( • . ' . ■ /<’tr AVKRAOB OUULX UIBCI/IATIUK t v t tiM mMtti af Harefe, tM 5 TH* WBATHBM 'breeeet et U. 8 . Weelbw BweML 5,499 Bartfer4 Member of me AadR Moetljr eloady toni(ht end temor* row; not mock ebeace In tenqietn. Bureeb et Ureoletlona r lEuf ntng 1^ ? ra IJ i tmeL yOL. U V „ NO. 175. (deeatted AdrerttetaK on Bece 14.) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. APRIL 24, 1935. (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS SENATE CONFIRMS Just "Another Actor”, That GRAIN MARKET Gentleman Behind Mae West? FEAR GENERAL STRIKE H A Il NOMINATION POSTPONES ITS OPENOWTODAY Democrats at First Plan to WALKER TO DIRECT IN HARTFORD DISTRICT Chicago Board of Trade Oppose Action Bnt Aban­ Chy and State Leaders Hold BIG RELIEF FUND Wants to Clear Up Legal Lindy Waived Honor don It After a Conference Conference to Prepare for Problems Before Trading With Governor. New York Lawyer Replaces For Pacific Flight Emergency — Hartford Is Besomed. state .Capitol,. Hartford, April 24. Richberg oo the National New York, April 24.—(AP)—Ool.* Pan-American officials frequently Police Dnve Throogh the Charles A. Undbergh, whose flying^ The Senate confirmed the have pointed out that Muslck's Chicago, April 24.— (A P )—Open ability gave him fame and fortune, flight was not to be regarded as the AenomlhiStlon of ICdward F. Hall aa Emergency Coimdl. Ing of the Board of Trade was post­ is pleased that other veteran avia­ inauguration of a regular trans- Streets Armed With Riot state Finance Oommisaioner today tors are reaping their share of the poned today pending clarification of Paclte MfVlce, but was intended after Democrats abandoned a plan world’s plaudits for long distance simply as a test of technical flying certain legal problems arising from Guns — Truck Is Bnmed to oppose action on it pending the Washington. April 24.— (A P)— transoceanic flying. conditions on the East Pacific. receipt from the governor of his Frank C. Walker, New York law­ action o f the Rosenbaum Grain It was disclosed today that the Since Lindbergh’s judgment on colonel was one of the Pan-Ameri­ nomination for state agent of agen­ yer, took charge today of a clearing CTorporatlon in seeking reorganiza­ technical matters is of high impor­ on Newington Highway. cies and institutions. tion under the amended Federal can Airways officials most anxious tance in the company’s Inner coun­ house through which plans for Bankruptcy Act. to see Edwin C. Mustek, captain the cils, aviation circles have understood The selecUop of Hall, a Republi­ spending the $4,000,000,000 works can, was confirmed unanimously and Announcement o f the postpone­ Pan-American clipper on its re<ient for some time past that the colonel fund began to flow. ment was made as traders gathered successful trial flight of the round probably would take active part In Hartford,rAlprll 24.— (A P )-L e a d ­ without debate. The Senate action Walker, a close friend of Presi­ ers of state and municipal law en- followed two Democratic caucuses about the pits for the opening gong. trip between California and Hawaii. some of the .preliminary trans­ dent Roosevelt for years, was draft­ In a statement signed by Fred C. As chief of the technical staff of pacific flying connected with the and a conference of Democratic Sen.- ed yesterday by the, President. He .forcement agencies answered tha • ators with Governor Wilbur L. autton. secretary, the board said in the company. Colonel Lindbergh has inauguration with the new American threat of a general strike of labor replaced Donald R. Richberg as ex­ view of the fact that a court order flown both the Atlantic and Pacific service to the Orient. Cross, who submitted Hall’s name ecutive director of the National in Hartford with a meeting at the to the Senate yesterday. was Issued yesterday restraining oceans, testing the advisability of . Whether he actually will pilot the Emergency Council and immediate­ the board from taking certain ac­ various transoceanic routes, follow­ passenger ship which inaugurates office of Bridagier-Generai William Democrats, representing them­ ly set up a special division In that F. Ladd in the state armory today selves as desirous that either the tion in connection with existing ing similar flights across the the service is purely conjectural, for organization to receive all work- trades the opening would be "post­ Caribbean to South America. to formulate plans of co-operation in state agency or the finance commls- relief applications. Lindbergh himself has said nothing poned until a time to be designated It was understood some time ago on the matter and until he speaks, the event of any emergency; slonershlp should go to a member of The “new divisions of applica­ 'Those at the meeting