' J. E. S. CRAWFORD, D.P.M.P., J.M.N., J.P., Dato' Kurnia Indera (Appointed). TUAN D. S. DoRAI RAJ, A.M.N., P.J.K. (Appointed). DATO' Foo SEE Mm, D.P.M.K., J.P. (Appointed). TUAN GAN TECK YEOW, J.M.N. (Appointed). TUAN Gon CHEK KIN, P.J.K. (Trengganu). TUAN Hon CHEE CHEO~G. A.M.N., J.P. (Pahang). TUAN HONG KIM Sm (Appointed). TUAN c. D. ISMAIL, J.M.N., J.P. (Appointed). TUAN ANDREW JIKA LANDAU (Appointed). TUAN KOH KIM LENG (Melaka). DATO' LEE FOONG YEE, J.M.N., P.P.T., J.P. (Negri Sembilan). DATO' Y. T. LEE, D.P.M.S., J.M.N., P.J.K., J.P. (Appointed). ----- 799 7 NOVEMBER 1966 800 The Honourable TUAN LIM HEE HONG, J.M.N., r.P. (Appointed). TUAN LIM JOOK KONG, J.P. (Kedah). TUAN MOHAMAD ADIB BIN OMAR, P.J.K. (Trengganu). DATU PENGIRAN MOHAMED DIGADONG GALPAM, P.D.K. (Sabah). TAN SRI HAJI MOHAMED NOAH BIN OMAR, P.M.N., S.P.M.J., D.P.M.B., P.I.S., J.P. (Appointed). TUAN HAJI MOHAMED SAAID BIN HAJI ABU BAKAR (Appointed). TUAN S. P. S. NATHAN (Appointed). NIK HASSAN BIN HAJI NIK YAHYA, J.M.N. (Appointed). TOK PANGKU PANDAK HAMID BIN PUTEH ]ALI, P.J.K. (Appointed). TUAN SAIDON BIN KECHUT, A.M.N. (Appointed). DATO' SHEIKH ABU BAKAR BIN YAHYA AL-HAJ, D.P.M.J., P.I.S., J.P. (Johor). TAN SRI G. SHELLEY, P.M.N., J.P. (Appointed). TUAN SYED AHMAD BIN SYED MAHMUD SHAHABUDIN, J.M.N., S.M.K., J.P. (Kedah). TUAN SYED DARUS BIN SYED HASHIM (Perlis). TUAN WILLIAM TAN (Appointed). TAN SRI T. H. TAN, P.M.N. (Appointed). DATO' E. E. c. THURAISINGHAM, D.P.M.J., J.P. (Appointed). TUAN s. 0. K. UBAIDULLA, J.M.N. (Appointed). DATO' WAN IBRAHIM BIN WAN TANJONG, J.M.N., P.J.K., Orang Kaya Indera Maharaja Purba Jelai (Pahang). WAN MUSTAPHA BIN HAJI WAN ALI, S.M.K. (Kelantan). wAN SULAIMAN BIN wAN TAM, P.J.K. (Appointed). TUAN YAHYA BIN AHMAD, P.J.K. (Negri Sembilan). •< TUAN YAHYA BIN HAJI AHMAD (Perak). ABSENT: The Honourable DATO' ATHI NAHAPPAN, D.P.M.S. (Appointed). TEMENGGONG 0YONG LAWAi JAU (Sarawak). RAJA RASTAM SHAHROME BIN RAJA SAID T AUPHY (Selangor). TUAN YEOH KIAN TEIK (Perak). IN ATTENDANCE: The Honourable the Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Justice, TUN DR ISMAIL BIN DATO' HAJI ABDUL RAHMAN, S.S.M., P.M.N. (Johor Timor). the Minister of Transport, TAN SRI HAJI SARDON BIN HAJI JUBIR, P.M.l\'. (Pontian Utara). the Minister for Welfare Services, TUAN HAn ABDUL HAMID KHAN BIN HAJJ SAKHAWAT ALI KHAN, J.M.N., J.P. (Batang Padang). the Minister of Information and Broadcasting, TUAN SENU BIN ABDUL RAHMAN (Kubang Pasu Barat). the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, TUAN HAJI MOHAMED GHAZAL! BIN HAJI JAWI (Ulu Perak). the Minister of Lands and Mines, TUAN ABDUL-RAHMAN BIN Y A'KUB (Sarawak). 801 7 NOVEMBER 1966 802 PRAYERS BUSINESS OF mE S~NATE (Mr President in the Chair) The Minister without Portfolio (Tan Sri Ong Yoke Lin): Mr President, Sir, I beg to give notice that I will move the ANNOUNCEMENT BY second and third readings of the follow­ MR PRESIDENT ing Bills at this meeting of the Senate: MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE (1) The Consolidated Fund (Expendi­ ture on Account) Bill. OF REPRESENTATIVES (2) The Development Funds Bill. Mr President: Yang Berhormat Ahli2 (3) The Currency Laws (Amendment) Dewan Negara, ada-lah saya menyata­ Bill. kan pada Dewan ini bahawa saya telah menerima satu perutusan dari­ ( 4) The Treasury Bills (Local) pada Dewan Ra'ayat. Sekarang saya (Amendment) Bill. jemput Setia-usaha Majlis membacha­ Mr President: So be it. kan perutusan itu. Tan Sri T. H. Tan: Mr President, Sir, (Whereupon the Clerk reads the I beg to give notice that I will move message) the second and third readings of the "Mr President, following Bills at this meeting of the The House of Representatives has Senate: passed the following Bills : (1) The Customs (Amendment) Bill. (I) to amend the Royal Malaysia Police (2) The Royal Malaysia Police Act, 1963, to vest