December 7, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7343 these facilities are accountable under federal ‘‘(3) REVIEW OF CLOSED CASES.—The Deputy and communities to address tensions raised criminal law for their conduct. Chief may, to the extent practicable, reopen by Civil Rights era crimes.’’; I encourage my colleagues to support H.R. and review any case involving a violation de- (6) in section 7— 6431, which ensures a safer and more effi- scribed in paragraph (1) that was closed prior (A) in the heading, by striking ‘‘DEFINITION to the date of the enactment of the Emmett OF ‘CRIMINAL CIVIL RIGHTS STATUTES’’’ and in- cient trade relationship with Canada. Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crimes Reauthor- serting ‘‘DEFINITIONS’’; The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. ization Act of 2016 without an in-person in- (B) in paragraph (6), by redesignating sub- STEFANIK). The question is on the mo- vestigation or review conducted by an officer paragraphs (A) and (B) as clauses (i) and (ii), tion offered by the gentleman from or employee of the Criminal Section of the respectively, and indenting the clauses ac- Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE) that the Civil Rights Division of the Department of cordingly; House suspend the rules and pass the Justice or by an agent of the Federal Bureau (C) by redesignating paragraphs (1) bill, H.R. 6431. of Investigation. through (6) as subparagraphs (A) through (F), The question was taken; and (two- ‘‘(4) PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT.— respectively, and indenting the subpara- thirds being in the affirmative) the ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—The Department shall graphs accordingly; rules were suspended and the bill was hold meetings with representatives of the (D) by striking ‘‘In this Act, the term’’ and Civil Rights Division, Federal Bureau of In- inserting: ‘‘In this Act: passed. vestigation, the Community Relations Serv- ‘‘(1) CRIMINAL CIVIL RIGHTS STATUTES.—The A motion to reconsider was laid on ice, eligible entities, and where appropriate, term’’; and the table. state and local law enforcement to discuss (E) by inserting at the end the following: f the status of the Department’s work under ‘‘(2) ELIGIBLE ENTITY.—The term ‘eligible this Act. entity’ means an organization whose pri- EMMETT TILL UNSOLVED CIVIL ‘‘(B) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— mary purpose is to promote civil rights, an RIGHTS CRIMES REAUTHORIZA- In addition to amounts made available to institution of higher education, or another TION ACT OF 2016 carry out this Act under section 6, there is entity, determined by the Attorney General Mr. GOODLATTE. Madam Speaker, I authorized to be appropriated to the Attor- to be appropriate.’’; and move to suspend the rules and pass the ney General $1,500,000 for fiscal year 2017 and (7) by striking section 8. bill (S. 2854) to reauthorize the Emmett each of the next 10 subsequent fiscal years to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- carry out this paragraph.’’; and ant to the rule, the gentleman from Till Unsolved Civil Rights Crime Act of (B) in subsection (c)— Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE) and the gen- 2007, as amended. (i) in paragraph (1)— The Clerk read the title of the bill. (I) in subparagraph (A), by striking ‘‘1969’’ tleman from Michigan (Mr. CONYERS) The text of the bill is as follows: and inserting ‘‘1979’’; each will control 20 minutes. S. 2854 (II) in subparagraph (F), by striking ‘‘and’’ The Chair recognizes the gentleman Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- at the end; from Virginia. resentatives of the United States of America in (III) in subparagraph (G), by striking the GENERAL LEAVE Congress assembled, period at the end and inserting ‘‘; and’’; and Mr. GOODLATTE. Madam Speaker, I SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (IV) by inserting after subparagraph (G) ask unanimous consent that all Mem- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Emmett Till the following: bers may have 5 legislative days within Unsolved Civil Rights Crimes Reauthoriza- ‘‘(H) the number of cases referred by an eli- which to revise and extend their re- tion Act of 2016’’. gible entity or a State or local law enforce- ment agency or prosecutor to the Depart- marks and include extraneous mate- SEC. 2. INVESTIGATION OF UNSOLVED CIVIL rials on S. 2854, currently under consid- RIGHTS CRIMES. ment within the study period, the number of The Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights such cases that resulted in Federal charges eration. Crime Act of 2007 (28 U.S.C. 509 note) is being filed, the date the charges were filed, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there amended— and if the Department declines to prosecute objection to the request of the gen- (1) in section 2— or participate in an investigation of a case so tleman from Virginia? (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘and’’ at referred, the fact that it did so, and the