DEPARTMENT OF THE PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY Parliamentary Research Service Federal Elections 1996 Background Paper NO.6 1996-97 • ~ l '-\< ~.r /~( . ~__J .. ~r:_~'_r.T-rr-Ji,_.~:;~;.~:~~;:;;~~~5!~'~ ;aft~::.u...- ... ~ . ..x-"\.~. ~'d__~ 4 ...,,--.;." .. _"'J,.gp. ..... !:l,;:.1t ....... ISSN 1037-2938 © Copyrigbt Commonwealth of Australia 1996 Except to the extent of the uses pemtitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including information storage and retrieval systems, without the prior written consent of the Department of the Parliamentary Library, other than by Senators and Members of the Australian Parliament in the course of their official duties. Tbis paper bas been prepared for general distribution to Senators and Members of the Australian Parliament. Wbile great care is taken to ensure that the paper is accurate and balanced, the paper is written using information publicly available at the time of production. Tbe views expressed are those of the author and sbould not be attributed to the Parliamentary Researcb Service (PRS). Readers are reminded that the paper is not an official parliamentary or Australian government document. PRS staff are available to discuss the paper's contents with Senators and Members and their staff but not with members of the public. Publisbed by the Department of the Parliamentary Library, 1996 Parliamentary Research Service Federal Elections 1996 Gerard Newman Andrew Kopras Statistics Group 4 November 1996 Background Paper No.6 1996-97 Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Brien Hallett, Australian Electoral Commission, and JanPearson for their assistance in preparing this paper. Inquiries Further copies ofthis publication may be purchased from the Publications Distribution Officer Telephone: (06) 277 2711 A full list ofcurrent Parliamentary Research Service publications is available on the ISR database. On the Internet the Parliamentary Research Service can be found at http://library.aph.gov.aulprs/ A list ofPRS publications may be obtained from the PRS Publications Office Telephone: (06) 277 2760 Contents Table 1 House of Representatives: National Summary 3 Table 2 House of Representatives: State Summary 4 Table 3 House of Representatives: Regional Summary 8 Table 4 House of Representatives: Party Status Summary 10 Table 5a House of Representatives: Electoral Division Summary, Number. 14 Table 5b House of Representatives: Electoral Division Summary, Per cent 18 Table 6 House of Representatives: Electoral Division Details 22 Table 7 House of Representatives: Two Party Preferred Vote, State Summary .47 Table 8 House of Representatives: Two Party Preferred Vote, Regional Summary 47 Table 9 House of Representatives: Two Party Preferred Vote, Party Status Summary .47 Table 10 House of Representatives: Two Party Preferred Vote, Electoral Division Summary 48 Table 11 House of Representatives: Electoral Pendulum 52 Table 12 House of Representatives: Electoral Divisions Ranked by Two Party Preferred Swing to Liberal/National Party 53 Table 13 Senate: National Summary 54 Table 14 Senate: State Summary 55 Table 15 Senate: Composition after 1 July 1996 59 Table 16 Senate: Candidate Details 60 Table 17 Comparison of Senate and House of Representatives Votes 75 Appendix 1 : Electoral Division Classification 78 Appendix 2a : House of Representatives Elections 1949-1996 82 AppendiX 2b : Senate Elections 1949-1996 83 Federal Elections 1996 Introduction lbis paper contains an analysis of the results of the Senate and House of Representatives elections held on 2 March 1996. The paper contains summary tables for both the House of Representatives and the Senate (Tables 1 and 13 respectively) together with details for each House ofRepresentatives Electoral Division (Table 6). The Regional and Party Status classifications used in the paper are the same as those used by the Australian Electoral Commission. Party Status is determined by the two party preferred vote at the 1993 elections adjusted for the effects of the 1994 Redistribution in Victoria, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory. Electoral Divisions are classified according to the swing required for the party holding the Division to lose: "Safe" requires a swing of over 10%; "Fairly Safe" requires a swing of 6% to 10%; "Marginal" requires a swing of less than 6%. Thus in the Party Status Table (Table 4) "Total ALP" includes the seats won and votes received by parties in Divisions classified as being held by the ALP before the 1996 election whether "Safe", "Fairly Safe" or "Marginal" ALP. Of the 82 Divisions in this category, 49 were won by the ALP, 26 by the LP, 4 by the NP and 3 by Others. In all tables, first preference votes obtained by each candidate or party are expressed as a percentage of formal votes, formal and informal votes are expressed as a percentage of total votes and total votes are expressed as a percentage of electors enrolled. Final count votes and two party preferred votes are expressed as a percentage of formal votes less exhausted votes. Exhausted