June 30, 1999 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 14953 responders arrived at the scene, so did Dep- ciency index of any officer in the Fourth Army Minority Recruiting Branch at the Coast Guard uty Sheriff Steve Davis. Once a Media Infor- Area and now carries the high honor of colo- Headquarters. In 1981, he was out at sea mation Center was established, Deputy Davis nel (Retired) of the United States Army. once again with the USCGC Ute. and PIO Team members provided updates After world War II, Mr. Etheredge completed From 1983 until 1986, Captain Salas served and information to media representatives as his Master of Arts Degree at Sam Houston as the Officer in Charge of the Interdiction Op- often as necessary to keep his community, our Teachers College in 1947. He received a Pea- erations Intelligence Center for the Vice Presi- nation, and the world informed. body Scholarship and did postgraduate work dent’s National Narcotics Border Interdiction ‘‘Public Information Officers like Davis and at the University of Texas in Austin. Lieutenant system in Miami, Florida. In 1986, he as- Hansen have set new standards for levels of Colonel Etheredge was elected to three terms sumed command of the USCGC Lipan. While cooperation between the media and public in the Texas House of Representatives, where commanding the Lipan, he successfully di- safety providers,’’ said co-chair David he served as Chairman of the Education Com- rected the interdiction of four vessels and the Handschuh, staff photographer with the New mittee. He also served two terms as a board seizure of a total of over 20,000 lbs. of mari- York Daily News. ‘‘The ultimate benefactor of member of the Huntsville Chamber of Com- juana and 5,500 lbs. of cocaine. this cooperation is the public, who stays up- merce, is a past President of the Huntsville Captain Salas was back to recruiting in dated and informed in times of crisis.’’ Rotary Club, taught at Sam Houston State 1989. He served his last assignment in this National Press Photographers Association University as a Associate Professor of Edu- field as chief of Recruiting and Job entry Divi- President Linda Angelle said, ‘‘Media, police cation, and chartered the American Bank of sion at coast guard Headquarters in Wash- and fire personnel work in jobs that require Huntsville and the Lake Area Bank of Trinity, ington, D.C. As chief, he was responsible for them to deal with both traumatic and tragic sit- where he served as Chairman of the Board. the nation’s Coast Guard recruiting programs, uations. Davis and Hansen have been recog- Mr. Etheredge has made a positive impact directing a nationwide force of 280 recruiters. nized for outstanding work in exceptional cir- on the lives of many Americans and personi- He served in this capacity until 1992 when he cumstances and will be presented the Cooke fies the definition of a true and loyal American assumed command of the Coast Guard Mari- PIO Award of Excellence at our National Con- who sets the standard for all citizens to live anas Section and Marine Safety Office Guam. vention in Denver July 2, 1999.’’ by. He is an outstanding example to his family As commander, he has discharged his duties Media representatives and Public Informa- and friends, and has been an asset to the in such an exemplary manner that his Oper- tion Officers serve a vital role in keeping our many communities, states and nations that he ations Center staff won the Controller of the communities and the nation informed in times has touched over the years. Year Award for the entire coast guard in April, of crisis. I hope that Congress and State Leg- Mr. Speaker, it is with sincere gratitude and 1993. He is currently the Deputy Assistant islatures continue to work together to keep the utmost respect that I rise today to ask that Commandant for Coast Guard Civil Rights, as- that free flow of information open to the public you join me and our colleagues in recognizing suming the position in 1996 after serving as through media representatives. the selfless service of Colonel M.B. Etheredge Deputy Commander of the Coast Guard Per- f and in saluting the honor and dedication of all sonnel Command. American servicemen and women on July 4th, Throughout his career, Captain Salas had RECOGNIZING THE CONTRIBU- the birthday of our Nation. been awarded 3 Meritorious Service Medals, 2 TIONS OF COLONEL M.B. f Coast Guard Commendation Medals, the ETHEREDGE Coast Guard Achievement Medal, in addition HONORING CAPTAIN JUAN TUDELA to numerous unit and operational awards. Out- HON. JIM TURNER SALAS side of the military, he has served on different OF TEXAS occasions as president of the Guam Society of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. ROBERT A. UNDERWOOD America in Washington, D.C. He has also