Index ; Achila, Visigothic king, 34 Almodóvar del Río, Spain, 123–24 Acisclus, Córdoban martyr, 158 Almonacid de la Cuba, Spain, 150. See Adams, Robert, 21 also Dams Aemilian, St., 160 Alonso de la Sierra, Juan, 97 Aerial photography, 40, 82 Amalaric, Visigothic king, 29–30, 132, Aetius, Roman general, 173–75 157 Africa, 4, 21–23; and amphorae, 116, Amber, 114 137, 187, 196; and ARS, 46, 56, 90, Ammianus Marcellinus, Roman histo- 99, 187; and Byzantine reconquest, rian, 166, 168 30; and ‹shing, 103; and olive oil, Amphorae, 43, 80, 199–200; exported 88, 188; and Roman army, 114, 127, from Spain, 44, 97–98, 113, 115–16, 166; and trade, 105, 141; and Van- 172; kilns, 61–62, 87–90, 184; from dals, 27–28, 97, 127, 174 North Africa, 129, 187. See also African Red Slip (ARS) pottery, 101, Kilns 147, 186–87, 191, 197; de‹nition, 41, Anderson, Perry, 5 43, 44, 46; and site survival, 90, Andujar, Spain, 38, 47, 63 92–95, 98–99; and trade, 105–6, 110, Annales, 8, 12, 39 114, 116, 129, 183 Annona: disruption by Vandals, 97, Agde, council of, 29, 36, 41 174; to Roman army, 44, 81, 114–17; Agglomeration, 40–42, 59, 92 to Rome, 23, 27, 44, 81, 113; under Agila, Visigothic king, 158–59. See Ostrogoths, 29, 133. See also Army also Athanagild Antioch, Syria, 126 Agrippa, Roman general, 118 Anti-Semitism, 12, 33. See also Jews Alans, 24, 26, 27, 34, 126, 175 Antonine Itinerary, 152 Alaric, Visigothic king, 2, 5, 26–27 Apuleius, Roman writer, 75–76, 122 Alaric II, Visigothic king, 29–30 Aqueducts, 119, 130, 134, 174–75 Alcalá del Río, Spain, 40, 44, 93, 123, Aquitaine, France, 2, 27, 45, 102 148 Arabs, 33–34, 132–33, 137. See also Alcantarilla, Puente de, 173 Islamic rule in Spain Alcaudete, Spain, 186 Arbogastus, Roman general, 33 Alcock, Susan, 13, 120 Arcadius, Roman emperor, 23, 29 Alesia, France, 115 Ardabastus, Visigothic king, 132 Alexandria, Egypt, 115 Arians, 26, 31–32, 135 Alicante, Spain, 55 Arles, France, 24–26, 131 233 234 Index Army, 20, 22, 24–25, 112; Byzantine, Batomsky, Saul J., 187 127; Roman, 114–18, 164–68, 180, Baynes, Norman, 9 201, 125–26; Vandal, 127, 133, Beaucamp, Joelle, 70 174–75; Visigothic, 127, 133–34, 158, Begastri, Spain, 59 161, 163, 177–81 Belgium, 126, 137 Arrat, France, 142, 196 Belisarius, Roman general, 157 Arriba, Spain, 43 Ben Abed, Aïcha, 51–58 Arthur, legendary king of Britain, 126 Benedict, St., 37 Arva, Spain, 78, 81 Benedict II, Pope, 132 Asding Vandals. See Vandals Benghazi, Libya, 51 Ashlar masonry, 42, 61, 184, 187, 198, Berry, Walter, 96 202 Bintliff, John, 18 Asia Minor, 75 Bishops, 120, 135, 153; and adminis- Asidona, Spain, 159 tration, 152, 177, 188–89; and intel- Aspidia, Spain, 159 lectual inquiry, 17; and trade, 106; Aspidius, Visigothic aristocrat, 136 and travel, 160–62 Astigi. See Ecija Bithynia, 151, 173 Asturias, Spain, 107 Blackburn, Mark, 136 Ataulf, Visigothic king, 27 Black Death, 191. See also Plague Athalaric, Visigothic king, 30 Blázquez, José-Maria, 7, 9, 124, Athanagild, Visigothic king, 30, 34, 170 159 Bloch, Marc, 12 Athenian Agora, Greece, 51, 54, 56 Boak, Arthur, 