NEW ZEAI.AND CHESS SUPPTIES PO BOX 42O9O WAINUIOMATA PHONE (04) 648-s78 FAX (O4) 697-046 S OF THE WIDEST SELECTION OF MODERN CHESS UTERATURE IN AUSTRALA SIA CHESS SETS, BOARDS, CLOCKS, STATIONERY AND ALL PLAYING EQUIPMENT CHESS AND DATABASE - CHESS COMPUTERS A SPECIALITY. DISTRIBUTOR ilOVAG AnCI MEPHISTO WORLD CHAMPION MODELS. SEND S.A.E FOR BROCHURE AND CATALOGUE (STATE YOUR TNTEREST) SPECIAL OFFER TO NZ CHESS READERS 'MlNl'the new portable with peg sensor board VOL 15 No 6 DECEMBER 1989 and display from Mephisto Retailing up to $199 NOW only g99.oo (inctuding GST) from NZCS only while stocks last REPORTS ON the powerful pocket-size chess computer Microprocessor: Single Chip M 50743 Clock speed: 8 MHz CANDIDATES, Batteries requlred:4 pieces ot Micro (AAA) 1,5 Voh Battery life: spprox. 100 hours Oimensions: Epprox. 10 x 16 x 2.5 cm . Mows mad6 directly on sonsor board r Mows shown via 4-character, 7-segment displEy . 8 function ksys . 32 lewl6 (with and without be€p signal) . 4 problem-solving lewls . Fosition memory intsrrupted gsmes woR[D can be continued lats IUNTOR, . Mow tak€back tunction, 2 plys . Position ewluation in fuwn-units . Fosition cEn be stored for problsms .or analysis o Chess clock shorc total time used o lnformation mode . Random move generator I t'l* LEVEL sET 0P NZs BIGGEST , INFO NEW AAINE NEW ZEAI-AND CHESS is publlshed bl- NEW ZEATAND CHESS monthly (February, April, June, August, octo- EDITOR: Bill Ramsay ber and December) by the New Zealand TOO FREE Chess Association. OVERSEAS EDITOR: NM Peter Stuart Unless othoMise statsd, however, ths vion/s CHESS BOOKS LEFT WOMEN'S EDITOH: Vivian Smith expressed herein ar€ not necessarily those of the Association. SPECIAL CORRESPONDENTS: tM Ortvin Sarapu, Emit Metnichenko ADDRESSES As at the 1st Decomber, we had 100 copios of Playing Chess in All articles and letters should be addrossed to stock. the eclltor, 11 Arizona Grovs, Kowhai Par(, Wellington. This excellent instruction book, EDITORIAL Coresponcl6nce the assoeiauon shoulcl b6 based on the British television pre- to here will be considerable discussion of some the add,essecl to the Secretary, NZC,q, PO Box sentation, is given to of being away es at the forthcomlng congress. some need be 4O4, upper Hutt. every new to subscriber. ere ar€ oth6r8 that should not (uut, of course, wllt) see Subscriptlons, changes ot adcfess and aclver- tishg inquiries should b6 addressed to the The subscription, at $15 for a Secrotary. year (six issues), would make an SUBSCRIPTION RATES excellent Christmas present. Cou- pled with the free book, it is the Rates ae to, one y€ar's subscription. Over- biggest bargain of the year. seas rates are in us clollars. Don't The lOO get Surtace mail , delay! first New Zealand $N215.0O the free book Other countries sUS15.00 SECRETARY, Airmail New Zealand Chess Association Australia and South Pacific 00 $US15 PO Box 40-484 Other countries $US20.0O UPPER HUTT ADVERTISING RATES Full page $NZ.