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Wi,h la highly-finished Engranng•• includiolt the Cartoon!. .. 'ALTON'S COMPLETE ANGLER; with Notes p1'llelieal and hiotori ..l. Edited by ED. 1&88. and HKft"aT G. BOHII. Embellished with 203 Engraving8UD Wood, priee 6o.;-<>r w,ili the addlLioD or 28 Engra"inga on Stee~ 7•. 6d. 'ARRYATS MASTERMAN READY; eomplete in 1 1'01 .• with 98 Engravingo 011. wood.. POit Ifvo. 'Dha . nalljayarao Gadgil Library i 1I1111111111111111H1II1III1H1f1IIIIID I GIPE-PUNE-002427 --- --- --------- BOHN'S STANDARD LIBRARY. HU~GARY AND ITS REVOLUTIONS. L .--- .• _- &~ ~~~'£"f /3~ ·S'l~·f c/t.~ ;Yc>' /qa ...• ~H-f- r~4~ frlj . /mJ./ HUNR-A llY- ~~~4~ . fro . / (JV .I' HUNGARY AND ITS REVOLUTIONS PRO. TnB EAaLIEST PERIOD TO THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. WITH A MEMom OF LOUIS KOSSUTH. E. o. s. LONDON: HEXRY G~ BORN, YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1854. LONDOII : ' •• RAnDO. AND SORt PBD,'TBU, CASm BTBDT, lDil5BV PREF~CE. .. Above an. I hope that it will be a point of honour among us all, that , we saall never desert those who. have acted unsuccessfully upon Whig prinCiples, while we continue to profess an admiration of those . who succeeded in the sam" principles, in the year 1688.-Memoira and CorrtJJPondence oj C. J. P03:, voL i. p. 146. THE chief object of this work is to !pve a true and correct relation of the life and character of Louis Kossuth, and especially to point out the principles by which he was guided before and after the Revolution of 1848. The intro­ ductory Histor,y is therefore little more than a compendium of such events as contributed to form the character- of the Hungarian people, and conduced to the development of , those laws and institutions by which Hungary claims to be considered an independent nation, capable of self-govern­ ment. Anonymous publications, defamatory of the cause of Hungary, as well as of the character of Louis Kossuth, have been more or less credited in England during the last five years. The latlj Governor of Hungary has been represented , as a Demagogue or Red Republican; though aecusations of opposite tendencies have likewise been laid to hi~ charge. -'While each separate statement (like everything false) has - b vi PREFACE. been dropped when refuted, the impression left on many whose judgment and opinion deserve respect, has been derogatory to Kossuth. Englishmen, happy in the enjoyment of con­ stitutional freedom, have listened to calumnies ingeniously devised to court the despotic powers of Europe, and which, at the expense of truth, have injured the unfortunate; but the author of this narrative trusts it will be read in that spirit of justice and fairness which has ever been the boast • and pride of the English nation: it does not presume to plead the cause 'Of Kossuth, but only to communicate facts, some of which have hitherto been unknown in this country, while others have been misstated. As actions 'can only be fairly judged., when th~ir motives are understood, tho~e who would form a just estimate of the character of Kossuth must never lose sight of the main feature which distinguishes him, like the first William ,of Orange, Algernon Sydney, and George Washington, from most other great Statesmen, viz.; that he never stooped to expediency to obtain his object, however excellent, nor sacrificed one iota of the great prin­ ciple of right, even to establish right: for this cause he has had to contend against philanthropists as well as against tyrants, while striving to promote the moral before the material welfare of the people . Thoug~ some of the ehief incidents related (more par­ ticularly those connecbed with the "Revolution) are com­ piled from books already published., many new facts have been brought together and chronologically arranged, so 3S to form It connected whole. For the anecdotes relating to the vii early life of Kossuth, and to the affairs of Hungary pre­ ceding the Revolution" the' author is chiefl.yindebted to the kindness of an Hungaril!oD- Gentleman, himself an eye­ witness of much that is here recorded, though he took no active part in the political events of the perio~ It is impossible for the historian of such recent events wholly to escape the charge of having derived information more from one source than another, but with the desire to be impartial, liooks, as well as' people, of various shades of opinion, have been consulted. The following books have been referred to by the author­ Ludwig KoBSuth, von J. E. Horn. Sieben und Neunzigtes Heft der' Gegenwort.-Eine Encyklopiidische Darstellung der neuesten Zeit GesChlchte fUr alIe Stiinde. ' Ludwig Kossuth und Ungarns t;eueste Geschichte, von Al'thur Frey· Mein Leben und Wirken in Ungsra in den Jahren, 1~8 und 1849, von Arthur Gorgey. , A refutation of some of the Principal. ',Statements in Giirgey's Life and Actions in Hungary, in the years 1848 and 1849, with critical Remarks on his character as I/o Military Leader, by George Km6ty, late General. in the Hungarian Army of Independence. Austria in 1848-49, by W. H. Stiles. mustrated History of Hungary, Edward Laurence Godkin. Revolution of Vienna, Auerbach. Life of Kossuth, Headley. Aus U ngarn, Schlesinger. War in Hungary, Gene~ Klapka. Travels in Hungary andar'ransylvania, John Paget, Esq. History of Hungary, Fessler. Crimes of .the House of Hapsburgh against its own Liege Subjects, F. W. Newman. Speeches of Kossuth in England.and herica, collected by F. W. Newman. b 2 viii l'RI::FACE. Kossuth in New England, a Full Account of the Hungarian. Governor's visit to Massachusetts. Kossuth in EnglaJld. H;ossuth and the Tinae& White, Red, and Black, by Francis 'and Theresa Pulszky. Memoirs of a Hungarian Lady. Demo.. atic. Review. 1853, vol. 9, Stiles, Heningaen, GOrgey. Westminster Review, October, 1853. The Progress at Russia. The Parliamentary Blue Books, 1849, 1850. The Eclectic Review, January, 1853. The Village Notary, by J. E. Eotv"B. Hungary in 1851, with an Experience of the Austrian Police, b1.
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