bindex.qxd 3/29/06 12:21 PM Page 309 Index Albums are set in italic type. Song titles are set within quotation marks. Film titles set in italic type are qualified. Page numbers in italic type refer to illustrations. A&M Records, 46, 64, 65–66, 82, 85, Ashby, Hal, 153 111, 131, 156–157, 238, 240 Asher, Jane, 108 Acevedo, Susan, 80, 147 Asher, Peter, 110, 152, 183 Ackles, David, 71 on Geffen and Roberts, 128, 133–134 “Act Naturally,” 57 as record producer, 199–200, 223, 224, Adler, Lou, 4, 6, 91, 96, 131, 143, 218 233, 246 Mamas and Papas and, 31, 93, 110 Taylor and, 108–109, 124, 199 Monterey Pop Festival and, 18 Ash Grove, 2–3, 4, 57, 78 Ode label and, 110–111 Ashley, Ted, 51, 233, 234 Roxy club and, 179, 201 Asylum Records, 136, 138, 141, 191–199, After the Gold Rush, 121, 147, 206, 207 211, 222, 240, 242, 246, 251, 265 Ahern, Paul, 151, 195 Byrds and, 157, 158 “Albuquerque,” 206 drug use at, 238–239 “All I Want,” 125 Eagles and, 135–136, 138, 141, “Almost Cut My Hair,” 119 150–152, 195 Alpert, Herb, 65, 66, 84, 91 Elektra merger, 209–215 “Already Gone,” 212 Geffen and, 110, 131, 133, 135–142, Altamont Festival, 85, 96–97 151, 152, 191–193, 195, 197 Altman, Robert, 218–219 See also Elektra-Asylum “Amelia,” 264 Atlantic Records, 13, 52, 119, 120, 129, America, 193, 196, 214, 239 130, 192, 196, 209–210, 235 American Beauty, 65, 157 Autumn Records, 10 American Dream,COPYRIGHTED263 Axton, MATERIAL Hoyt, 218 Amos Records, 72, 74, 136 Azoff, Irving, 184, 203, 222, 254. See also Anderle, David, 23, 24, 28, 29, 87–88, under Eagles 91, 94, 103, 127, 131, 269, 272 Andes, Mark, 206 Babitz, Eve, 61, 77, 85, 136, 154, And So: On, 133 187–188 Anger, Kenneth, 97 Troubadour and, 67, 73, 74, 243 Annie the Junkie, 28 “Babylon Sisters,” 232 Apple, 64, 108 Back Porch Bluegrass, 57, 65 Archer, Lew, 260 Bad Love, 270 “Arrangement, The,” 123 Baez, Joan, 264 309 bindex.qxd 3/29/06 12:21 PM Page 310 310 INDEX Balin, Marty, 96 Brandt, Jerry, 50 Band, 59–60, 88, 89, 215, 248 Brandt, Steve, 94 Banham, Reyner, 95–96, 268 Bread, 229 Barbata, Johnny, 172 “Brides of Jesus,” 89 Barrère, Paul, 90, 230, 256–257 Briggs, David, 49, 72, 79, 205 Barron, Ronnie, 241 Bright Lights and Country Music, 62 Battin, Skip, 86 Brogan, Bill, 29 Battiste, Harold, 87 “Broken Arrow,” 42, 149 Beach Boys, 8, 9–10, 58, 71, 80n, 91, 94 Brooks, Albert, 253 Beatles, 4, 9, 10, 13, 33, 42, 57, 63–64, Brown, Jerry, 198, 253 108, 114, 236 Brown, Nancy, 235 Beatty, Warren, 94, 143, 219 Browne, Jackson, 2, 5, 8, 17, 23, 25–29, Beau Brummels, 10 42, 49, 53, 54, 67–71, 109, 114, Beck, Don, 66 129–130, 132–136, 138, 141, 143, Becker, Walter, 232 144, 152, 160, 176, 177, 180, “Before the Deluge,” 222, 247 191–198, 211, 213, 229–230, 244, 269 Before the Flood, 215 on Asylum, 130, 132–134, 203, Beggars Banquet, 47, 87 222–223 Bergen, Candice, 95 Eagles and, 150, 151, 178, 195, 196, Bergman, Jo, 154 248 Berline, Byron, 66, 154 George’s death and, 257 Berman, Wallace, 78 Major and, 197–198, 247 Bernstein, Joel, 37, 38, 39, 54, 77–78, Running on Empty, 258 119, 120, 269 