INDEX Note: page references in bold type are to images or captions; those in italics are to note pages. Abdula, Auntie Alice, 177, 194, 196 Briggs, Maxine, 105 Conwillan (Kandwillan), Samuel, Abdula, Bill, 177 Bringing them home report, 26 161, 162, 163 Abdula, Ian, 198 Broughton, Frank, 83 Copia, Jacques Louis Aboriginal and Torres Strait Brown, Daisy, 190 Homme du Cap de Diemen; Islander Commission, 226 Brown, Ellen Edith (née Sumner), Enfant du Cap de Diemen Aird, Michael, 7, 9, 10, 11, 133 183–4, 187 (engraving), 31 Aiston, George, 17 Brown, Patrick Joseph Robinson, Cotton, John, 103–4, 105 Allen, James, 37, 50 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, Cotton, William, 105, 107 Allen, Maria, 37, 50 202, 203 Cowan, Alice, 63 Andrew, Brook, 12 Brown, William Charles, 183, 185, descendants of, 63, 64 Archer family, 144, 145 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 202, Cowan, Elizabeth, 63 Aritcheuka, Dolly, 248, 249 203 Cowan, Herbert, 61, 63 Australian Institute of Aboriginal Browne, Thomas, 36, 48 Cowan, John Thomas and Torres Strait Islander Walter George Arthur, Maryann descendants of, 63 Studies, 7 and David Bruny (daguerr.; Cowan, Jonathon, 63 attr.), 23, 25, 26, 27, 28–9, 31, Cowan, Mary Ann (Williams) Baily, Henry, 36 32; coloured version, 29, 32 (‘Mary Ann of Ulmarra’), 60, 61, Bamblett, Lawrence, 10 Bunce, Daniel, 110 62, 63, 74 Batman, John, 103 Burnell, George, 169 Croft, Brenda L, 6, 237 Baymarrwangga, Laurie, 16, 232, Aboriginal canoe building, 169 Crossland, John, 162 254, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268–9 Stereoscopic views of the River Portrait of Samuel Kandwillan Beattie, JW, 42, 43, 44–5 Murray, 169–70 …, 163 Becker, Ludwig, 41, 111 Bussini, Chiara Cullen, Janet, 61 Beembarmin (Tommy Farmer), Laurie Baymarrwangga talking Cullen, Sam, 61, 63 112, 113 to Bentley James, 265 Cumpston, Zena, 70, 72 Benbow, Annie, 43 Butler, Rex, 12, 18 Cunningham, Peter, 3 Berndt, Catherine, 182, 221 Berndt, Ronald, 182, 221 Calder, JE Daintree, Richard, 138, 148–9, 151 Bevan, Agrippa, 142 The native tribes of Men and boys …, 151, 153 Bevan, Thomas, 138, 142–3, 144 Tasmania, 44 Studio portrait of girl holding Kirwallie Sandy and others in Camfield, Anne, 116 fishing rod, 151, 152 fight scene, 143 Camfield, Henry, 116 Daintree, Richard, and Antoine Women photographed in Carter, Paul, 240 Fauchery Brisbane, 143 Chauncy, Philip, 116–18 Aboriginal camp, 112 ‘Big Billy’ (Naindulka), 259 Chevalier, Nicholas, 110 Beebarmin … and his wife Norah Billiamook (Larrakia man), Cleary, Thomas, 66, 68 …, 112 238, 239 Clifford, Samuel, 36, 45 Sun pictures of Victoria Bishop, Mervyn, 6 Clifton, William, 213, 214–15 series, 113 Bock, Alfred, 45 An Aboriginal family, 213 Dallwitz, John, 8 Bock, Thomas 25–6, 46 A seated priest, two small Dalton, Edwin, 57, 73 Bonney, Frederic, 69–70, 72 children …, 214 Damery, Sally Jacob and Mary sitting in a Studio shot of two girls …, 214 Walter George Arthur …, 23 winter camp, with daughter Cole, EW, 169 Dandridge, John, 38–9 Doughboy, 71 colonial period in Australia Dandrige, Matilda, 38–9 Bonwick, James, 43 colonial encounter and Darwin, Charles The daily life and origins of the conflict, 2, 4 The origin of species …, 3, Tasmanians, 