votes are votes that show a clear fIrst preference but do not show a clear subsequent preference, thus cannot be directed to candidates remaining in the count. The "Swing" fIgures compare votes obtained at the 1996 election with votes obtained at the 1993 election adjusted for the effects of the 1994 Redistribution. For detailed Electoral Division tables, swing percentages will not necessarily add to zero because of the different range ofcandidates at the 1996 election compared with the 1993 election. Symbols nil or rounded to zero * sitting member # sitting party 1 Federal Elections 1996 Abbreviations ABF A Better Future for Our Children ABR Australian Bill ofRights Group ACH Australian Christian Heritage - Christian Democrat Party AFl Australians Against Further Immigration AGV Australian Greens - Victoria (a) AlP Australia's Indigenous Peoples Party ALP Australian Labor Party ASP Australian Shooters Party AWP Australian Women's Party CCG Central Coast Greens (a) CIR Pensioner and Citizens Initiated Referendum Alliance CLP Country Liberal Party CTA Call to Australia DEM Australian Democrats DLP Democratic Labor Party EFF Independent EFF GRN The Greens (a) GRY Grey Power GWA The Greens (WA) (a) IND Independent LAW Natural Law Party LNP Liberal PartylNational Party LP Liberal Party NAN No Aircraft Noise NP National Party OAP One Australia Party RAR Reclaim Ausralia: Reduce hnmigration RBR Republican Party of Australia/Australian Bill of Rights Group RCG Richmond/Clarence Greens (a) RPA Republician Party ofAustralia SEN The Seniors TG Tasmanian Greens (a) (a) Defined as being "Greens" in summary tables. 2 Federal Elections 1996 Table 1 House ofRepresentatives : National Summary Australia Enrolled 11 740 568 Candidates Seats Votes Percent Swing Won Liberal PartylNational Party Liberal Party (a) 132 75 4210 689 38.69 +1.92 National Party 32 18 893170 8.21 +1.04 Country Liberal Party 1 1 38302 0.35 +0.02 Total 165 94 5142161 47.25 +2.98 Australian Labor Party 148 49 4217765 38.75 -6.17 Australian Democrats 144 735848 6.76 +3.01 Greens Australian Greens 87 241804 2.22 +1.26 The Greens (WA) 14 53101 0.49 -0.04 Tasmanian Greens 5 19689 0.18 -0.05 Central Coast Greens 1 1887 0.02 -0.01 Richmond/Clarence Greens 2 1 173 0.01 +0.00 Total 109 317654 2.92 +1.06 Australians Against Further Immigration 38 73023 0.67 +0.64 Call to Australia 30 42683 0.39 -0.08 Natural Law Party 81 41573 0.38 -0.36 No Aircraft Noise 4 18626 0.17 +0.17 Australia's Indigenous Peoples Party 25 12507 0.11 +0.08 Reclaim Australia: Reduce Immigration 5 6457 0.06 +0.06 Australian Women's Party 5 6173 0.06 +0.06 One Australia Party 3 3159 0.03 +0.03 Grey Power 2 2815 0.03 +0.01 Australian Christian Heritage-Christian Democratic Party 1 2722 0.03 +0.03 Pensioner and Citizen Initiated Referendum Alliance 1 332 0.00 +0.00 Republican Party ofAustralia 1 156 0.00 +0.00 Others 146 5 260198 2.39 -1.51 Formal 10883852 96.80 -0.23 Informal 360165 3.20 +0.23 Total 908 148 11 244 017 95.77 +0.02 (a) Includes votes for disendorsed candidate in the Division of Oxley. 3 Federal Elections 1996 Table 2 House ofRepresentatives: State Summary New South Wales Enrolled 3 955 782 Candidates Seats Votes Percent Swing Won LP 41 19 1229423 33.46 +1.69 ALP 50 20 1453542 39.56 -8.76 NP 12 10 443542 12.07 +2.32 DEM 50 240255 6.54 +3.73 GRN 30 92549 2.52 +1.44 API 21 52128 1.42 +1.37 CTA 23 34108 0.93 +0.31 NAN 4 18626 0.51 +0.51 LAW 24 11272 0.31 -0.35 RAR 5 6457 0.18 +0.18 ACH 1 2722 0.07 +0.07 CCG 1 1887 0.05 -0.01 AWP 1 1708 0.05 +0.05 RCG 2 1173 0.03 -0.02 Others 54 1 84817 2.31 -2.52 Formal 3674209 96.38 -0.52 Informal 138157 3.62 +0.52 Total 319 50 3812366 96.37 +0.38 Victoria Enrolled 2 972 635 Candidates Seats Votes Percent Swing Won LP 35 19 1106556 39.90 -0.31 ALP 37 16 1190404 42.92 -3.52 DEM 37 203892 7.35 +3.66 NP 4 2 128091 4.62 -0.39 AGV 20 52810 1.90 +1.78 LAW 35 20998 0.76 -0.39 API 13 16914 0.61 +0.54 CTA 6 8081 0.29 -0.19 C1R 1 332 0.01 +0.01 Others 26 45243 1.63 -1.19 Formal 2773321 97.07 -0.10 Informal 83615 2.93 +0.10 Total 214 37 2856936 96.11 -0.14 4 Federal Elections 1996 Table 2 House ofRepresentatives: State Summary Queensland Enrolled 2 091 384 Candidates Seats Votes Per cent Swing Won LP(a) 22 17 757621 39.29 +8.03 ALP 26 2 639510 33.17 -7.32 NP 13 6 306986 15.92 +1.19 DEM 26 129244 6.70 +2.64 GRN 21 47379 2.46 -0.74 AlP 25 12507 0.65 +0.43 AWP 4 4465 0.23 +0.23 OAP 3 3159 0.16 +0.16 LAW 6 1532 0.08 -0.11 API 2 1258 0.Q7 0.Q7 CTA 1 494 0.03 +0.03 RPA 1 156 0.01 +0.01 Others 30 1 23859 1.24 -4.60 FOIDlal 1928170 97.44 +0.06 InfoIDlal 50605 2.56 -0.06 Total 180 26 1978775 94.62 -0.55 South Australia Enrolled 1 001 006 Candidates Seats Votes Per cent Swing Won LP 12 10 460246 49.99 +4.33 ALP 12 2 320678 34.83 -4.01 DEM 12 93899 10.20 +2.41 GRN 12 27146 2.95 +2.79 LAW 9 4495 0.49 -0.98 GRY 2 2815 0.31 +0.12 API 1 1780 0.19 +0.19 Others 14 9660 1.05 -4.85 FOIDlal 920719 95.92 -0.Q2 Informal 39172 4.08 +0.02 Total 74 12 959891 95.89 +0.98 Ca) Includes votes for disendorsed candidate in the Division ofOxley.
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