the control of (Amendment) Bill. components in the States of Malaya in the Inspector General of Police (3) The Standards Bill. · and provide for the appointment (4) The Municipal (Amendment) Bill. of a Deputy Inspector General of Police and for other matters Mr President: So be it. connected therewith; (2) to amend and consolidate the law relating to the Development Fund ORAL ANSWERS TO of the Federation and to make provision relating to financial pro­ QUESTIONS cedure with respect to the Develop­ ment Funds of the States; TINDAKAN KERAJAAN UNTOK (3) to amend the Currency Act, 1960, of the States of Malaya and the MEMBETULKAN KEADAAN Currency Ordinances, 1960, of Dl-RUMAH2 DAN HOTEL2 TER­ Sabah and Sarawak; HADAP PELACHOR2 DAN (4) to amend the Customs Ordinance, 1952; KONGSI GELAP ()) to amend the Treasury Bills (Local) 1. Tuan Saidon bin Kechut bertanya Ordinance, 1946; ( 6) to apply a sum of the Consolidated kapada Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Fund to the service of the year Negeri ada-kah dia sedar ia-itu anggota2 ending on the thirty-first day of Kongsi Gelap bukan sahaja menerima December, 1967; sabahagian daripada pendapatan yang (7) to amend the Municipal Ordinance; di-perolehi oleh pelachor2 yang ada di­ (8) to make provision for the prepa­ 2 ration and promotion of standards merata rumah dan hotel2 dengan me­ in relation to commodities, processes ngawal dan memberi "perlindongan" and practices. for the establishment kapada pelachor2 ini, malahan mereka of a Standards Institution and memaksa pula pelanggan2 dan penyewa2 Standards Council, for defining the 2 functions of the Institution and the rumah dan hotel2 ini supaya menjadi functions and powers of the Council, pelanggan peli:tchor2 tersebut; dan jika and for incidental and connected sedar, apa-kah tindakan Kerajaan ber­ purposes. chadang hendak ambil untok mem­ and transmits them to the Senate for betulkan keadaan sa-umpama ini. its concurrence. Menteri Hal Ehwal Dalam Negeri (Sgd.) C. M. YUSUF, (Tun Dr Ismail): Tuan President, ada­ Speaker." lah satu perkara yang tidak aneh untok 803 7 NOVEMBER 1966 804 samsengl kumpulan haram mengguna­ Tun Dr Ismail: Saya ta' boleh meng- kan dan memeras pelachor2 dan hidup ·agak bukan saya yang membawa soal di~atas kutipan2 wang pencharian ini (Ketawa). Saya chuma menjawab mereka itu. Dalam kes2 yang telah di­ sahaja. buat aduan, ·perangkap atau helah2 telah di_.ator untok menangkap mereka Tuan Saidon bin Kechut: Tuan Yang yang berkenaan dan pemeras2 ugut itu di-Pertua, pertanyaan tambahan. Ada­ telah di-da'awa di-mahkamah. Pehak2 kah Kerajaan memang ada mengeluar­ yang berkuasa akan terus menerus men­ kan lesen pelachor kapada wanita2? chegah gerakan2 jenayah saperti ini dengan menda'awa di-mahkamah Tun Dr Ismail: Kalau ada, bagi Ke­ mereka2 yang di-tangkap atau dengan rajaan Perikatan kita tidak ada buat mengambil tindakan terhadap mereka perkara sembunyi2-tentu kita ishtihar­ di-bawah Undang2 Penchegah Jenayah. kan. Tidak-lah ada apa2 aduan di-buat oleh pelanggan2 pelachor2 bahawa mereka Tuan Abdul Samad bin Osman: di-ugut oleh samseng2 kumpulan haram Tuan Yang di-Pertua, bagi pehak supaya mereka menumpukan kechende­ gangster ini, sa-lain daripada Kerajaan rongan mereka ka-mana2 satu hotel menahankan gangsters ini, ada-kah atau rumah2 pelachor. Kerajaan berchadang hendak membuat satu scheme untok rehabilitate gang­ Tuan Saidon bin Kechut: Tuan Yang sters ini? di-Pertua, pertanyaan tambahan. Ada­ kah Menteri yang berkenaan dapat Tun Dr Ismail: Soal gangsters ini memberikan penjelasan sadikit, ia-itu ada-lah satu soal yang rumit dan saya biasa-nya kejadian dalam perkara per­ pun telah mengkaji dengan halus-nya tanyaan ini ia-lah hotel2 kelas dua dan bagaimana kita akan mengatasi soal kelas tiga yang dudok-nya agak ter­ ini.
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