|O.oo CHAM PIONSHIP CONTENDERS Hall page or tull column $NZ2O.oO Anthony Ker, Jonathan Sarfati, Hal, column $N210.0O I Another remit aims relnforce Russell Dive, Paul Garbett, Ortvin to a now commonly-held view that fr6sh Club clirectory listing $6.00 por annum $2 per ak ls a catalyst! Many studles - Sarapu, Peter Green, Ben [rtartin, now being produceb wortorriae hfer rhat alt€ratbn. the passlv€ smoker is worse Michaol Hampl, Graham Spain, off than tnelriroker! DEADUNE FOR COPY Robert Smith, Charles Ker, Martin Eclitorlal copy should be in the editor's hands Dreyer. by the second Saturday ol the month preceoding publication. BESERVE CHAMPIONSHIP Peter Stuart, Paul Tuffery, Nigel Metge, Nigel Hopewell, Simon Fitz- patrick, ln an E rules, th6re wlll be some pseudo_legal Printed by Northland Printing Company Ltcl Arthur Pomeroy, Poter argument Hawkes, David Weegenaar, Kendall o be hoped thar rhe meering'wlll see i'he 22-21 Oarell Street, Welllngton frailty of throw tli€ remits out. We oo-not want New Boyd, lan McNally, Todd Stevenson, Zealand t lor ths New zed{rd chess Association ZFrankel. PO Box.+O-48r1 Upp6r Hutt 42SPENCER-SMITHEJ 2061 ggSIMSMT 1347 RATINGS 43HENSMANPJ 2O5O lOOVETHARANIAMPAR 1843 Th€ folloiying tournaments 44 FITZPATRICK S P 2044 101 SUTHERLAND J L 1838 lSSJACKSON R 1703 2lSKASMARAAH 1581 2T2BENSONC 1481 were rated in the October 31 . 45ALEXANDERBJ 2042 lO2EDWARDSDW 1833 159 MOot O 1702 2l6BORRENA 1580 2T3SPENCER-SM|THPA 148'r 1989 rating period. .1480 46HAASEOO 2030 IO3NoTLEYDG 1832 160 SKERRET M 't70'l 217LtLLtS D I58O 274 ARNULL V Wellington hterclub, E 4TCORNFORDLH 2029 I04TAyLORR 182s 161 OAVIES G 1699 218 PALMER B 1579 275 CROSBTE 1478 Papatootos Open, Nortn and P 162 OKEY K M South lsland Champlonships, 1698 219EMMETT B G 1s79 2T6SHARDYZ 1476 Upper Hutt Labour WsekBnd, 163 MAZUR J J 1692 220ROCKSM 1576 2TTBRETTKW 1474 Canterbury Quacls, Canterbury 164 BENSON J 1686 221 HUDEPOHL 1575 278YEOTS 1474 Qu€en's Birthday, Wollington l6SCHRISTOFFELM D 1682 222JOHNSONQ 1575 27gBOYDJK 1473 Queen's Birthday, Auckland 166 HEAP P 1679 223MtNNtSR 1574 2SoCOLLTNSL 1473 lnvitational, All Wellington 167 BOOTHA J 't675 224YOUNGP 1573 2$1STONER 1471 Championship, Otago Eastar, 168 MULI.AN A B 1675 22s NETLSON P 1572 282HOOTONB '.1471 Canterbury CC Cha'npionships, 169 CAPPER D S 't675 226 YUAN T 1569 1471 Lots of 2S3HEALEYR Otago Club Minis, 170 GLOISTEIN B 1673 22TDEVL|NS Waikkere Open, Asian Junior. 1569 284 G|BB J L 1471 171 BORRENAM 1673 22SFREEMANBW 1567 28500RDONMA 1470 lT2WADDLEM H 1672 229LUKETINAI 1564 lSUTTONRJ 2359 286KAYJB 1170 173 00LD H 1671 23OSTANTONRA 1582 1459 2SMALLVA 2353 ,I74 aETCRENSHAWRD LEZARD O 1668 231 STRETCHWR 1560 CULUVER 3KERAF 23:13 288 R D 1.t63 175 SNELSON P R 1665 2S2STEFFENSENT 4NOKESRI 2293 1558 2'SgRTCHARDSONNJ 145S 176 DOLEJS D 1659 233 GRATNCER S 1658 5SARFATIJ D 22A5 63HARTR 1970 126CARTER GS ltaz 29oW|LCOCKPR 1458 177WOOD R J 1657 Z34VON'TSTEENR 1556 291 ARVTN E 6 otvE 2281 64STEVENSONT 1967 IZICASS;Dy 1780 M 1458 178 00t w 1654 236KOLODZ|NSK| SJ 1552 TGARBETTPA 2275 65coopERDJ i961 iZzpoWK 1T7B 2g2MOORES 1157 65G|BBONSR 1 79 DRAKE A S 1654 ?36BENNETT R 1552 2Srit SSARAPUO 2257 E 1960 I2gSTERELNy K 1176 H|GO|NS M E 1457 .1770 lSOMULUGANAW 1654 23TELUOTTDB 1551 gGREENPR 2257 6TWIGBOUTM 1957 124BANKSG B 2g.rTAl-AtCL 1.