THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 39: ISSUE 108 FRIDAY, MARCH 18,2005 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM College Park busted for third year Laetare • Police stop St. Patrick's Day party vv1nner About 60 to 75 students wore named By KATE ANTONACCI detained in one of the apartment units and MADDIE HANNA until each student presented a legal Murray to be honored Associate News Editors identification with proof of age to an ollicer. Several breathalyzer tests were for milestone surgery For the third straight year, local also conducted. police agencies busted a large student The St. Joseph County Police, though St. Patriek's Day party at the College not giving out citations for minor in By KATE ANTONACCI Park apartmP.nt complex Thursday. consumption, waited outside the unit Associate News Editor The Indiana State Excise Police for crowd control purposes, several issued citations to four students at the on-site otlicers said. Dr. .Josnph E. Murray, tlw first 18027 Bulla Road apartment complex, St. Joseph County Police said apart­ surgtHJil to ptlrl'orm a suecpssful district 1 excise Lt. Greg Deitchley ment 18027 was the largest, loudest organ transplant 51 years ago, said. and most crowded unit. Deitchley said has been chosnn to roceivn tlw One malo was cited for both minor the excise police decided to enter University's 2005 l.antare in eonsumption and for presenting an 18027 as opposed to other College Medal. officer with a false identification, Park units after establishing probable "Human Dnitehlny said. cause to break up the party. lives and Threo othor individuals were cited "We do a series of things to establish hopos have for minor in consumption, but no cus­ probable cause," said Deitchley. "Oncfl been wonder­ todial arrests were made, Deitchley Wfl got there, we verified we had prob­ fully invigor­ said. able cause." ated hy The exeise police arrived at College Deitehley said the Indiana State .Joseph Park in six unmarked vehiclos and Excise Police was not called in by the Murray's entered tho complex at approximately 1954 mndieal 6:30p.m. see BUST/page 4 t r i u m p h . " Murray University Prnsidnnt Fatlwr Edward Malloy Above, students said in a press nlleasn. "Tiw genius. orudition and skill lw attending the party at brought to boar in tlw surgical arena ar11 all gifts l'rom God 18027 College Park flood which this good doc.tor has made gills to humankind." the balcony. At right, Tlw University sPinetod Murray for his dnnp Catholic police officers aid in faith and his many contributions checking student IDs. to seinnee. lin sureessl'ully transplantnd a donated kidney fmm onn brother to anotlwr on Dne. 23, 1954. In 11)(,2, Murray PHOTOS• BY pnrfornwd tlw first stu:rnssful kidntly transplant using a kid­ RICHARD rwy from a donor unrPiatPd to the patinnt. For tlw dnvPiop­ FRIEDMAN mnnts made in lili'saving organ and tissue transplant tneh­ niquns, hn won the Nohnl PrizP for Physiology or Medicirw in IIJIJO. "I>r. Murray's vision of mndi­ dne as a nwans to s1wvu otlwrs, Sytnposiutn to debate vvotnen in battles and his denp faith in (;od madn him an nxenllnnt. eandidatn. I lis faith is what providns tho eon­ tho Saint Mary's women's through noxt Wednesday, fea­ Astrid Henry said. "We tnxt for his work and has By MEGAN O'NEIL studies program is hosting a tures several women's studies thought it was a very timely shaped his lifo," said Fat.lwr S~inr Mary'~ Editor week-long symposium entitled scholars and feminist artists and important subjeet." l'ntnr Jarrnt, eounsnlor· to tlw "Wo nw n. War, and Po ace: and is focusHd on the role of The wnek of events of'lieially l'rosidnnt. In this tirno of world eon- Feminist. lntMvontions in a wonwn in situations of arnwd began Tuesday with a lecture The award is mnant t.o rneog­ 1'1 i et, 1: on s ei on ti o us Saint Tirnn of Conlliet" in eonjunc­ eonllid.. given by Cynthia Enloe, a nizn thn contributions of mnn Mary's studonts may wondnr tion with Womnn's llistory "It scorned like an appropri­ feminist author and professor and womnn whosu fait.h mwr­ what tlwir rolos as women in Month. ate theme given what is going at Clark University. Enloe dis- gizns thnir work, .Jarmt said. a troublod socinty should Lw. The third annual women's on in the world," women's To hl'lp answer this question, symposium, which will run studies dopartment chair see WOMEN/page 8 see LAETARE/page H Students snap up internships as setnester ticks dow-n opportunities and using the In addition to resume writing accounting major, is currently and hopPfully makn sonw good Summer spots seen various rosourees tho Care11r tips, praetiee