British Columbia Historical Federation ORGANIzED 31 OcToBER, 1922 MEMBER SOCIETIES ALBEIUsII DIsTRIcT HISTORICAL SOCIETY NANAIM0 HIsTomcL SoCIE] The British Columbia Box 284 P0 Box 933, STATIoN A Historical Federation is NANAIM0 9R 5N2 PORT ALBERNI BC V an umbrella organization 9Y 7M7 NIC0LA VALLEY MUSuEM & ARCHIvEs BC V embracing regional ALDER GROVE HERITAGE SOCIETY P0 Box 1262, MERRITT BC ViK jB8 societies. 3190 - 271 STREET NORTH SHORE HISTORICAL SOCIETY ALDERGR0vE, BC V4W 3H7 1541 MERLYNN CRESCENT Questions about ANDERSON LiviE HISTORIcAL SOCIETY N0RTHVANC0uvER BC V7J 2X9 membership and Box 40, D’ARCY BC VoN iLo NORTH SHusWA.p HISTORICAL SOCIETY affiliation of societies should be directed ARRow LAxs HIsToRIcAL SOCIETY Box 317, CELI5TA BC VoE iLo to Nancy M. Peter, RR#i, SITE iC, C0MP 27, PRINCEToN & DISTRICT MUSEUM & ARCHIVES Membership Secretary, NAxuSP BC VoG iRo Box 281, PRINCETON BC VoX iWo BC Historical Federation, ATLIN HISTORICAL SocIErY QUALICUM BEACH HIsT. & MUSEUM SocIErY #7—5400 Patterson Box iii, ATUN BC VoW LAO 587 BCH ROAD Avenue, Burnaby, QuAuCuM BEACH V9K i BOuNDALY HIsToRIcAL SOCIETY BC K’ BC V5H2M5 Box 58o SAT..T SPRING ISLAND HISTORICAL SoCwrY GIuD FORKS BC VoH i Ho 129 MCPHILuP5 AvENuE B0wEN ISLAND HISTORIANS SAri SPRING ISLAND BC V8K 2T6 Box 97 SIDNEY & NoRTH SAANICH HISTORICAL SOC. B0wEN ISLAND BC VoN iGo 10840 INNWOOD RD. BuRNALY HISTORICAL SOCIETY NORTH SAANICH BC V8L 5H9 6501 DEER LAICE AVENUE, SILvERY SLOc HISTORICAL SOCIETY BuRNABY BC VG 3T6 Box 301, NEW DENVER BC VoG iSo CHEPvIAINUS VALLEY HIsTOIUCAL SoCIETY SuluEY HIST0IucAL SOCIETY Box 172 Box 34003 17790 #10 HWY. CHErvIAINu5 BC VoR iKo SuIuEY BC V3S 8C4 CowIcHAN HISTORICAL SOCIETY TExADA ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY P0 Box 1014 Box 122,VANANDA BC VoN 3K0 DuNCAN BC V9L 3Y2 TiIL HISTORICAL SOCIETY DISTRICT 69 HISTORICAL SOCIETY P0 Box 405,TRAIL BC ViR 4L7 Box 1452, PALKSvILLE BC V9P 2H4 VANCouvER HISTORICAL S0CWIY K00TENAY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION Box 3o71,VANC0UVER 3X6 EAST P0 BC V6B CJ’rBRooK 4H6 VICTORIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY P0 Box 74, BC ViC GuLF ISLANDS BI&NCH, BCHF P0 Box 43O35,VICTORIA NORTH C/O A. L0vERIDGE, S.22, Cii, RR#i VICTORIA BC V8X 3G2 GALIANO BC VoN iPo HEDLEY HERITAGE SOCIETY Box 218,HEDLEY BC VoXiKo AFFILIATED GROUPS KuviLooPS MUSEUM ASSOCIATION K00TENAY LAKE HISTOfficAI SOCIETY 207 SEYMoUR STREET Box KASL0 BC VoG IM0 KiLooPs BC V2C 2E7 537, LASQuETI ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY K0K5ILAN SCHOOL HISTORICAL SOCIETY C/O P FORBES 5203 TNs CANADA HIGHWAY LASQuETI ISLAND BC VoR 2J0 KoKsILii BC VoR 2C0 NANAIMO AND DISTRICT MUSEUM SOCIETY K00TENAY MUSEUM & HISTORICAL SOCIETY 100 CArvIER0N ROAD 402 ANDERSoN STREET NANAIM0 BC V9R 2X1 NELSON BC ViL 3Y Please write to the OxANAGAN HIsTorncL SOCIETY LANTzvILLE HIsToRIcAL SOCIETY Editor for any changes to Box 313,VERNON BC ViT 6M3 C/O Box 274, LAirzvILLE BC VoR 2H0 be made to this list. BRITIsH CoLuMBIA Volume 32, No. 2 Spring 1999 $5.50 HIsTolucAt NEWS ISSN 1195-8294 Journal of the British Columbia Historical Federation Thank you 2 Captain Vancouver & Pt by B. Guild Gillespie When you read this publication, do you ever think 4 “Vancouver Sunday” about the editorial decisions made to make it all byjE. (Ted) Roberts possible? Naomi Miller has been the volunteer editor of British Columbia Historical News since her inaugural 30 The Declining North Point issue in the Fall of 1988. She has nurtured this by Leornard W Meyers publication with tender loving care for just over ten years or 42 issues! 10 When the Ditch Runs Dry Right from the start Naomi solicited “articles on by George Richard any aspect of British Columbia history.” She always acknowledged receipt of each submission and, once published, sent a thank-you letter along with sev 18 The diary of Edward Marriner eral complimentary copies to the author. Under by Jack A. Green her guidance BC Historical News grew in size from 32 pages to its current 40. 20 Historic Echoes of the North Shore Mountains Mailing this journal from the East Kootenays byA. C. Rogers became a growing challenge, particularly with the ever increasing rules and regulations imposed by the postal authorities. Fortunately Naomi and her 24 Against a Tide of Change: Simma Holt helpmate/husband, Peter, had both the patience by Laura Duke and the stamina to make certain that the quarterly deadlines were met and the journal delivered in time.This feat itself deserves a heroic medal. 30 The Story of Estella Hartt We are grateful to the Millers for their faithful by Rosemarie Parent service to the British Columbia Historical Federa tion and, particularly, to the British Columbia His- 31 BOOK REVIEWS torical News. Although she bids farewell as editor, Naomi will maintain her link with this journal by assembling the News and Notes column. 