Sinhala Range: 0D80–0DFF This file contains an excerpt from the character code tables and list of character names for The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 This file may be changed at any time without notice to reflect errata or other updates to the Unicode Standard. See https://www.unicode.org/errata/ for an up-to-date list of errata. See https://www.unicode.org/charts/ for access to a complete list of the latest character code charts. See https://www.unicode.org/charts/PDF/Unicode-14.0/ for charts showing only the characters added in Unicode 14.0. See https://www.unicode.org/Public/14.0.0/charts/ for a complete archived file of character code charts for Unicode 14.0. Disclaimer These charts are provided as the online reference to the character contents of the Unicode Standard, Version 14.0 but do not provide all the information needed to fully support individual scripts using the Unicode Standard. For a complete understanding of the use of the characters contained in this file, please consult the appropriate sections of The Unicode Standard, Version 14.0, online at https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode14.0.0/, as well as Unicode Standard Annexes #9, #11, #14, #15, #24, #29, #31, #34, #38, #41, #42, #44, #45, and #50, the other Unicode Technical Reports and Standards, and the Unicode Character Database, which are available online. See https://www.unicode.org/ucd/ and https://www.unicode.org/reports/ A thorough understanding of the information contained in these additional sources is required for a successful implementation. Copying characters from the character code tables or list of character names is not recommended, because for production reasons the PDF files for the code charts cannot guarantee that the correct character codes will always be copied. Fonts The shapes of the reference glyphs used in these code charts are not prescriptive. Considerable variation is to be expected in actual fonts. The particular fonts used in these charts were provided to the Unicode Consortium by a number of different font designers, who own the rights to the fonts. See https://www.unicode.org/charts/fonts.html for a list. Terms of Use You may freely use these code charts for personal or internal business uses only. You may not incorporate them either wholly or in part into any product or publication, or otherwise distribute them without express written permission from the Unicode Consortium. However, you may provide links to these charts. The fonts and font data used in production of these code charts may NOT be extracted, or used in any other way in any product or publication, without permission or license granted by the typeface owner(s). The Unicode Consortium is not liable for errors or omissions in this file or the standard itself. Information on characters added to the Unicode Standard since the publication of the most recent version of the Unicode Standard, as well as on characters currently being considered for addition to the Unicode Standard can be found on the Unicode web site. See https://www.unicode.org/pending/pending.html and https://www.unicode.org/alloc/Pipeline.html. Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 0D80 Sinhala 0DFF 0D8 0D9 0DA 0DB 0DC 0DD 0DE 0DF 0 ඐ ච ධ ව $ැ 0D90 0DA0 0DB0 0DC0 0DD0 1 $ઁ එ ඡ න ශ $ෑ 0D81 0D91 0DA1 0DB1 0DC1 0DD1 2 $ං ඒ ජ ෂ $ි $ෳ 0D82 0D92 0DA2 0DC2 0DD2 0DF2 3 $ඃ ඓ ඣ ඳ ස $ී $ෲ 0D83 0D93 0DA3 0DB3 0DC3 0DD3 0DF3 4 ඔ ඤ ප හ $ු ෴ 0D94 0DA4 0DB4 0DC4 0DD4 0DF4 5 අ ඕ ඥ ඵ ළ 0D85 0D95 0DA5 0DB5 0DC5 6 ආ ඖ ඦ බ ෆ ූ$ ෦ 0D86 0D96 0DA6 0DB6 0DC6 0DD6 0DE6 7 ඇ ට භ ෧ 0D87 0DA7 0DB7 0DE7 8 ඈ ඨ ම $ෘ ෨ 0D88 0DA8 0DB8 0DD8 0DE8 9 ඉ ඩ ඹ ෙ$ ෩ 0D89 0DA9 0DB9 0DD9 0DE9 A ඊ ක ඪ ය $් ේ$ ෪ 0D8A 0D9A 0DAA 0DBA 0DCA 0DDA 0DEA B උ ඛ ණ ර ෛ$ ෫ 0D8B 0D9B 0DAB 0DBB 0DDB 0DEB C ඌ ග ඬ ො$ ෬ 0D8C 0D9C 0DAC 0DDC 0DEC D ඍ ඝ ත ල ෝ$ ෭ 0D8D 0D9D 0DAD 0DBD 0DDD 0DED E ඎ ඞ ථ ෞ$ ෮ 0D8E 0D9E 0DAE 0DDE 0DEE F ඏ ඟ ද $ා $ෟ ෯ 0D8F 0D9F 0DAF 0DCF 0DDF 0DEF The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 0D81 Sinhala 0DC2 Various signs 0DA3 ඣ SINHALA LETTER MAHAAPRAANA JAYANNA 0D81 $ઁ SINHALA SIGN CANDRABINDU = sinhala letter jha SINHALA LETTER TAALUJA NAASIKYAYA • used in Sanskrit 0DA4 ඤ 0D82 $ං SINHALA SIGN ANUSVARAYA = sinhala letter nya 0DA5 ඥ SINHALA LETTER TAALUJA SANYOOGA = anusvara NAAKSIKYAYA 0D83 $ඃ SINHALA SIGN VISARGAYA = visarga = sinhala letter jnya 0DA6 ඦ SINHALA LETTER SANYAKA JAYANNA Independent vowels = sinhala letter nyja 0D85 අ SINHALA LETTER AYANNA 0DA7 ට SINHALA LETTER ALPAPRAANA TTAYANNA = sinhala letter a = sinhala letter tta 0D86 ආ SINHALA LETTER AAYANNA 0DA8 ඨ SINHALA LETTER MAHAAPRAANA TTAYANNA = sinhala letter aa = sinhala letter ttha 0D87 ඇ SINHALA LETTER AEYANNA 0DA9 ඩ SINHALA LETTER ALPAPRAANA DDAYANNA = sinhala letter ae = sinhala letter dda 0D88 ඈ SINHALA LETTER AEEYANNA 0DAA ඪ SINHALA LETTER MAHAAPRAANA DDAYANNA = sinhala letter aae = sinhala letter ddha 0D89 ඉ SINHALA LETTER IYANNA 0DAB ණ SINHALA LETTER MUURDHAJA NAYANNA = sinhala letter i = sinhala letter nna 0D8A ඊ SINHALA LETTER IIYANNA 0DAC ඬ SINHALA LETTER SANYAKA DDAYANNA = sinhala letter ii = sinhala letter nndda 0D8B උ SINHALA LETTER UYANNA 0DAD ත SINHALA LETTER ALPAPRAANA TAYANNA = sinhala letter u = sinhala letter ta 0D8C ඌ SINHALA LETTER UUYANNA 0DAE ථ SINHALA LETTER MAHAAPRAANA TAYANNA = sinhala letter uu = sinhala letter tha 0D8D ඍ SINHALA LETTER IRUYANNA 0DAF ද SINHALA LETTER ALPAPRAANA DAYANNA = sinhala letter vocalic r = sinhala letter da 0D8E ඎ SINHALA LETTER IRUUYANNA 0DB0 ධ SINHALA LETTER MAHAAPRAANA DAYANNA = sinhala letter vocalic rr = sinhala letter dha 0D8F ඏ SINHALA LETTER ILUYANNA 0DB1 න SINHALA LETTER DANTAJA NAYANNA = sinhala letter vocalic l = sinhala letter na 0D90 ඐ SINHALA LETTER ILUUYANNA 0DB2 " <reserved> = sinhala letter vocalic ll 0DB3 ඳ SINHALA LETTER SANYAKA DAYANNA 0D91 එ SINHALA LETTER EYANNA = sinhala letter nda = sinhala letter e 0DB4 ප SINHALA LETTER ALPAPRAANA PAYANNA 0D92 ඒ SINHALA LETTER EEYANNA = sinhala letter pa = sinhala letter ee 0DB5 ඵ SINHALA LETTER MAHAAPRAANA PAYANNA 0D93 ඓ SINHALA LETTER AIYANNA = sinhala letter pha = sinhala letter ai 0DB6 බ SINHALA LETTER ALPAPRAANA BAYANNA 0D94 ඔ SINHALA LETTER OYANNA = sinhala letter ba = sinhala letter o 0DB7 භ SINHALA LETTER MAHAAPRAANA BAYANNA 0D95 ඕ SINHALA LETTER OOYANNA = sinhala letter bha = sinhala letter oo 0DB8 ම SINHALA LETTER MAYANNA 0D96 ඖ SINHALA LETTER AUYANNA = sinhala letter ma = sinhala letter au 0DB9 ඹ SINHALA LETTER AMBA BAYANNA Consonants = sinhala letter mba 0DBA SINHALA LETTER YAYANNA 0D9A SINHALA LETTER ALPAPRAANA KAYANNA ය ක = sinhala letter ya = sinhala letter ka 0DBB SINHALA LETTER RAYANNA 0D9B SINHALA LETTER MAHAAPRAANA KAYANNA ර ඛ = sinhala letter ra = sinhala letter kha <reserved> SINHALA