38th international convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics PROGRAM May 25 - 29, 2015, Opatija, Croatia - Adriatic Coast Grand Hotel Adriatic Congress Centre & Hotel Admiral MIPRO - path to knowledge and innovation [email protected] • www.mipro.hr LIŠTE U ČI R IJ U E E C V I S T E T H E N T IČ UL KI FAK ONSOR P S • D Z L L O A T G N I S P O N Z O R 14 12 14 12 OVERVIEW OF CONFERENCES, TUTORIALS AND OTHER ASSOCIATED ACTIVITIES PRIKAZ RADA SAVJETOVANJA, SEMINARA I STRUČNIH PRATEĆIH SADRŽAJA HOTEL HALL / DVORANA 25.05. MONDAY / PONEDJELJAK 26.05. TUESDAY / UTORAK 27.05. WEDNESDAY / SRIJEDA 28.05. THURSDAY / ČETVRTAK 29.05. FRIDAY / PETAK A.M. / DOPODNE P.M. / POPODNE A.M. / DOPODNE P.M. / POPODNE A.M. / DOPODNE P.M. / POPODNE A.M. / DOPODNE P.M. / POPODNE A.M. / DOPODNE P.M. / POPODNE CONGRESS 10,15-13,00 15,00-17,00 HALL 09,00-13,00 15,00-19,00 Zakon o mjerama za 09,00-13,00 15,00-19,00 09,00-13,00 OPENING KONGRESNA smanjenje troškova CE CE CEREMONY postavljanja mreža CE CE CE DVORANA Svečano otvaranje velikih brzina 10,30-12,30 16,00-18,00 10,00-11,30 10,00-13,00 16,00-19,00 KONČAR 14,30-18,40 Digitalne tehnologije Strategija razvoja 15,00-19,00 09,00-13,00 FORTUNA moderna ICT Upravljanje u upravljanju širokopojasnog MIPRO INOVA HEP HEP rješenja, prakse znanjem troškovima javnog pristupa u RH CTI i procesi sektora 2016.-2020. 10,00-13,00 14,00-17,00 10,00-13,00 14,00-17,00 15,00-19,00 09,00-13,00 15,00-19,00 09,00-13,00 BELLAVISTA CCE CCE CCE CCE miproBIS MEET MEET MEET 14,00-16,00 09,00-11,00 09,00-12,15 15,00-17,00 10,00-12,00 Napredne tehnologije 15,00-19,00 16,00-18,00 CAMELIA 1 Last Minute 3D PISAČI Last Minute Tehnološka i IRP IRP Event 16,00-18,00 SP Event ENHEMS Buildings socijalna revolucija 15,00-17,00 09,00-13,00 15,00-19,00 09,00-13,00 15,00-19,00 09,00-13,00 CAMELIA 2 GSM – R GRAND HOTEL ADRIATIC CIS CIS Status i novosti DC VIS DC VIS DC VIS u Europi 19,30-21,30 THE BEACH PLAŽA GHA Cocktail 15,00-19,00 15,00-19,00 09,00-13,00 15,00-19,00 LIBURNA CTI CTI CTI CTI CONGRESS HALL C 15,00-17,00 15,00-19,00 09,00-13,00 15,00-19,00 Ekološki aspekti KONGRESNA DVORANA C u inovacijama DRIIS ISS ISS CONGRESS 15,00-17,00 HALL B Primjena suvremenih 15,00-17,00 09,00-13,00 15,00-19,00 pokretnih mreža (LTE) u Last Minute KONGRESNA službi sustava javne Event CTS CTS DVORANA B sigurnosti HOTEL ADMIRAL HOTEL CONGRESS HALL A 09,00-13,00 15,00-19,00 KONGRESNA DE/GLGPS DE/GLGPS DVORANA A GENERAL EVENTS PANELS AND WORKSHOPS PRESENTATIONS TUTORIALS CONFERENCES ZAJEDNIČKE AKTIVNOSTI OKRUGLI STOLOVI I RADIONICE STRUČNE PREZENTACIJE SEMINARI SAVJETOVANJA Welcome to the biggest non-commercial technological ICT Convention – MIPRO 2015 The organizers of the 38th International ICT Convention MIPRO are expecting you, our dear partici- pants and guests at another traditional gathering of all of those who are interested in the use of ICT technologies and all related high technologies in the fields of economy, education, science and administration. During the whole week from 25th until 29th of May 2015, the 38th convention MIPRO offers you a number of interesting events. More than 370 papers from 42 countries will be presented at 10 conferences. You will get more than a good overview of a development of ICT and high technology uses in the world and South-eastern Europe. This year’s convention MIPRO is fulfilled with