interviows and studying abroad with the eonnnetions in tlw proenss." Centnr has to offer. internship workshops. the London Program. Leiva Ll'iva said shn usPd as vital for careers Susanne Thorup, managnr of Career Center has many online learned in fall that she had resources at thn Carner Cnntnr internship dcvelopmen t at tho resources to make applying for receivfld a summer internship to help her writP a resunw and Careor Center, works closely internships aecnssible to stu­ with the accounting Iirrn Ernst searched (;o Irish to lwl p her By KATIE LAIRD with students from all eollegos dents. Two popular resources & Young in San Francisco. find tlw Ernst & Young posi­ News Writer to help them find internships are Go Irish and Nacelink "I think it will be a good tion. that best suit tlwm. Global, which provide listings ehanee for me to soe if "Overall, l the Car·nm Ctml.!lr( As the snnwstnr begins to "llnternshipsl provido good of internships by city, major, accounting really is the thing is usd'trl for finn tuning things wind down and summer exposure in a tleld to soe is it's eompany and various other for me," Leiva said. "I am and getting the ball rolling, but approaches, many students really what you want to do," faetors. exeited about the ehance to get ar·n Sllltrehing for internship she said. Caitlin Leiva, a junior some real world experionee see SUMMER/page 6 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Friday, March 18, 2005 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHAT WAS THE BEST THING ABOUT Sr. PATRICK'S DAY? A universal accessory Up until last week, I think I was the last person in America not to own a cell phone. What once was reserved for doc­ tors on call or lawyers appearing Lara Canham Nick Albares Katie Zackel Katie Lancos Derrick Testa Erica Wells in court has now , . become a univer- Megan 0 Nell freshman freshman junior junior freshman freshman Pangborn Alumni Badin Badin Alumni Pangborn sal accessory. Even elemen­ Saint Mary's tary school chil­ Editor "My glow-in- "Losing my "Watching "Making green "Forgetting that "/ don't have dren have them the-dark green prospect." friends hit on eggs and green I have any anything now. When I was ,, 12 the big thing was pleading with ring. Hooters pancakes. " classes appropriate to your parents until they folded and waitresses." tomorrow. " tell you." let you get your ears pierced. My little sister, a sixth grader, is work­ ing on getting herself a new Nokia. My aversion to cell phones stemmed first from my remarkable pension for losing things. Rare is the day that I walk out the door with everything I need, and I regu­ larly forget things behind in class­ rooms, the dining hall, my car, you name it. Why should I add a mobile to my already overstuffed IN BRIEF shoulder bag? But more significantly, people The conference "Building with cell phones are annoying, and Peace Through sometimes even dangerous. Interreligious Encounters" Take my experience in the park­ will take place from 9 a.m. to ing lot Wednesday as an example. I 7:30 p.m. today in C-103 in was pulling into Angela at Saint the Hesburgh Center for Mary's when a girl whipped International Studies. The around the corner and nearly hit conference is sponsored by me. Needless to say, she had a cell the Kroc Institute's Program phone plastered to her ear. in Religion, Conflict and Or how about when you are Peacebuilding. hanging out with a friend or acquaintance and they receive a Pianists Emanuel Ax and call? Nothing makes you feel less Yefim Bronf'man will perform weleome than standing awkwardly a dual recital tonight from 8 by while they chat away for 20 p.m. to 10 in the Leighton minutos. Concert Hall at the DeBartolo My dad, a professor in California, Center for the PPrforming says he has watched the cell phone Arts. Tickets ean be pur­ become a type of security blanket. chased at the box office for Now, when students gather outside $48, $38 for faculty and staff, his room before class they don't $36 for seniors and $15 for compare homework or socialize. students. They stand off by themselves and grip their cells. KELLY HIGGINSfThe Observer The class of 2006 will host Saint Mary's class of 2005 signs hang in Angela Athletic Facility for tonight's "The Emerald Ball" tonight All this, and I haven't even Midnight Madness celebration. Each class decorated a section in its designated touched on the issue of drunk dial­ from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. at The color - red, purple, orange, or blue - and will cheer on classmates tonight during Riverside Terrace.
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