UN ARCHIVES SERIES S K1QL BOX ry FILE -L- ACC. 1j1~/o26L I UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES .A.SSI.SYAJlCE HlSSIOII FOR RWANDA MEMORANDUM INTERIEUR To: Chief Protocol Officer Info: MA/FC From: AMA/FC Date: 8 November 1994 c Subject: REQUEST FOR VJP QUARTERS AT BBC I I am writing in my capacity as the FOTce Commander's (FC) Visits Officer.. and I am requesting that you reserve suites in the BBC fOT visiting senior officers from two separate delegations. 2. Lieutenant Colond (LCol) Andersson.. the UNHQ NY PK Desk Officer for Rwanda win be visiting die G3 Operations and Plans Staff during the period 20-26 November. I am requesting. on behalf of Leol Brimlow (G3 Plans) that LCol Andersson he granted one of the room for the period of his stay. 3. During the period 23-25 November, the Canadian Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) and some (number to be determined) of his most senior staff win be visiting with the Canadian Contingent and the Fe. He has extended the invitation to have the CDS to stay in his bouse and I am requesting that the remainder of the visiting staff be booked into the e VIP accommodation in the BBC. 4. If 3 conflict arises between the two overlapping visits.. I am sure that Leot Brimlow and I can sort it out. Should you agree to my request, I would appreciate receiving the requested keys from you on the morning of the respective arrivals. 5. For your 3l."1iOO. ~ P.T. Campbell Major Visits Officer \ . UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES Office of the DFCfCOSICMO UNAMIR Force HQ Kigali Rwanda f1r c 1000.7(DFC)/G/5 og November 1994 LT COL AUSTDAL REDUCTION IN MSA I. Your Jetter on the above-mentioned subject has been redirected to me and J would like to inform you that the issue is being resolved. 2. You are required to submit records on your accommodation and be assured that even if you lose any money now for staying in the Meridien Hotel. it will be refunded when the records are straightened. 3. You are however advised to use the correct administrative channels of C communication when seeking a redress of this nature in the future. HK Anyidoho Brig Gen DFC/COS/CMO Information: MA to Fe t •• t fl<' ~ ') (UNITED NATIONS ASSISTANCE MISSION FOR R~A) (UNAMIR) a f'~' -~ 13 =.0- -.) If \ ..~. (MISSION DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L'ASSISTANCE AU RWANDA) (MINUAR) KIGALI RWANDA I q <: I , OUTGOING FAX NO. 3d Q't PA SE ~' (F ~ NIIi.. '<331- TO: MGEN BARIL/UNATIONS/NEW FROM: MP~-/~\KIGAL1 YORK UNAMIR ---Y'", PREFIX/NO: DATE: 8 NOV 94 c PHONE: 1-212-963-3092 FAX NO: 1-212-963 4879 FAX NO: 1-212 963 3090 DRAFTED BY: MAJ pLfu"J'rE SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT WITH UN MAJOR J-G PLANTE, CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, SECURITY BRANCH REF: CONVERSATION MGEN BARIL/MAJ PLANTE, 19 SEP 94 1. Tel que nous avians discute lars votre visite, j'ai decide de ire applicat pour un emploi civile avec les Nations Unies. c 2. Trouvez ci-inclus des documents qui furent envoyes a M. Luiz da Casta par Ie Dr Kabia Ie 31 octobre 1994. 3. Si vous pouvez faire quelque chose pour moi a New York, je Ifapprecierais beaucoup. -- RECEIVED OFFICE OF Fe Dat~ ...~.I!j/Jy.".,:.. ·.... No nyU f jl} '- ;/1 j1J JJ1 /t:... - 22<;1- UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES ASSISTANCE MISSION fOR R~ANDA MISSION POUR l'ASSISTANCE AU RUANDA UNAMIR MINUAR TO: Mr. Luiz da Costa Chief, Field Personnel Services c FOD, UNATIONS, New York FAX NO: 2129630664/ #I1C't/{~) FROM: Abdul Hamid Kahia DATE. 31 (k{()her 1994 Executive Director UNAMIR, Kigali NO OF PAGES: 8 SUBJECT: Major J-G. Pi<lJllt' c Please find attached an application from Major Plante who is seeking employment with [he UN. The Special Representative endorses his application and has requested me {() refer Il to you for appropriate action. Unfortunately. UNAMIR does not have appropriate openings m (he area of civilian security aI this lime. You may. however. wish to consider him for Orentn~;.; In other mission" Best regards. UNAMIR UNITED NATIONS ASSISTANCE MISSION FOR RWANDA MEMORANDUM c TO: MR SBABARYAR KHAN, SRSG, UNAMIR INFO: MGEN TOUSIGNANT, FC, UNAMIR MGEN BARIL, UN MILITARY ADVISOR MR SILLS, UN SPOKESMAN 9~ . FROM: MAJOR PLANTE, WAMIR FORCE PROVOST MARSHAL DATE: 29 OCT 94 SUBJECT: APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT WITH THE UN­ MAJOR J-G PLANTE, CANADIAN ARMED FORCES, SECURITY BRANCH 1. In Apr 94, prior to leaving UNOSOM II for a posting to c UN~~IR, I filled out and forwarded to UNHQ my United Nations Personal History Form. I included a copy of my CV, which had been prepared just before leaving Canada for Somalia. At that time, my intention was to apply for a civilian job with the United Nations in a security related field. 