Anti-Apartheid News, April 1983 http://www.aluka.org/action/showMetadata?doi=10.5555/AL.SFF.DOCUMENT.AAMP2B3500004 Use of the Aluka digital library is subject to Aluka’s Terms and Conditions, available at http://www.aluka.org/page/about/termsConditions.jsp. By using Aluka, you agree that you have read and will abide by the Terms and Conditions. Among other things, the Terms and Conditions provide that the content in the Aluka digital library is only for personal, non-commercial use by authorized users of Aluka in connection with research, scholarship, and education. The content in the Aluka digital library is subject to copyright, with the exception of certain governmental works and very old materials that may be in the public domain under applicable law. Permission must be sought from Aluka and/or the applicable copyright holder in connection with any duplication or distribution of these materials where required by applicable law. Aluka is a not-for-profit initiative dedicated to creating and preserving a digital archive of materials about and from the developing world. For more information about Aluka, please see http://www.aluka.org Anti-Apartheid News, April 1983 Alternative title Anti-Apartheid News Author/Creator The Anti-Apartheid Movement Date 1983-04 Resource type Newsletters Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) South Africa, United Kingdom, Namibia, Mozambique Coverage (temporal) 1983 Source Archives of the Anti-Apartheid Movement, Anti-Apartheid News, MSS AAM 2202. Description Isolate South Africa; electing to act against Apartheid; Namibia: action now; send them to schools in Mozambique; time to wake up, Christian soldiers. Format extent 12 page(s) (length/size) http://www.aluka.org/action/showMetadata?doi=10.5555/AL.SFF.DOCUMENT.AAMP2B3500004 http://www.aluka.org the addre of the Anti-Apartheid Movement is now 13 SELOUS STREET, LONDONNWI ODW, Teh the addre of the Anti-Apartheid Movement is now 13 SELOUS STREET, LONDONNWI ODW, Teh MAK A, BREpAK .1 .~ B, I ~ IThsIssue Public apfflrat trade misson as councillors arrive for anti-apartheid ae - page 3 RIAAN OLTON cotinues his survey of South Africanfrms with entales iru itan - page 4 Refom-ral a magined D YSU DAOOexpis why South Africa'S conatitutionat changes etre not what they seem, and how some peopile ham been conned page 5 o i ot _-IaltoPRAGASENNAICIERlo sat trendeton South Africa university camapuses - page 5 Namsibia - Action-Now South African lies, British equivocaion, and some interested MiPs - pages 6 & 7 Scandal at the farom Sieve consditions for South Africa's agricultural workers page 8 Former poltil pisooe, ANTHONY HOLIDAYsuggests some campaigning guidelines - page 9 how South Africa's town planners d a o o'Sm ng' p555 - o Sie oode s and -esdedtl his cotntry's longstanding policies of collaboration with apartheid South Aftrca? British lirks with South Africa - of trsde and investment, military and diplomatic support, of tourism, sport and cultural e0 rhsnges and 'kith and kin' - underpin the apartheid system iself. Making the fundamental break with tradition involved in a real conunitment to te caune of African freedom and independence would undoubtedly have far-reaching repercussions. But is it so muth to ask? Remember, a growing number of local authorities - Sheffield. Glasgow, leeds, Newcastle, Brent, Harlow, Camden and Islington among others - have already made that policy break by declaring apartheid-free zones in the areas under theirjurisdtc. tion or taking other important steps in solidarity with the South African and Naniblanlibergtion movements. The Anti-Apartheid Movement is currently cam- tenlonx i, by Pretoria, lengths t Thi! 5 -~ to withdraw halt to its w neighbouring held system i and debated t As the Pre has recently i gqvernments indifference I but of direct, Speaking to Delhi, he sitr Contact Gros tions to achi far from bei devised to re liberation of] is the challenge facing u, to which in 1983 it is. our task to respond, i UVRENJOWL.: , z1h.- Page 2 Anti-Apartheid News April 1983 Hos,calledforFriday18Marchto Atkinson,bothofwhom atvebeen the Foreign Affairs Publishing Cor s p art otParticularly acesve in the caspaign to paty, a frnt organisation for apartSaturday19Mrhasproft n -SouthernAfica theimetoAct , SavetheANCSix.Other speadkers are hecid. WeeoAtin.Th rOouphasbeen, CI~Pa og n rrsstive Tynesidestudents raised over E100 ANTI-APARTHEID supporters in working for a massive turnout under THE Archbishop Elect of the Church from the Afrcan National Congress, at a benefit disco for the African Brighton joined with the El Salvador the themes FreeNelson Mandela!Free of Wales has pledged to use his influ and the new resistance film The Sun National Congress and launched a and Palestine Sclidarity Campaigns All South African Political Prisoners! ence to persuade the Church to with- Will Rise will be shown. Week of Action on 14 March forthe on 1 2 March for a conference on the with delegations expected from draw its investments from companies Meanwhile, the Group is challeng- Southern Africa Time to Act cam, theme of Warin the T'hird World Labour Party branches, Mis and and subidiaries with South African ing a claim in a Foreign Office letter paign, Another attempt to reverse and theThirdWorldWar.'