
The Mustard Christian Centuries Time Line Seed Story A BC to AD Course Century 1 © 1989 -2011 By Timothy Ministries Contemporary Events The Church 63 BC to AD 66 Israel ruled by Rome. 14 Augustus dies. 14-37 Tiberius Caesar. 22-220 Later Han Dynasty, China. 33 Death and resurrection of Je- 37-41 Gaius Caligula. sus Christ. 41-54 Claudius Caesar. 34 Conversion of Saul of Tarsus. 43 Rome conquers Southern Brit- 34-37 Paul in Damascus/Arabia. ain, London founded. 44 James son of Zebedee martyred. 47 Paul’s missionary journeys begin. 47 Birth of Plutarch. 48 Jews no longer majority of Chris- 50 Gothic kingdom set up on tian believers. Lower Vistoula. 49 Jews in Rome riot against Jewish 54-68 Nero. believers and are expelled from 64 Burning of city. Rome. 50 Jerusalem Council. 66-73 Jewish-Roman 50-66 Paul’s letters. War. Holy Land 56 Paul’s arrival and arrest in Jeru- Christians refuse salem (Acts 21). to join nationalist 59-60 Paul sailed to Roman imprison- movement. ment. Acts written. 69-79 Vespasian. 60 Matthew martyred. 70 Jerusalem destroyed. 63,64 1 & 2 Peter written. 73 Fall of Masada. 64 Nero persecutes Christians in 79-81 Titus. Rome, martyrdom of Peter. 79 Vesuvius erupts. 67 Paul beheaded in Rome, Linus 81-96 Domitian. becomes bishop of Rome. 90 Birkat ha- 80-90 Christians slandered and perse- Minim: ritual cuted in province of Asia (Rev 2.9; Jewish curse 3.9). against Chris- 88-97 Clement (ˈklĕ-mənt) bishop of tians and other Rome. “heretics.” 96 Persecution under Domitian. 96-8 Nerva. 98-117 Trajan. 100 Death of John & Clement of Rome, appearance of Elkesaites. Painting from Pompeii C - 1 Christian Centuries Time Line The Mustard Seed Story Century 2 A BC to AD Course By Timothy Ministries © 1989 -2011 Contemporary Events The Church 116-17 Jewish uprisings in Egypt, 111 Trajan’s letter to Pliny the Young- Cyrenaica, Mesopotamia, Cy- er. prus and Palestine. 115 Ignatius’ letters and mar- 117-38 Hadrian. tyrdom. 132-35 Bar Cochba Revolt; Jewish 115-120 Christian worship shifts al- followers of Jesus once again most exclusively from Sabbath refuse to join rebellion. to Sunday. 135 Epistle of Barnabas. 144 Elements of Gnostic philoso- 135 Jews expelled from Jerusalem. phy flood the Church. Marcion Separation of Christians from (ˈmär-shē-ŏn; -sĕ-ŏn) excommu- their Jewish heritage essen- nicated & soon begins sect. tially complete. 150 Marcionists reject the OT. Jus- 138-61 Antonius Pius. tin Martyr’s Apology. 155 Justin vs. Marcion. Polycarp Martyred. 160-165 “Plague of Galen”: Epidemic 160 Persecution in Rome, Gaul & sweeps Roman Empire killing Africa. Justin Martyr asserts 25-33% of the population. that Christians are “true spiri- tual Israel.” 161-80 Marcus Aurelius. 165 Justin Martyr beheaded in Rome. 170 Persecution under Marcus Aurelius. 175 Montanism begins in Phrygia. 177 Christians Martyred at Lyon; Irenaeus becomes Bishop. 185 Origen (ˈōr-ĭ-jĕn) born. 189 Recurrence of plague. Irenaeus’ (i-rĕ-ˈnā-əs) Against 193-211 Septimus Severus, Emperor of Heresies. Rome. 189-99 Victor I, bishop of Rome. 190 Adoptionist error appears. Irenaus martyred in persecu- tion under Septimus Severus (sə-ˈvĭr-əs). * Superscript notations 199 Tertullian’s Apology. refer to publications in 200 “The Bishop of Rome gains the Books and Resources his predominant position List. as pope.”Grun, 1982 C - 2 The Mustard Christian Centuries Time Line Seed Story A BC to AD Course Century 3 © 1989 -2011 By Timothy Ministries Contemporary Events The Church 202 Perpetua & Felicitas martyred in Carthage. 205 Origen begins writing. 208 Silk Road closed for 1,000 207 Interested non-Christians be- years. Northern Wall across gin attending church services Scotland. during years without perse- 211-17 Caracalla. cution. Tertullian joins the 211-12 Geta. Montanists. 217-18 Macrinus. 218-22 Heliogabalus. 222-35 Alexander Severus. 246 Cyprian converted. 235-38 Maximus. 248-250 Origen’s Against Celsus. Ori- 238 Gordianus I gen calls Jews “most wicked 238 Gordianus II nation.” 238 Balbinus & Pupienis. 250 Origen writes, “Christians are 238-44 Gordianus III. the spiritual Israel.” 250-60 Novationists set up congre- 244-49 Philip the Arabian. gation in Rome. Persecution under Decius, “most violent 249-51 Decius. the church had yet faced.” 250 First Gothic invasion. 251 Cyprian, On the Unity of the 251-53 Gallus. Church. 251 Violent epidemic; at its height 251-356 Antony of Egypt, early Chris- 5,000 per day die in Rome. tian hermit. 253 Aemilianus. 254 Origen dies from effects of 253-60 Valerian. torture inflicted under Decius. 260-68 Gallienus. 255 Stephen, Bishop of Rome, 268-70 Claudius II. claims special authority 270-75 Aurelian. derived from Peter in dis- 275-76 Tacitus. pute with Cyprian. 276-82 Probus. 