URBAN MODERNITY CULTURAL INNOVATION IN THE SECOND INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION MIRIAM R. LEVIN, SOPHIE FORGAN, MARTINA HESSLER, ROBERT H. KARGON, AND MORRIS LOW THE MIT PRESS CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS LONDON, ENGLAND © 2010 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any electronic or mechanical means (including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval) without permission in writing from the publisher. For information about special quantity discounts, please email special_sales@ mitpress.mit.edu This book was set in Engravers Gothic and Bembo by Toppan Best-set Premedia Limited. Printed and bound in the United States of America. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Urban modernity : cultural innovation in the Second Industrial Revolution / Miriam R. Levin . [et al.]. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-262-01398-7 (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Urbanization — History. 2. Technological innovations — Economic aspects — History. 3. Industrialization — History. I. Levin, Miriam R. HT361.U7173 2010 307.76 09 — dc22 2009034747 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 INDEX Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations. Abel, Frederick, 95, 107– 108 Association of French Urbanists, 32 Adams, Henry, 151, 160 Atkinson, Robert W., 213 Adams, Henry Percy, 122n58 Automobile Club, 85 Ader, Cl é ment, 47 Ayer, Edward E., 145– 150 AEG (fi rm), 7, 168 Ayrton, William E., 88, 93, 99 Akasaka Detached Palace, 213 Albert (prince consort), 78, 81 Baedeker, Karl, 88, 103, 120n39 Albert Hall, 104 Baguio (Philippines), 154 Alderson, Victor, 141 – 143 Baird, Spencer F., 220 Alphand, Adolphe, 16, 27, 28, 34, 39 Balfour, A. J., 78 Altes Museum, 181 Bauakademie, 172 American Exhibition (1887), 105, Baudrillard, Jean, 259 108 Bazalgette, Joseph, 123n61 Ancient Monuments Act, 93 Beadle, E. R., 220 Armour, Allison, 150 Beard, Charles A., 8, 238 – 239 Armour, J. Ogden, 137, 141 Bebel, August, 170 Armour, Philip D., 140 Bechmann, Georges, 36 Armour, Philip D., Jr., 141 Becker, Bernard, Scientifi c London, Armour Institute of Technology 81 (AIT), 6, 139 – 143, 147, 150 Beijing, 207 Armour Mission, 140 Belgrand, F. E., 16 Armstrong, Henry, 99 Benjamin, Walter, 14 Art Nouveau, 44 Bennett, Edward, 155 Asakura Kametar o¯ , 231 Berlin, 6 – 7, 256 – 257. See also specifi c Asiatic Society of Japan, 213 institutions and events Association de Vieux Paris, 32 adult education in, 7, 173, 182, Association of Berlin Merchants and 184 – 185, 187 – 188, 192 – 193 Industrialists. See Verein Berliner chemical industries, 168 Kaufl eute und Industrieller Hobrecht Plan for, 175 – 176, 178 262 INDEX Berlin (cont.) Bryce, James, 160 industrial exhibitions in, 111, 188 – Burnham, Daniel, 6, 93, 109, 137, 196, 191 139, 143, 152 – 154, 158 – 159, 239. market halls, 173 – 174 See also Plan of Chicago modernization of, 169 – 170, 173, Busse, Fred A., 157 196 municipal services and infrastructure, Cahan, David, 172 168, 174 – 178, 191, 195, 196 – 197 Calabi, Donatella, 23, 32 museums and monuments, 7, 169, Catholic Church (France), 14 – 15, 17, 179 – 182, 184, 186 20, 22, 24, 30 population, 