Weclaescla" March 19, 1986 Eight" Serle., Vol. XIV No. l' Plaalguaa 28, 1907 (&aka) • LOK SABHA DEBAT~S (English Version) Fifth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) ( Vol. XIV contains Nos. 11 to 20 ) LOK SABRA SECRETARIA. T NEW DELHI Price: Ra. 4.00 [Orilinal EnSliih proceedinp included ill Enllisla Version and Original Hindi proceedinss -inCluded in Hinc1i VenioD Will be treated as authoritative and not the traoSJatioD tbeRof.) COLUMNS Oral ~nswers to Q~estions : ·Starred Questions Nos. 346 to 3S1 and 3SS 1-35 Written Answers to Questions : 35-169 Starred QueStions Nos. 353, 354, 356 to. 366 3S-47 Un starred Questions Nos. 3375 to 3390, and 3392 to 3501 47-]69 Question of Privilege Against Shri S. B. Chavan, Fonner Minister of Home Affairs and Shri Arun Nehru, Minister of State in the Department of Internal Security. 16~-173 Papers Laid on the Table 174-176 MClsaae from Rajya. Sabba 176 Announcement Re : Group Photograph of ~Iembers 176-177 Committee OD Private Members' Bills and Resolutfons- 177 Fourteenth Report-· Pre::,ented Public Accounts ComRl,i~te.e- , 177 TwentY·Sixth and Twenty Seventh Reports- Presented '·Tho Siln+marked above the n~tllC of a ,Memb~r indioA.te, that the question Wli .....U, 'asked OQ' th~ floo.r or the HO\1se by that Member ~ (il) COLUMN. STATEMENTS UNDER DIRECTION 11~ 178-112 (1) Rc: Infornlation given by Minister of State in the Department or Agri.. culture and Cooperation on 10th March 1986 during the discussion on drouaht and Katural Cal~mitie8. Shri P. Kolandaivelu 878 (il) In reply to the points made by Sbri P. Kolandaivelu. MP. rc : Information given by the Minister of State in the Departmeni of Agriculture and Coopera- tion on 10th March, 1986 durins the discussion on drought aad Natural Calamities 179 Shri Yogendra Makwana ELBCTION TO COMM1TTEB- 183 Central Advisory Committee for the National Cadet Corps MATTERS UNDER RULE 377- IM-1S9 ' (i) Need to direct the State Government to stop de·forestation in the district of Bastar in Madhya Pradesh and instea d make arrangements to supply \\ood franl BoJhghat subl'l)erged areas to the consumer stores of the district Shri Mankuram Sodi 113 (H) Need to draw up a National programme to cele.. brate the·125th Birth Anniversary of Gurudeb Rabindra Nath Tagore Shri Priya Ranjan Das Munsi 184 (iii) Maintenance, Protection and renovation of Konark, Bhubaneswar. Puri and other temples of India's cultural heritage in Orissa Sbri Brajamobao Mohanty 185 (iv) Need for an Eastern India Development Council to ensure the balanced development of eastern India, particularly West Bengal d'urinl Seventh Five Year Plan. Shri Asutosh Law 186 (v) Need to improve the working of St. Thomas Mount~cum-Pallavaram Cantonment Board, Madras Shrimati Vyjayanthitnala Bal i . 187 (ut) ....... (vi) M.ed to look into the ••tiq a'.............. for handicapped candid.tel ......rial ia" Banklnl Service Recruitment Boa" ......, .. held In Bansalore Shri V. S. Krf.hna lyer 117 <... 11) Need to allocate adequate fuad. b, Qeatralli. Board for improvement of Serle... .hi Anantapur distriot of ADdhr. Prad_ Shri Ie, B.amachaDdra ...., III (.UI) Need to .tart new trains from EaDp. to ....,. Delhi and Lucknow and al.o to ....... tile reservation quota for ~D"'" i. aaj4llanl ElIprcas Sbri Jaldiah Awalthi •• DIMAMJi)S FOa GR.ANTS (GENBRAL), lt86-17 1__ 257 MINISTRY OF PBTROLBUM AND NATUllAL GAl Dr. G. Vjjaya Rama aao .. 191 Shri P. C. Sethi 1M Shri Anoopchand Shah %10 Shri R. P. Das 101 Sbri Virdhi Cbander Jain .. Shri Sontosh Mohan Dev 211 Sbri V. S. ltrilhha Iyet II. Shri 8.. leevaratblnam Shri B. Ie. Gadbvl Shri Paral Cba] iba Shri Ajay Mahtan Shrimati Basavarajcswarl Shri Rameahwar Neekhra I~ Shrl Balwant Sin,h a&moewalia 147 Dr. G. S Rajbans 251 Shri Banwart Lal Purohit Shr. Vijay Kumar Yadav ( t'l DISCUSSION BE : -meNPe~ f)P PRISONMS 258-310 nOM TIHAR JAIL ON 1t6t. March, 1916 "k" .,;.!_. J' . "1 Prof. Madhu Dandavate 258 8hri Satyencira Narayan Sill. 272 Shri SolDDatb Chatter joe 275 ...;:" " ._. r Sbri Pri),. R~ J)u." Mull 282 Shri P. Kolandaiv. 287 Shri Sbantaram Naill 287 Shri Balwant Singh Ral1\90walia 290 .... ..' Shri zaitmi; ....l 2t2 Shri R.amlisilr~y Praad Slqh 294 Shrl Harish R.awat Z9S Shri Ie. P. Unnikrishnan 297 . Prof. Saifuddin S" 300 Dr. G. S. Ra,;lifts 303 Shri Ram Niwas Mirdha 304 LOK. SABRA DRBATES LOX-SABHA beings. Air is polluted by chemical dust., lases, va pours, fumes, etc. resulting in dec- rease of oxygen content which is essential for human life, and increase of carbon-di-' oxide and poisonous gases in atmospheric air' W~4nesda'yJ March 19, 1986/Pha1,I1M 28, which endangers human life by suffocation 1907 (Saka) or irriation when inhaled, the nightmare of '. which is the Bhopal gas traledy. Water pollution is the result of cbemi•... cals and hot water when dumped into Tlii! Lok Silbha mel at El.ven ollhe Clock .treams and lakes by industries leading to the deterioration .of water due to the destruc- tion of biological cycle of natural water. ~MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] I know it is impossible to attain an environment absolutely free of poll uti ) nit ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS the process of economic growth of the coun- try with rapid industrialisation, but I feeln , [English] Government must set standrads which allow for tolerable aU10unt of pol1ution ..