DOCUMENT RESUME ER 233 789 PS 013 529 AUTHOR Gammage, Philip 'TITLE Children and Schooling Issues in Childhood Socialisation. REPORT NO ISBN-0-04-370118-3 PUB DATE 82 NOTE 215p. AVAILABLE FROMAllen & Unwin, Inc., P.O. Box 978, Building 424,, Raritan Center, Edison, NJ 08817 [Cloth (ISBN-0-04-370117-5), $29.50; Paper, $12.95, plus $1.50 shipping]. PUB TYPE Books (010) -- Viewpoints (120)--,Tests/Evaluation Instruments (160) EDRS PRICE MF01/PC09 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS *Academic Achievement; *Children;"'Curriculum Development;;Elementary Secondary Education; Foreign Countries; H ,istory; Language Acquisition; Presdhool Education; *Psychology; Questionnaires; School Role; *Self Esteem; *Socialization;, Social Psychology; *Teacher Role , IDENTIFIERS *England I 3 ABSTRACT % . Intende# for teachers in training and inservice, courses, the seven chapters ofthis book focus on children and schooling, on some of the ways.childdevelopment and learning have been perCeived, and ohow such perceptions appear to have affected or informed the proc ss offormal education. Fundamental to the organization of the/book is the attempt to reflect .agradual development of some/of the major issuesin the socialization of , children aSsseen from,a social psychologist'spe5spective. Specifically, the seven chapters are:(1),Perspectives of. Childhood: .., Historial OvervieW; (2) Schooling; (3) Psychologyand Education; (4) Language, Communication, and the Curriculum;(5) Socialisation and Achievement; (61 Constraints on the CurriCulum;Social-Psychological Issues; and (7Y Self - Esteem and SocialLearning. Three problems are - focused on thOughoutthe book: thedisjuncture between theory and practice; the mismatch between the curriculum -and thechild; and the relevance of/social learning and attribution theories, which, though important to/ social psychologists, seem neglectedby educationists.. A "rough, linguistic/cognitive socialisation chart"showing changes in conceptual/growth and development, the CARAOC (Childien's Attribution. of Responsibility and Locus of Control) pupil questionnaire4 and a copy of "Twenty Official Rules ofthe Schools in the USSR" re appended. (RH) 0 / 9 9 t . *******************.************************************* *wr********, Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that cantie'ligde * * 7 * 4/ - from the viginal document. *********************************************************************** / .... 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MILLS Essays on EducatorsR. S. PETERS. Comparative Education: SomeConsiderationsof Method BRIAN HOLMES Education and the Individual BRENDA COHEN Moral Development and Moral EducationR. S. PETERS In-Stirvice Education Within the School ROLAND W. MORANT ' Learning to Read HAZEL FRANCIS 1 Children and Schoolidg PHILIP GAMMAGE Childfon .and Schooling Issiwpin Childhood Socialisation PHILIP GAMMAGE School of Education, University ornist.ol ti a- LOndon GEORGE ALLEN & UNWIN Boston Sydney 0 Philip Gammage, 1982 This book is copyrightunder the Berne '"Covention. No reproduction without permission. All rights reserved. George Allen& Unwin (Publishers)Ltd, 40 Museum Street, London WCM1LU, UK George Allen & Unwin (Publishers)Ltd, 'Park Lane. Hemel Hempstead.Herts HP2 4TE. UK Allen & Unwin. Inc.. rWinches.ter Terrace, Winthester, Mass. 01890,USA , George Arlen & Unwin Australia PtyLtd, 8 Napier Street, NorthSydney; NSW 2060, Australia First published in. 1982 British Library Caialoguing inPublicationiData Gammage, Philip Children and schooling.(Unwineducation boiiks)' 1. Educational psychology2. Psychoanalysis.0: ° I. Title 370.15 L-131051 ISBN 0-04-370117-5 ISBN 0-04-37011g-3Pbk Library of CongressCataloging in Publication Dahl- Gammage, Philip Children and schooling. (Un.win education books) Includes bibliographies 'and index. 1. Socialization,2. Educa)ion sociology. 3. Child development.4/Education of children. I: Title. II. Series. LC192.4.G35 370,19' 82-6643 ISBN 0-04-370117-5 AACR2 ISBN 0-04-370118-34 (pbk.) Set in 10 on I I point Times byGilbert COmposing Services, \ 'Leighton Buzzard, andprinted in Great Britain by Biddies Ltd, Guildford, Surrey 1, 5 Contents Acknowledgements pate 9 Introduction 11- f 0 1 Perspectives of Childhood: Historical Overview 15 Religious belief and romantic ideology; scientific child study and education 2Schooling, 33 Culture and learning; the role of the teac4r; ihe Changing pattern;, 2 3,Psychology and .Education 62 Theory with practice; behaviourism and school learning; cognitive and developmentaLthekiryi psychodynamics and education 4 Language, Communieation and the Curriculum V. 5 Socialisation and Achievement 121 The work ethic; historical antecedents and sociological implications;; socialisation and childhood . Constraints on the Curriculum: Social- Psychological, Issues 157 Actuality, a note on evaluation 7 Self-Esteem and Social- Learning 173 .Personality and self-esteem: an introduction; attribution, causality and locus of 'control; some implications for schooling . Appendix Rough Linguistic/Cognitive Socialisation 7-203 Chart Showing Changes in Conceptual Growth and . Development , Appendix B: The CARALOC Pupil Questionnaire 205 Appendix C: Twenty Official Rules of the Schools in . 207 the USSR Index. 21 .ti Aeknowledgements I gratefully acknowledge permission from Basil Blackwell, Publisher, to use material first published in New Universities Quarterly. vol. 32, no. 35 (Summer 1978), and from the Ablex Publishing Corporation to use material from L. Katz et al,(eds), Current Topics in Early' Childhood Ejucation, Vol. 3.11980) QMy special thanks t go to Mrs Anne Mallitte for sopatiently preparing the typescript. For my father, 0.T. G. 41 Introduction This book is!about children and schooling, aboutsome of the ways in which child development and learning have been perceived andhow such perceptions appear to have affectedor informed the process of formal education. Schooling is seen as part of socialisation, itselfa proceSs of social learning which centres upon the gradual internalisation of values, norms and culture. While socialisation in. its entiretycan be thought of as a cumulative- cum- interactive affair bearing upon our human developme,nt and decline throughout ,the life-cycle, schooling cannot. True, schooling is now long, rather than short, an expepence often endured rather than enjoyed, but in most modern societies it stops for the vast majority of adolescents at the age of 16years or so, and that majority then 6scapcs with relief into the adult world. What follows are seven moderately lengthy chapters eachof which is, in effect, self-contained and can be readon its own. These essays are intended to provide, basic commentary, some synthesisOr overviewand, one hopes, stimulation for discussion and further study. Notes and suggestions for further reading are provided at the end of each chapter. Fundamental to the organisation of the book is an attemptto plovide a gradual development of some of the major issues in the socialisation of children as seen from a social- psychologist's perspective. Childrenare viewed very much as social products: and the interrelatedness of theories of child-rearing with thoseof
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