List Grove entry? Last name First name M/F Category Sub-category Sub-category 2 Notes Abbott Mary F Performer Pianist Abendroth Hermann M Y Performer Conductor Aberystwyth Musical Festival Other Festival Abraham Edith F Performer Violinist Achron Isidor M Y Performer Pianist Adalewsky Ella F Composer Adam Adolphe M Y Composer Adler Clarence M Performer Pianist Filed in "Quartets Catterall S. Q. - Z" box as Aeolian Quartet Y Performer Ensemble String quartet "Stratton String Quartet" Aguilar Lute Quartet Performer Ensemble Lute quartet Also known as The Aguilars Aitken Webster M Y Performer Pianist Aksarova Valentina F Performer Singer Soprano Albeniz J. Composer First name unknown Albu Margaret F Performer Pianist Alexander Arthur M Performer Pianist Alexandrovitch Alexander M Performer Singer Voice type unknown d'Alexandrowska Yanesse F Performer Pianist Alfano Franco M Y Composer Allan Phyllis F Performer Violinist Allen Hugh M Y Performer Conductor Alman Samuel M Composer Altman Elenore F Performer Pianist Filed at the back of "Q-RA" box in a separate Altra String Quartet Performer Ensemble String quartet "Quartets" section Alvin Andrée F Performer Violinist Alvin Juliette F Performer Cellist American Opera Company Y Other Opera company Filed in "Opera" box American Orchestral Society Performer Ensemble Orchestra Filed in "New York" box American Symphonic Ensemble Performer Ensemble Orchestra Filed in "New York" box Part of a duo with Martha, below. Voice type Amstad Marietta F Performer Singer unknown Part of a duo with Marietta, above. Voice type Amstad Martha F Performer Singer unknown Anday Rosette F Y Performer Singer Mezzo-soprano Anderson Arthur M Composer Anderson Marian F Y Performer Singer Contralto Andjelkovitch Eileen F Performer Violinist André-Weith Suzanne F Performer Singer Voice type unknown Ansell Joyce F Performer Pianist Mentioned only as part of writing duo "Paso y Abati Joaquín M Other Librettist/playwright Abati" (see Antonio Paso), filed under "Abati" Ansermet Ernest M Y Performer Conductor Ansseau Fernand M Y Performer Singer Tenor Antheil George M Y Composer Anthony John M Performer Singer Baritone Arbós Fernández M Y Performer Conductor Archer Harry M Composer Archibald Phyllis F Performer Singer Mezzo-soprano Arengo Ella F Performer Singer Soprano Arensky Anton M Y Composer Armenian National Art Chorus Performer Ensemble Choir Armstrong John M Performer Singer Tenor Arne Thomas M Y Composer Arnold Hildegard F Performer Cellist Arnould Sophie F Y Performer Singer Soprano Arnoux Louise F Performer Singer Soprano Arrau Claudio M Y Performer Pianist Ashdowne Leonard M Performer Singer Baritone Ashman Gregory M Performer Pianist Askenase Stefan M Y Performer Pianist Astra Dorothy F Performer Singer Soprano Atterberg Kurt M Y Composer Auber Daniel François Esprit M Y Composer Aubert Louis M Y Composer Audran Edmond M Y Composer Aulay Ion M Performer Pianist Auric Georges M Y Composer Austin Frederic M Y Composer Austin Sumner M Y Performer Singer Baritone Austral Florence F Y Performer Singer Soprano Austria Y Other Country Averino Olga F Performer Singer Soprano Avery Gladys F Performer Singer Soprano Axman Emil M Y Composer Ayckbourn Horace M Performer Violinist Ayer Nat M Composer Ayrton Bertram M Performer Singer Voice type unknown Bach Carl Philipp Emanuel M Y Composer Bach Johann Christian M Y Composer Bach Johann Sebastian M Y Composer Bach Cantata Club Other Organisation Filed in "New York" box The Bach Choir Y Performer Ensemble Choir Bachelet Alfred M Y Composer Backer-Grondahl Fridtjof M Performer Pianist Backhaus Wilhelm M Y Performer Pianist Backhouse Rhoda F Performer Violinist Filed at the back of "Q-RA" box in a separate Backhouse String Quartet Performer Ensemble String quartet "Quartets" section Bacon Ernst M Y Performer Pianist Bacon Katherine F Performer Pianist Baecht Arthur M Performer Violinist Baer Abel M Composer Bagby George M Composer Bagrinovsky Mikhail M Composer Bailey Gilbert M Performer Singer Voice type unknown Bain Robert M Other Librettist/playwright Bainton Edgar M Y Composer Baird Martha F Performer Pianist Baker Josephine F Y Other Dancer Balakirev Mily M Y Composer Balanchine George M Y Other Choreographer Balbi Luigi M Y Composer Ballantine Edward M Y Composer First name uncertain Balling Michael M Y Performer Conductor Ballon Ellen F Performer Pianist Balokovic Zlatko M Performer Violinist Bampton Rose F Y Performer Singer Soprano Bannerman Betty F Performer Singer Contralto Bantock Granville M Y Composer Barbirolli John M Y Performer Conductor Barbour Lyell M Performer Pianist Barjansky Alexandre M Performer Cellist Barkworth John M Y Composer Barlow Harold M Y Composer Barlow Sam M Composer Barlow Sybil F Performer Pianist Barnes Winifred F Performer Singer Actress Voice type unknown