Alex Kotlowitz Author of '!here cfIre JVO Children J-Iere ~. u to speak on the issue of "Children and r}>o15Jerty" March 29 7:30 PM Library Auditorium . 35th .9Lnnua{ Co{{egiate· ~razz FES!IVAL .,/ . April 2 & 3 Gen. Admiss. Notre Dame Time All sessions $15 $7 Friday night $8 $4 7:30 pm Sat. afternoon $5 $2 1:00 pm Sat. night $6 $3 7:30 pm non-profit organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Notre Dame. IN 11mJDlNT UNIONIOAIll Permit No. 10 a SCHOLASTIC I NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE Entertainment reviews and previews and a Coming Distractions pull-out calendar of . NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT, MAGAZINE events. In depth sports coverage. Read one for the Gipper! CampusWatch plus Week in Distortion and On Other Campus. 4 A Stranger Among Us 6 Let There be Peace News articles and Campus Life stories that let on Earth you know what's happening on campus. Remember: If you see news happening ... you're probably reading Scholastic! 8 Where is God at a Catholic University? 11 Jazzy Weekend If you don't have time to write home every week, let us do it for you: Give your parents a subscription! 14 Dorm Sweet Dorm 2 Editor's Notes 16 Look Out! ~----------------~ ----------------------- Please send years of Scholastic to: 3 Letter· Name: ___________________________________ 7 CampusWatch 20 On Other Campuses Address: _____________________ 18 Out of Bounds 21 Week in Distortion Ten Tales of Pixiedust City: _______ State: __ ZIP code: ____ 22 FinalWord 19 Hammered Into a Box . Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $25.00 x __- years = $. ___ Please send this form with payment to: Business Manager Cover photo by Brent Tadsen Scholastic Magazine . 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, IN 46556 a SCHOLASTIC I NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT MAGAZINE Entertainment reviews and previews and a Coming Distractions pull-out calendar of . NOTRE DAMEIS STUDENT, MAGAZINE events. In depth sports coverage. Read one for the Gipper! CampusWatch plus Week in Distortion and On Other Campus. 4 A Stranger Among Us 6 Let There be Peace News articles and Campus Life stories that let on Earth you know what's happening on campus. Remember: If you see news happening ... you're probably reading Scholastic! 8 Where is God at a Catholic University? 11 Jazzy Weekend If you don't have time to write home every week, let us do it for you: Give your parents a subscription! 14 Dorm Sweet Dorm 2 Editor's Notes 16 Look Out! ~----------------~ ----------------------- Please send years of Scholastic to: 3 Letter· Name: ___________________________________ 7 CampusWatch 20 On Other Campuses Address: _____________________ 18 Out of Bounds 21 Week in Distortion Ten Tales of Pixiedust City: _______ State: __ ZIP code: ____ 22 FinalWord 19 Hammered Into a Box . Enclosed is a check payable to Scholastic Magazine for $25.00 x __- years = $. ___ Please send this form with payment to: Business Manager Cover photo by Brent Tadsen Scholastic Magazine . 303 LaFortune Student Center Notre Dame, IN 46556 6 Dear Editor: Welcome! non-Catholic or a non-Christian at a prima­ SCHOLASTIC rily Catholicinstitution. (:ampus life editor In your 1992 Football Review issue, volume 134, no. 13, I found a slight NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE Michelle Crouch looks into the other reli­ error in a likely place. On page 19, in the boldface print, under the picture As 1993-94 editor in chief of Scholastic, I gious habits of Notre Dame students. In where Notre Dame fumbled the ball, Stanford was mistakenly, I am sure, would like to welcome all of the new staff News, editor Mark Mitchell talks to Kevin spelled incorrectly as Satanford. I am not writing you this as a letter to just Vol. 134, No.19 members to the editorial board. Many of the March 25,1993 Coyne, a man that many students may have inform you, but because I was amused. Having my father being an alumnus faces remain the same - they're just in noticed wandering around campus or sitting of Notre Dame and my sister being a senior there, I am a huge, huge fan of the Disce Quasi Semper Victurus different positions - but I am pleased to in on classes or social events but never Notre Dame football team and have been to three of their home games - with Vive Quasi Gras Moriturus introduce some new ones as well. realized why. Look inside to find out good seats. I have also gotten a picture (with my brother) having Tony Rice's Jenny Tate, our departments editor, is new Founded 1867 Also, sports editor Amanda Clinton in­ arm around us, and in another picture, having the "Rocket's" arms around us. to the board, but she has experience on the vestigates some junior scholarship athletes' We blew them up to poster size, and they are now hanging on our walls. We EDITOR IN CHIEF staff as a Senior Staff writer. Tony reactions to a controversial decision by the have also gotten many good autographs through the years. Margaret