University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO The Bohemian Voice Digitized Series 4-1-1893 The Bohemian Voice, Vol.1, No.8 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/bohemian Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons Recommended Citation "The Bohemian Voice, Vol.1, No.8" (1893). The Bohemian Voice. 2. http://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/bohemian/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Series at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Bohemian Voice by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE BOHEMIAN VOICE ORGAN OF THE BOHEMIAN-AMERICANS IN THE UNITED STATES. VoL- 1. OMAHA, NEB., APRIL 1, 1893. No. 8. In the fierce struggle between Bohemia and the Aus­ his political enemies may claim that his opposition had trian government, Dr. Edward GEgr occupies a foremost not borne any fruit so far, it is nevertheless true, that place. An uncompromising patriot, a skilled parliamen­ under Gregr's leadership and owing to His parliamentary tarian, an eloquent speaker— Gr£gr owes his present course, Europe gained more knowledge of Bohemian affairs eminence to his own genius only. Having mounted to than it ever had before. His last speech in parliament was, power in the time of general dissatisfaction with the Old for instance, commented on by every leading journal of Chekh politics, he has been steadily rising in the estima­ Europe. GEgr was born in 1829 in a little village named tion of the people, until now he Alls the place that Rieger Bfezhrad, Bohemia, and unlike most of his colleagues in has held for more than twenty years—that of a tribune parliament, who are lawyers—Dr. Gr^gr is a Doctor of of the Bohemian nation. Ever mindful of the fact that Medicine. In 1859 he was assistant to the celebrated Bohemians thrive best in the ranks of the opposition, he Purkyne in the University of Prague, and in 1861 lie made has waged, since assuming the leadership a bitter fight his first entry in the Bohemian Diet. This was a stepping against the present centralists system. And although stone to his future political career. 2 THE BOHEMIAN VOICE. It will be remembered that tine National Committee THE BOHEMIAN V OICE. maintains a correspondence Bureau at Prague, whence telegraphic dispatches are sent to England and the United A MONTHLY JOURNAL. States. Desirous to extend the service, the committee is at present negotiating with James Gordon Bennett of the PUBLISHED BY THE New York Herald, and that gentleman has already signi­ BOHEMIAN-AMERICAN NATIONAL COMMITTEE, fied his willingness to accept the Bureau's news. Hence, Publication Office, 1211 South 13th Street, Omaha. Neb. news relating to Bohemia will be sent in future via Lon­ THOMAS 6APEK, EDITOK. don and Paris. * •X* -X- Address Editorial Correspondence to THOMAS CAPEK, 10 Creighton Block, Omaha, Neb. " One Hundred Years of Work," is the title of a costly book that has just been published at an expense of 20,000 Subscription, $1.00 a year in advance; 10 cts. a copy. All Business florins to commemorate the "Prague Jubilee Exhibition" Letters and Remittances to be addressed: • "THE BOHEMIAN VOICE," 1211 South 13th St., Omaha, Neb of 1891. The work describes the immense progress which Bohemian industry has made since the first exhibition Entered at the Post Office, Omaha, as Second Class Matter. held in Prague one hundred years ago—the first exhibition on the European continent,—and speaks of the men who Executive of the Bohemian-American National Committee: L. J. PAEDA, Prest., JOHN ROSICKY, Vice-Prest., made that country what it is to-day. The net profit from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Omaha, Nebraska R. V. MISKOVSKY. S ecretary, the sale of the book will go into the school fund of the 1444 South 16th Street, Omaha, Neb. "Matice." * * 2716 Russel Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 160 w. 12th St., Chicago 111. * The editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed by contributors. The ethnographic exhibition which it is proposed to hold in Prague in May, 1894, promises to be a success. The exec­ TABLE OF CONTENTS. utive committee has decided to divide it into four sections. DR. EDWARD GREGR (Illustration) 1 NOTES 2 The first or main section will he again subdivided into BOHEMIAN ACTORS IN AMERICA 4 anthropological, geographical, lingual, -literary, artistic A PLEA FOR BOHEMIAN HOME RULE 5 WILL FRANCIS JOSEPH ABDICATE? 