2. As part of UNOSOM II, I was employed as the Senior Police Liaison Of cer wi the Somali Police, mainly responsible for their training and operations. Please find enclosed a copy of my Performance Evaluation Report. 3. On arrival in UNAMIR, on 18 Apr 94, MGen Dallaire temporarily employed me as his Deputy Logistic and Transport Officer. Ten days later, I was appointed as the UNAMIR Militar Spokesman. 4. I took that job to heart and over the subsequent months, I did my best to develop a good relationship with the various news media from around the world that came to cover UNAMIR's activities in Rwanda. Daily, and at times two to three t a day, I briefed the press, which on occasions, included up to 50 international journalists. Our records indicate that over 650 press members visited UNAMIR since early May 94. Please find, enclosed, several letters concerning my work as a Spokesman. 5. I have now served 31 years in the Canadian Armed Forces, both as an enlisted men and as an officer. During my career, I have been employed as a Military Policeman and as a Security Branch Officer and worked in many parts of the world. 6. I have also had the good fortune to serve on missions with the United Nations including ONUC, UNEF II, UNOSOM II and UNAMIR. have also, r short period of times, been employed UNFICYP c and in Lebanon. 7. Today, I am prepared to leave the Canadian Forces at 30 days notice, and look forward to embarking on another career with the UN. 8. Although nearly all of my training has been associated with Police, Security and Administration, including courses at the Canadian Police College and Canadian Forces Staff College, I nevertheless feel that the very intense daily exposure to the press I have had as a Military Spokesman in Rwanda enhances my versatility for a civilian job with your organization. Since I have always liked to travel, I am prepared to work anywhere in the world and on a very short notice. 9. Submitted for your consideration, Sir. c (I UNOSOM UNITED NATIONS OPERATION IN SOMALIA TESTIMONIAL Major Jean-Guy Plante from Canada is a hardworking, dedicated and professional officer who puts in his optimum efforts to accomplish the assigned c mission. In UNOSOM II he has carried out a key roll as Senior Liaison Officer, Somali Police (SLO-SP). He proved his effectiveness and initiated a comprehensive programme which is going to be a solid foundation for the Somali Police. Major Jean-Guy Plante is a very good administrator and has the ability to plan, organize and implement his ideas. He has been successful in carrying out the Force Commander's commitment in the mission area. He is strongly recommended for future UN missions. c SIGNATURE: NAME: FULVIO VEZZALINI RANK: COLONEL APPOINTMENT: A/COS (MIL) DATE: 21 APRIL 1994 +6139927015 J3-0PS/NDOC/OTTAWR 625 P02 .TUN 30 '94 1i: . " . MEMORANpUM ~ / q 3500-1 (OP LANCE)(NDOC) / I 30 Jun 94 Distribution List UNA1\lIR - PUBLIC AFFAIRS Ref: A. Toronto Globe and Mail- national edition - 30 Jun 94 B, DEM 30 Jun C 1. The front pageofthismorning's Globe and Mail is graced by an outstandingphotograph of the CanadianContingent UNAMIR. This photograph depicts MGen Dallaire and staff amongst a group ofrefugees at the Amahoro Stadium in Kigali and was taken in the con ext ofCanadaDay; celebrations, This photograph has been picked up by most ofCanada's daily rewspapers, ·2. This "media opportunity" was orchestrated by a CanadianMilitary Policeman, Maj Jean Guy Plante, who is serving on the staff ofUNAMIR. l\1a.j Plante has on this, and ether occasions, <distinguished himself'in executing his secondary duty as Force PR Officer. Tte Deputy Minister, . Mr. Fowler has personally expressed his pleasure and appreciation forMaj Plmte'swork. The OM is particularly pleased that as an MP, Maj Plante displays the flexibility ar. j panache required ofa successful spokesman. 3. For your informanon. .;".; lYBastien LCdr NDOC Rwanda Desk Officer 996-7540 DISTRIBUTION LIST MGenR. Dallaire, FC UNAMIR Leol M. Austdal, UNA.\fiR DGSecur DGPA BAlDCDS Ct><:; • ~6139954038 DSECUROPS 579 F02 JUL 07 '94 15:4 National Defence Headquarters Director General security ottawa, Canada K1A OK2 From Colonel A.R. Wells, CD c 1- July 1994 Dear I appreciate your comments in your 5 Jun 9~ FAX Note and find personal satisfaction, as Branch Adviser, that Maj Jean GUy Plante is serving you, UN~1IR and indeed the CF so well in the publi9 relations role. From all accounts, it is readily apparent that your job is a different one, from an operational viewpoint and the personal tragedy that you witness each day.
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