a THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT AT GUWAHATI CftIE HIGH COURT OF ASSAM: NAGAI.AND: MIZORAM AND ARUNIACHAL PRADESH) Main WritHr Examination for dir€ct recruitsnent b GradeIII of Assam ludicial Sewirp, 2O2A PAPER - II (General Knowhdoer Totaltvlarls: 100 DuraUon: 03 Hours Date: 21{1-2021 Time: 1:00 PM 1) Which of the following Nationa! Park has been renamed as Rajiv Gandhi National Park: (a) Nameri NaUonal Park; (b) Manas National Parl$ (c) Orang l,lational Park; (d) Dibru- Saikhowa NaUonal Park. 2) lGzimnga National Park was declarcd as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in the year:- (a) 1980; (b) 1e8s; (c) 1990; (d) 19es. 3) Whhh is the largest District in Assam by area: (a) KarbiAnglong; (b) Kamrup (!letrc); (c) Golaghat (cl) Dhubri. 4) The Asom Divas is elebnEd on - (a) 10tr Deember; (b) 2" December; (c) 15fr AugusU 25e January. 5) In which location, the Manas river joins the Brahmaputra river? (a) Dhubri; (b) Jogighopa; (c) Bilasipara; (d) Halakura. 6) Which town is also known as the Manchester of Assam? (a) Sualkuchi; (b) Hajo; (c) Barpeta; (d) Halakura. 7) In which year did Asanwget recognition as the State langmge of Assam? (a) 1947; (b) 19s0; (c) 1985; (d) 1961. 8) Assam crtme under Presidenfs rule for he first time in the year- (a) 198s; (b) 1990; (c) 2001; (d) 1979. 9) In whhh ),ear was the Gauhati High Court established? (a) 1947; (b) 19zA; (c) 1950; (d) 19s1. 10) Ali-aai-Ugang is an agri-based fesUvalelebmted by the- (a) Bodo; (b) Mishing; (c) Rabha; (d) Garo. 11) The hisbric Assam aocord was signed on- (a) 26h January 1985; (b) 15t'August, 1985; (c) 26h June, 1985; (cl) 1S March, 1985. 12) Who compiled and published the first Assamese dictionary in 1867? (a) OIiver CutEr; (b) Miles Bronson; (c) Hiren Gohain; (d) Horen Biswas. 13) Whlch is the first Assarnese newspaper? (a) Pratidin; (b) Dainik Asom; (c) Dainik Babri; (d) Jagnagnn. 14) Who was the teadrer of Srimanta Sankardev (15u'CenUJry Vastrnavite Saint of Assam)? (a) Mahendra Kandali; (b) S.K. Bhuyan; (c) Khersuti; (d) Kusumber Bhuyan. 15) The Assamese person who has been awarded the Dada Saheb Phalke Award. (a) Dr. Bhupen Hazarika; (b) Parbati Prasad Barua; (c) Dr. Banikanta Kaloti; (d) Jyotipnsad Agarwala. 16) Assamese novelist Jolasree Goswami Mahanta has won the Sahi$a Academy Awards 2019 for her novel - Page 1 of t1 (a) Chanakya; (b) Dronacharya; (c) Tothar Anguthi; (d) Asom Andolan. L7) Who wrote the book Dlwtery of Assm? (a) Satis Chandn lGlcti; (b) ShyamalSaha; (c) SanFy Kalita; (d) M.P. Goswami. 18) The war of Saraighat was fought between the Ahom and Mughal in tlre year: (a)177L; (b) 16s0; (c) 1571; (d) 1670. 19) The Ahom kingdom was established in the )rear: (a) 1228; (b) 12s0; (c) 1253; (d) 1220. 20) Rang Glprwas constrr.lcEd during the reign of- (a) Pramatta Singha; (b) Rudra Singha; (c) Raghu Dev; (d) Biswa Singha. 21) Assam region was separaEd from the Bengal Prcsidency in the year - (a) 1906; (b) 1925; (c) 1874; (d) 1947. 22) The first rebellion against the British rule in Assam in 1828 was led by: (a) Gomdhar Knowar; (b) IGnaklata Baruah; (c) Maniram Dewan; (d) Ashalata Baruah. 23) The firct peasant Uprising against the British was known as: (a) Battle of SanphaU (b) Patharughat RaUmal; (c) Phulaguri; (d) None of the aborte. 24) The Trcaty of Yandabm was signed beilreen East India Company and which one of the tullowing? (a) King of Koch; (b) King of Ahom; (c) King of Burma; (d) King of Bhutan. 25) Which one of the following places is the onfluence of three highly revered pilgrimages for the Hindu, Muslim and Buddhists? (a) Dhubri; (b) Sibsagar; (c) Surya Pahar; (d) Hajo. 26) Which district was sepamted from Assam and given b Pakistan in L947? (a) Dhale; (b) SylheU (c) Bengal; (d) Khulna. 27) Whhh State was sepanted from Assam in 1963? (a) Tripura; (b) Nagnland; (c) Mizoram; (d) Ivleghalaya. 28) In which plae the first bafrle fought by Ahom king against the Mughals? (a) SaraBhaU (b) Itakhuli; (c) Hajo; (d) I€charighat. 29) Who is the only Assamese Prcsident of Indian NationalCongress? (a) Maniram Dewan; (b) Tarun Ram Phukan; (c) Dew Kanta Baruah; (d) Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed. 30) Mahatma Gandhi first visited in Assam in the year: (a) 1918; (b) 1919; (c) 1920; (d) 1921. 31) In which of the following year the Guwahati Unilersity was founded? (a) 19zA; @) t947; (c) 1950; (d) 1949. 32) Who was the firct female Judge of CrauhaU High Court? (a) Meen Shanna; (b) IGnaklata Baruah; (c) Anuradha Sarnn; (d) Chandana Das. 33) The Assam Folie Day is observed on: (a) 1" Ocbber; (b) 2* December; (c) 5t June; (d) 31" January. 