professional and social events such as round tables, seminars of lifelong learning, workshop, exhibition of ICT products, technologies and services, pre- sentations, European events, presentations of European projects and activities as well as meetings of project teams. You can find more information about them in this brochure or atwww.mipro.hr . We would like to thank all those who contributed to the organization of this big event. First of all these are our golden sponsors - Ericsson Nikola Tesla, T-Croatian Telecom, Končar Electrical Industry, silver sponsors - HEP-Croatian Electricity Company, InfoDom, bronze sponsors - Hewlett Packard, IN2, Transmitters and Communications, Storm Computers, along with other regular sponsors such as Nokia, VIPnet, King ICT, Microsoft Croatia, Micro-Link, Mjerne tehnologije, Altpro, IB-proCADD, Selmet, Nomen. We are also grateful for the support of the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure, HAKOM- Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries, Croatian Transmission System Operator, Croatian Post, IEEE Region 8, Croatian Power Exhange, IEEE Croatia Section and all the others who sup- ported the organization of such big convention. Dear participants and guests, have a pleasant stay in the beautiful and hospitable town of Opatija, a flower of the Adriatic tourism. Professor Petar Biljanović, PhD International Program Committee General Chair Dobro došli na najveći nekomercijalni tehnološki ICT skup - MIPRO 2015 Organizatori 38. Međunarodnog ICT skupa MIPRO 2015 očekuju Vas, dragi naši sudionici, gosti i uzvanici, na još jednom tradicionalnom okupljanju svih koje zanima primjena informacijske i komu- nikacijske tehnologije te srodnih visokih tehnologija u gospodarstvu, obrazovanju, znanosti i upravi. 38. skup MIPRO pruža vam tijekom cijeloga tjedna od 25. do 29.5. niz događanja. Na deset savje- tovanja/konferencija iz pojedinih tehnoloških područja prezentirat će se preko 370 radova autora iz 42 zemlje. Dobit ćete više nego dobar pregled razvijenosti primjena ICT-a i visokih tehnologija u svijetu i u jugoistočnoj Europi. I ovaj skup MIPRO bogat je nizom stručnih i društvenih događaja kao što su okrugli stolovi o ak- tualnim tehnološkim i društvenim temama, seminari, radionice, izložbene aktivnosti, prezentacije, europski događaji, prikazi europskih projekata i aktivnosti, ekspertni sastanci, o čemu ćete više po- dataka pročitati u ovoj brošuri i na Portalu MIPRO www.mipro.hr. Zahvaljujemo našim sponzorima na podršci u organizaciji skupa i to zlatnim sponzorima Ericssonu Nikoli Tesli, Hrvatskom Telekomu, Končar-Elektroindustriji, srebrnom sponzoru HEP-Hrvatskoj elektroprivredi, InfoDomu, brončanim sponzorima Hewlett-Packardu, IN2, Odašiljačima i vezama, Storm Computersu, te ostalim sponzorima kao što su Nokia, VIPnet, King ICT, Microsoft Hrvatska, Micro-Link, Mjerne tehnologije, Altpro, IB-proCADD, Selmet, Nomenu. Zahvaljujemo na podrš- ci Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta, Ministarstva pomorstva, prometa i infrastrukture, HAKOM-u, HOPS-u, Hrvatskoj pošti, Hrvatskoj burzi električne energije, IEEE Region 8, Hrvatskoj sekciji IEEE i svima koji su nam dali podršku u vrlo složenoj organizaciji ovoga velikog skupa. Našim dragim sudionicima, gostima i uzvanicima želimo ugodan boravak u uvijek lijepoj i gostolju- bivoj Opatiji, cvijetu jadranskog