It's Coming I ict rial I Ul' 011 lnl••r Frat rruty Wt'l'k nd; It' Coming tball (;anu and V£ rornlwn., It' oming pa ~ :1. ... :;, 6. 7) The Undergraduate Weekly of the University of Delaware VOLUME 72 .. 0 • • 1 ti al Irish Comedy. Is Now In Final Stage Mu • • Leading Role In • ... · ..· .· · ·: · ·.. · D I. I Play Now Cast · · By JUDY KA E Th E-52 Play rs are now in their last w k of t' h at·. al for "Juno and the Pay o k," which \Vill b presented on the Mitch 11 Hall tage on Decemb r 7, , and 9. In the ca ting of this Irish classic, h Players ha b n most for· tunate in s curing Rob rt MacFar· land and Thoma. Wat rs for the I acting rol . of apt. Boyle and Joxet'. Both actor at· only two g n ration. r mov d from Ireland . and an th l' for atch th real flavor f th olorful Irish char­ a t r. Th play is dir cted b Dr. Rob t•t Ka e, head of th Depart­ m nt of Dramatic Arts and pe~h. Mr. Herman Middl ton i. th tech­ ni al director. an 0' asey, author of "Juno," I.· ti1P greatest dramatist of po t­ war Ir land. Born in Dublin in 1 84 Into a poor family, 0' aR y de. crib s lif in the Dublin t n - m n t. without exaggeration. He ha written on! what he know. from hi own xperienc s. "Juno and th Paycock" has a mingling of th pitifuL and th comic, and iR ompl t ly Irish in its r oll c­ tion of th spark of h auty to he found in th heart of despair. Though th s nes ar tragic in int nt, thre -fourth of th dia­ logu provoked audi nces to un­ controllabl laughter in pa t Broad­ way and foreign production .. Ba kg~•ound Th O'Ca ey comedy had its pre­ mi r performanc at the Abby The­ ater in Dublin in 1!124. Sara All­ good played Juno arlct Barry Fltz­ get·a ld the Payco k, the heads of the Bovle familv. Both MiRs All­ good a'nct Mr. Fitzgerald wer in th ca. t of the 1940 Broadway r - viva!. The play was produced four times during a thirt en year period in New York. "Juno" was de­ . cribed aR "on of the greate. t plays of our tim " by Mr. Watts (Continued on Page 5) Military Program ForWomenlsNow Being Considered 2 Odd 'nEnd AL I CORNER WQt ithitw By BOB N JNOHMf Th 1 ' 11~ U nd~r9raduatt w~dly ofthr Univtrsity of D~lawart in · founded 1882, ubi' hed every dday durin& the college year. ub cription $3.00 per year Entl'red a ccond-d matter December 13, 194-5, the Post Office ewark, Delaware, under the Act of March 3, 1879. ommerce. Hepr aented or Natlo 1 AdverUiine By Member National Advertising Service, Inc. E. F nton Car y '38, director of A11ocioted Collegiate Prell athl tl s at th Ocean City (. ·. J.) oll•v• J•ubltlh.lrl lttprutnlalh>• \'our , tudPnt Theatr Ticket in d MADI ON AVI. NllW l'O&.It, N. 1'. lnter-Colle9iote News High chool, has b en r call to tiH• ~· our C"htcaro Bo1ton San .Fra c:ilco back of Athletic Book acliv duty wllh the U. S. ~ vy. l..<J• Anr lea Portland SutUe .A.taociotion t' ntitles y u t one rt>s rvation While here at the Univ rsity, F n. No.9 without charg for J UNO AND ton was captain of the track t am olurn • 7:!. T HE P:\ \' 0 to be present d and a member of the football am. Fr d Hartmann In ~lit •h pll H a ll next T hursday, Mar ~edill, December '43, 1 tudying for her Ph. D. at th nl- B. J . Kind r som J.'riday and Suturday PV nlngs. LeN Rigll and Tom Hadfield The Box Offil'e in Mit h II Hall v t'. ity of Penns lvania. ...... - ........... ~...... ... ...................................................................... Ma.rv Guberman Ordinanly, this bu in .. ........ ... .. ...... Jack Jamieson is open dally fr·om 3:30 to 5 and Cecilia V. Tierney, also Dec m. means nothln mor ................ ................: .. ·:· :: ..........................~ ............. .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.~.'.'.'.'".'.' N:~:y c:!;~ from 7 to 8:30, ex ept aturdnys n r· '43, I teaching accounting at than an lncreas In th and • unda~ · s. For th best eat yracuse University. lot•ation, makt> ~· o ur re ervatlon To ~lriam Lee Riker Thompson now. '44, of Richmond, Va. and h , hu,. \\.' hit band- a daughter on Oct. 20. Margaret McCarthy '46, r cently .. ..;;: .. .. ;:.. kn ~t~i:~it!;:~;,;~~-· :·::.