The Delegation of the Power to Absolve Sins Proper Prayers of the Mass oday’s Gospel shows us how, mised the power of binding and in the Extraordinary Form T in a concrete case, our Lord loosing (Mt. 18:18), and on the established His claim to divine evening of Resurrection Day He ac- The Eighteenth Sunday character and power by the perfor- tually conferred on the Apostles the after Pentecost mance of a miracle. Many miracles power of remitting sin (Jn. 20:21ff). like those which our Lord per- This wondrous power of remit- formed were wrought at various ting sin—a power surpassing every times by holy servants of God, so earthly power—belongs to every Be of good heart, son, thy sins are forgiven thee. that the miracles, in themselves, Catholic priest, however simple would not prove more than that and obscure he may be. That Introit (Ecclesiasticus 36 : 18) Jesus was a very special instrument Catholic priests have this power is Da pacem, Dómine, sustin- Give peace, O Lord, to them that patiently of divine power. But when He certain with all the certainty of éntibus te, ut prophétæ tui wait for Thee, that Thy prophets may be wrought visible and undeniable faith, so that in the confessional the fidéles inveniántur: exáudi preces servi tui, et plebis tuæ found faithful: hear the prayers of Thy miracles as a proof of His claim to work of Jesus at Capharnaum is Israël. Ps. 121:1. Lætátus servant, and of Thy people Israel. Psalm. I the possession of divine power, surely continued. sum in his, quæ dicta sunt rejoiced at the things that were said to me: such miracles actually established Apart from the gift of Himself in mihi: in domum Dómini the claim. No one but a the Holy Eucharist, this íbimus. ℣. Glória Patri, et we shall go into the house of the Lord. friend of God could gift of absolving power is Fílio, et Spirítui Sancto. Sicut ℣. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, erat in princípio, et nunc, et and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the work miracles, and if a the most gracious and semper, et in sǽcula sæculór- friend of God made a beneficent of all the gifts um. ℟. Amen. — Da pacem, beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world claim that was not true, that God has given to His Dómine … without end. Amen. — Give peace … he could not substan- Church. The peace and tiate it by a miracle. serenity which the Collect Over and over again in absolution of the priest Dírigat corda nostra, quǽ- Let the exercise of Thy compassion, we His preaching our Lord can give the troubled soul sumus, Dómine, tuæ misera- beseech Thee, O Lord, direct our hearts: for tiónis operátio: quia tibi sine appealed to the evidence is surely one of the te placére non póssumus. Per without Thee we are not able to please of His works for the truth of His greatest of all the myriad comforts Dóminum nostrum Jesum Thee. Through our Lord Jesus Christ , Thy claims and His teaching (cf. Jn. which Jesus has provided for His Christum, Fílium tuum … Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee … 10:25-32, 38; 14:11; 15:24). Today’s own. Gospel gives us the clearest of all The people at Capharnaum Epistle (I Corinthians 1 : 4 – 8) the examples of such appeals to the glorified God because He had given Fratres: Grátias ago Deo, Brethren: I give thanks to my God always meo semper pro vobis in evidential value of Christ’s mir- to one, Who seemed to them to be grátia Dei, quæ data est for you, for the grace of God that is given acles. Jesus proves, then, that in a mere man, power to work a vobis in Christo Jesu: quod you in Jesus Christ, that in all things you are Himself, as the Messias, He pos- miracle of bodily healing. How in ómnibus dívites facti estis sesses immediately the power of greatly, then, should we glorify God in illo, in omni verbo et in made rich in Him in all utterance and in all forgiving sin, and from the Gospels and thank Him for the power of omni sciéntia: sicut testi- knowledge, as the testimony of Christ was mónium Christi confirmá- it is certain that He imparted that absolving which He has given to tum est in vobis: ita ut nihil confirmed in you; so that nothing is power to His representatives in the Catholic priests! And if we rightly vobis desit in ulla grátia, wanting to you in any grace, waiting for the Church. To St. Peter, He promised rejoice in this gracious gift of God exspectántibus revelatiónem manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ. the power of the Keys at Cæsarea to men, why do we not, at the same Dómini nostri Jesu Christi, Philippi (Mt. 16:19). To the whole time, resolve to make use of that qui et confirmábit vos usque Who also will confirm you unto the end in finem sine crímine, in die without crime, in the day of the coming of Apostolic College, He later pro- gift as frequently as we can? advéntus Dómini nostri Jesu Commentary by Msgr. Patrick