Basic Mandarin Chinese RW Refe.Indd

Basic Mandarin Chinese RW Refe.Indd

E. Character Index This character index includes in it all the characters—both simplified and traditional—that are introduced in Basic Mandarin Chinese Reading & Writing. The index is arranged by the total number of strokes in a character, so all you need to do to look up a character is count the number of strokes. This index will be useful when you want to look up the pronunciation of a character you learned earlier in this volume that you have fogotten, or when you want to find out in which lesson a given character was introduced, so that you can review the information in this book about it. In the character index below, the character is listed first, followed by its pronunciation in Pinyin and its character number in this course. Within each group of characters having the same number of strokes, characters are arranged by alphabetical order of the Pinyin romanization (and then, if necessary, by tone). When a character is different in its official simplified and traditional forms, the traditional form is enclosed by parentheses and—in this index only—the simplified form is enclosed by brackets. In this way, you’ll always be clear about whether a given character is traditional, simplified, or the same in both systems. 1 Stroke 也 yĕ (52) 5 Strokes 百 -băi (113) [岁] suì (107) 一 yī (1) 已 yĭ (287) 半 bàn (117) [场] chăng (227) 同 tóng (80) 之 zhī (214) 北 bĕi (16) 成 chéng (31) [问] wèn (75) 2 Strokes 子 zĭ (155) 本 bĕn (242) 吃 chī (151) 西 xī (35) 八 bā (9) [边] biān (159) 次 cì (134) 先 xiān (69) [厂] chăng (197) 4 Strokes 出 chū (179) 地 dì (157) 行 xíng (236) [儿] ér (156) 比 bĭ (143) 打 dă (229) [动] dòng (250) [兴] xìng (90) 二 èr (2) 不 bù (63) [电] diàn (230) 多 duō (103) [阳] yáng (285) [几] jĭ- (97) [长] cháng/zhăng [东] dōng (29) [刚] gāng (257) 因 yīn (181) 九 jiŭ (10) (175) [对] duì (108) 共 gòng (247) 有 yŏu (139) 了 le (71) [车] chē (224) [号] hào (131) [关] guān (124) [园] yuán (252) 七 qī (8) [从] cóng (211) [记] jì (261) [过] -guo (136) 在 zài (149) 人 rén (30) 方 fāng (158) 叫 jiào (78) 好 hăo (50) 早 zăo (259) 十 shí (11) 分 fēn (244) 可 kĕ (145) [后] hòu (213) 州 zhōu (28) 又 yòu (210) 公 gōng (94) [们] men (57) [欢] huān (170) 字 zì (84) 今 jīn (106) 平 píng (241) 回 huí (161) 3 Strokes [开] kāi (122) 去 qù (53) [会] huì (199) 7 Strokes 川 chuān (38) 六 liù (7) 生 shēng (22) [机] jī (226) 吧 ba (89) 大 dà (13) 毛 máo (258) 市 shì (47) [级] jí (174) (別) bié (82) [干] gān (275) 片 piàn (91) 司 sī (95) [纪] jì (105) [别] bié (82) [个] ge (87) [气] qì (271) 四 sì (4) 件 jiàn (235) (車) chē (224) 工 gōng (154) 日 rì (132) 他 tā (55) 交 jiāo (233) 但 dàn (280) [广] guăng (27) 少 shăo (110) 台 tái (18) 她 tā (56) 低 dī (268) 口 kŏu (140) 什 shén (127) [头] tóu (120) 老 lăo (61) 弟 dì (188) [么] me (128) 太 tài (64) 外 wài (164) [吗] ma (60) [饭] fàn (152) [门] mén (123) 天 tiān (33) 位 wèi (98) [买] măi (253) [还] hái (180) 女 nǚ (101) 王 wáng (6) [写] xiĕ (202) 忙 máng (59) 何 hé (19) 千 -qiān (114) 文 wén (21) 右 yòu (166) 名 míng (83) [间] jiān (232) 三 sān (3) 五 wŭ (5) 正 zhèng (276) 那 nà/nèi- (109) 近 jìn (221) 山 shān (14) 心 xīn (262) 只 zhĭ (238) 年 nián (104) [进] jìn (278) 上 shàng (25) 以 yĭ (146) 左 zuŏ (165) (全) quán (203) [块] kuài (112) [万] -wàn (142) 友 yŏu (172) [全] quán (203) [来] lái (135) 下 xià (167) 月 yuè (130) 6 Strokes [师] shī (102) 冷 lĕng (272) 小 xiăo (24) 中 zhōng (23) 安 ān (37) 死 sĭ (274) 李 lĭ (20) From Basic Mandarin Chinese Reading & Writing © Cornelius C. Kubler. All rights reserved; reproducing/duplicating is prohibited with- out prior written permission from Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. 