. councillrus,tgae nions,youthclubs links, thattheBritishgovernmentdoesot the anti-apartheid policy of the Pointing out that thete has not and colleges fromall over London. Bishop Childs is the Honorary collaborate with South Africa's civil Students Union has heen resoundingly bernasingledayofpeaceinthe Over70 peopleattended the President of the newly-formed Gwent nuclear programme, by asking whiy defeated. world since Hiroshima, aid that the Group's public meeting on 2 February Anti-Apartheid Group. stff from the Central Electrity Meanwhile, the Tyneside Local greatest threat of globalconflict featuringJohnMatshikizaandthe a rin ey Generating Bord and the UK Atomic AA Group has collected over 500 comes from regional wars such as film Thr Sun Will Rise, The Friday EnergyAuthority have been allowed signatures for the Free Nelson those raging in Narnibia, El Salvador night pickets of South AfricaHouse togoad workthere. Mandelapetitionatastreetmeeting and the Lebanon, the organisers set have continued to collect hundreds Contact; .aria de Goede, Tel 885 and collected £40 in donations for Out to bring together people from of signatures for the Free Nelson 1013, or Margaret ling 348 8463. the ANC. the peace and women's movements, Mandela petition and to urge passers- HARINGEY CouncillrRobin Young Contact:JeremyShepherd,c/o international campaigns and political by to support the campaign to Free will be reporting on the prospects for Durham NewcastleUniversityStudentsUnion, parties, and anyone interested in the the ANC Six. making the borough apartheid-fre.. Tel 328402. worldandittfuture. OtheractivitiesincludeSaturday atapublic meeting organised by the, street meetings and a fundrgaisin, taringey AA Group on 21April.He "WATED AR 1982 Ci~ty 0of"Londioni Jublesale.Everyweekeight orpine is due to attend the Sheffield confer- W-NED APRIL 1982 letters arrive from people wanting to ence for localatholicson25Much.Teesside Does anyAA News reader still have Find out more aboutthe Group. At the meeting in Haringey, to be heris copy of any e Arltd el h Contact:22Brownlow Mews,heldintheTradeUnion&Coma e CITY Group's reynt actavitie have London WCI, Tel 405 4498. nity Centre in Brabant Road Wood l Bernadette Vallely of the AAM 11nre -n buldn sp fo -h Green,N22,Ot oungf_..- ioind_NEW_AAGro h been formed Headquarters staff needs copies for 24-Hour Picket of South Africa ....bylocalMPsRegRaceandNorman' m anTeessie. The'onats l thMovement's archives. if yoya can are help,pleasecontastheratlJSeloas Nader Shakhib, c/o Engineering Street, London NWI, Tel 01-387 Department, Science Site, University, 7966, where youwill behandsomely South Road, Durham City (Durham rewarded. " : ° ' ' .. .. AA)t and- 1 Julho Fluxasan, c/o Doctors' Residnce, Midlesborough GeneraHospital, Cleveland, Teaside (TesA MTHE Anti-Apartheid Movement has Tyn sid "challenged Channel 4's decision to ,aminite Ihe, Scotth African ambatssador i lto appear, - a televisio n porine' and warned that it crates a serious "H "largest Afeica-ner -in precedent. pany n Sout f Africa, Geseor, found The ambassador got his chance to AneveningofIndianMusicandDancewith: itselffacingangry picketrs when it defend institutionalised racis after i3r lod lv" hel aih triedtorc,.itwhit,studentsfromf the mbsy complained aboutan Dr. Usem afrk0in e,Nii rhielMohmh, NewcastleUniversity fori os in South earlier , Chanel 4 programme on DUhaPrhi tinPrhei, inHowr ake LasOmirathy,KshavSatheandBahuddin Aeii. SouthAfrica.inth 'Whatever you SA delegatonfromtheStudent,want'series . AA Group also managedtoconfront the trigee foi fmdom and ,n teo-two dyedn-the-woo- officials or justice in bSoth.e O Africa dtemands tRand Mines on the look-outfor bettercoverageonallTVchannels, TedfordWa TakodonnWC2 graduatesApparentlyobliviousto the AAM says, and there is no way Prorammebegins7.15pm prssand media exposure,the that giving the were's 'reprcentarecruiters told student activistsry hat tires an opportunity to hawk their Tickets D7.50, L3.50 and r2.50 pit would be pointless to give the vote views ia be justified as halancebr (a15dunwaed/stdents) toblackSouthAfricansbecausethey a w o From: 1 SelousRa tieeet, London NW uDW had ousofeine-year-oldsan TegEt 1hdt7 pytWell-known defender of apartheid Bordes--oerbeugh Rodd Labour PAl JulianAmeryMP
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