Boylan (1879-1974). Christi. our Lord Jesus Christ. Originally prepared for the faithful of St. Stephen Church, 1930 West 54th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44102 USA (www.ststephencleveland.org) with gratitude to Fr. S. Michael Franz and Fr. John Wessel of the Diocese of Cleveland in Ohio, Fr. Bede Kotlinski, OSB of St. Andrew Svorad Abbey in Cleveland, and Fr. Frank G. Godic, Pastor of Immaculate Conception Church in Cleveland. Edited by Gerald A. Monroe Jerry Monroe. Usus Antiquior Catholic Traditional Latin Mass Propers Proper Prayers of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form Holy Sacrifice of the Mass vetus ordo novus ordo http://www.propria.org http://ususantiquior.wordpress.com [email protected] Padre Pio Academy Lakewood Ohio Lyceum School South Euclid Cleveland Ohio Ecclesia Dei Pope Benedict XVI Summorum Pontificum Missale Romanum 1962 Pope St. John XXIII Roman Missal AMDG Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam Priest proper prayers of the mass in the extraordinary form eighteenth sunday after pentecost introit (eccl. 36. 18) da pacem domine sustinentibus te ut prophetae tui fideles inveniantur exaudi preces servi tui et plebis tuae israel. psalm. laetatus sum in his quae dicta sunt mihi in domum domini ibimus. gloria patri et filio et spiritui sancto. sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper et in saecula saeculorum. amen. da pacem domine. collect dirigat corda nostra quaesumus domine tuae miserationis operatio quia tibi sine te placere non possumus. per dominum nostrum jesum christum filium tuum qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitate spiritus sancti deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. epistle from the letter of blessed paul the apostle to the corinthians 1. 4-8. fratres gratias ago deo meo semper pro vobis in gratia dei quae data est vobis in christo jesu quod in omnibus divites facti estis in illo in omni verbo et in omni scientia sicut testimonium christi confirmatum est in vobis ita ut nihil vobis desit in ulla gratia exspectantibus revelationem domini nostri jesu christi qui et confirmabit vos usque in finem sine crimine in die adventus domini nostri jesu christi. gradual (ps. 121. 1, 7) laetatus sum in his quae dicta sunt mihi in domum domini ibimus. fiat pax in virtute tua et abundantia in turribus tuis. alleluia alleluia. (ps. 101. 16.) timebunt gentes nomen tuum domine et omnes reges terrae gloriam tuam. alleluia. continuation of the holy gospel according to st. matthew 9. 1-8. in illo tempore ascendens jesus in naviculam transfretavit et venit in civitatem suam. et ecce offerebant ei paralyticum jacentem in lecto. et videns jesus fidem illorum dixit paralytico confide fili remittuntur tibi peccata tua. et ecce quidam de scribis dixerunt intra se hic blasphemat. et cum vidisset jesus cogitationes eorum dixit ut quid cogitatis mala in cordibus vestris? quid est facilius dicere dimittuntur tibi peccata tua an dicere surge et ambula? ut autem sciatis quia filius hominis habet potestatem in terra dimittendi peccata tunc ait paralytico surge tolle lectum tuum et vade in domum tuam. et surrexit et abiit in domum suam. videntes autem turbae timuerunt et glorificaverunt deum qui dedit potestatem talem hominibus. offertory (exodus 24. 4, 5) sanctificavit moyses altare domino offerens super illud holocausta et immolans victimas fecit sacrificium vespertinum in odorem suavitatis domino deo in conspectu filiorum israel. secret deus qui nos per hujus sacrificii veneranda commercia unius summae divinitatis participes efficis praesta quaesumus ut sicut tuam cognoscimus veritatem sic eam dignis moribus assequamur. per dominum. preface of the most holy trinity vere dignum et justum est aequum et salutare nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere domine sancte pater omnipotens aeterne deus. qui cum unigenito filio tuo et spiritu sancto unus es deus unus es dominus non in unius singularitate personae sed in unius trinitate substantiae. quod enim de tua gloria revelante te credimus hoc de filio tuo hoc de spiritu sancto sine differentia discretionis sentimus. ut in confessione verae sempiternaeque deitatis et in personis proprietas et in essentia unitas et in majestate adoretur aequalitas. quam laudant angeli atque archangeli cherubim quoque ac seraphim qui non cessant clamare quotidie una voce dicentes sanctus. communion (ps. 95. 8-9) tollite hostias et introite in atria ejus adorate dominum in aula sancta ejus. postcommunion gratias tibi referimus domine sacro munere vegetati tuam misericordiam deprecantes; ut dignos nos ejus participatione perficias. per dominum nostrum. commentary. Today’s gospel shows us how in a concrete case our lord established his claim to divine character and power by the performance of a miracle.
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