Barnett David M Performer Pianist Barnett Edith F Performer Pianist Barns Ethel F Y Composer Baron Guy M Performer Pianist George Barrere Little Symphony Orchestra Performer Ensemble Orchestra Barrow Patrick M Composer Barsukoff Sergei M Performer Pianist Barth Hans M Y Performer Pianist Bartlett Ethel F Performer Pianist Bartók Béla M Y Composer Basche Lonie F Performer Pianist Bates Una F Performer Singer Voice type unknown Bath Hubert M Y Composer Battistini Mattia M Y Performer Singer Baritone Bauer Harold M Y Performer Pianist Baumer Marie F Other Librettist/playwright Bavagnoli Gaetano M Performer Conductor First name unknown. Filed in "Power, H. Baynton-Power H. M Composer Baynton" folder (under P) Bax Arnold M Y Composer Beaufort Beatrice F Performer Singer Voice type unknown Beck Christine F Performer Singer Voice type unknown Beck Conrad M Y Composer Beecham Thomas M Y Performer Conductor Beer Sidney M Performer Conductor Beethoven Association Y Other Organisation Filed in "New York" box Beethoven Symphony Orchestra Performer Ensemble Orchestra Filed in "New York" box Beevor Margery F Performer Singer Voice type unknown Belarsky Sidor M Performer Singer Bass Belgian Guards Band Performer Ensemble Band Belinfante Paul M Performer Violinist Belkin Beatrice F Performer Singer Soprano Bell Maud F Performer Cellist Bell Mostyn M Performer Singer Baritone Bellezza Vincenzo M Y Performer Conductor Bellini Vincenzo M Y Composer Beloussoff Evsei M Performer Cellist Benatzky Ralph M Y Composer Benenson Vera F Performer Pianist Benevoli Orazio M Y Composer Benham Victor M Performer Pianist Benjamin Arthur M Y Composer Bennett Lois F Performer Singer Soprano Bennett Robert M Y Composer Benning Kathleen F Performer Pianist Benvenuti Giacomo M Y Composer Berckman Evelyn M Composer Berezowsky Nicolai M Y Composer Berg Alban M Y Composer Bergmann Stephen M Performer Pianist Berkeley Lennox M Y Composer Berkeley Wilma F Performer Singer Soprano Berkley Harold M Performer Violinist Berkova Frances F Performer Violinist Berlin Y Other City Berlin Irving M Y Composer Berlioz Hector M Y Composer Berly Harry M Performer Violist Berman Milton M Performer Violinist Berners Lord M Y Composer Bert Berthe F Performer Pianist Bertolle Nancy F Performer Singer Voice type unknown Bertram Georg M Performer Pianist Berumen Ernesto M Performer Pianist Besly Maurice M Composer Bianchini Guido M Composer Bickerstaffe Isaac M Other Librettist/playwright Bidder Helen F Performer Pianist Biederharn Emmy-Lou F Performer Singer Contralto Bielski Noah M Performer Violinist Bilotti Anton M Performer Pianist Bilstin Youry M Performer Cellist Birchby Rosamund F Other Dancer Birmingham City Orchestra Y Performer Ensemble Orchestra aka City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Filed at the back of "Q-RA" box in a separate Birmingham String Quartet Performer Ensemble String quartet "Quartets" section Biro Ludwig M Composer Bittner Julius M Y Composer Bizet Georges M Y Composer Blackburn Marjorie F Performer Pianist Blake Anita F Performer Singer Soprano Blech Leo M Y Performer Conductor Bledsoe Jules M Y Performer Singer Baritone Blinder Naoum M Performer Violinist Bliss Arthur M Y Composer Bliss Howard M Performer Cellist Bloch Ernest M Y Composer Bloch Maurice M Other Librettist/playwright Blofeld Loris M Performer Violinist Filed at the back of "Q-RA" box in a separate Blofield String Quartet Performer Ensemble String quartet "Quartets" section Blow John M Y Composer Blumen Alfred M Performer Pianist Boccherini Luigi M Y Composer Bodanskaya Natalie F Performer Singer Soprano Bodanzky Artur M Y Composer Boëllmann Léon M Y Composer Boito Arrigo M Y Composer Bolton Hetty F Performer Pianist Bonelli Richard M Y Performer Singer Baritone Bonin Mary F Performer Singer Soprano Bonucci Arturo M Performer Cellist Bonvalot Cecil M Performer Violinist Also a violist Bor Hilda F Performer Pianist Borgioli Dino M Y Performer Singer Tenor Bori Lucrezia F Y Performer Singer Soprano Borodin Aleksandr M Y Composer Borowsky Alexander M Y Performer Pianist Borwick Leonard M Y Performer Pianist Bossi Marco M Y Composer Boston Symphony Orchestra Performer Ensemble Orchestra Boulanger Nadia F Y Performer Conductor Bourne Una F Performer Pianist Bournemouth Music Festivals Other Festival Bowen Edwin York M Y Composer Filed under "York" Bowie Dulcie F Performer Singer Voice type unknown Bowman Sidney M Performer Violinist Bowring Anthea F Performer Pianist Boyce William M Y Composer Boyle Ina F Y Composer Voice type unknown. First name unknown. Brabazon Lowther M Performer Singer Filed under "Lowther" Brachocki Alexander M Performer Pianist Braham Philip M Composer Brahms Johannes M Y Composer Brailowsky Alexander M Y Performer Pianist
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