45 and excision of Aboriginal 57, 118 The last of the Tasmanians, 45 people from national story, 12 see also evolutionary theory Bostock, George, 61, 64, 65 Indigenous dispossession and David, Jacques Louis Bostock-Smith, Shauna, 60–1, 63, loss, 9 The intervention of the Sabine 64, 65 racial theories, 3 women, 49 Bowdler, Sandra, 22 see also the various colonies/ Davidson, Mrs Letitia, 44–5 Brady, Vincent (Qawanji Ngurku states Two women (attrib.), 46 Jawiyabba), 7 Colotoney (Indigenous man), 160 Davis, Henry, 167 273 1st_pp_20_12_13.indd 273 28/02/14 8:56 AM INDEX Davis, Uncle Ron, 197 Iwaidja people in camp, 237 Hemings, Sally de Costa, Ravi, 265 Trepang Fishery Station, 235 and Thomas Jefferson, 180 Denison, Lady Caroline, 27, 28 Forster, Edward Hetzer, William, 73, 217 Denison, William, 26, 27, 32 Woman with possum skin cloak, Hill, Fitz W, 69 Dietrich, Amelie, 146, 147 141, 142 Hobson, Edward, 120 Diggles, Sylvester, 134 Foster, Wilton, 8 Hobson, Tommy, 119–20, 121, Doolan (Wiradjuri man), 14 Franklin, Lady Jane, 46 122, 123, 126 Dowling, Henry Junior, 25 Franklin, Sir John, 46 Hodson, S, 211 Dowling, Robert, 25, 26 Frazer, James hooks, bell, 85 Duwun, Minnie, 238, 239 The golden bough, 246 Hughes, Karen, 176, 202 Duryea, Sanford, 216 Freeman, James, 138–9 Hunter, Ruby, 194, 195 Duryea, Townsend, 167, 170, 216 Friday, Kate, 66 Huxley, Thomas, 118, 251 James and Mary Jane Friday, John, 66 Hyllested, Peter, 138 Wanganeen, 166 Frith, Henry, 36, 45 Katie, Lilly and Clara Williams, Duterrau, Benjamin, 46, 49 135 The conciliation, 24, 25, 26, 27; Gadayurr (Aboriginal woman), as etching, 27 232, 267 Indigenous activism and protest The national picture, 27 Gale, Frank, 57 and the bicentenary, 7 Dwyer, JJ, 217 Gazard, J in colonial period, 28, 30, 31, 32 Aboriginal man, Kalgoorlie, 220 Aborigines from Central Day of Mourning and Protest, 5 An Aboriginal man of the Australia, 244 and 1967 referendum, 5, 215 Gibson, Jason, 250 land rights movement, 5, 6, 126; Kalgoorlie region, 219 Giglioli, Enrico, 116, 119–20 Mabo case, 194 The belle of Kanowna, 218 Group portrait …, 123 use of photography to promote W.A. Aboriginal, 206, 218 Portrait of Maggie, 125 reform, 5; After 200 years Tommy Hobson …, 122 project, 7 Edwards, E, 225 Voyage around the globe, 126 Indigenous groups/clans Ellen (Koori girl), 112, 113 Gillen, Francis, 1, 11, 217, 246, Anangu (Pitjantjatjara and Elliot, Gilbert, 140 247–50, 252, 253 Yankunytjatjara), 8, 245 Elliott, Frederick, 242 Ginzburg, Carlo, 69 Arrernte (NT), 1, 11, 247, Evans, Samuel, 216 Glover, John, 41, 46 249–50 Everett, James, 50 Goode, Bernard, 167, 168 Arrindinya (NT), 243 evolutionary theory Goodman, George, 105 Bandjalung (NSW), 58, 60 and images of Indigenous Goyder, George, 239, 250 Barngarla (Pangkala) (SA), 159, Australians, 57–8, 119, Green, John, 116, 118 167, 194 246–7, 251 and family, 122 Ben Lomond (Tas.), 32 and narratives of extinction, Green, Neville, 207, 208 Boonwurrung (Vic.), 110 13–14, 58, 119, 217 Grosse, Frederick Bunurong (Vic.), 119 and racial difference, 161, 170, Portraits of an Aboriginal Dharawal (NSW), 56 236, 247, 261 woman … and Simon … Dhudhuroa-Waywurru rationalisation for ill effects of (engraving), 110 (Vic.), 119 invasion, 3, 58 Gularrbanga (Aboriginal woman), Dja Dja Wurrung/Djadjawrung social evolution, 3, 4, 118–19, 232, 267 (Vic.), 111, 113; Yung Balug 167, 170, 236, 252 Gunlarnman, Jackey, 158, 159, 160 clan, 126 exhibitions Gunlarnman, Jemima, 159, 160 Eora (NSW), 55; Cadigal, 55 in Australia, 45, 118, 236, 237, Gunn, Ronald, 29, 30, 49 Gumbaynggirr (NSW), 58, 60 239, 251 Gwynne, SC, 93, 94 Gurindji (NT), 6, 237 international, 36, 43, 118, 149; Iwaidja (NT), 236, 237 and photographs (and Hale, Arch. Matthew, 161, 162, Kauna (SA), 158 artefacts) of Indigenous 163, 164 Kokatha (SA), 159 Australians, 57, 60, 74, 118, The Aborigines of Australia, Kulin confederacy (Vic.), 3, 113 149, 168, 327 172–3 Kurnai (Vic.), 16 Eyre, Edward John, 157 Hall, Robert, 167, 216 Larrakia (NT), 236, 237, 239 Hall, Stuart, 84 Maraura (SA), 165 Fauchery, Antoine, 108, 113 Ham, Thomas, 138, 140 Nauo (SA), 159, 167 Fels, Marie, 120 Hamilton, William (Billy), 104 Neenbullock (Vic.), 104 Flick, Joe, 69 Hammond, Octavius, 160, 164 Ngaiwong (SA), 157 Foelsche, Paul, 234, 235, 236–7, Haselden, Hubert, 110, 111 Ngarrindjeri (SA), 168–70, 239, 251 Hawkes, Rev, 164 175–203 274 1st_pp_20_12_13.indd 274 28/02/14 8:56 AM INDEX Noongar (WA), 15, 116, 207–8, Indigenous photography Jemmy (Koori man), 110 210, 223 movement, 6 Jevons, William, 4, 55–6 Nuenone (Tas.), 26 making Aboriginal people visible, Group of three Aboriginal people Paakantyi (Barkindji) (NSW), 5–6, 68 at Jembaicumbene, 56 69–70 and protests, 7 Johnson, Dalrymple (nee Briggs), Pinjarup (WA), 210 see also photography from an 50 Pitjantjatjara/Ngaanyatjarra Aboriginal perspective Jones, Philip, 169, 239, 240, 247 (NT), 242 institutions, cultural Judy (Pollerrelberner), 37, 50 Taungurong (Vic.), 103, 105, and access/return to Indigenous 111, 113 people of holdings, 225–7; Ara Karpany, George, 181 Tjurabalan (WA), 245 Irititja Project, 8–9, 227, 245; Karpany (née Kontinyeri), Queen Wailwan (NSW), 69 Globalisation, Photography Louisa, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, Warruwi (WA), 226 and Race project, 227; 183, 185, 204 Wiradjuri (NSW), 10, 14, 76–99 Storylines project, 221, 227 Karpany, Manuel (Old Dardle), Woolna (NT), 236 Anthropology museum (Univ. 184, 201 Wotjoballuk (Vic.), 113, 113 of Q.), 143 Kartinyeri, Aunty Dorrie, 182 Wurundjeri (Vic.), 110, 111, Australian Museum (Sydney), 60 Kerr, James Hunter, 111 113, 118 Battye Library of Western … Aboriginal man standing, with Yaegl (NSW), 61 Australia, 221 rifle …, 117 Yamatji (WA), 11 Berndt Museum of Anthropology Glimpses of life in Victoria …, 111 Yolŋu (Batjimurrunggu, (UWA), 221–2, 226–7 Prince Jamie and his friend, British Museum, 141–2, 144 111, 114 Gurryindi, Nhangu, Yan- collections of remains of Young stockman, 115 nhangu) (NT), 1, 254–69, Aboriginal people in, 36 Kerry, Charles, 68, 69, 75 270–1 Grafton Regional Gallery, 60, Kerswell, Aunty Joyce, 198, Yuin (NSW), 55; Walbunja 61, 63 199, 200 dialect, 55, 56 John Oxley Library, 141 Kilborn, J, 67–8 Yuwaalaraay (NSW), 69 Museum Godeffroy, 146 Kilburn, Douglas, 3, 24, 105, Indigenous people and culture, 32, National Gallery of Australia, 107, 110 246, 248, 268 107, 140 … (Group of Koorie men), 108 artists, 6, 12–13,
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