out- There was no objection. the end; reach, collaboration, and support for inves- Mr. GOODLATTE. Madam Speaker, I (B) in paragraph (2), by striking the period tigations and prosecutions of violations of yield myself such time as I may con- at the end and inserting a semicolon; and criminal civil rights statutes described in sume. (C) by inserting after paragraph (2) the fol- section 2(3), including murders and including Madam Speaker, this bill is an im- lowing: disappearances described in section 2(4), within Federal, State, and local jurisdic- portant step in continuing to inves- ‘‘(3) meet regularly with eligible entities tigate the crimes and terror inflicted to coordinate the sharing of information and tions.’’; and to discuss the status of the Department’s (ii) in paragraph (2), by inserting before the on so many involved in the civil rights work under this Act; period at the end the following: ‘‘and a de- movement. This bill will help to right ‘‘(4) support the full accounting of all vic- scription of the activities conducted under those past wrongs and help to find jus- tims whose deaths or disappearances were subsection (b)(3)’’; tice for the families who lost loved the result of racially motivated crimes; (3) in section 4(b)— ones in the civil rights effort. ‘‘(5) hold accountable under Federal and (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘1969’’ and Specifically, this bill reauthorizes State law all individuals who were perpetra- inserting ‘‘1979’’; and and updates the Emmett Till Unsolved tors of, or accomplices in, unsolved civil (B) in paragraph (2), by inserting before the period at the end the following: ‘‘, and eligi- Civil Rights Crimes Act that was rights murders and such disappearances; passed 10 years ago. It responds to con- ‘‘(6) express the condolences of the author- ble entities’’; ity to the communities affected by unsolved (4) in section 5— cerns that victims’ families and those civil rights murders, and to the families of (A) in subsection (a), by striking ‘‘1969’’ working in this area have had about the victims of such murders and such dis- and inserting ‘‘1979’’; and the implementation of the original leg- appearances; (B) in subsection (b), by striking ‘‘each of islation. In doing so, it strengthens the ‘‘(7) keep families regularly informed the fiscal years 2008 through 2017’’ and in- collaboration between the FBI, the De- about the status of the investigations of serting ‘‘fiscal year 2017 and each of the 10 partment of Justice, and local law en- such murders and such disappearances of subsequent fiscal years’’; and (5) in section 6— forcement to make sure that the goals their loved ones; and of this legislation are met. By pro- ‘‘(8) expeditiously comply with requests for (A) in subsection (a)— information received pursuant to section 552 (i) by striking ‘‘each of the fiscal years 2008 viding clearer direction and improved of title 5, United States Code, (commonly through 2017’’ and inserting ‘‘fiscal year 2017 coordination between all the relevant known as the ‘Freedom of Information Act’) and each of the 10 subsequent fiscal years’’; stakeholders, this bill will help to en- and develop a singular, publicly accessible and sure that these crimes will be solved repository of these disclosed documents.’’; (ii) by striking ‘‘1969’’ and inserting ‘‘1979’’; and families who lost loved ones will be (2) in section 3— and able to find justice. (A) in subsection (b)— (B) by amending subsection (b) to read as This legislation also addresses some follows: (i) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘1969’’ and of the concerns with the Senate-passed inserting ‘‘1979’’; ‘‘(b) COMMUNITY RELATIONS SERVICE OF THE language by making sure that the bill (ii) in paragraph (2), by inserting before the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE.—Using funds appro- period at the end the following: ‘‘, and eligi- priated under section 3(b)(4)(B), the Commu- is fully offset, that a sunset provision ble entities’’; and nity Relations Service of the Department of is included, and by providing greater (iii) by adding after paragraph (2) the fol- Justice shall provide technical assistance by clarity regarding the collaboration be- lowing: bringing together law enforcement agencies tween various stakeholders. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:31 Dec 08, 2016 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07DE7.064 H07DEPT1 smartinez on DSK3GLQ082PROD with HOUSE H7344 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 7, 2016 Finally, I thank both Ranking Mem- racially motivated hate and violence. I will just say, in concluding, this bers CONYERS and LEWIS—civil rights Emmett Till was a 14-year-old African legislation will have to be a document leaders and icons on these issues—for American young man from Chicago which the Members of Congress will working with Senator BURR and other who allegedly whistled at a White have to breathe life into. We will have stakeholders to reach agreement on woman.
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