Washtenaw Jewish News Presort Standard In this issue… c/o Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor U.S. Postage PAID 2939 Birch Hollow Drive Ann Arbor, MI Ann Arbor, MI 48108 Permit No. 85 2014 Apples & Year in Maccabi Honey Review Games Photo Album Page 14 Page 17 Page 18 October 2014 Tishrei/Cheshvan 5775 Volume XXXIX Number 2 FREE New chapter for the 27th Annual Jewish Book Festival Clara Silver, special to the WJN he 27th Annual Jewish Book Festi- book Writing in Tongues: women/trailblazing, sports, humor, politics, val promises to be one of the most Translating Yiddish in history, biography, music, entertainment, Is- T enriching and memorable cultural the 20th Cen- rael, the Holocaust, and more. Featured visit- events of the year hosted by the Jewish Com- tury, by Tikva ing authors will include Gail Sheehy, Oliver munity Center of Greater Ann Arbor and Frymer-Kensky Horovitz, Zieva Konvisser, Ayelet Waldman, co-hosted this year by the Ann Arbor District Collegiate Pro- Yochi Dreazen, Liel Leibowitz, Barbara Win- Library. The Festival will run from Wednes- fessor Dr. Anita ton, James Grymes, Dori Weinstein, P’ninah day, November 5, to Sunday, November 16. Norich. Opening and Karl Kanai, Dina Shtull, and Annabelle In addition to the variety of visiting authors night, Saturday, Gurwitch. and the in-house book and gift store, the November 8, will Special events this year will include mu- Book Festival will host lunch events, music, include a dinner sic nights on Wednesday, November 12, at 7 and film events. The Book Festival will be- for Book Festi- p.m., featuring A Broken Hallelujah, by Liel gin with two preview events showcasing both val sponsors at 6 Leibowitz chronicling the life of musician visiting and local scholars from the Universi- p.m. followed at and composer Leonard Cohen, and Thurs- ty of Michigan and its Jean and Samuel Fran- 8 p.m. by Robert day, November 13, at 7 p.m., featuring Violins kel Center for Judaic Studies. Wednesday, Mankoff, author Robert Mankoff of Hope, by James Grymes, sharing the story November 5, at 7 p.m., the JCC will host the of How About of Amnon Weinstein, who preserves not annual Frankel Scholars night, and Friday, Never – Is Never section of the New Yorker Magazine. Other only actual violins that survived the Holo- November 7, at noon, the JCC will host the Good for You? My Life in Cartoons. Mankoff featured books will include a wide variety caust, but the stories behind them. Film day, first of many lunch events, showcasing the is the long-time editor of the famous cartoon of genres including memoir, journalism, Continued on page 2 Norm Ornstein to speak at Main Event “Issues for Aging” series continues David Shtulman, special to the WJN Erin Kelly, special to the WJN he Jewish Federation’s 14th Main d'oeuvres Recep- ewish Family Services of Washtenaw Hoarding & Chronic Disorganization.” Event will take place on Sunday, tion beginning at County has partnered with the Jewish The next presentation, on October 23, T October 19, at 4 p.m. in the Mor- 4 p.m. The formal J Community Center of Greater Ann will feature a community panel discussion ris Lawrence Building located at Washtenaw program will begin Arbor to become a resource for issues re- of older adults and driving. The panel will Community College. Event Co-Chairs are at 5:30 p.m. and lated to aging. The “Issues for Aging” educa- include a social worker, a geriatric doctor, a Larry and Sue Adler together with Stacey and will be followed at 7 tional series, which member of the law en- Neil Weissman. p.m. by a dessert re- is hosted by JFS forcement community, Featured speaker, Norm Ornstein, has ception. The event and co-sponsored and an employee of the titled his talk, “Coping With Dysfunction: is Kosher under Su- by the JCC, started Secretary of State, who American Politics and Foreign Policy in 2016 pervision and costs last fall and has will discuss indications and Beyond.” Norm Ornstein has long been $36 per adult and already become a that it is no longer safe involved in efforts to reform the political pro- Norm Ornstein $18 for high school valued educational for an aging individual cesses. He served as co-director of the AEI- and college students. A minimum contribu- resource to community members. The free to drive. Driving is often a point of contention Brookings Election Reform Project and as a tion of $100 per family to the Jewish Federa- educational series features 90-minute pre- between aging adults and their caregivers; senior counselor to the Continuity of Gov- tion 2015 Annual Campaign is required to sentations from community partners who older adults fear their loss of independence, ernment Commission. He also helped shape attend. Attendees will have the opportunity to work with older adults, and are open to the and their caregivers, worry about their ag- the McCain-Feingold laws that reformed the make their pledge at the event. entire community. ing