![1867-12-18, [P ]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Home and Other Itema. Saw, you and Doc. make a good team Mews and Item*. i take part in it Ole Bull, the world- 'fh* Dlckriu. | Those irreverent lads who called names W. \V. Bornartl, of<j<ranper,Minn., call­ Jhc limes. The Commonwealth Ins. Co. is a new and Both Houses will ndjonrn on the ?0th renowned Norwegian violinist, arrived in New York 1ms fairly Out-Bostoned Bos­ after a certain "bald head"' of old, deserv* Hotel Loo£*l ed to see as last week on liis wny east.— 1 THERE IS A NKWLY FINISHED llOTlt A# | strong institution established in Decorah.1 iirst., until the 6th of January One J New York last week, en route for Chicago, ton in the Dickens excitement. The sale ed their untimely end, because nt thnt time When he returns we will say he is a pret­ of tickets for the Dickens readings com­ no panacea had been discovered to restore X.I 3VI E 8PRINO8, McOHEOUK, DEC. 18, 1867 Is that young and thriving city to be the week ago the street cars of New York was where he is expected to arrive some time ty good man, if he will permit it. We are menced at Steinwav Ilall at nine o'clock the human Iiair upon the bald spots. But Oi* nit McOreook Rahwit, INHtMy. Insurance center of the whole west? Suo blockaded with snow The Chicago Dai-1 this week The commissioner of pen- this morning, and lon^ before the hour a now, Ring's Vegetable Ambrosia is known •ltvar? trliid to *te the Chesterfield Mer- That wants to be sold lor eauh or exchanged for a' . .. , . ce#* to •nterpmc whercrer it may plant i ly Journal says it is estimated that from sions, in his report, nnnounces the death dense throng besieged the doors, crowded to possess the rare merit of invigorating stock ol tlood*. It is near the Depot, on a corner lot, About this time of the year we receive t and nil roads entering thia thriving city center at ita chant ot the North-west The Spiritualh «•--.« rwwi. w, jww*n u -n v u «• t,,e H de ,H1 d •undry mail cariosities. Kmoncfwhivh are ; T "-V* „ • • Jtselt. j ioO.'AK) to wKJ.OUO hogs will be packcd in of the last Revolutionary soldier. I 1 ' P unFWternth gtrect| , the roots and filling them so full of life, locution. / . , lt_ T .. , show of Mrs. and >.r lerris, on Friday n,. , - ... .. and flowed over into Irving Place. At where not entirely dead, that they cannot Will somebody please Tisit the premiaen or addMt that cit thi eason 8,,d that one third of prospecti (this is probably the Latin p!u For Coicioo.—Our fello^tiTen, E. H. ? " * 1he shoes of eston, the walker, are ; llinc oV.Iook tho Joor VVU8 op ~ne(I, lind the help putting forth a new growth which ri* the prop, i.-tor? II. C. 811ARTE., „• evening last, nt the Cambrian Hall, wus Luii* Ppriii£Bt Jowa, Pe*. 13th, llf7 2*W% ral for Pro^pcctuu, but we ar^ net certain the numtrr have reicivcd durin the on exhibition in a shoe-dealer s window grand rush commenced. L5y ten o'clock ' vals in beauty the locks of youth. too broad a farce for even the converted Havens, well-known at McGregor a. - i ***" .« last two weeks Denver City hsis been in New London. Conn The House of the crowd had not diminished in the least. I ~ of it; of Magazine?, Pailicn, and «omo dealer in Produce, has left us, for No. 25, 1 portion of the company. The spirit? were j of found necessary to MA. KKIEL). wo-a-Miea, with aft'imperious shall, dircc- finally estalished as the capital of the Ter­ Representatives has affirmed the rceon- ^ J'"'' whs in a pout on account '.»f Van, French, and j Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, where ; ... , preserve order, ami lorn; linesof men were On Wednesday, I>ec. 11 th, nt I.iinnn, by Rev. J. R. toj to our humble selves, ordering an ad- ritory of Colorado, the acting Governor struetion measures of last sesson, by a votc( <onmH, whidl 8tretehed' down Fourteenth Cameron, Mr. Al.l'IlllS KItSKST, t>» Ilelvidere, Judge B.