Wednesday, June 30, 1999 OF GUAM been appointed Honorary Ambassador-at- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Large for the island by the governor of Guam. Mr. TURNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Wednesday, June 30, 1999 Captain Salas is married to May Camacho honor a great American, a wonderful patriot Sanchez Salas, formerly from the village of and fellow Texan, Colonel M.B. Etheredge, Mr. UNDERWOOD. Mr. Speaker, I would Barrigada. They have four children. The eld- who after more than 80 years of dedicated like to take this occasion to commend a man est, LTJG Matthew Salas, followed in his fa- service to his community, to the State of who has dedicated over three decades of ther’s footsteps by graduating from the Coast Texas and to this entire Nation, will be hon- faithful service to the United States Coast guard Academy in 1996. ored by his friends and family members at the Guard. Captain Juan Tudela Salas, the first Captain Salas’ distinguished military career Family Faith Church in Huntsville, TX, on Sun- Chamorro selected to attend and graduate is a great source of pride for the people of day, July 4, 1999. from the United States Coast Guard Academy, Guam. I congratulate him on his outstanding Born in Weldon, TX, Mr. Etheredge grad- is slated to retire at the end of this month. achievements. Together with the people of uated from Huntsville High School in 1933. For over thirty years, Captain Salas distin- Guam, I join his family in proudly celebrating Four years later, he received a bachelor of guished himself as one of Guam’s top military his great accomplishments. I hope that he en- Arts Degree from Sam Houston Teacher’s service members. Having earned a Bachelor joys his well-earned retirement and wish him College, where he was an active member of of Science degree in General Naval Engineer- the best in his future endeavors. the Student Council, Captain of the Track ing from the Academy in 1968, he was award- f Team and President of his Senior Class. ed a Coast Guard scholarship that enabled Following graduation from Sam Houston, he him to earn a Master’s Degree in Public Ad- INDIA CELEBRATES NUKES AND taught in Sugar Land from 1937 to 1941 and ministration from the George Washington Uni- DEMONSTRATES INTOLERANCE then went on to serve as Brazoria County’s versity. Superintendent of Schools. In the summer of In his three decades with the United States HON. JOHN T. DOOLITTLE 1942, Mr. Etheredge enlisted in the United Coast Guard, Captain Salas amassed an ex- OF CALIFORNIA States Army and spent the next four years in tensive seagoing record. In addition, he dem- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Africa, Italy and France. Amazingly, but not onstrated expertise in the field of recruiting surprising to those who knew him, he earned and marketing. He was assigned to the Wednesday, June 30, 1999 two battlefield promotions and was advanced USCGC Basswood from 1972 to 1974. Prior Mr. DOOLITTLE. Mr. Speaker, while our at- in rank from second lieutenant to captain in to being appointed Chief of the Military Re- tention has been grabbed by Kosovo and only 6 days. For his dedication and commit- cruiting Branch of the Twelfth Coast Guard China, the situation in India has dropped off ment, he has been awarded three Silver Star District in San Francisco, Captain Salas our radar screen. While we weren’t looking, medals for gallantry in action, two Bronze Star served on the USCGC Red Birch from 1970 India has been very busy. medals for heroism and two Purple Heart until 1972. In 1974, he was once again as- The Indian election campaign began with medals, making him one of the most deco- signed to sea duty with the USCGC Resolute. the ruling party celebrating the anniversary of rated heroes of World War II. He was mus- From the Resolute, he moved on to Wash- its nuclear weapons tests last year. These tered out of the Army with the highest effi- ington, D.C., in 1976, to serve as Chief of the weapons were built out of India’s development VerDate jul 14 2003 15:37 Oct 04, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E30JN9.000 E30JN9 14954 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 30, 1999 budget, as the people’s health and education as do state historical markers. Designation as Camino de los Tejas along the Balconies Es- continue to decline and the population outside a National Historic Trail would greatly enhance carpment; and the Camino Arriba through the of the Brahmin caste lives in abject poverty. the resources available for trail preservation Post Oak Savannah. Both of these routes con- Meanwhile, the Indian Defense Minister held and public education of its unique and impor- verged again in Nacogdoches, Texas.
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