38 NOTES AND NEWS It is no surprise that Naomi passed on a very detailed list of procedures to her successor. I am 39 FEDERATION NEWS certain Fred Braches will continue to maintain the high professional standard she established.We thank Naomi (and Peter) very much and wish them a well deserved retirement. Any country worthy of a future Ron Welwood should be interested in its past. President. British Columbia Historical Federation W. Kaye Lamb, 1937 BC HISTORICAL NEWS - SPRING 1999 Captain George Vancouver: 200 Years Dead on May 12th, 1998 by B. Guild Gillespie fans and as keen to work as mules. Brenda Guild Gillespie, APTAIN GeorgeVancouver spent his 35th lish football writer and illustratot birthday just off Point Grey, on June You have a couple of wooden ships to call lives in Coquitlam. C 22nd, 1792. He ate a hearty breakfast in home, but they’re leaky, cranky tubs, and you’re the company of welcoming natives and Spanish packed cheek by jowl in them.A modern sailor Captains Galiano and Valdes. would jump ship after a week with one—quarter Less than six years later, on May 12th, 1798, the company, but you’ve got to keep them all he died broken of health and spirit. The inter living and working civilly together for years. vening years had been hard on him. He’d ac Now, here’s your little chore. Chart the conti complished so much, yet earned for it more heart nental shoreline from San Diego to present-day ache than he could bear. Anchorage. Prove once and for all that there is What exactly did George Vancouver do? And no navigable Northwest Passage. Do it with un what went wrong? To understand, let’s put our reliable equipment, and do it in two summers selves in his shoes, starting from today, from fa please—three, if you must. miliar ground and waters. At the same time, stay at Nootka Sound for as Imagine you’re up coast in a 25-foot sailboat. long as it takes to solve a pressing diplomatic prob You have every amenity and safety device.You lem with occupying Spaniards, and complete this put into a snug cove on a pleasant evening.There’s assignment without instructions. And don’t for no one around for miles.A wind comes up, then get to collect botanical specimens at every stop. a gale. Soon, you’re in a rollicking storm, and it’s By the way, you’re dog sick with a mysterious getting dangerously rough in your little nook. disease and getting worse. Several times, you’re Now; burn all your charts, every last one. Re close to death, but don’t let this slow you down. place them with a sketch of the coast, with only Spend your winters on the Hawaiian Islands, San Diego, San Francisco, Nootka Sound, Mt. St. which are as seductive as Tahiti, where your friend Elias, and a few other geographic features noted, Wiffiam Bligh was mutinied three years before, them none accurately. and your whole crew knows it. Don’t let Deep six your radio. There’s no communica fall in love with native women, but don’t inter sure. tion with civilization as you know it for so many fere with their pleasures, or they’ll rebel for little miles that it would take you months to get there. Are things seeming a little tight now; a Put a psycho Chuck your motor, every modern power and difficult? Well, here’s the ringer. Joe sort of psy sail aid, Add some oars and oarlocks—you’ll need path on board, and not just any who’s related to them to get around when the wind dies. chopath, but a full-blown one This teenage Replace all your hi-tech clothing with natural everyone important back home. doesn’t like author fibres and oilskins. Remove your cosy cabin; you’ll Lord-in-waiting,Thomas Pitt, in a crazy way. sleep under tarps in the boat or in canvas tents it He’s handsome and popular, every day for three on shore. He makes life difficult for you, him to China Get rid of all but basic cooking tools.You have years, until you arrange a ride for no fresh food, except what you can gather. You’ve in another ship. put up with, got sauerkraut, saitbeef, and bug—infested biscuits, This is what George Vancouver In three short which you’ve been eating for months. and here’s what he accomplished: the Anything looks better than this. summers, he used his small boats to chart coastline on the Getting worried? Don’t—we’ve barely begun. most intricate 10,000 miles of recorded history, the Now that we’re down to the basics, let’s get down planet. For the first time in known, which had an to work.You’ve got half a dozen of these poorly limits of the world were Earth from the moon in equipped boats, and you’ve got 145 lusty young impact equal to seeing men to keep occupied.
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