social/political causes and, 259, 260 Berry, Bruce, 205 solo career, 139, 196–198 “Be Still,” 94 Troubadour and, 67, 68, 69, 71, 226, “Best of My Love,” 212–213, 224 267 Big Brother & the Holding Company, 18 Zevon and, 186, 246, 247–248, 259, Big Pink (Woodstock house), 27 260 “Big Yellow Taxi,” 123 Bruce, Denny, 16, 30, 42–43, 47, 80, 106, Binder, Steve, 50 118, 121, 141, 149, 198, 202, 212 black music, 233 Brumley, Tom, 70 Black Rose, 233 Bryndle, 71 “Black Rose,” 233 Buckingham, Lindsey, 252–253 Black Sabbath, 188, 190 Buckingham-Nicks, 252 Blackwell, Chuck, 87 Buckley, Tim, 25, 91, 92, 214–215, 238 Blimp Productions, 114, 137 Buffalo Springfield, 11–17, 39, 42–43, 48, “Blonde in the Bleachers,” 143 58, 60–61, 69, 71, 203, 248–249, 261 Blonde on Blonde, 60 Bullens, Cindy, 241 Blue, 124–125 Burrell, Gretchen, 85, 154, 155, 208 Blue, David, 71, 128, 137, 141, 184, 203, Burrito Deluxe, 153 213, 258 Burton, James, 72, 87, 156 Blue Valentine, 255 Butterfield, Paul, 210 “Boho Dance, The,” 242 Buttrey, Kenny, 147, 148 Bonoff, Karla, 71, 229 Byrds, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 24, 27, 56, 69, 87, Born to Run, 249 89, 94, 207, 251 “Both Sides, Now,” 36, 40, 105 feuds and lineup changes, 15–17, 42, Bourgoise, Dan, 32 61, 63, 64, 82, 86 Bowen, Jimmy, 72, 74, 250 reunion album, 157–158, 179, 203, 240 Bowie, David, 203, 204 Byrds, 157 Boyd, Jenny, 252 Boyd, Joe, 33, 36 “Cactus Tree,” 39–40 Boylan, John, 71, 75, 134, 135, 199 Caine, Allison, 99–100, 103, 104, 125, Bramlett, Bonnie, 87, 230 222 bindex.qxd 3/29/06 12:21 PM Page 311 INDEX 311 Cale, John, 85 “Cocaine,” 258 “California,” 124, 125 Cohen, Andee, 208 California Bloodlines, 60 Cohen, Herb, 4, 71, 91, 212, 214 “California Dreamin’,” 6 Cohen, Leonard, 107 Cammell, Donald, 47, 48, 93, 94, 97 “Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire,” 143 Campbell, Glen, 7, 63, 87, 133, 242 Cole, Brian, 237 Campbell, Joseph, 73 Cole, Jerry, 87 Canned Heat, 3, 78 Collins, Judy, 36, 100, 101, 106–107, Capitol Records, 33, 57, 58, 71, 198, 118, 211 270–271 Collins, Tommy, 57 Captain Beefheart, 91 “Colors of the Sun,” 25 “Carey,” 124 Columbia Records, 3–4, 5, 24, 37, 63, 64, “Carmelita,” 246 131, 193, 215 “Car on a Hill,” 220 Comes a Time, 262 Carpenters, 229 Companion Music, 192, 246 “Case of You, A,” 124, 125 “Company,” 254 Cash, Johnny, 60, 147 Cooder, Ry, 3, 10, 47, 58, 72, 78, 87, Cassado, Frank and Lucy, 139 113–114, 149, 159 “Change Partners,” 146 as solo artist, 88–89, 188, 232 “Changing Heart,” 157 Cook, Richard, 248, 262 Charles, Ray, 57, 210, 213 Coolidge, Rita, 146 Charone, Barbara, 235 “Coolsville,” 254 Chateau Marmont, 85, 93, 155–156 Cooper, Alice, 91, 188, 203 Chelsea Girl, 26 Cooper, Michael, 154 “Chelsea Morning,” 40, 105 Copeland, Greg, 25, 26 Cher, 201, 210n, 265 Corman, Roger, 61 “Chicago,” 118 Cornyn, Stan, 7, 32–33, 41, 108, 123, “Chicken Little Was Right,” 114 130–131, 140, 172, 210, 268 Cho, Jeannie (“Butchie”), 16, 29 “Cortez the Killer,” 237 Cholodenko, Lisa, 20 Corvettes, 70 “Christian Life, The,” 63 Cotton, Paul, 