State of Union Corny response scores 27 Reactions, p. 13 UConn beats Providence, p. 16 (Emtnecttctrt Datlg (SlampiiH Serving Storrs Since 1896 Vol.LXXXIII No. 64 STORRS, CONNECTICUT Thursday. January 24. 1980 Carter urges draft registration WASHINGTON (UPI) - Putting teeth into his State military. Registration was suspended by President of the Union warning to the Soviet Union, President Richard Nixon in 1973 at the end of the Vietnam Carter said Wednesday he will ask Congress for War. funds to resume the registration of draft-age In recent months, it has become increasingly youths. clear that the military services were having serious An administration official, explaining the pres- difficulties in meeting projected recruiting goals ident's plan to reporters, said "it is an open under the all-volunteer force. question" whether women will be included in any . Quarterly Pentagon reports have shown that only new draft registration legislation. the Air Force has succeeded in attracting adequate Carter said he doubted that the draft would numbers of volunteers. The Army has been actually be reimposed. He called America's running about 15 percent below planned recruit- volunteer armed forces "adequate for our current ment figures. defense needs." The Joint Chiefs of Staff, concerned over the "I hope that it will not become necessary to problems of military mobilization, have been reimpose the draft," Carter said in his prepared quietly pressing within the administration for the remarks. "However, we must be prepared for that resumption of registration. possibility." Registration by itself would not automatically The president said he "will send legislation and mean a return of obligatory military service. But it budget proposals to the Congress next month so will tell the Pentagon where the military age youth that we can begin registration and then meet future of the nation can be quickly found. mobilization needs rapidly if they arise." A Pentagon exercise last year known as "Nifty Under the Selective Service Act, Carter has the Nugget" pointed up mobilization shortcomings and authority to resume registration of youths between showed that it might take the United States as the ages of 18 and 26, but Congress would have to much as seven months to rally manpower for war. provide funds to finance such a move. On Capitol Hill, several defense-minded legi- It would also take an act of Congress to resume slators quickly welcomed Carter's decision to push Left to right: Mondale, Carter, O'Neill [UPI] drafting and inducting young people into the for reimposition of draft registration. FSSO chairman resigns post By JOANNE JOHNSON monetary compensation to sorry to see him go. we'll be raises some serious committee ask University Citing conflict between any degree. And because of behind Linda all the way." questions about the com- President John DiBiaggio to chairmanship and academic this, I knew it would be a said student trustee Steve mitment we have to put into' consider the formation of a demands. Federation of strain on my own academic Donen. "This is the second the student government task force for the review of Students and Service performance as well as on year in a row that someone's while maintaining status as possible fee waivers and/or Organizations (FSSO) my financial situation. Un- had to resign in the middle of students at the same time." credit compensation for Chairman Edward A. Dz- fortunately, that strain the year, though, and that Donen suggested the SEE PAGE 10 Khomeini ailing; shah'under care' of Panamanian security By United Press Inter- Aristides Royo denied head-to-head military con- national Iranian claims that Shah frontation with the Russians Ayatullah Ruhollah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi over Middle East oil. Carter Khomeini, 79, who led the had been placed under arrest said in hrs State of the Union movement to oust the shah but said he was "under the address: and then set up an Islamic care" of security forces. He "Let our position be ab- Republic in Iran, was rushed also told Iran his nation solutely clear. An attempt by from the city of Qom to the would consider the deposed any outside force to gain con- Heart Diseases Hospital in monarch's extradition. But trol of the Persian Gulf Tehran Wednesday night he stressed that this did not region will be regarded as an and confined to bed, press mean he would act favorably assault on the vital interests ED DZWONKOWSKI reports said. on it. of the United States. In Washington, President Raising the specter of a "It will be repelled by use wonkowski announced his proved to be greater than I Carter warned Iran Wed- of any means necessary — resignation