loved ones’ safety. Providing older adult campaign financing system. He has authored Registration can be done by October 12 The “Issues for Aging” presentations focus drivers and caregivers with knowledge about several books including, most recently, It’s Even online at www.jewishannarbor.org or by on situations that affect older adults as well safety factors can make the decision process Worse Than it Looks: How the American Consti- phone to Cindy Adams at 677-0100. as well as caregivers. Collaboration with com- for families easier. The panel discussion will tutional System Collided with the New Politics Donors of $5,000 or more are invited to a munity partners has allowed JFS and the JCC provide a forum for community members of Extremism, together with Tom Mann. Pub- special dinner event with Norm Ornstein on to cover a wide range of aging-related topics. to access expert opinions and ask questions lished in 2012, it was named as one of 2012’s Saturday evening, October 18, hosted by Mal- Past “Issues for Aging” topics have included, that will help families make decisions about best books on politics by the New Yorker and colm and Judy Cohen. “Elder Law: An Overview of Legal Issues for driving. For more information or to register, one of the best books of 2012 by the Washing- The Jewish Federation also expresses special Older Adults,” “Understanding Depression, contact Sarah Schneider Hong at 769- 0209 ton Post. Ornstein is well known for his insight- gratitude to the Ford Motor Company Fund Memory Loss and Dementia in Older Adults,” or [email protected]. n ful and entertaining presentations. whose support makes this event possible. n “Why Should I Have an Advance Directive?” The Main Event features a Wine and Hors and “Clutter and Chaos—Understanding It’s Time for ICommunity Window Washing! 2935 Birch Hollow Drive Koz Services Ann Arbor, Michigan 48108 House Cleaning Service October speakers at the JCC voice: 734/971-1800 27 Years Serving Karen Freedland, special to the WJN e-mail: [email protected] www.washtenawjewishnews.org in the Ann Arbor Area he Jewish Community Center of work focus on relationship-focused inter- Greater Ann Arbor (JCC) will host ventions to enhance well-being in at-risk Reasonable rates T two distinguished speakers in Oc- families with very young children, for ex- Editor and Publisher References available tober. On October 6, at 7 p.m., Dr. Kate ample, families struggling with high levels Susan Kravitz Ayer upon request Rosenblum will present, “Early Experience of adversity associated with poverty and/ Matters!: Perspectives on the Promotion of or parental stress or depression, or young Calendar Editor Claire Sandler We’re pleased to support the Washtenaw Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health.” children who have experienced significant In contrast to many commonly held beliefs, disruptions such as military deployments Jewish News through our advertising Advertising Manager infants and very young children are not im- or involvement in the child welfare system. Gordon White 734.645.6436 mune to the impact of stressful or adverse On October [email protected] experiences, and in addition, many very 21, at 7 p.m., Design and Layout young children experience biological and Dr. Nat Eh- Dennis Platte temperamental vulnerabilities that place rlich will pres- them at greater risk for emotional and be- ent a summary Staff Writers Mary Bilyeu, Sandor Slomovits, Rochel Urist Not Just A havioral problems in the earliest years of of research on life. In her presentation, Dr. Rosenblum presidential Contributing Writers Photobooth! will provide a non-technical but scientifi- elections that Michele Alperin, Rabbi Ilana Baden, Shlomo Cesana, cally and clinically grounded overview of he has been Rosemary Frenza Chudnof, Hadar Dohn, Marci WEDDINGS groundbreaking and exciting state-of-the- conducting Feinberg, Karen Freedland, Leonore Gerstein, Gonen BAR/BAT art science, from the impact of early adverse over the past Ginat, Peretz Hirshbein, JP Hitesman, Maayan Jaffe, experiences on brain and social-emotional 20 years, high- Dalit Kluger, Yaffa Klugerman, Sharon Newman, Avital Ostfield, Amos Regev, Sean Savage, Roy MITZVAHS development, to interventions that work to lighted by the Dr Nat Ehrlich Sexton, Alina Dain Sharon, David Shtulman, Andrea SCHOOLS promote better outcomes for very young results of a sur- Siegel, Clara Silver, Elliot Sorkin, Joanne Steuer, Judy children and their families. vey conducted just before the presidential Williams, Noam Zion BIRTHDAYS Dr. Rosenblum is a clinical and devel- election of 2012. His central thesis is that CORPORATE opmental psychologist and holds dual ap- the American voter elects the candidate The Washtenaw Jewish News is published pointments as a who seems more trustworthy and convinc- monthly, with the exception of January and EVENTS July.
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