Syeda Nikhat Nausheen and Lalitha B R. / International Journal of Medicine and Health Profession Research. 5(1), 2018, 13-22. Review Article ISSN: 2394 – 7403 International Journal of Medicine and Health Profession Research Journal home page: www.ijmhpr.com GODHUMA (TRITICUM SATIVUM LAM.): A PHARMACO-THERAPEUTIC REVIEW Syeda Nikhat Nausheen *1 and B. R. Lalitha 2 1* PG Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore, India. 2Department of Dravyaguna, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bangalore, India. ABSTRACT Ayurveda has great potential in the field of Preventive medicine and glorifies the concept of Aahara (food). A properly selected diet and diet. plan plays a critical importance in the management of many diseases. Godhuma (wheat) is a cereal using since ancient period, botanically identified as Triticum sativum Lam . belonging to Poaceae family. Along with its nutritional property, many medicinal properties have also been explained in Ayurveda classics. Wheat is a rich source of multiple essential nutrients, such as protein, dietary fibre, manganese, phosphorus and niacin. Several B vitamins and other dietary minerals are in significant content. Godhuma has shown proven therapeutic effects in prevention and treatment of various conditions. This paper reviews the botanical identity of Godhuma its synonyms, vernacular names, bhedas, rasapanchaka, karmas, Rogaghnata, doshaghnata, yogas, along with its habit, habitat, morphological features, chemical constituents etc., and some of its research activities. KEYWORDS Godhuma, Triticum sativum Lam and Cereal. INTRODUCTION Godhuma (Triticum sativum Lam.), commonly Author for Correspondence: known as Wheat, belongs to Poaceae family. Godhuma is one of shukadhanya (cereal) mentioned Syeda Nikhat Nausheen, in Ayurveda. Different medicinal properties like balya, sthairyakara, Sandhanakrut, Jeevana etc have PG Scholar, Department of Dravyaguna, been explained along with its medicinal preparations Government Ayurveda Medical College, as well as dietary preparations in many diseases like Hrudroga, Prameha, Asthibhagna, Vatarakta etc. Bengaluru, India. Wheat a cereal grain, which is a worldwide staple food and it is a grass widely cultivated for its seed. Email: [email protected] There are many species of wheat, the most widely grown is common wheat (T. sativum). The Available online: www.uptodateresearchpublication.com January – June 13 Syeda Nikhat Nausheen and Lalitha B R. / International Journal of Medicine and Health Profession Research. 5(1), 2018, 13-22. nutritional composition of the wheat grain varies in Dhanyavargaadhikaara of Vangasena somewhat with differences in climate and soil. Samhita. Approximately the kernel contains 12 per. water, 70 • Guna-karma of Godhuma has been described per. carbohydrates, 12 per. protein, 2 per. fat, 1.8 per. in Prathama Sthana of Harita Samhita. minerals, and 2.2 per. crude fibres. Vitamins like • Bhrihatrayis mentions it as Sandhanakrut and Riboflavin, niacin, Thiamine and small amount of Sthairyakara and as Ahaara in Vasanta, sharat vitamin A are present, but the milling processes and varsha rutus. removes most of these nutrients with the bran and • Bhavaprakasha, and Chakradatta in the germ 28 . context of Asthibhagna Chikitsa, has advised Gluten meaning "glue"(Latin) is a composite of intake of Godhuma along with ghruta. prolamins and glutelins (storage proteins) that are Nighantu kala 8-11, 13-17 stored together with starch in the endosperm of • Most of the Nighantus attributes Godhuma as 32 wheat grains . Sandhanakrut and Sthiratvakaraka. Wheatgrass are the leaves of the common wheat • It is mentioned as balya and Veeryavardhaka plant, used as a food, drink or dietary supplement. in Raja Nighantu. Bran is the hard outer layers of cereal grain, which • Nighantu ratnakara explains godhuma as consists of the combined aleurone and pericarp. Bran Dhatu Vriddhikara, Bhagnasandhanakaaraka, is rich in dietary fibre and essential fatty acids. It and Sthairyakara. contains significant quantities of Protein, vitamins, • Balya, Sthira and Sandhanakrut property of Starch and dietary minerals. It is also a source of godhuma has been explained in Shodala phytic acid, an anti-nutrient that prevents nutrient Nighantu. absorption. In modern period also Godhma has been explained The wheat germ is the embryo of the wheat kernel elaborately in books like Wealth of India 26 , Indian that has been separated in the milling process, is medicinal plants 27 . “Wheat production, Properties concentrated source of several essential nutrients, and Quality”; “The constituents of Wheat and Wheat including vitamin E, folate (folic acid), phosphorus, products”; “Wheat chemistry and technology” etc. thiamine, zinc, and magnesium, good source of fibre, Paryaayas of Godhuma 