190 Audeca, Sueve king, 136 Bonifay, Michel, 51–58 Augustine, bishop of Hippo, 5, 36, 150 Bonsor, Georges, 38 Autun, France, 96 Bordeaux, France, 133 Avars, 132 Braga, Spain, 3, 28, 36, 135, 151 Avitus, Roman emperor, 28 Braudel, Fernand, 8–9, 12, 121, 151, Aznalcollar, Spain, 123. See also 191 Mines Braulio, bishop of Zaragoza, 106, 109, 135, 151, 153, 160, 182 Baebelo, Spain, 123 Breviary of Alaric, 29, 33, 156 Baelo, Spain, 49, 100, 103–4 Bridges: over Guadalquivir, 72–73, Baleares, Spain, 125, 128, 137 113; over Guadiana, 131, 152; Balil, Alberto, 7, 144 Roman, 113, 147, 171–73, 176; Visi- Bandits, 160–61, 163–64. See also gothic, 152, 163, 181, 183, 203 Brigands Brigands, 132, 154–55, 169. See also Ban‹eld, Edward C., 74 Bandits Barcelona, Spain, 49, 153 Britain, 24, 72, 81–82, 114–16, 126–27, Barcino, Spain, 170 164, 172. See also England Barnish, Sam, 10, 114 Brown, Peter, 6, 19 Basetania, Spain, 159 Brunt, P. A., 107 Basilica, 195 Bulajance, Spain, 83, 86, 89, 94 Basins, 40, 42, 60, 85–86, 199–200 Burgundy, France, 96, 164, 175 Basques, 31–32, 158 Byzantine: invasion of Spain, 30–31, Baths, 59–60, 119, 134, 183, 185, 187, 34, 177; piracy, 133; rule in North 198, 202 Africa, 129 index 235 Cádiz, Spain, 146. See also Gades Cicero, Roman aristocrat, 142, 187 Calpurniana, Spain, 147 Circus games, 114 Cameron, Averil, 10 Cisterns, 41 Canals: construction of, 140, 173; Claudius, Roman emperor, 173 identi‹cation of, 64; repairs to, 20, Climate change, 18, 149 147–51, 163, 176, 181–82, 201 Clodius Albinus, Roman usurper, 172 Canania, Spain, 119 Clovis, Merovingian king, 7, 29–30 Cantabria, Spain, 132 Code of Euric, 29, 33, 36 Carandini, Andreas, 17, 44, 50–58, 92 Codex Revisus, 31, 160, 180. See also Carmona, Puente de, Seville, 172 Liber Iudicorum Carmona, Spain, 40, 119, 172 Codex Theodosianus, 29, 35, 130, 197; Carreras Monfort, César, 114 and the army, 114–15, 166, 168; and Carreté, Josep-Maria, 96, 187 public works, 170–71; and the rural Cartagena, Spain, 3, 32, 49–58, 126, poor, 70, 76, 107, 155–56; and trade, 128, 132, 177 113–14 Carteia, Spain, 103 Coinage, 41, 43, 91, 120, 131, 136–38, Carthage, Tunisia, 50–58, 99, 105, 126, coin hoards, 153, 161 129 Collins, Roger, 4, 141, 146 Carthaginensis, Spain, 27, 30, 59, 128 Cologne, Germany, 116 Castile, Spain, 70, 73 Coloni, 70, 155–56, 168. See also Ten- Castinus, Roman general, 27, 127 ants Castulo, Spain: and coinage, 121, 131; Columella, Hispano-Roman agricul- excavations of, 37; and mining, 109, tural writer, 36, 72, 76, 125 123; and river, 104; and roads, 107, Conimbriga, Portugal, 50–58, 101 147; and urban amenities, 119–20, Conscription, 167–68. See also Army 169; and urban decline, 100, 104, Constans, Roman emperor, 22–23 186 Constans II, son of Constantine III, 25 Cato, Roman agricultural writer, 72, Constantine, Roman emperor, 22, 120, 77, 191, 193 122, 170–71 Celti, 100. See also Peña›or Constantine II, Roman emperor, 22 Cemeteries, 186, 194 Constantine III, Roman usurper, Censurius, Spanish aristocrat, 173 24–26, 155, 179 Centuriation, 40, 82 