P1.4 INVERSION EFFECTS ON MOUNTAIN LEE WAVES Simon Vosper ¤, Peter Sheridan Met O±ce, U.K. 1. INTRODUCTION 0 where U is the geostrophic wind speed, g = g¢θ/θ0 and θ0 is a reference potential temperature. The e®ect of a sharp low-level temperature inver- sion on the flow over a mountain has been investi- gated via two-dimensional (2-D) idealised numerical 3. RESULTS model simulations. The main focus of this study is the e®ect of an inversion on the formation of lee Results from simulations over a range of Fi and waves, lee-wave rotors, low-level hydraulic jumps, H=zi show that several distinct flow types occur. In upper-level wave breaking and upwind flow block- general, as the inversion strength increases (Fi de- ing. Severe turbulence associated with the majority creases) the following phenomena occur: of these phenomena represents a hazard to aviators Lee waves on the inversion in mountainous regions. This study is an extension ² of that recently presented by Vosper (2004). { Stationary downstream interfacial waves on the inversion 2. DESCRIPTION OF SIMULATIONS Lee waves with rotors ² The simulations were conducted using the Met O±ce { BLASIUS model. In the idealised problem considered Surface flow reversal and recirculation be- the upwind velocity pro¯le is independent of height neath the lee-wave crest, as shown in (above the boundary layer) and directed normal to an Fig. 2(a) for example. isolated 2-D ridge. The upstream strati¯cation con- Hydraulic jump sists of a neutral layer immediately above the ground ² which is capped by a sharp temperature inversion. { A stationary hydraulic jump occurs above Above the inversion the flow is stably strati¯ed and the downwind foot of the mountain, as the Brunt-VÄaisÄalÄa, frequency is independent of height shown in Fig. 2(b) for example. (N = 0:01 s¡1). A range of inversion strengths (measured by the di®erence in potential tempera- For weak inversions, where Fi is large (typically ture, ¢θ, across the inversion) and inversion heights, greater than unity) none of the above features are zi, were considered. The mountain shape considered present. was an isolated 2-D cosine ridge with height, H, and As shown in Fig. 3(a) the results can be presented width L, ¯xed at 400 m and 10 km, respectively. A in terms of a flow regime diagram. This approach no-slip lower boundary condition was employed and clearly distinguishes between the areas of parameter this gave rise to a boundary layer below the inversion. space where the di®erent flow types occur. For suf- An example upstream pro¯le is presented in Fig. 1. ¯ciently low inversions (high H=zi), the highly non- Two important controlling non-dimensional pa- linear hydraulic jumps dominate at low Fi, while lee rameters are the Froude number, Fi, de¯ned in the waves with rotors occur at slightly higher values of usual way for a two-layer shallow water flow, and the Fi. Note that linear theory predicts the presence of ratio of mountain height to inversion height, H=zi. lee waves on the inversion for some of the temper- The Froude number is de¯ned as ature pro¯les used in this study. Fig. 3(a) shows that, as Fi decreases, linear theory provides a good U Fi = estimate (the solid line in the ¯gure) of when lee pg0zi waves appear. However, since the wavelength of ¤ the lee waves is much shorter than the hill width Corresponding author address: Simon Vosper, Met O±ce, FitzRoy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB, U.K.; in these simulations, linear theory signi¯cantly un- email:simon.vosper@meto±ce.com derestimates the wave amplitude. 2.0 (a) u 1.5 v 1.0 z /km 0.5 0.0 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -1 Wind speed /ms 2.0 (b) 1.5 1.0 z /km 0.5 0.0 284 288 292 296 300 θ /K Figure 1: Pro¯les of (a) wind and (b) potential tem- perature used to initialize a 2-D simulation. In the example shown, ¢θ = 3:84 K across the inversion height, which occurs at zi = 1 km. The geostrophic wind (U; V ) = (8; 0) ms¡1. Figure 2: Flow ¯eld for flow over a hill of width L = 10 km, with H=zi = 0:5 (zi = 800 m) and (a) Fi = 0:6 (¢θ = 6:53 K) and (b) Fi = 0:4 Simulations were also conducted using a narrower (¢θ = 14:69 K). Colour shaded contours represent ridge, of width L = 2:5 km, which is closer to the res- the streamwise velocity component and line contours onant lee wave wavelength. In this case, it was found show the potential temperature (interval 1 K). that, in addition to accurately predicting the wave- length of the simulated lee wave, linear theory can make a reasonable quantitative prediction of the lee- gorised according to distinctive, mountain influenced wave maximum amplitude. Linear theory also pro- near-surface flow features and values of Fi and H=zi have been diagnosed from radiosonde pro¯les. Thus vides a useful prediction of the bound in Fi H=zi space where surface flow reversal (i.e. lee-w¡ave ro- a flow regime diagram has been constructed for East tors) will occur (see Fig. 3(b)). Falkland (see accompanying paper 2.4 by Sheridan et al.). Despite the large number of complicating fac- Recent observations of near-surface flow across tors involved in categorising the observed flows, the mountains on East Falkland (south Atlantic) indi- regime diagram derived from the observations does cate that the presence of a strong temperature in- bear some resemblance to those shown in Fig. 3. version influences the formation of rotors and strong downslope winds. Having constructed the regime di- agrams for the above 2-D simulations, it is interest- 4. REFERENCES ing to consider whether the approach can be useful in examining the observed 3-D flows. To this end, Vosper, S.B., 2004: Inversion e®ects on mountain the flows observed on East Falkland have been cate- lee waves. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., in press. -1 Z =U/Nzi 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 No lee wave Lee wave 1.2 Hydraulic jump Linear theory critical Lee wave rotor Fi for lee waves 1 ) i 0.8 (g'z √ / U = i 0.6 F 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 H/zi -1 Z =U/Nzi 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 No lee wave Lee wave Linear theory 1.2 Lee wave rotors critical Fi for Hydraulic jump lee waves 1 ) i 0.8 (g'z √ / U = i 0.6 F 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 H/zi Figure 3: Regime diagrams showing the Fi and H=zi dependence of the flow for hill widths, L, of (a) 10 km and (b) 2.5 km. The solid curve represents the linear theory prediction of the maximum Fi for which a steady trapped lee wave is present on the inversion. In (b) the dotted curve bounds the region of param- eter space for which lee-wave rotors occur according to linear theory..
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