+56 181 SHEAD D B 1648 238KELLYS 1OGREENEM 2256 SScoRRYRJ 1955 I2SRAWNSLEyLD 1769 1549 2gSSTEPHENSTC 1455 lS2ALLSOBROOKAJR 1647 239MC|NTOSH llCARPINTERAL 2239 69JORDANAW 194s 126WtLKtNSoNEM 1769 1549 296MCLEANRE 14s3 183 MULUGAN J J 't646 2.tOJONESW 12APTEKARL 2232 TOCARPINTERBA 1945'I2TMONRADPG 1769 1548 2gTCALDERRJ 1449 184 FORSTER W 1645 241 STEWART M I 13MARTINBMS 2221 71 |-AMONT 1 1941 128 O'BOYLE D 1766 15.+6 298 BANNTSTER C 1448 185 MEARS G W 1641 242THYECF 1541 14 CASEY K 2218 T2BENNETTHP 1927 l29ADAMSJM 1765 299G|BSON G 1448 I3oABRAHAMSONp 186 RAYNER E 1639 243BYFORDC 15MCLARENLJ 2200 23BLACKBURNF 1924 1765 1539 300MC|NTOSHJ 1445 74 GOFFTN p 131 ATMERS 1760 187 BLAXAT_L C S 1636 244SCARFR 1537 3O1 BLATCHFORD 1443 16HAMPLM 22OO B 1924 e J 132 SIMS tM 1759 lSSWINFIELDA 1635 24STRUNDLEGE ITSPA|NOA 2195 75 WHEELER B 1522 1536 302 H|PK|NS B 1441 l33MARS|CKBHp 17s9 189 O'CONNOR J A 1634 246D|XONHA I8SMITHRW 2t95 T6WALDENGJ 19zO 1s35 3o3THELWALL| 144'l 77MARNERO 134BoAGP 17s9 l90GOODWILLIEC 1632 247REtDt l9GOLLOOLYD A 2184 1920 1534 3fiWOODB 1440 78toNOJ I35VETHARANIAMK 1759 't91 COOKF 1629 248LEVYR 1534 20WANS|NKR 2171 t9t4 3oSPOWELLTH 1440 192 TAYLOR S 1629 249BOOTHSL 2ILUKEYSo 21ffi 1633 sO6DUFFIELDT 1440 193 BENNELL D J 1626 25OVANDENBERGHB '1531 2zTHOMASB 2157 307LEW|S P 1438 l94THOMSON O N 2SLEONHARDTW 2153 1626 251 GRACEK 1530 3oSRUPASINGHESD 1437 195 JOEL C 1623 252MORR|SON 24 KER CM 2143 M K 1530 3o9SMA|LLA 143.+ 196 LANOLEY D B 1622 253JORDANP 2sDREYERMP 2136 1529 S1OPLUMPTOND 1132 197 CUNNI'{EHAM P D 1621 254WALUS P 26ANDEHSON B R 2131 1522 31 TMCCARTHY P D 1,131 198HAREM 1619 2TSTUARTPW 2123 2S5HAMPTONR 1521 312PARLANELN 1430 199 CAMPBELL L S 1617 256SHANAHANM 23 tNNALA H 2122 1519 313 MCCALLA 1430 2OO JOHNSTON H S 161.r 2STVECOVSKYP 2gWHALEYMg 2116 1515 3ItWORNJ 1.+30 201 BISHOP R F 1607 258 P I 3OTUFFERYPB 2112 HA|R 1512 315 SMTTH C 1428 2O2JEFFRIES A 1607 259DWYER T 31 WETRPB 2106, 1511 316PRESTONJN 1126 203 EAST S 1605 260WILKESJ 32COOPER PR 2106 1509 31TTUFFERYE 1426 204 eoRts R 1605 26TALLEN EO 3SSHAWB 210/- g2FRANKELZ 1506 318.GILL 6 1422 t868 tSopRtCEAJ 17ts 205 MCTNTOSH tH l60i] 262HOL|-AND D 1504 1121 34NOBLEM F 21OO ,t712 &:lpzwARrl caRoBrNsoNJ p 1867 151 SMTTH 206PETCHWH 16ot 263B|SHOPA 35 METOEJ N 2099 VJ ,1599 1498 SUo,POORTMAN P 1421 152CHANDLERJ 1709 207 BOJTOR J STiSTEADMANMVR 2O9O ffi 264POWELLRA 1495 S2IVANBOOEGiRAVENT 1420 94 WHITEHOUSE L E 1A62 l53VANDAMS 1707 2OsSANGSTER A 1598 265RAMSAYW 3TFREEMAN M R 2086 1.{91 322 EOWARDS R 1.119 95 BLAXALL N 154 REYNOLDS C P 1'/o7 209 BOYD D J 3SHOPEWELLNH 2083 1862 1598 266KtNClPC '1487 32SSIMMONSJR 1418 96 VAN PEL,T J 1856 155 WHTTEHOUSE C 1/06 2.lO BELL D I 39POTTGEISSERJ 2076 1597 267BROWN B 1.+85 324WARD C 1418 97 CONNOR A P 1850 156BELLCM 1704 21 1 HUDSON S 40DOWDENRA 2069 1595 268HENDERSONAJ 1485 325ASHEM 1416 98 ROSE C.A 1847 157 SCHWASS M P 1704 212ABURN S 't5g' 41 REYNT 2068 269BOURDOTB 1484 326JEFFR|EST 1.+16 213 JOHNSTONE R B 1592 2T0STACEYG 148:t 3z7CHOOTN 1,+15 214 VINCENT M 1586 271 BEN-ISRAEL 1.182 328WEH| D 1.f 15 5OO SHIRLEY R 987 329PHILUPSJN 1{I1 386 HURLEY P 1312 443 H|LL S D 1214 501 JONES M 986 330 DUNWOODYM L I41O 387 ANDERSON O 1311 444WTLUAMSR A 1.212 502 RAKOCZY G 980 331 WIGBOUTR 1,106 388 MCKENZIE M R 13rl 445TWEDDELE 1209 503 NEALR M 957 332 oG|ER

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