••.. I Delusion of "pollution" in Union' ist (lnierruptlons). AN HON. MEMBER: What is the ·346. DR. T. KALPANA DEVI : Will question, Sir? the PRIME MINISTER be pleased to state: MR. SPEAKER: She is trying to come to the quest ion, (a) whether the attention of G.vern- ment has been drawn to the discontentment DR. T. KALPANA DEVl; I am com- due to pollution from two fertiliser manu- ing to the question. The Multitec Interna- facturing units in Dharuhel'a near Rewari, tional Ltd. and Oriental Carbon and Haryana ; and Chemical Ltd. are liberating untreated noxious, poisonous gases from suJphuric (b) whether Oc,vernment would make ~cid plant, ruining vegetation and the stand- the subject of pollution from all sources as ina crops, and playing havoc to the health, a Central subject in view of its impact on of human beings and animals. So, I wou.ld .. ' national life and economy? like to know whether before giving permi.. , THE MINISTER OF STAT.~ IN THE sion for setting up these fertilizer plants, . MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND the p( lIution Board of Haryana was con- FORESTS (SHIR Z. R. ANSARI) : (a) "'Y. es. sulted and whether permission was obtained. Sir. If not, what are the reasons and ~h.t rractica I steps are being taken to ensure (b) No. Sir; However t a proposal for preventive action rather than post mtJ"'t'In' inclusion of 'Environmental Protection' in steps to be taken by the Pollution cOntro1 the .Concurr(l'nt List is under considera- Board in the above cases, and also how tion. many cases have come to the notice of the~' Board during the last three years a nd the: .DR. T. KALPANA DEVI : Mr. Speaker actioa taken on them? Sir•. poI1UtiOD is the dangerous contamina- tic:m :of the' ecological system. Air, water MR. SPEAKER! She has burnt mid... and tound pollution are endanger'ing the night oil for preparation of this question. pl11tiQal and lllCDtat health of livin, $0 1 have allowe<! ~l', 3 Orlo Anm',rs MAltCH 19, 1986 Oral Answlr' 4 SHltl Z. R. ANSARI: Sir, as far as Concurrent list. But, apart from briD.I. these two industrial undertakings arc con- it in Concurrent list, there are cartaia cerned, a complaint was received by the other provisions whereby Parliamoot local Magistrate, and the Sub .. O.v{sidntU' :Iis !com~te'ftt'-'tb ~'enact legislation under Malistrate took an action under section 133 Articles 248 and 253 of the COD.titu- of the Cr.P .e. to shut down these two tion. It was under these orovitioal of industrial underta kings. Article 253 that Air Pollution Control Act ,Tllese und·!rtakings went to th e High was passed by this Parliament. Co.ut., The honourable High Court vaca- SHRI RANJIT SINGH GABKWAD : t~d" the order of closure and ordered for Pollution has been causing great havoc in tb.' further, invcstigation~ After investigation country. Other countries have already taken a Group was formed and certain standarcs some steps to control pollution and action- were prescribed ~ certain actions have been has been taken by them in this regard and prescribed to be taken by these two indus.. they are very advanced also. But we are ltill trial undertakings. Some of those actions discussing what steps we have to take about they had taken. Where certa'n rl1achinel y is ~ontrolling poUution. I would like to know involved they have placed order for the from the Honourable Minister what con- machinery. This is the posnion 'with regard crete steps are going to be taken in the near to -tbese two industrial undertakings. We future because during the last sillt months are very much aware about the pollution three time~ gas leakage pollution bas crea- which is being created by industrial under~ ted havoc among the people in my consti. takings and we are taking steps to mon itor tuency. The resident authorities still do not tbete th ings. know what to do about it and how to . face OR. T. KALPANA DE VI : My second such a tragedy. So, what are the steps question is this. llow long it wil1 be under which Government propose to take if sucb consideration? May I know whether any (If a thing happens again? This, I would like the States were consul ted? If so • what are to know from the hon.
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