from that post at had anticipated," he added. nesday night it would pay a including military force." Wednesday's FSSO Central Dzwonkowski will be Weather "severe price" if any of the A spokesman at Committee meeting. replaced by former FSSO 50 American hostages held Khomeini's office in Qom "It is hard to deny that the vice-chairman Linda at U.S. Embassy since Nov. told reporters Khomeini, Chairmanship of FSSO is Chapley. whose term is ef- 4 were harmed. But he held viewed as the key decision nothing short of a full-time fective immediately. The out a hope for a peaceful maker in the hostage crisis, job. I was well aware of this Committee will review can- when I made the decision solution and said the United was moved from the city of didates for the vice-chairman Qom to the Tehran hospital last April to seek the office," slot and "hopefully, by States would try to persuade Iran its real dangers were Mostly0 sunny, breezy that specializes in diseases Dzwonkowski said. next week we'll have an ap- and cold. Highs in the low of the heart and that his con- "I knew that student pointment," Chapley said. Soviet troops near its bor- ders. lo mid 20s. Fair Thursday government officials "I think Ed did an ex- night. SEE PAGE 10 received no academic or cellent job and though we're In Panama City, President Page 2 The Connecticut Daily Campus, Thursday, January 24,1980 ttomucticut Satlg Qtampiu. SERVING STORRS SINCE 1896 EDITOR IN CHIEF MARY MESSINA MANAGING EDITOR KEN KOEPPER BUSINESS MANAGER MARK BECKER USPS 295*0 Second class postage paid at Slo.rs. Conn 06268 Published by the Connecticut Daily Campus, 121 N Eaglavill* Rd.. U-1S9. Slorri. Conn. Monday through Friday 9(1011(21. 11(27 11(30. 1(233/6. 3(184/25. and tpeciel edllions on 9/6. 12/17. 5/12. Telephone: (203) 429 9364. subscription JIO non-UConn student Unltad Pratt International talaphotot ara providad at no cott to Tha Daily Campus by tha Wllllmantlc Chronicle and Unltad Pratt In taxational Subscriber United Press Intl. Inc. FSSO needs ideas, not an occupation It's not all or nothing.. Reaction to the recent cutback in library hours has WASHINGTON — The big question And if the Russians started living up to been furious but not surprising. Americans are faced with is whether we the Helsinki Accords, we would allow our Dear Ella's loathing for state public higher educa- should or should not participate in the athletes to compete in volleyball, rowing tion has made money scarce here. Cutbacks must Moscow .Olympics. Unfortunately, every- and yachting. be made somewhere and the situation is not likely to im- one has made this an "either-or" proposi- It seems to me that this compromise prove until additional state funding such as a state income tion. I believe there is room for compromise would show the Soviets that the United tax is found. which would show the Soviets we mean States will not permit politics to interfere President DiBiaggio's politicking with the people on business and at the same time leave the with the games. At the same time it will let Capitol Hill has stalled the pain for quite some time but the door open in case they want to change their them know that we're not sending over our cuts of reality are settling in. ways. boys and girls en masse while they believe Although the FSSO Central Committee's idea to organize Why couldn't we tell the Russians that we they can do anything they want to endanger a student sit-in is noble (like a captain going down with the intend to go into the Olympics on piecemeal the world peace. sinking ship), it will not have a very long-lasting effect on basis depending on how they behave in the The ball will then be in the Soyiet couri. UConn's situation. Who remembers the statt college next few months? The countries behind the Iron Curtain will takeovers of their libraries only months ago? And their For starters, President Carter could exert tremendous pressure on the Russ- libraries still remain locked. inform the Kremlin that if Russia gets out ians, because each satellite nation has A sit-in would only generate some .short-term sympathy. of Afghanistan we will send our track and spent years developing athletes whose sole FSSO should concentrate on finding alternative funds to field team to Moscow. The Soviets are very job in life is to beat the Americans where it keep the library open instead. big in track and field and are expecting to hurts. Perhaps FSSO can organize students to volunteer some take all the gold medals-in these events. free time to monitor the library during those extra hours. Then, if they get their surrogate army of That way employee salaries would not have to be paid.
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