Constantinople, 17, 19, 29, 33, 35, Cerro da Vila, Portugal, 150 105–6, 181–82. See also Greece Cerro del Trigo, Spain, 103 Constantius, Roman general under Ceuta, Morocco, 166 Honorius, 25–26 Charles Martel, Merovingian leader, 7 Constantius Chlorus, Roman Chayanov, Alexander, 77 emperor, 22 Chindaswinth, Visigothic king, 33, Constantius II, Roman emperor, 23, 132, 159, 189 155, 170 Chronicle of Alfonso III, 37, 132 Córdoba, Spain, 3, 15–16, 31, 37–38; Chronicle of 754, 37, 135 administration, 119; Byzantine inva- Chronicle of Zaragoza, 29, 36 sion, 157; oil production, 80–84, 110, Church councils: of Toledo II, 181; of 141, 199–200; rebellion, 135, 158, Toledo III, 135; of Toledo VIII, 135, 179; trade, 104, 123, 137, 186, 191; 160; of Toledo IX, 188; of Toledo urbanism, 78, 100, 107, 118–20, 129, XII, 37, 135, 178; of Toledo XVII, 33 153; water management, 150, 172 236 Index Coronada, Spain, 123 Etruria, Italy, 196 Cosa, Italy, 77 Euric, Visigothic king, 28–29 Craco-Ruggini, Lellia, 117 Crassus, Roman aristocrat, 187, 189 Famine, 20, 36, 74, 127, 149 Curchin, Leonard, 70, 103, 107 Farms, 41–42, 59, 92, 184, 200 Cursus publicus, 152–53 Fear, Andrew, 112 Fernández Gómez, Fernando, 120, 186 D’Abadal, Ramon, 159 Fidelis, bishop of Mérida, 106 Dacia, 108 Finley, Sir Moses, 8–9, 113 Dams, 131, 140, 147–51, 176, 183, 201 Fishing, 79, 110, 124–25 Danube, river, 114, 164, 175 Floods, 161, 201; management of, Demographic collapse, 64, 183, 20–21, 163, 176, 190, 192; naturally 190–98, 202 occurring, 60, 74; and settlement Dio Cassius, Roman historian, 118 patterns, 148–52, 172 Dio Chrysostom, Roman historian, Foederati, 164. See also Army 139 Forti‹cations, 140, 161, 169–70, 176, Diocletian, Roman emperor, 3, 21–22, 182 103, 107, 116, 164 France, 126, 132, 164. See also Gaul Dos Hermanas, Spain, 89, 148 Frank, Tenney, 9 Dressel forms 20, 23 amphorae, 81, Franks: invade France, 21, 28–29, 196; 115, 126. See also Amphorae kingdom, 31–32, 81, 126, 157, Dridi, F., 55–58 164–65, 196; third-century invasions, Drinkwater, John, 161 9, 22, 154, 164–65 Drought, 20, 74, 77 Fredegarius, Gallic historian, 159 Duby, Georges, 13, 69 Fresh water, 40, 42, 63–64, 192–93, Duero valley, Spain, 188 198, 202 Dyson, Stephen, 9, 39, 72, 75, 77, 122 Frier, Bruce, 194 Frisia, 137 Ecija, Spain, 118, 146; and oil produc- Fructuosus, St., of Braga, 37, 104, 106, tion, 82–83, 86, 89, 110, 199–200; 109, 135, 151, 156 and trade, 94, 113, 115 Fulford, Michael, 51–58, 129 Edict of Maximum Prices, 103, 107 Edmondson, Jonathan C., 124 Gades, 36. See also Cádiz Egica, Visigothic king, 33, 159 Gaiseric, Vandal king, 27, 127, 174 Egypt, 35, 56, 101, 109, 130, 169 Galicia, Spain, 26, 31, 125, 130, El Cristo de San Esteban (Zamora, 135–36, 158 Spain), 131 García Moreno, Luis, 7, 106; and Elevation, 42, 62–64, 93, 144–45, 149, colonate, 156, 179, 188–89; and pas- 198 toralism, 13, 128, 134; and violence, El Tejarillo, Spain, 78 157, 160, 178 Elvira, council of, 35, 120 Garnsey, Peter, 6, 70, 73, 77, 139, 141 Émerita.
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