Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie University of Physical Education in Kraków, Poland Studies STUDIES IN SPORT HUMANITIES HUMANITIES SPORT IN STUDIES 16 in Sport Humanities 16 ISNN 2300-6412 Kraków 2014 Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego im. Bronisława Czecha w Krakowie University of Physical Education in Kraków, Poland Studies in Sport Humanities 16 Kraków 2014 Editorial board Editor-in-Chief Associate Professor Halina Zdebska-Biziewska, Ph.D. Vice Editor-in-Chief Associate Professor Jan Blecharz, Ph.D. Department editors Philosophy of physical culture – Associate Professor Maria Zowisło, Ph.D. Pedagogy of physical culture, Olympism – Associate Professor Halina Zdebska-Biziewska, Ph.D. Physical education theory – Associate Professor Grażyna Kosiba, Ph.D. Psychology of physical culture – Associate Professor Jan Blecharz, Ph.D. Sociology of physical culture – Piotr Nowak, Ph.D. History of physical culture – Associate Professor Ewa Kałamacka, Ph.D. Associate Professor Ryszard Wasztyl, Ph.D. Secretary to the Editorial Board Agata Kiluk, Ph.D. Advisory Board Prof. Sandro Anastasi (Università di Messina) Prof. Richard Gordin (Utah State University) Prof. Ivo Jirásek (Palacky University Olomouc) Prof. Scott Kretchmar (Penn State University) Prof. Jerzy Kosiewicz (Jozef Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Warsaw) Prof. Józef Lipiec (Jagiellonian University, Kraków) Prof. Wojciech Lipoński (University of Szczecin) Prof. Norbert Müller (University of Kaiserslautern, TU) Prof. Jim Parry (Charles University in Prague) Prof. Artur Poczwardowski (University of Denver) Associate Professor Janusz Zdebski, Ph.D. (Holy Cross University in Kielce) Edited by Grażyna Fall – Polish Translation Sylwia Willcox (Transatlantic Communication) – English Editor’s Offi ce Studies in Sport Humanities AWF im. B. Czecha al. Jana Pawła II 78, 31-571 Kraków, Poland Typesetting FALL ul. Garczyńskiego 2, 31-524 Kraków www.fall.pl Copyright © University of Physical Education in Kraków, Poland ISNN 2300-6412 2 STUDIES IN SPORT HUMANITIES nr 16 2014 Contents Od redakcji / From the Editor . 5 Małgorzata Siekańska, Jan Blecharz: Dual Career Pathways: Psychological and Environmental Determinants of Professional Athletes’ Development . 6 Alois Koch: Pierre de Coubertin and His Relation to the Catholic Church . 20 Michał Bronikowski, Małgorzata Bronikowska: Olympism and Olympic Education in Poland – State of Art . 35 Tomáš Tlustý: Th e YMCA’s International Mission and Its Link to the Olympic Movement . 45 Katarzyna Krężel: Manager in the Organization (Based on Women’s Basketball in Poland) . 54 Waldemar Makuła: Personal and Social Determinants of Active Ageing: Th e Case Study of the Jagiellonian Th ird-Age University Students . 63 Maria Brudnik-Dąbrowska: Th e Th eatre of School Life: Th e Burning-out Teacher Seen from the Perspective of the Actor, the Audience (His Students), and the Spectator (Sometimes Accidental) . 73 Paweł Ochwat, Elżbieta Szymańska: Formal and Legal Analysis of Sporting and Recreational Events on the Basis of Sporting and Recreational Festivities “For a Child Smile” Organized by the University of Physical Edu- cation in Kraków . 82 Anna Bodasińska: Sędzia jako kreator widowiska sportowego w piłce siatkowej / Th e Volleyball Referee as a Sporting Show Creator . 89 Bartłomiej Chrzanowski: Formy edukacji sportowej w kontekście pedagogiki klasycznego liberalizmu we współczesnym świecie / Forms of Sports Education in the Context of the Pedagogy of Classical Liberalism in the Modern World . 100 Małgorzata Tomecka: Kierowanie w placówce oświatowej / Directing in an Educational Establishment . 107 Małgorzata Jacko: Krakowski Park dra Henryka Jordana w relacjach prasy niemieckojęzycznej z lat 1890–1908. Rekonesans badawczy / Henryk Jordan Park in Kraków in German Press Articles (1890–1908). A Scientifi c Reconnaissance . 117 INFORMATION Instructions for Authors . 122 List of reviewers . 124 nr 16 2014 STUDIES IN SPORT HUMANITIES 3 Od redakcji From the Editor Studies in Sport Humani- Studies in Sport Humanities (previously Studia Hu- ties (dawniej Studia Humani- manistyczne) is a scientifi c journal that publishes origi- styczne) to czasopismo nauko- nal works on physical culture prepared from multidisci- we, w którym publikowane plinary approach (including the perspectives of history, są oryginalne prace dotyczą- pedagogy, sociology, philosophy, cultural antropology, ce kultury fi zycznej w ujęciu olympism, physical education theory, recreation and multi dyscyplinarnym (m.in. tourism theory, and management sciences). Th e journal z perspektywy historii, peda- includes book reviews, polemics, conference proceed- gogiki, socjologii, fi lozofi i, ings, and reports from other important scientifi c events. psychologii, antropologii kul- Detailed guidance