OCULUS N E W Y 0 R K C H A P .T E R T H E A M E R I C A N I N S T I T U T E 0 F A R C H I T E C T S BALLARD, CAVAGLIERI AND JOHNSON ELECTED FELLOWS Three members of the N. Y. Chap- ·ter have been elected to the rank of Fellow of the A.I.A., one of the highest honors in the architectural pro'fession. The advancement to Fellow, granted by the Institute in recognition of distinguished achievement in architectural de­ sign, education, literature, public service or service to the profession, was awarded this year to William F. R. Ballard, Giorgio Cavaglieri and Philip Johnson. With their election, the N. Y. Chapter will have 73 of the State's 88 A.I.A. Fellows. The Fellowship will be formally conferred on June 18 at the Institute's Annual Ban­ Photo by Margot Gayle quet climaxing the 97th A.I.A. con­ MAYOR WAGNER SIGNS LANDMARKS BILL vention in Washington. Standing: Councilman Seymour Boyers (left) and CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 · Commission Chairman Geoffrey Platt (right) N.Y.C. LANDMARK PRESERVATION LAW SIGNED MUNICIPAL ART SOCIETY Following a public hearing at City Estate Board stated that the lan­ 1965 AWARDS Hall on April 19, Mayor Robert F. guage of the bill was confusing At the 73rd Annual Meeting of the Wagner signed into law the long­ even to trained legal minds. Beside ··Municipal Art Society held on May awaited city Landmarks Preserva­ imposing an unnecessary financial 10th, in the Seventh Regiment tion bill. burden on owners of so-called land­ Armory, the Society presented its At the two-hour long meeting marks,- the realtors observed that Illuminated Scroll of Honor to held in the ornate first floor Execu­ the adoption of the bill would sig­ Mayor Robert F. Wagner for his tive Chambers, the N. Y. Chapter nify a substantial loss of potential role in the enactment of the city's A.I.A., the Fine Arts Federation · tax revenue to the city. new landmark preservation law. and the Municipal Art Society ex­ · Speaking for the Municipal Art Representing the Mayor at the meet- pressed their long-standing sup­ Society, Mr. Giorgio Cavaglieri ·· ing were City Planning Commis­ port for the proposed legislation praised the bill as one of the most sioner Harmon Goldstone, A.I.A. amending the city's Charter and enlightened step ever taken by the Also cited were Queen's Council­ Administrative Code. city and acknowledged the super­ man Seymour Boyer who sponsored The open meeting heard state­ lative efforts of Councilmap. Boyers the new legislation and steered it ments by Councilman Boyers, spon­ and of the Landmark Preservation skillfully to adoption by the Coun­ sor of the Bill and its adroit cham­ Commission Geoffrey Platt and cil and the Landmark Commission pion, and by Landmarks Chairman James G. Van Derpool. Chairman Geoffrey Platt. Geoffrey Platt and City Planning Representing the N. Y. Chapter The CBS Building by Eero Saar­ Commissioner Harmon Goldstone in A.I.A., Charles E. Thomsen chal­ inen Associates received the So­ reply to the reservations advanced lenged the Real Estate Board arid ciety's Bronze Plaque awarded only by real estate interest groups. Al­ the other groups to join forces with three times since 1955. Receiving though not opposed to the land­ architects to make the landmarks the award were Mrs. Aline Saar­ marks preservation concept, these of the past into useful instruments inen and CBS president Frank groups including the N. Y. Real of the present. Stanton. CONTINUED ON PAGE 6 2 OCU.LUS CHAPTER'S SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS PRESENTED BY VOL. 37 - Number 8 BOROUGH PRESIDENT MOTLEY AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS Five scholarships were awarded by NEW YORK CHAPTER the Equal Opportunities Commit­ MARGOT A. HENKEL, Executive Secretary tee at the Annual Student Meeting 115 East 40th Street of the N. Y. Chapter on April 15, New York, N. Y. 10016 MUrray Hill 9-7969 1965. At a stirring ceremony at the Architectural League, some 200 WILLIAM D. WILSON .............................. President DAVID F. M. TODD ........................ Vice President members and students heard Mrs. ELLIOT WILLENSKY ................................ Secretary Constance Baker Motley, President H. DICKSON McKENNA ........................ Treasurer of the Borough of Manhattan, make BOARD OF EDITORS the unprecedented awards. It was Charles E. Thomsen, Chairman & Editor particularly fitting that Mrs. Mot­ Neil Berzak Sheldon Licht ley, the first woman of her race to John M. Dixon Alexander Sanko attain such high office in New York, Georges M. Knafo Carlos R. Sanz did the honors for the five Negro EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD students from Pratt Institute and Jo E. Carroll Solomon Sheer Estelle Dodge Edgar Tafel The City College. The recipients were: Eglon E. Simons, Clarence Pete, Jr., David Danois, Harold MIDWIVES AND ARCHITECTS Francis and Albert C. Morgan. by SAMUEL M. KURTZ In her presentation to the first of Committee, introduced the Borough How would you feel about a these young architects, Mrs. Mot­ President and reviewed the pur­ proposed revision to the State Edu­ ley stated: poses and achievements in this ef­ cation Law to grant, without ex­ "I am very pleased that you have fort to correct a historic, social amination, a medical license to injustice. About $10,000 has been practice obstetrics to anyone who been selected by the New York Chapter American Institute of Ar­ contributed to this special scholar­ has a high school equivalency cer­ ship fund by Chapter Members and tificate and presents evidence of the chitects to receive this scholarship award. by a growing number of contrac­ continuous practice of architecture tors, r epresentatives of the building for more than thirty years "by prac­ "There has been an imbalance in industries and the N. Y. Chapter of tical experiences in architectural the architectural profession because the Pr oducers Council. work ... while in the employ of relatively few members of minority reputable architectural firms ...."? groups have found the opportunity Much more is needed to make There is little likelihood that the to practice. The Chapter, in recog­ real impact on the situation cur­ midwifery revision will be intro­ nizing its responsibility and influ­ rently and for endowment. The duced; but the exemption for ence as a professional organization, fund raising is continuing. Please architectural midwives has been has taken an important and needed draw your check to the order of the introduced: A. I. 4874 (passed in step toward correcting this situa­ New York Chapter A.I.A. and mail the Assembly) , and S. I. 3229. tion. to the Chapter Office at 115 East 40th Str eet, New York, N. Y.10016. What purpose is served by such "By establishing an Equal Oppor­ a revision? It certainly does noth­ tunities Committee to raise funds SIMON BREINES ing to improve the status of the to encourage young people such Equal Opportunities Committee profession of architecture, actually as yourself to enter architectural downgrades it. Why? Are you go­ training, it has set an example of ing to let your legislator believe public spirited behavior that will you agree with his low opinion hopefully be followed by other NEW CHAPTER COMMITTEE of your profession? Support the groups throughout the city. ON NATURAL ENVIRONMENT N.Y.S.A.A. in its opposition to this "In selecting you for one of the unnecessary bill. The Executive Committee has au­ initial scholarships, practicing ar­ thorized the formation of an Ad chitects have acknowledged those WHY NOT NEW YORK? Hoc Committee to explore the pros qualities of aptitude and personal­ and cons of the establishment of a Visitors looking for historical ity which fit you for the task ahead. places in Washington, D. C., Vir­ permanent Committee on the Nat­ In accepting this honor, you as­ ural Environment. ginia, Baltimore and Boston will sume the splendid responsibility of soon be able to find them in the showing the way for others to follow. Chapter members especially in­ yellow pages, thanks to efforts by terested or knowledgeable in the National Trust for Historic Pre­ "I join the Chapter membership matter s affecting air purity, water, servation. The telephone company in wishing you well." open land, nature preservation and in these area~ has agreed to include Mr. William Wilson, President of similar aspects of the human en­ , "Historical Places" as a heading. the Chapter and Mr. Holden, Chair­ vironment are asked to contact Why not New York? man of the Equal Opportunities Frithjof M. Lunde, CO 5-2815. 7 COMING EVENTS EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES MAY 12 Housing Symposium Dining Room, Wednesday, 5 :30 P .M. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGNER/ PLANNER STERLING FOREST MAY 18 Technical Committee Lecture Responsibility and work will include: Dining Room, Tuesday, 12 :30 P.M. 1. Development of an overall 15 year plan for the Forest. 2. Land and site planning for subdivisions and building JUNE 1 Hospitals & Health Seminar complexes that the Forest will develop. Dining Room, Tuesday, 5 :15 P.M. 3. Architectural design consulting service to the Forest and to potential clients JUNE 2 ANNUAL LUNCHEON who will build in the Forest. 4. Architec­ Dining Room, Wednesday, 12 :30 P.M. tural supervision for buildings that the Forest will construct. Remuneration will depend on training JUNE 14-18 A.I.A. Convention and experience. Full-time and perma­ Sheridan-Park Hotel, Washington, D.C. nent availability preferred, but part­ time or summer work will be considered. OCTOBER 10-13 New York State Association of Architects For convenience in commutation (New Convention, Concord Hotel, Kiamesha Lake, N. Y. York City is one hour away) and work trips in the Forest an automobile is necessary.
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