~~::::::f~t:::i.::~::; ?;:~ :":~: ;;;~:;;:~~i~~ Theater Review b came the bride of Dr. Joseph Ack. erman. NEWS STAFF: Vema Lair, Judy Kaae, LouiN Br1e1man, Adrian Ayres, Janet Sh w, ' arol Kolb, Yvonne Welt, Joanne Cella. Mary AnD Reb.tuu, Nanc)' BrookL By GIL KOFFLER, Regina Barlow '47, is now M<rs. Duell D vln . · .James C. Casey. 1' EATURE STAFF: Hal Bauer, Dlclc Tyler, Bob Cunninlham, Bill ltllenbere, "G 1 ·s and Doll ." the Broadwa A son was born on Oct. 26 to l111h SetH• hlnl{ r, Tom Wat rs, Gary Greenstein, Helen Lilley, Roger Browning, bound mu. i al fabl which opened Margaret Reynolds Bergmuller '48 UII(Y (I rk, Polly Sutliff. Shirley King, Ida Mae Ladd. SPORTS STAPF: N at Robbin , Arlene McGee, Dorranc Barr tl, Harry in Philadelphia r c ntl , Is a the· and her husband. , ~1·11. ·r, John Conway, It nry Maler, Don Robertson, Pete Runkle, Ken McClellan, Here is a how Barbara Hope '49, said "I: do" on llwt•n Doyt•r, Jan t Vansant, Dottl M11ler. ~ov. 19 to Robert J. McLellan. TYPISTS: Marilyn John1on, JeiT)' Welle, Olive Smith, Betty Skeata, Renee They a•re now living in New M xico. Stull bury, ynthl Seidel, Sue And r11on, Ann McCormack, Pat Waller , A n n l'ylt•, ally S hwarlz, J ohn McTim, Bill Dickey, Fay Green. Ginny McQuaid, Barbara Ann Mitchell '49, is now 'lulrt• 01 Nardo, Dorothy Jacobsen, Esther Rowley. Mrs. George Albert Wharton. She ·o Y AND REWRITE: B tty Badertsch r, Aile Corn y, Frann1 Johnson, We hav h ard it argu c1 in · I'· and heor husband are residing in Nurm Llpst •In, Aile Martin, Ann Massoth, Ellen Dol y, Marilyn Park r, Ruth lain I arn d etymologi al il'cl . Milford. Del. l'lc rH<>n, Margaret y l . Walt Sw nehart, Shirl y Taylor, Nancy 1'homa.~. Shirley that the word "Russian" Is a mi · Trull 1. Nonc.v Mustard. nom r for "rushing;" and lnd ed, On S pt. 29, a 6 lb. 1 oz. baby PilOT RAPliY: Alan Spang. the y auth ol' mo t of the. ictim boy was born to Jim Orr '49 and II EADLIN E STAFF: B rb ra J cobRe n, Mary Keetz. would s m to I nd support to that Mrs. Orr, th former Bettye Bar. CffiCULATION, ADVERTISING AND BU81NUS STA.JTS: UJnt ntion. for If anyon ever rush· ton '45. They named the youngster Bu11in 11 Manaeer Joe Yucht d th ir wn d mise, the did; but. James Edmund Orr, I'll. To Robert Advertl.11lna Manaeer Arnold Lieberman recogniz rap game sc ne National Adv rti.elne Mana1er Lan')' Llpetletn we have anoth r th or· ·. V.' ar R. Dukes '50, and Margaret Ewing Clrcul lion Manaaer QUT)' Qree~Uteln more inclined to believ that "Rus· !rom "Blood Pres ure," and will Duk s '50 - a son on Oct. 13. The Carolyn Kendall, Minerva Gatta, Pat Walten, Ann P7le, Marvin Baliclt, lAoD­ . ian" is the prop r d lgnation, t'e all th title its If, "Guy and baby was named J effry Thomas ard Hos•nbaum, Stanford Qrol8, Stanley C&erwl.nakl. Jam.. Talley, Lee DllDDe­ bower, Dana Lamb, Audl')' Ullman, &lalne Gelb, ADD Hartlhom, Bett7 Sk•w. a ncl, ondition d by th squ z · Doll ," as thnt of a Runyon book. and the family is now llvlng at play in Berlin and the urrent tug· Marlann R lnke. F'or on e, Datnon Runyon ha be n 1215 S. Fifth St., Paducah, Ke n­ I ss11led Ad Director CbarUe an. of·war in Kor a, w s in the ap· tucky. done justice; his tori s have been pearan e of this port the r suits .Jule (Ace) Hoffstein '50, has of om hi"'h·,Pr sure brain-work hack d by Hollywood (Little Miss been appointed upervisor of Phy· The Cauldron Bubbles behind t.he grim gray walls of the Marker, OITOV ful Jones, Johnn Kremlin. Unquestionably, it's an· slcaJ Education and Recreation at On ·e e. et , et . and have been Th other de p, darl~ plot to conquer the Delaware Day School for Ex. dram tlzed with Indifferent success ceptional (physically handicapped) H' by letting us destroy our elves. At least, we haven't heard of any Ru · on th radio (the Damon Runyon Children. The Day School is a divi· sian indulging in the game. Th at I'). but in "Guys and Dolls" slon of the Delaware Society for w find th tru Runyon, "Damon ripple-d hlldren and Adults. th Gr at" at hi be t. Andre Kortlnyi '50, was maNied on Armistice Day to Miss Theodora Anne Martin of Wilmington. Andre and his wif are Jiving at 11 Red· cliffe Avenue, Highland Park, N.J. Wedding bells Tang out on Nov.
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