258 Cyprian martyred. Increas- 282-83 Carus. ing practice of veneration of 283-85 Carinus & martyrs. Numeria- 276 “Crucifixion of Mani.”Grun, 1982 nus. 286 10th and worst persecution 284-305 Diocle- begun under Diocletian. tian. 300 “Christianity introduced in 286-305 Maxim- Armenia. Bowling is consid- ian. ered part of religious ritual in German monasteries.”Ibid. 300-500 Donatist “reform party.” C - 3 Christian Centuries Time Line The Mustard Seed Story Century 4 A BC to AD Course By Timothy Ministries © 1989 -2011 Contemporary Events The Church 303 Edict of Diocletian called for surrender of church buildings 306-37 Constantine the Great. and copies of the Scriptures: 312 Constantine “converted.” last persecution of Chris- 313 Edict of Milan proclaimed tians in Rome. Distinction toleration for both Christian & between clergy and lay pagan subjects. people encouraged by use of 315 Bishops encourage believers to basilicas. Dowley, 1977, p. 151 seek the intercession of mar- 320 Arianism: Christ is wor- tyrs in times of need.Williams, 1989 shipped as less than God. 321 Constantine makes first day of 325 Council of Nicaea: Arian the week a holiday, naming it Christological Controversy “the venerable day of the Sun.” 326-27 Helena’s pilgrimage to the 330 Constantinople erected. Holy Land. Easter becomes 337 Constantine dies. week-long festival 339 Converting to Judaism be- 335 Decision of Nicaea reversed; comes criminal offense. Athanasius goes into exile. 360 Books begin to replace scrolls. 336 First mention of December 25 361-63 Julian the Apostate.Bainton, 1960 Christmas festival. 341 Ulfilas’ mission to the Goths. 366-84 Pope Damasus (ˈDăm-əh-səs) “first to refer consistently to church of Rome as the ‘Apos- tolic See’ and to address [other 363 Julian’s order to restore the bishops] as ‘sons’ rather than Jerusalem temple frustrated as ‘brothers’.”Ibid. by balls of fire. 367 Athanasius’ NT Canon.Curtis, 1991 374 First appearance of Asiatic 373 Death of Athanasius. Huns. 380 Ambrose defends bishop who 380 Decree of Theodosius estab- incited the burning of a syna- lishes Christianity as official gogue. religion of the Empire. 382-405 Jerome: Latin Vulgate. 386 “Hymn singing introduced by 385 Magnus Maximus executed Ambrose, Bishop of Milan.” Grun Priscillian for heresy. 391 Telemachus Almachius dies in 386-387 Chrysostum preaches “Homi- the arena. lies Against The Jews” in 393 Theodosius I outlaws paganism. Antioch. 395 Roman Empire divided perma- 387 Conversion of Augustine. nently. 395 Augustine sole Bishop of Hippo. 395-423 Honorius (ō-ˈnō-rē-əs), Western 398 Chrysostum (ˈkrĭs-əs-təm) Emperor. bishop of Constantinople. C - 4 The Mustard Christian Centuries Time Line Seed Story A BC to AD Course Century 5 © 1989 -2011 By Timothy Ministries Contemporary Events The Church 406 Vandals invade Gaul & cross to Africa. 409 Pelagian Controversy starts. 407 Roman armies withdraw from Britain to defend Rome. 411 St. Augustine’s City of God. Grun 410 Rome sacked by Alaric’s (al´a 420 Jerome dies in Bethlehem. rik) Goths: The Fall of Rome 430 Augustine of Hippo dies. & the beginning of the 431 Council of Ephesus (Christo- Dark Ages. “Beginnings of logical & Ecclesiastical contro- alchemy with the search for versies) condemns Nestorius. Philosopher’s Stone and 432 St. Patrick preaches in Ire- Elixir of Life as chief objects.” land. Grun 440-461 Leo the Great, Bishop of 433 Attila the Hun desolates Rome, “set out more clearly northern Asia & Europe. than any before him the 449 First Teuton tribes in- concept that the papacy vade Britain under Hengst was Peter’s own office.” (hen´gist) & Horsa: English 449 Ephesus II upholds Eutychian history begins, English lan- “absorption” ideas. guage comes to Britain. 452 Attila invades Italy, spares Rome. 455 Gaiserik (guy´ zuh rik), 453 Attila dies. sacks Rome. Pope Leo per- 470 “Flowering of Maya city civili- suades the Vandal king to zation in southern Mexico.” Grun spare church buildings. 476 Odoacer deposes Romulus Au- 484 Excommunication of Patri- gustulus; end of Western Ro- arch Acacius (a kay´shus) of man Empire, Rome no longer Constantinople leads to first capital except of church. schism between the Western 481 Clovis, King of the Franks, and Eastern Churches. Grun starts kingdom of France. 491 “The Armenian Church secedes from Byzantium and Rome.” Grun 492-496 Pope Gelasius (juh lay´shi us) 493-526 Theodoric (thee odd´ oh rik) the I sets papacy above secular Great, Ostrogoth (oss´ truh rule. Produces Missal: “book goth) King of Italy. of prayers, chants, and in- structions for the celebration 496 “Conversion” of Clovis. of Mass.” Grun 500 “Incense is introduced to Christian church service.” Grun C - 5 Christian Centuries Time Line The Mustard Seed Story Century 6 A BC to AD Course By Timothy Ministries © 1989 -2011 Contemporary Events The Church 519 “End of the first schism” be- 510 Clovis founds Paris. tween Eastern and Western church. Grun 526 Justinian temporarily recon- 526 “Benedict of Nursia organized quers Italy.
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