—coming so close to the medium:! all consignments and correspondence will j 111.. hihI SIim .IV 1,1 A K. SCO'I 'J'. «>l l.iiMia lomi. vmieemcnt, worth, including monthly having approved a bill to that effect re­ of 11 to 32 Spain is said to be desirous j street to the Academy of Music, and up Flanders made an effort to be of use to the j be directed by bis many friends in North j HOLIDAY GIFT ENTERPRISE puffs, $20 to $30. fvr the privilege of an cently passed by the Territorial Legisla­ of selling the island of Cuba to the United Irving l'lac2 to Irving Hail. A long 13 I K D : Show, but was unable to keep the tipping-1 Iowa. We have known the genial gentle­ — AND— , rxchan^<> with the veitMors and talents ture It is reported that a new paper to States, asking ?150.0t>0,fXW) for it. line of cai riages, filled ^ith fashionably i Monona,on Fridny night,of congestion of tko man for years, and never heard a word of dressed ladies, was stationed in front of; lnnjr«, numi ni>out fft. l»- ci.t •>. o. w. Th« table in position. Mrs. F. is said to have be called the Chicago Age. is to be issued , , they exhibit. We don't want any or them unkindtiess applied to him. May his suc­ Th* Work for While MrU» Stein way Hall, their occupants patiently : 2'!» »'•"«" «••». J. K.Cun.oron «r Cb^TCBRTr been quite successful at several private se­ •. • v r ' . / the M. K. Ohnrcb 'Miverfd apexcellent IiidvfhI »er* at th* price. Our exchunges are now too in that city in opposition to the Times The resolutiens adopted l>v the Virginia HftitiiiiX i:>r tiMMr footinon to puiviiiise tit*k- , dhui the i»<rt'Hv«*d wii« «n*i fcon oi tlu* tin CMBCll Ulld ances in this city ; bat the public one was cess at the headquarters of the North-we-t Will Award $25,000 in Gifts t* A* numerous. The '"Xohange lu»iiu*e among In 1SG5 Clayton county had a population white men's convention, sound the key­ ets. The crowd was composed of all sorts to u Urge numini oi fjmputliiiiim irinid*. Ticket Holders, oa WednMiay, Jsika- an admitted .'failure. Chicago won tin be equal to hie merits. The writer of this 1 0ur of 21922, and now has 22S79 A reso­ note of the great popular reaction that is of |»eople. young, old, white-headed, dap- *ith ilie dwciiitd ««i |dr««ant, ary I, 1868, at tho Cambrian Hallf newspapers it growing into humbn^iMu. b,,t to to llow palm last week for ghostly visitunts and notice went to Chicago, once on a time, even now upheaving the political surface per^-dressed. German, French, English and ; ° " «-*t«n»i<d lie *«» » McGregor, Iowa. I/Ut week we rcrvivrJ orders enough of the lution has been offered in the house at and came back slightly dilapidated in in this country. It is the uprising of the American. Some had taken their lunch- mmrisient nxmi^r «,r ibe Methodi»t Ctmrch. r I MIKKK W1LI< ItK ISSUED 30,000 TICKETS, city excitement, nnd liko all other non- Washington proposing to send colored kind referred to, to fiil our paper, an :i com­ finance. Be careful. Havens I Chicago sentiment of constitutional liberty against bask«»t< w.tli them, others were propped! At Mcdn-cnr. on Kridn.r tnst, HAITIF, ukr*! vimm, I at Ones Dollar ICacti, numbering from 1 to eense of the kind, the whole story was ex­ m nth8 26,000 Im liicive. Kiicb ticket entitles the holder to pensation for exchange. We uon't see representatives of this government to liny- j governmeut.il tyranny. It is the protest up a-ainst the iron fence of a brown stone i ,? «mi"M«ry plode! by a man who explained the 'trick.' corners" on produce are very curious *• ' , . K. llow en. Her fuiirritl wiw br< Hcln»tI l<i h Ihil'chu- an »i|iml chance or drawing any one of the most val­ it ! If the dailiee, with their locals about ti and Africa The President sent to i of nature, springing up in the blond of tront at least a quarter »il a mile Iron Mein- ,iienc<- o» faturduy, by Ret. Mr. Brown of the M. K. uable Trice# upon the list. The property I# all good W. X. MoNainani, of the North Mc­ to innocent, honest, integrified people.— white men, ngainst the political domina­ way ilall, quietly puffing their cigars, and CUuroli. and snbdtnutiHl, uud neeiled bye\erybody. No cheap dog-fights, salooti-wrntigles, elopements, the senate, an official notice of his suspen-1 one man (poor fellow !) was seen worry-) I-"t|e ATTIE—teautlftal girl—got accident jewelry in the lint. The prises are le#a nnmeroa#, Gregor Hotel, invites the public to a Dance There arc commercial as well as spiritual tion of' an inferior race of semi-barbari- H «>y a but of more nctiial value in proportion to tbeanMiuiit sion of Secretary Stanton from office, un-' in weddings in high life, rapes, iniprisonm't ghosts in Chicago. What yon send to ans, just emerged from the degradation of iiii; his wav throtiuh dames Parton's puff * ' •fl*»d«nnB», nnd in the innocence of childhood, than ever before offered to the public.
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