S. Kenny Leonardo will be serving as Scholastic's administration in January. This decision . Please stop me, I'm rambling. entertainment editor. Tony is pretty much a prohibits senior scholarship athletes from I can understand how you miswrote Stanford as Satanford, since they have MANAGING EDITOR newcomer to Scholastic, although he has Kenneth Osgood living off campus, a concession made on a haunted NO for the last two years in satan-like forms. Thank you for your written "Week in Distortion" in the past trial basis last year. Finally, check out our time, and I would be very grateful if you could respond. EXECUTIVE EDITOR Copy editor Heidi Laura Toboni is also new regular departments to see what our new Kate Wiltrout to the editorial board. LikeJ enny, Heidi was editors have done with them. Sincerely, also a member of the Senior Staff before NEWS Kevin McCauley (a tickled reader) Editor: Mark Mitchell spending last semester in London. Brent A Brief Hiatus Tadsen, a freshman from Morrissey, will be P.S. I'm 13 years old, in eighth grade. I love your magazine! CAMPUS LIFE replacing Ken Osgood as photography edi­ Editor: Michell Crouch tor. Replacing Jake Frost in the graphics This will be the last regular issue of Scho­ SPORTS department is Charlie Kranz, one of the lastic fora while .. Next Thursday, look for Editor: Amanda Clinton members of last year's graphics staff. Fi­ our annual humor issue, Sarcastic. Last nally, our advertising department h!ls year's staff will be returning for one last We here at Parisi's would like to thank all of you ENTERTAINMENT grown! Sean Mulvey and Patrick Gibbons Editor: Tony Leonardo issue before fmaUy saying goodbye. The Assistant: Peg Ward are teaming up as co-managers to generate next week, April 8; there Will be no issue at the University of Notre Dame for another great year. as many ads as possible over the ne~t year. because of Easter weekend. Oui: next regu­ DEPARTMENTS Both worked with last year's advertising lar issue is planned for April 15. Editor: Jenny Tate manager Karen Riley last year. And to celebrate, we are offering a special PHOTOGRAPHY Editor: Brent Tadsen In This Issue AlargaretS.Jrenny on South Bend's favorite pasta Editor in Chief COPY Editor: Heidi Laura Toboni This week's cover story addresses a to any student, faculty or staff member at Notre Dame. GRAPHIC ARTS prevalent, but not often discussed topic at Manager: Charlie Kranz Notre Dame - what is is like to be either a ~arl~l'o Risroranlc haliano. ADVERTISING Manager: Patrick Gibbons Sean Mulvey. Good on any Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday BUSINESS through April 22. Manager: Eileen Shelley Scholszstic isp!lbiishtd wukly IhroJlgnaullM school y<II1' acq>l dllring Ldterslo Scholszsticl7lllS! b< Iyptdlllld include IMtoriltr'sn=,address SYSTEMS aaminJllion IlIId TllUIIlion "mods III 1M UniTJeTsily of NoIre DIlItIe, IlIId phone nI""~_ UniTJeTsily slwimls should include lheir y_ in Manager: Chris Blanford NoIre Dtt=, IN, 465561l11d prinled III The Ptrptrs, 1~., Milford, IN schoollllldcolkge. FtlCIIllymem~sshouldincludelheirdqJarlmenl. All 46542. TheSllbscriplionrllleis$25.DO/y=llIIdlNltkissvesllTe<m<lilRhk /dins I7IIIS! ~ signed. NIlItIeS will ~ tuilhheld upon requesl in url';n Spaghetti, Linguini, Mostacciolo or Fettuccine with meat or III $l.25/copy. The opinions aprtsSed in Scholszstic a", 1"= of 1M ins!Jznus. DISTRIBUTION IlUlhmslllldedjlorsllllddonotneassrzrilyrepresmllMopinionsoflhe Scholszsticreserves lhe rigid 10 rejtd klters InolllTe /j~lollSor obscene by Manager: Mark Fitzgerald enlire edilorW board of Schoillslic or of1M Uni""";ly ofNoIre DIlItIe, lhe lRws of the Uniled S""es. Scho/Qs!ic o1so will edil for copy filling, tomato sauce served with salad for only $4.50 its Ddminislrlllion, faclilly or slwimls. Edilorilds signed Scho/Qs!ic grllm17lllliazl or spelUng errors IlIId Scho/Qs!ic styk. Because of spact, r.,,,,senIIM opinion of lhe 1fUljorily of lhe """",Ii". edilorW """'d. S,cholszstic ClDlnol prinl all/dlersrecdTltd. MtmllSO'ipls lITe wd~. All IInsolicilied 71UZlniJlJs ~~ lhe prop­ myofScholszstic. The Editor Copyrigldl993 Scholszstic Magazine. All riglds rtsDTltd. &produc­ Scholszstic lion in whok or in pari wilnoul tori!!en pmnission is prohibited. Wortune c.nln 1412 South Bend Avenue 232-4244 NoIre DIlItIe, IN 46556 6 Dear Editor: Welcome! non-Catholic or a non-Christian at a prima­ SCHOLASTIC rily Catholicinstitution. (:ampus life editor In your 1992 Football Review issue, volume 134, no. 13, I found a slight NOTRE DAME'S STUDENT MAGAZINE Michelle Crouch looks into the other reli­ error in a likely place. On page 19, in the boldface print, under the picture As 1993-94 editor in chief of Scholastic, I gious habits of Notre Dame students. In where Notre Dame fumbled the ball, Stanford was mistakenly, I am sure, would like to welcome all of the new staff News, editor Mark Mitchell talks to Kevin spelled incorrectly as Satanford.
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