for preparing text, procedures for re- turowej, olimpizmu, teorii wy- views, and other editorial requirements are located in the chowania fi zycznego, teorii rekreacji i turystyki, nauk publishing regulations. o zarządzaniu), a także: polemiki, recenzje książek, spra- Th e title of the magazine and frequency of edition wozdania z konferencji i innych ważnych dla środowi- (twice a year) has been changed in 2013 year. We hope ska naukowego wydarzeń. Szczegółowe zasady dotyczące that the English title and subsequent increase of num- przygotowania tekstu, procedury recenzowania oraz in- ber of articles published in that language will result with nych wymogów redakcyjnych zawarte zostały w regula- enlargement of the authors, reviewers and readers’ cir- minie publikowania. cle. We count too on popularisation of Polish science W roku 2013 zmienił się tytuł czasopisma i częstotli- achievements within the international environment and wość edycji (teraz dwa razy w roku). Mamy nadzieję, że publications of the most interesting articles of foreign au- angielska nazwa, a także sukcesywne zwiększanie liczby thors in our periodic. tekstów publikowanych w tym języku przyczynią się do Th e journal is published by the University of Physical poszerzenia kręgu naszych autorów, recenzentów i czytel- Education in Kraków. Th e journal appears on the Min- ników. Liczymy również na popularyzację dorobku pol- istry of Science and Higher Education scientifi c journals skiej myśli naukowej w obiegu międzynarodowym i pu- list B. It is also indexed in the Index Copernicus interna- blikacje na naszych łamach najciekawszych opracowań tional database. Th e original version is the hardcopy ver- autorów zagranicznych. sion, while the electronic version can be found on the edi- Wydawcą jest Akademia Wychowania Fizyczne- torial board’s website: www.sporthumanities.pl. go im. B. Czecha w Krakowie. Czasopismo znajduje się na liście B czasopism naukowych Ministerstwa Nauki Editor-in-Chief i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, indeksowane jest też w bazie In- dex Copernicus International. Wersją pierwotną jest pa- pierowa, wersja elektroniczna dostępna jest na stronie in- ternetowej redakcji www.sporthumanities.pl. Associate Professor Halina Zdebska-Biziewska, Ph.D. nr 16 2014 STUDIES IN SPORT HUMANITIES 5 Dual Career Pathways: Psychological and Environmental Determinants of Professional Athletes’ Development Małgorzata Siekańska, Jan Blecharz Psychology Department Faculty of Physical Education and Sport University of Physical Education in Kraków, Poland Summary The purpose of the study was: (a) to determine the process of dual career development (e.g., stages of develop- ment, turning points) and its relationship with the type of dual career pathway; (b) to investigate the relation- ships between some psychological determinants and the type of dual career pathway; (c) to investigate the relationships between environmental determinants and the type of dual career pathway; (d) to examine the relationships between the type of dual career development and the quality of life. Data was collected using a semi-structured interview, The General Self-Effi cacy Scale (GSES), The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). Athletes (N = 95) were divided into three subgroups representing three types of dual career pathways: 1) Balanced and harmonious development – no confl ict between sport and education per- ceived (N = 40); 2) Unbalanced development – orientation to sport development (at the cost of educational development) (N = 34); 3) Unbalanced development – orientation to educational development (at the cost of sport development) (N = 21). The ANOVA analysis and chi2 test yielded 19 statistically signifi cant diff erences between the groups of dual ca- reer pathways as regards: athletes’ family situation, the process of their development, self-effi cacy, and the qual- ity of life. Keywords: professional athlete, dual career, athletes development Introduction typifi ed by a variety of challenges and threats [Durand- -Bush & Salmela 2001; Côté, Baker & Abernethy 2007; To promote the dialogue between sport and education Stambulova, Stephan & Jäphag 2007; Stambulova et al. pathways in order to establish ‘dual career’ pathways for 2009; Côté & Abernethy 2012]. student-athletes the European Parliament embraced vari- Challenges and threats are connected with transi- ous policy actions [European Commission 2007, 2011]. tions that may have a normative or non-normative char- However, there is still a need to: acter [Cecić Erpič, Wylleman & Zupančič 2004; Alfer- – understand better the nuances of students-athletes mann & Stambulova 2007; Stambulova et al. 2009]. optimal development, Irrespective of the fi nal consequences, they are usually ac- – explore
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