34) At which place the Nameri Wildlife Sanctuary is locaEd? (a) Kamrupa; (b) Kokajhar; (c) Nalbari; (d) Sonitpur. 35) In which 1ear, NaUonal@mes was held in Assam: (a) 2002; 1b) 200+; (c) 200s; (d) 2007. 36) Which cfi of Assam has the largest dry fish market of Asia: (a) Tangla; (b) Jagiroacl; (c) Dhubri; (d) Tinsukia. 37) Tota! number of Parliamentary constiUency in Assam: (a) 12; (b) 13; (c) 14; (d) 16. 38) In which hilltop, the lGmalfip Temple is IocaEd: (a) Nilachal Hill; (b) Umachal Hill; (c) Sandhpcfial Hill; (d) Chitachal Hill. 39) In whhh year, the capita! of Assam shifted from Shillong to Dispur: Page 2 of 11 (a) 19s0; (b) 19ss; (c) 1971; (d) 1973. 40) Total number of National Pads in Assam (a) 3; (b) 4; (c) s; (d) 7. 41) Total number of bridges over the river Brahmaputra: (a) 4; (b) s; (c) 6; (d) 7. 42) Total number of Districts in Assam: (a) 25; (b) 25; (c)27; (d) 33. 43) Who is the first banister of Assam: (a) Holiram Delo; (b) Pranab Borooah; (c) Anundoram Borcoah; (cl) Parul Das. 4) The liEncy raE of Assam accoding b 2011 census is: (a) 72.L9Vo; (b) 72.58Vo; (c) 73 .LZVo; (d ) 73.989o. 45) About 919o of world population of a particular animal species found in l(azinnga National Park is which one of the following: (a) Aslan hog deer; (b) Pygmy hog; (c) Asiatic wild buffalo; (d) Sarpaideer. 46) In which of the following National Parks/ WildliE Sanchnries, the density of rhino populaUon is the higlest: (a) Manas; (b) l(aziranga; (c) Pobitora; (d) Nameri. 47) The hphest concentration of forest in the State of Assam ocurs in: (a) Karbi Anglong distric$ (b) Dima Hasao district; (c) Goalpara districq (d) Dhubri district 48) In addiuon to Assanrese, whhh other language from the State is included in the Eight Scheclule of the Indian Constihrtion. (a) Mishing; (b) Rabfn; (c) Tiwa; (d) Bodo. 49) First @vernor of IndepeMentAssam? (a) Gopinath Bordoloi; (b) AMul MalilC (c) Sir Akbar Hydari; (d) Maidul Islam Bora. 50) Match Ust-l with List-II and select the corect answer using the codes gilen below the list: List-I List-II (i) PMIVIY (1) Self employment scheme. (ii) PMRY (2) Scheme for funding nonrorporaE non-farm activity. (iii) PMGSY (3) Crcditfink subsilJy scheme for housing. (iv) PMAY (4) Scheme for all-whether road connectivity for rural India. 51)- In India the voUng age was rcduced from 21 years to 18 years by: (a) 45s Amendmentl(b) 61* AmendmenS (c) 78s ArnendmenU (d) 23d Amendment. 52) Who among the following recommends distribution of taxes behryeen the Union and the StaE Govemment? (a) Prime Minister; (b) Reserve Bank of India; (c) Finane Minster; (d) Finance Commission. 53) Who among the fullowing decHes the Foreign Policy of India? (a) PresidenU (b) Council of minisErs; (c) ParliamenU (d) Prime minister. 54) NaUonal Aquatic Animal of India? (a) Crocodile; (b) Blue Whale; (c) Dolphin; (d) Anaconda. 55) Whhh is the most costly city in the world? (a) Guwahati; (b) Tokyo; (c) London; (d) Mumbai. 56) Diamond and graphiE arc- (a) Metals; (b) Isomers; (c) Allotropes; (d) Homologous. 57) When our NaUonalAnthem was first sung and where? (a) 1# August, t947 in Delhi; (b) 26u'January, 1950 in Delhi; (c) 27n December, 1911 in Calcutta; (d) 29E. Deember, 1911 in Calcutta. 58) Whhh ciW hosted the 2018 Secure India Conclave? Page 3 of 11 (a) Guwahati; (b) New Delhi; (c) Mumbai; (d) Jaipur. 59) Vande Mataram, the naUonalist song, was a part of: (a) Gita; (b) Anald l,tafi; (c) Durgesh Nandini; (d) SaraswatiChandm. 60) DhiryEuplres;s is the nkkname given b which Indian sprint runner: (a) Hima Das; (b) P.T. Usha; (c) Dutee Chand; (d) lGmam lvlalleswari. : 51) Under section 95 Crc, no appeal can be filed - (a) against a @mprcmise decrce. (b) against a decree in any s.rit cognizable by he CourB of Small Causes, ocept on a question of Iaw. (c) both (a) and (b). (cl) only (a) is mrect and (b) is inconect. 62) Preliminary decrce is one - (a) whkh determines ffe fighE of fte pafties with regad b some or one d the matters in controversy in the suit but does not finally dispose of the suit. (b) which d#rmines the rights of the parties with rcgard b some or one of the matErs in controvesy in the suib which may have the effect of final disposal of the suit. (c) both (a) ancl (b). (d) neither (a) nor (b). 63) Constructive rc judiab is contained in- (a) explanation III b section 11. (b) explanation IV b section 11. (c) o<planation VI b section 11. (d) orplanation VII to section 11. ffi) Provisions of section 10 of CPC are- (a) directo'y. (b) mandatory. (c) non- mandabry.
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