7, 167, 175, 207 Centennial Exhibition (1876), 219, public health and hygiene, 168, 170, 228 173 – 178, 193, 195 – 197 Centralverband Deutscher Industrieller, scientifi c culture, 168 – 170, 172 – 173, 189 177 Chadwick, Edwin, 97, 174 – 175 scientifi c popularization in, 7, 173 Chambrun, Joseph-Dominique- urban renewal, 179 Aldebert de Pineton, comte de, 30 Volkshochschulen, 173 Chandler, Alfred, 257 Berlinische Zeitung, 169 Chandler, Charles F., 220 Bernard, Claude, 59n9 Ch â teau d ’ Eau, 45 Bernstein, Eduard, 196 Chesapeake Bay Zoological Bertillon, Jacques, 47 Laboratory, 233 Biblioth è que Nationale, 16 Chevalier, Michel, 16, 58n6 Bienven ü e, Fulgence, 27, 29, 41 Chevreul, Michel-Eug è ne, 30, 64n41 Biological Society of Tokyo Cheysson, Jean-Jacques- É mile, 16, 26, University, 218 31, 65n45 Birmingham, 117n7 Album de statistique graphique, 31 Bismarck, Otto von, 180 Chicago, 5 – 6, 256 – 257. See also specifi c Board of Education (United institutions and events Kingdom), 80 civic associations, 137– 138, 151 Bodemuseum, 181 class divisions, 135 Booth, Charles, 76 Department of Fire Protection Borsig (fi rm), 174 Engineering, 142 Bourdais, Jules, 39, 43 municipal services and infrastructure, Bramwell, Frederick, 82, 113 133 – 134, 141 Brecht, Bertolt, 169 museums, 144 – 145 British Association for the pollution, 133 – 134 Advancement of Science, 82 population growth, 133 British Empire Exhibition (1924 – public health and hygiene, 133 – 134 1925), 106, 132n153 Chicago Auditorium Theater, 105 British Museum, 85, 102, 206, 217 Chicago Commercial Club, 78 Brooks, William Keith, 233 Chicago Company, 143, 147 Browning, Robert, 235 Chicago Globe, 147 INDEX 263 Chicago Manual Training School, 137, Davioud, Gabriel, 16, 39, 43 139 – 140 Davis, George R., 148 Chicago Tribune, 147, 149, 226, 228 – Debs, Eugene V., 135 229, 231 De Forest, Lee, 142 “ Cities of the Future ” (H é nard), 258 Delano, Frederic A., 137, 154 – 155 Citizen ’ s Association, 135, 137 de la Rue, William, 117n13 City and Guilds Central Institution, Department of Science and Art 95, 96, 99 (United Kingdom), 80, 82, City Livery Companies, 81 – 82, 96 – 97 100 – 102 City of Paris pavilion (Exposition Deutsches Museum (Munich), 181 Universelle, 1900), 50 Devonshire, Spencer Compton Cleveland, Grover, 143 Cavendish, duke of, 105 Cleveland (Ohio), 154 – 155 Devonshire Commission, 83, 100 Coil and Current (Frith and Rawson), Diderot, Denis, 25 87 – 88 Disraeli, Benjamin, 101 Colonial and Indian Exhibition (1886), Donnelly, John, 80, 82, 100, 102, 104 125n82 Commercial Club, 6, 9 – 10, 137 – 139, Drexel Institute, 140 145, 147 – 148, 154 – 155, 172, 256 Dubois-Reymond, Emil, 170, 172 Compagnie Fran ç aise Thomson- Duruy, Victor, 16, 37, 59n9 Houston, 38 Dyer, Henry, 212, 228 – 229, 242 Conder, Josiah, 212, 221, 223, 231, 242 Earls Court, 105 Condillac, É tienne Bonnot de, 25 Eastman, S. C., 147 Condorcet, Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Eaton, H. W., 139 Caritat, marquis de, 17, 25 Eaton, John, 220 Sketch for a Historical Picture, 55 É cole d ’ Architecture, 50 Conservatoire National des Arts et É cole de M é decine, 37 M é tiers, 37, 38, 53, 101, 200n60, É cole des Ponts et Chaussé es, 26 – 27 217 É cole Municipale