152 “Christine’s Tune (Devil in Disguise),” 82 “Country Honk,” 81 “Chuck E.’s in Love,” 254 “Country Road,” 109 “Cinnamon Girl,” 79 country rock, 31, 57, 62, 75 “Circle Game, The,” 36, 39 Courson, Pamela, 22–23 Circle Game, The, 26 Court and Spark, 123, 143, 219–220, 222, Ciro’s, 5, 64 242–243, 264 Clapton, Eric, 40, 79, 164 “Cowboy Movie,” 146 Clark, Gene, 55–56, 60, 68, 135, 159, “Cowgirl in the Sand,” 157 179, 251 Crazy Horse, 79, 120, 171, 186, Byrds and, 4–5, 15–16, 42, 56, 205–206, 237 156–158 Crazy Horse, 148 as Dillard and Clark, 64–67, 156, 158, Creedence Clearwater Revival, 88 164 Crill, Chester, 93 solo career, 63–64, 156–157, 240–242 Criteria studio, 260–261 Clark, Rick, 157 Crosby, David, 2, 43–44, 48, 49, 50, 68, Clarke, Michael, 5, 66, 157, 164, 169, 150, 164, 214 179 autobiography, 238 Clayton, Merry, 110 Browne and, 129, 132, 197, 198, 260 Clayton, Sam, 230 Byrds and, 4–5, 15–17, 42, 61, 157, Closing Time, 213 158, 179, 203, 251 Clouds, 105 drug use, 17, 101–102, 235, 239, 260, Coburn, James, 20, 83 263 cocaine. See drug use Elliott and, 7, 16, 17, 30, 42 bindex.qxd 3/29/06 12:21 PM Page 312 312 INDEX Crosby, David (continued) “Different Drum,” 58–59, 71 Geffen and, 53, 54, 103–104, 128, 132, Dillard, Doug, 57–58, 64–67, 68, 71, 164 145, 146–147, 158 Dillard, Rodney, 57–58, 71 Mitchell and, 36–40, 101, 146, 164 Dillard and Clark, 64–67, 156, 158 political causes and, 120, 260 Dillards, 11 See also Crosby and Nash; Crosby, Stills, Diltz, Henry (“Tad”), 4, 5, 12, 20, 30, 40, and Nash; Crosby, Stills, Nash, and 41, 48, 79, 123, 128, 151, 196 Young DiMartino, Dave, 122 Crosby and Nash, 236, 239 Dimitriades, Tony, 129 Crosby, Stills, and Nash (CSN), 51–52, Di Nardo, Connie, 27 99–105, 115, 158, 168, 262 Dixie Chicken, 230 Crosby, Stills, and Nash, 100, 102–103, 119 “Doctor My Eyes,” 132, 152 Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young (CSNY), Doerge, Craig, 140, 169, 248 105, 112, 115–120, 122, 144–146, Doheny, Ned, 83, 109, 177, 194, 200, 172, 204–205 219 breakup of, 236–237 Asylum and, 136 Geffen and, 116–120, 128, 129, 132, Browne and, 26–28, 144, 197 145, 234–235, 263 Eagles and, 151, 195, 196, 248 reunions, 234–236, 239, 260–261, 263 Geffen and, 136, 137, 141, 192 Crowe, Cameron, 43, 73, 121, 122, 134, Manson and, 94 149, 150, 205, 225, 234, 235, 237, money and, 26, 74, 272 240, 263 Troubadour and, 71, 74 CSN, 262 Doherty, Denny, 6, 11, 30, 56, 95, 153 Dolenz, Mickey, 22 Dalton, David, 96 Donahue, Tom, 10 “Danger Bird,” 237 Don Juan’s Reckless Daughter, 264 Darrow, Chris, 20, 27, 31, 57, 62, 66, 75, “Don’t Be Denied,” 148, 236 109, 152, 160, 197, 240, 269 “Don’t Cry Now,” 199 on Ronstadt, 70–71, 107, 139, 224 Don’t Cry Now, 199 David Geffen Enterprises, 51 Doobie Brothers, 191 Davis, Clive, 18, 51, 52, 127, 131, 193, “Doolin Dalton,” 196 264 Doors, 22–23, 24, 93, 211 Davis, Dickie, 9, 12–13, 14, 43 Douglas, Steve, 87 Davis, Jesse Ed, 157 Dowd, Tom, 210n Davis, Mike, 268 “Down by the River,” 79, 117 Davis, Patti, 240 Dr.
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