8-17 as well as essential fatty acids and fatty alcohol. Godhuma; Sumana; Yavana/yavaka; Mleccha In this article an attempt has been made to review on Bhojana; Satyanama; Hudmba; Rasika; Girija; Godhuma from different classical texts, its Chamada; Kshudra; Madhuli; Rupasheetala; pharmacognostical aspects and about its Nandimukha; Alpa Godhuma; Lokeshi; Paasika; pharmacotherapeutics. Nistusha; Ksheeri; Rasaala; Bahudughda; Apoopa. Bhedas 1,3, 8-12,16 . CHRONOLOGICAL REVIEW • Mahagodhuma. Vedic references 6 • Madhuli/Swalpagodhuma. • In Yajurveda, there is explanation about • Pisheetika. godhuma along with other Vanaspati’s. • Deerghagodhuma/Nishooka/ • Godhuma description is available in • Taittiriya Samhita and also Atharvavediya Sukshma/Nandimukhi. • Paippalaada Samhita. Laghugodhuma. 1-4, 8-15, 17 • Saayana has considered Godhuma as Rasapanchaka Prashasta when compared to Yava and Godhuma is having Madhura rasa; Guru, Snigdha, Vrihee. Sheeta guna;Sheeta virya;Madhura Vipaka; Samhita kala 1-5, 18, 19 Vatapittahara and Kaphavardhaka. Karma 8-11, 13, 16 • In Bhela Samhita, Godhuma guna has been Godhuma is mainly Sandhanakara, Sthairyakara, explained in Bhojanavidhi Adhyaya and also Balya, Jeevana, Brumhana, Ruchiprada, Available online: www.uptodateresearchpublication.com January – June 14 Syeda Nikhat Nausheen and Lalitha B R. / International Journal of Medicine and Health Profession Research. 5(1), 2018, 13-22. Shukraprada, Varnya, Vranya, Veeryavardhana, Rome used wheat as one of the principal food plants Saaraka, Asyandi, Alparechi Karma. and the Chinese also grew this cereal as long back as Rogaghnata 22 2700 BC. Godhuma is used mainly in treatment of diseases Bread wheat/Common Wheat (T. sativum Lam.) is like Asthibhagna; Shoola; Kasa; Hrudroga; noted first in contexts which date it c. 5800-5600 Prameha; Kushta; Vatarakta; Vrana. BC. At Telles Sawwan, in Iraq. Yogas of Godhuma 18,20 T. sativum Lam, the most highly evolved, is the most Asthisamharini Churna; Godhuma Churna; widely cultivated of all wheat species. It has Godhumaarjuna Leha/paaka; Apara Godhumadi numerous forms, cultivars and hybrids, mostly utkaarika; Godhumadi ghrita; Godhumachurnadi developed by breeding as well as by selections. Lepa; Mashadi Pupalika; Godhumapishtaadi There are winter, spring, and intermediate growth- Dhoopa. types. Habitat and Habit 26 PRAYOGAS: (THERAPEUTIC USES) 22 An annual grass, commonly 60-150cm. in height, but • Churna of Godhuma along with as short as 30cm. when grows under very dry Asthisamhara, Laksha, and Arjuna has been conditions, or considerably over 150cm. in height mentioned to be taken with milk and ghee in under conditions exceptionally favorable for disorders of joints and fractures. vegetative growth. • In Kasa, it has been mentioned that Habit Godhuma, Yava churna along with the drugs A cultivated annual crop plant. of Kakolyadi varga should be mixed with Root honey, ghee and taken with milk. Adventitious. • Wheat powder and Kunduru mixed with Stem sheep milk should be applied as warm paste. Wheat stem is erect, cylindrical, herbaceous, fistular, It is useful in Bradhna. with distinct nodes and internodes, unbranched, • Rough paste of Kalaaya, Masura, Godhuma glabrous, with number of tillers. and Harenu are applied on the wound for Leaf pressing. Wheat grass leaf is simple, alternate, green, • Powder of old wheat mixed with honey exstipulate, with entire margin, parallel venation. should be used in abdominal pain caused by Acute apex and sheathing leaf base, membranous Kapha. ligule present at the junction of leaf sheath and leaf • In Vatarakta, paste of wheat powder mixed blade. with goat’s milk and ghee should be applied. Inflorescence Binomial name 28 Spike of Spikelet’s. Triticum sativum Lam . Flower Synonyms 28 Bracteates, sessile, hermaphrodite, zygomorphic, Triticum sativum Lam. incomplete, hypogynous, flower lies between Triticum vulgare Vill. superior and inferior palea. Fruit BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION Wheat grains, botanically, are the fruits (caryopsis) 26 of the whole wheat plant. Triticum sativum Lam 31 Syn. T. aestivum Linn; T. vulgare Vill; Macroscopic features • History and Origin 26 Wheat grains are generally oval shaped, Wheat (Triticum sativum Lam) has been used as a almost spherical to long. food by man since prehistoric times. The ancient • The dorsal side (with respect to the spikelet civilisations of Babylonia, Crete, Egypt, Greece and axis) is smoothly rounded, while the ventral Available online: www.uptodateresearchpublication.com January – June 15 Syeda Nikhat Nausheen and Lalitha B R. / International Journal of Medicine and Health Profession Research. 5(1), 2018, 13-22. side has the deep crease down one side where Triticum sativum;
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