de Physique et Cook, George H., 220 Chimie, 38 Cooke, Ernest, 141 É cole Normale Sup é rieure, 37 Cooper Union, 140 É cole Polytechnique (EPT), 15 – 16 Crerar, John, 137 É cole Sup é rieure d ’ É lectricit é , 38 Crompton, Rookes Evelyn, 89, Edinburgh, 111 123n68 Edison Company, 79 Crystal Palace, 104 Edo. See Tokyo Crystal Palace Electrical Exhibition, 87 Educational Museum (Tokyo), 8, Curie, Marie, 37 218 – 222 Curie, Pierre, 37 Eiffel, Gustave, 29, 43 Eiffel Tower, 26, 29, 40, 43, 45 – 47, Dai Ichi Gink o¯ , 211 52 Daly, C é sar, 27 Einstein, Albert, 170 264 INDEX electrical engineering, 141 – 142. See Field Museum, 6, 139, 143 – 150, also Institution of Electrical 156 Engineers First National Industrial Exhibition Electrical Handbook of London, 88, (1877), 8, 221, 227 – 228, 231, 233 90 – 91 Fisheries Exhibition (1883), 104, 111 electricity. See also lighting, gas and Fleming, J. A., 87 electric Flower, W. H., 99 at exhibitions and spectacles, 110, Foerster, Wilhelm, 7, 172 – 173 111 – 112, 144, 153, 193 Ford Motor Company, 75 versus gas interests, 135 Forgan, Sophie, 218 generating, 93 – 95, 132n158 Fort Sheridan, 137 and industry, 92, 172 Foye, James, 141 infrastructure for, 76, 84, 89, 90 – 91, France 92, 94 – 95, 102, 110, 122n54, 141, Ministry of Education and Fine Arts, 159 24, 37, 53 technical standards for, 89, 114 Ministry of the Interior, 27 and tourism, 87 – 88 Franco-British Exhibition (1908), 105, and urban planning, 21 – 22, 24 108, 111, 114 Electric Palace (London), 112 Franco-Prussian War, 4, 174 Elektrotechnische Gesellschaft, 172 Frankland, Edward, 84, 99 Elgin, James Bruce, earl of, 209 Freeman, Clarence, 142 Ellsworth, James, 146 Fr é my, Edmond, 64n41 Engels, Friedrich, 160 French Exhibition (1890), 128n109 ethnography, 30, 54 – 55, 73n109, Friedrich Wilhelm IV, 181 73n116, 226 Friedrich-Wilhelm University, 181 Evans, John, 117n13 Fukuzawa Yukichi, 215 – 216, 242 Exposition Internationale d’ É lectricit é (1881), 36 Galerie des Machines, 33, 43 Exposition Universelle (1867), 31, 39, Galton, Douglas, 80 – 82, 97 – 98, 107 59n9, 225 Gare d’ Orsay, 41 Exposition Universelle (1878), 38 – 40, Garnier, Charles, 16, 30, 32, 34, 50 43, 54, 226 Gassiot, J. P., 117n13 Exposition Universelle (1889), 23, 31, Gaun Tatchi, 229 33, 36, 38 – 39, 43 – 46, 50, 54 Gavey, John, 120n40 Exposition Universelle (1900), 33, 36, Gay, Hannah, 122n59 38 – 39, 40, 41 – 42, 44, 44 – 47, 50, Gay, John W., 122n59 54, 227 Geddes, Patrick, 109, 237 Geikie, Alexander, 102 Felisch, Bernhard, 190 General Electric Company, 38, 153 Ferranti, Sebastian de, 123n68 General Post Offi ce, 80, 85 – 89, 96, Ferry, Jules, 22, 24, 26, 51, 53 – 54 103, 109, 113 – 114 Field, Marshall, 135, 136, 137, 139, General Strike (1926), 76 143, 146 – 147 German Exhibition (1891), 128n109 INDEX 265 Germany, political unifi cation of, 180, Haussmann, Georges-Eug è ne, 4, 15 – 185 17, 21 – 22, 24, 26 – 27, 30, 34, 36, Gewerbeakademie, 172 41 – 42, 51, 55 – 56, 155, 175 – 176, Giddens, Anthony, 8 – 9 196, 239 Glasgow, 117n7 Hayashi Shihei, 231 Glazebrook, Richard, 81, 89, 102, Haymarket riot (1886), 135, 137 109, 113 Heaviside, Oliver, 87 – 88, 121n47, Goldberger, Julius, 189
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