2 Character Index [里] lĭ (163) 朋 péng (171) 都 dōu/dū (32) 12 Strokes (廣) guăng (27) [两] liăng- (99) 其 qí (281) (剛) gāng (257) (備) bèi (264) (麼) me (128) (沒) méi (92) [实] shí (282) 高 gāo (62) (場) chăng (227) (輕) qīng (178) [没] méi (92) 始 shĭ (208) 哥 gē (187) 道 dào (148) (實) shí (282) 男 nán (100) 事 shì (160) 海 hăi (26) 等 dĕng (228) (說) shuō (200) 你 nĭ (49) 所 suŏ (183) 候 hòu (207) (飯) fàn (152) 像 xiàng (141) 汽 qì (223) 往 wăng (218) [换] huàn (239) (給) gĕi (192) 需 xū (237) [时] shí (206) 物 wù (251) (級) jí (174) (貴) guì (85) [条] tiáo (240) [现] xiàn (198) (記) jì (261) 湖 hú (44) 15 Strokes [听] tīng (215) 姓 xìng (86) 家 jiā (191) (換) huàn (239) (廠) chăng (197) 忘 wàng (190) [学] xué (153) [较] jiào (144) (幾) jĭ- (97) (賣) mài (254) 我 wŏ (51) 雨 yŭ (279) [离] lí (219) (間) jiān (232) (請) qĭng (67) [县] xiàn (194) 知 zhī (147) (們) men (57) 街 jiē (42) (熱) rè (273) [远] yuăn (220) 直 zhí (243) [难] nán (65) 就 jiù (129) (寫) xiĕ (202) [张] zhāng (256) 能 néng (186) (開) kāi (122) (樣) yàng (277) 找 zhăo (150) 9 Strokes 起 qĭ (177) (買) măi (253) [这] zhè/zhèi- (96) [差] chà (118) (氣) qì (271) 期 qī/qí (126) 16 Strokes 住 zhù (138) 城 chéng (195) [钱] qián (111) 然 rán (249) (錯) cuò (284) 走 zŏu (70) [带] dài (93) [请] qĭng (67) [湾] wān (45) (機) jī (226) 作 zuò (184) [点] diăn (115) [热] rè (273) (萬) -wàn (142) (錢) qián (111) 坐 zuò (68) 度 dù (269) (師) shī (102) [温] wēn (267) (頭) tóu (120) (個) ge (87) (時) shí (206) 喜 xĭ (169) (縣) xiàn (194) 8 Strokes [给] gĕi (192) 通 tōng (234) [谢] xiè (66) (興) xìng (90) 岸 àn (283) [贵] guì (85) 校 xiào (185) (園) yuán (252) (學) xué (153) [备] bèi (264) 很 hĕn (58) [样] yàng (277) 越 yuè (265) 表 biăo (193) (後) hòu (213) 原 yuán (196) (着) -zháo/-zhe 17 Strokes (長) cháng/zhăng (紀) jì (105) 站 zhàn (248) (260) (點) diăn (115) (175) 津 jīn (34) (這) zhè/zhèi- (96) 最 zuì (266) (謝) xiè (66) 到 dào (205) [觉] jué (216) 真 zhēn (173) 的 -de (79) 看 kàn (176) [准] zhŭn (263) 13 Strokes 18 Strokes 店 diàn (162) 美 mĕi (77) 楚 chŭ (246) (離) lí (219) 定 dìng (270) 面 miàn (168) 11 Strokes [错] cuò (284) (東) dōng (29) 哪 nă-/nĕi- (73) (從) cóng (211) (電) diàn (230) 19 Strokes (兒) ér (156) 南 nán (41) (帶) dài (93) (還) hái (180) (邊) biān (159) [国] guó (74) 前 qián (212) 得 dĕi/-de (204) (號) hào (131) (關) guān (124) 和 hé (209) [轻] qīng (178) 第 dì- (133) (話) huà (201) (難) nán (65) 河 hé (43) 省 shĕng (48) (動) dòng (250) (會) huì (199) [话] huà (201) 是 shì (76) (進) jìn (278) 概 gài (222) 20 Strokes 姐 jiĕ (72) 首 shŏu (225) (乾) gān (275) (過) -guo (136) (覺) jué (216) 金 jīn (46) [说] shuō (200) 港 găng (40) (較) jiào (144) (鐘) zhōng (119) 京 jīng (17) (為) wèi (182) (國) guó (74) (經) jīng (288) [经] jīng (288) 屋 wū (81) 您 nín (88) (塊) kuài (112) 22 Strokes 刻 kè (116) 香 xiāng (39) 票 piào (255) (裏) lĭ (163) (歡) huān (170) (來) lái (135) 星 xīng (125) 清 qīng (245) 路 lù (36) (聽) tīng (215) (兩) liăng- (99) 要 yào (137) (條) tiáo (240) (嗎) ma (60) 林 lín (12) 怎 zĕn (217) 晚 wăn (286) (歲) suì (107) 25 Strokes [卖] mài (254) [钟] zhōng (119) (問) wèn (75) (遠) yuăn (220) (灣) wān (45) 妹 mèi (189) (現) xiàn (198) (準) zhŭn (263) (門) mén (123) 10 Strokes (陽) yáng (285) 明 míng (15) 班 bān (231) (張) zhāng (256) 14 Strokes 呢 ne (54) (差) chà (118) [着] -zháo/-zhe (260) (對) duì (108) From Basic Mandarin Chinese Reading & Writing © Cornelius C. Kubler. All rights reserved; reproducing/duplicating is prohibited with- out prior written permission from Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.

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