6 and agricultural sections- The second section will com­ SLAVONIANS IN THE UNITED STATES 7 prise the exhibits of various towns in the country. The THE ANNIVERSARY" OF A POET 8 third section, which is intended to supplement the first, FOREIGNERS IN AUSTRIA 9 SOCIETY OF BOHEMIAN BRETHREN 9 will contain industrial, commercial, journalistic, school, AUSTRIAN ARMY 11 military and religious exhibits. The fourth and last sec­ A BOHEMIAN VIRTUOSO: JOSEF SLAV1K 11 THE GERMANS HONORED 1IUS AS A SAINT 12 tion will be devoted to various business ventures incident FIRST BOHEMIAN LECTURE IN THE PRAGUE UNIVERSITY 13 to all exhibitions. Bohemian-Americans will he repre­ MISCELLANEOUS 14 sented. LITERATURE ; 15 -x- CORRESPONDENCE 15 * LETTER BOX 15 ADVERTISEMENTS 16 In no other European country is the legislative appor­ tionment so thoroughly abominable, rotten and partisan IWotes. as it is in Austria. It is impossible to contemplate this Francis Smolka, until recently the speaker of the Ans stupendous fabric of fraud without righteous indignation. trian Parliament, had a remarkable career. He was con­ Incredible as it may seem on this side of the ocean, it is demned to death by the same government which in later nevertheless a fact that 8,640,000 Germans in Cisleithania years he so astutely defended. (Western Austria) have 177 deputies in the Viennese Par­ * * liament, while 14,680,000 Slavonians can elect only 136 dep­ * uties! In the Kingdom of Bohemia almost 6,000,000 of Bo­ The jubilee money already received by the Pope amounts hemians elect 50 deputies and 3,000,000 of Germans 53 dep­ to 7,000,000 francs. The Austrian Emperor, Austrian uties! Let us see who upholds this infamy. If the pres­ Archdukes, the Bishop of Prague and the Primate of Hun­ ent electoral law of Austria were based upon equitable gary gave 100,000 francs each. The Bishops of Hungary representation of races and made universal, as the Young gave 250,000 francs, the nobility of Bohemia 800,000, the Chekhs proposed in a recent bill, the composition of the Mexican Catholics 150,000 and the South American Catho­ parliament would be: The Bohemians, instead of 50 votes lics 250,000. would have 89; the Poles who now have 57 would have 61; * •& * the Ruthenians now have 8 and then would have 36; Slo­ Our readers will be sorry to learn that the heirs of the venes who now have 14 would have 17; Croatians and Ser­ illustrious Bohemian poet, John KoMr, are opposed to the vians would he entitled to 11 instead of 8. At present, as removal of his ashes from Vienna to Prague. The already stated, the Slavonians have 136 deputies, then they "Svatobor" society of Prague received a letter from Prof. would have 223, while the just share of the Germans, who Scliellenberg, husband of the only daughter of the poet, now command 177 votes, would be 137. In other words, il stating that the remains of the author of " Sl&vy D cera" the electoral law in Austria were just or universal, the must not be removed from Vienna. Slavonians would be in a majority—and here lies the rub. THE BOHEMIAN VOICE. 3 European countries do not like to receive any one, who crime is one that the American people prefer to see tested has formerly been their subject, and Mr. Max Judd, of in their own courts. There is too much confusion about St. Louis, the newly appointed consul general to Vienna, it in the courts of Russia." * * may for that reason be persona non grata to Austria, for * he was born in that country. Moreover, he is a Jew—a The Bohemian workmen of Siebenhirteu, in Lower class of people not much liked by the high diplomatists of Austria organized a " reading club " recently and, in ac­ Vienna. It will be remembered that the Austrian court, cordance with law, sent their by-laws to the Lieutenant- eight years ago, declared Mr. Kelley of Richmond, ap­ Governor of that province for approval. That official, pointed minister to that country, persona non grata, be­ however, refused to sanction toe by-laws on the ground that cause his wife was a Jewess- Mr. Charles Jon&s, of Wis­ they permitted the business of the society to be transacted consin, was also objected to, because he was born a sub­ in the Bohemian language. The "reading club" appealed ject, and not because of any "political offense," for that from the unjust decision of the Lieutenant-Governor to had been condoned by an act of amnesty, June 30, 1867. Deputy Kaizl, who in turn interpolated the government on If an ex-subject is appointed to Prague, it is more than the matter. Premier Taaffe, like a true Solon, approved likely, that Austrian agents in the United States will dis­ of the action of the Lieutenant-Governor of Lower Aus­ cover some displeasing feature about him. tria, giving as a*reason "that the use of Bohemian would * * render it impossible for the state to keep surveillance over * the doings of the society." That this is not the true reason, As usual, Gr^gr's forcible speech in the Austrian Par­ but only a stupid pretext, must be clear to everybody.
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