turizma. Prof.dr.sc. Petar Biljanović Predsjednik Međunarodnog programskog odbora www.mipro.hr 1 Contents Sadržaj Working Time · Radno vrijeme 6 Terms · Rokovi 7 01 Hotel Reservation · Rezervacija hotela 7 GENERAL INFORMATION OPĆE INFORMACIJE Program for Accompanying Persons 8 Registration Fees · Kotizacije 8 Formal Opening · Svečano otvaranje 10 Plenary Session · Plenarna rasprava 10 02 Panels · Okrugli stolovi 10 GENERAL EVENTS ZAJEDNIČKI DOGAĐAJI Workshops · Radionice 13 KONČAR – Moderna ICT rješenja, prakse i procesi 15 Conference DRIIS · Konferencija DRIIS 15 MEET Microelectronics, Electronics and Electronic Technology 16 Mikroelektronika, elektronika i elektronička tehnologija 03 DC VIS Distributed Computing, Visualization and Biomedical CONFERENCES Engineering 19 SAVJETOVANJA Raspodijeljeno računarstvo, vizualizacija i biomedicinsko inženjerstvo CTI Telecommunications & Information 22 Telekomunikacije i informacije CE Computers in Education 26 Računala u obrazovanju CTS Computers in Technical Systems 31 Računala u tehničkim sustavima CIS Intelligent Systems 33 Inteligentni sustavi ISS Information Systems Security 35 Sigurnost informacijskih sustava miproBIS Business Intelligence Systems 37 Poslovni inteligentni sustavi DE/GLGPS Digital Economy and Government, Local Government, Public Services 38 Digitalna ekonomija i uprava, lokalna uprava, javni servisi SP MIPRO Junior - Student Papers 39 MIPRO Junior - radovi studenata MIPRO-INOVA Innovative High-Tech Products and Services 41 04 Inovativni High-Tech proizvodi i usluge INNOVATIONS INOVACIJE 2 [email protected] Contents Sadržaj HEP Information and Communication Technology in the Electric Power Sector 42 05 Informacijska i komunikacijska tehnologija u CONTINUING elektroprivrednoj djelatnosti EDUCATION – TUTORIALS Implementation of Regulatory Policy 42 KONTINUIRANO IRP Implementacija regulatorne politike OBRAZOVANJE – SEMINARI CCE „Correct by Design” – the Competetive Edge with Modern Electrical CAE/CAD/CAM Technologies 43 Usporedno inženjerstvo - Kako pobijediti u tržišnoj utrci pomoću modernih elektroničkih CAE/CAD/CAM programskih alata Exhibition of equipment, services, technical and technological solutions 44 06 Izložba opreme, usluga i tehničko-tehnoloških rješenja EXHIBITIONS IZLOŽBE PRIDE Project Information and Dissemination Event 44 For all further information concerning the tutorial and conference programs, please contact the Program Committee General Chair, Professor Petar Biljanović, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia, phone: +385 1 6129 953, +385 98 1374 357, fax: +385 1 6129 653, e-mail: [email protected] For organizational and technical questions, please contact Office MIPRO, Kružna 8/II, P.O. Box 303, HR-51001 Rijeka, Croatia, phone/fax: +385 51 423 984, e-mail: [email protected]. For general media inquiries, please contact our PR manager Vladimir Mrvoš, phone: +385 91 250 1729; e-mail: [email protected] Za sve programske informacije kontaktirajte predsjednika Programskog odbora prof. dr. sc. Petra Biljanovića, Fakultet elektrotehnike i računarstva, Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, tel.: +385 1 6129 953, +385 98 1374 357, fax: +385 1 6129 653, e-mail: [email protected]. Za organizacijska i tehnička pitanja kontaktirajte Ured MIPRO, Kružna 8/II, p.p.
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