were Mayor their party, asked the committee on' by the directors pending clarifica­ that he could have piloted the big no one else can be privileged to say tions and information” was charged tion of certain legal problems now 19-ton clipper ship on Its Honolulu Beach. Ckimmissloner Sunderland of ^ executive nominations to hold up the by the President with taking the what he may do. - Hall nomln^ition. Senator J. Ken­ being argued before the courts.” flight had he desired but that he However, he did fly the ’’American the sUte police. Fire caief Moran, plans of Federal officials, state and Others Notified General Ladd and George H. Day,' neth Bradley, Republican floor lead­ local agencies and preparing them waived the honor in favor of Mu- Clipper” which Inaug^urated Pan- er and chairman of the committee, Other principal grain exchanges sick, the company’s No. 1 pilot, who American Airways trans Caribbean president o f the board of police com­ for quick action by a works allot­ were notified of this action. however, asserted the committee had ment board to be headed by' Mr. for 22 years has been flying air­ service five yeans ago and it was missioners. ’The !• eettng resulted, it approved the Hall nomination and The Rosenbaum Grain Corpora­ planes so quietly and carefully that considered possible that the com­ v/as said, from a growing feeling on Roosevelt himself. tion, one of the largest concerns of was ready to report on it at once. Details Soon he never has bad even a minor acci­ pany might follow this precedent in the part of all executives that co­ Mae West says it must nave been a couple of other girls who married its kind in the country, was granted dent- the Pacific. ordination would be vitally neces­ Confer With Governor Announcement of details regard­ Frank Wallace in Milwaukee in 1911, because .she didn’t. Yet here's a Senate Democrats, it was under­ an injunction by Federal Judge W. sary were the unSetUed and troubled ing the allotment board, which will picture showing her (left) In t scene from "Diamond Lll” being served H. Holly restraining the ^ a r d of stood, decided to withdraw their be the second cog fitted into the-ad­ labor conditions to become more ag­ By a "singing waiter” nanted Frank Wallace. She got him the part Trade and the Board -T>f Trade gravated. opposition to having the Hall noml ministration’s machinery for using To make things more confusing, another Frank Wallace, vaudeville FALLS OUT OK WINDOW nation come in today as a result of Clearing Corporation from suspend­ THEN HE IS ARRESTED Driven Protected the huge work-relief fund, w actor, has been found in New York—he says the s(;reen siren was his ing the company’s membership. FREEDOM OF PRESS the conference between the Gover­ p:-omlaed within a few days. bride and divorced him in 1917. As this conference was in pro- nor and three Democratic Senators. Directors of the board, after a grress state and local police were A statement Issued by the White prolonged special session last night, Chicago, April 24—(AP) —It Blackall, Daly and Lawlor. The House late yesterday said that William O'Ckmnor, 65, and his alert to give protection to transpor­ governor was represented as were reported to have instructed IS UNDER AHACK Walker was called back to the di­ attorneys for the exchange to peti­ wife, Marie, were lookipg for tation company officials who were, luctant to sanction any delay on the rectorship of the Emergency Coun­ sympathy from the police after in some instances, operating their nomination. < tion to have the Injunction set cil, which he previously held. In or­ aside. they had fallen out 3t a third- trucks in defiance of the truck driv­ None of the conferees would say der that Richberg may devote his PRESIDENT GIVES OUT ’The Kansas City Grain Exchange President of A. N. P. A. Tells story window, they weija doomed ers’ strike, and to prevent a repeti­ as to whether the governor had com­ entire time to the NRA while Con­ following the action o f tho.J3oard of to disappointment. For the po­ tion o f the violence which culminat­ mitted himself one way or another gress is debating whether or not to Trade in delaying the opening but lice arrested O’Connor. ed early this morning in the burning as to whether he would name a continue that agency. the Minneapolis and Duluth ex­ Before' Judge Frank M. Pad- of a New York truck on the Berlin Democrat for the state agency post Richberg, who recently was RELIEF PLAN DETAILS of Recent Examples Oc- changes opened as usual. den yesterday, O’Connor explain­ turnpike in the town of Newington. or renominate Raymond F. Gates, named chairman of the board in ed: Local police radio cruisert dro'vs Republican.
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