LETTER ALPAPRAANA GAYANNA 0DBC " 0D9C ග SINHALA LETTER DANTAJA LAYANNA = sinhala letter ga 0DBD ල = sinhala letter la 0D9D ඝ SINHALA LETTER MAHAAPRAANA GAYANNA = sinhala letter gha • dental <reserved> 0D9E SINHALA LETTER KANTAJA NAASIKYAYA 0DBE " ඞ <reserved> = sinhala letter nga 0DBF " SINHALA LETTER VAYANNA 0D9F ඟ SINHALA LETTER SANYAKA GAYANNA 0DC0 ව = sinhala letter nnga = sinhala letter va SINHALA LETTER TAALUJA SAYANNA 0DA0 ච SINHALA LETTER ALPAPRAANA CAYANNA 0DC1 ශ = sinhala letter ca = sinhala letter sha SINHALA LETTER MUURDHAJA SAYANNA 0DA1 ඡ SINHALA LETTER MAHAAPRAANA CAYANNA 0DC2 ෂ = sinhala letter cha = sinhala letter ssa 0DA2 ජ SINHALA LETTER ALPAPRAANA JAYANNA • retroflex = sinhala letter ja The Unicode Standard 14.0, Copyright © 1991-2021 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. 0DC3 Sinhala 0DF4 0DC3 ස SINHALA LETTER DANTAJA SAYANNA Astrological digits = sinhala letter sa These digits, also known as Sinhala Lith Illakkam, have been • dental used primarily for writing horoscopes. This number system 0DC4 හ SINHALA LETTER HAYANNA has a zero place holder concept, unlike the Sinhala archaic = sinhala letter ha numbers, Sinhala Illakkam, encoded in the range 111E1- 0DC5 ළ SINHALA LETTER MUURDHAJA LAYANNA 111F4. = sinhala letter lla 0DE6 ෦ SINHALA LITH DIGIT ZERO retroflex • 0DE7 ෧ SINHALA LITH DIGIT ONE 0DC6 SINHALA LETTER FAYANNA ෆ 0DE8 SINHALA LITH DIGIT TWO = sinhala letter fa ෨ 0DE9 ෩ SINHALA LITH DIGIT THREE Sign 0DEA ෪ SINHALA LITH DIGIT FOUR 0DCA $් SINHALA SIGN AL-LAKUNA 0DEB ෫ SINHALA LITH DIGIT FIVE = virama 0DEC ෬ SINHALA LITH DIGIT SIX Dependent vowel signs 0DED ෭ SINHALA LITH DIGIT SEVEN SINHALA LITH DIGIT EIGHT 0DCF $ා SINHALA VOWEL SIGN AELA-PILLA 0DEE ෮ = sinhala vowel sign aa 0DEF ෯ SINHALA LITH DIGIT NINE 0DD0 $ැ SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KETTI AEDA-PILLA Additional dependent vowel signs = sinhala vowel sign ae SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA GAETTA-PILLA SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA AEDA-PILLA 0DF2 $ෳ 0DD1 $ෑ = sinhala vowel sign vocalic rr = sinhala vowel sign aae SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA GAYANUKITTA SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KETTI IS-PILLA 0DF3 $ෲ 0DD2 $ි = sinhala vowel sign vocalic ll = sinhala vowel sign i 0DD3 $ී SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA IS-PILLA Punctuation = sinhala vowel sign ii 0DF4 ෴ SINHALA PUNCTUATION KUNDDALIYA 0DD4 $ු SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KETTI PAA-PILLA → 11FFF tamil punctuation end of text = sinhala vowel sign u 0DD5 " <reserved> 0DD6 ූ$ SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA PAA-PILLA = sinhala vowel sign uu 0DD7 " <reserved> 0DD8 $ෘ SINHALA VOWEL SIGN GAETTA-PILLA = sinhala vowel sign vocalic r 0DD9 ෙ$ SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KOMBUVA = sinhala vowel sign e 0DDA ේ$ SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA KOMBUVA = sinhala vowel sign ee ≡ 0DD9 ෙ$ 0DCA $් 0DDBෛ$ SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KOMBU DEKA = sinhala vowel sign ai Two-part dependent vowel signs These vowel signs have glyph pieces which stand on both sides of the consonant; they follow the consonant in logical order, and should be handled as a unit for most processing.
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