91180 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS April 1, ·1976 information with respect to public attitudes Authorizes the Board, on application of any paigns of candidates for election to Congress. on energy-related matters. certified air carrier, to issue or amend an Establishes the Congressional General Elec­ H.R. 12479. March 11, 1976. Education and existing certificate, with or without a hear­ tion Payment Account, out of which quali­ Labor. Exempts from the Farm Labor Con­ ing, to provide nonstop service between such fied candidates shall be pa.id funds to match tractor Registration Act of 1963 contractors points. the amounts such candidates have raised of workers engaged in custom cutting or H.R. 12486. March 11, 1976. Post Office and through private contributions. combine operations in connection with the Civil Service. Includes members of the police H.R. 12493. March 11, 1976. Judiciary. Au­ harvesting of grains, or in the shearing of force of the National Zoological Park within thorizes the adminission of a certain individ­ sheep, or baling of hay. the definition of "law enforcement officer" ual to the United States for permanent H.R. 12480. March 11, 1976. Education and for purposes of civil service retirement. residence. Labor. Exempts from the Farm Labor Con­ H.R. 12487. March 11, 1976. Veterans' Af­ H.R. 12494. March 15, 1976. Ways and tractor Registration Act of 1963 contractors fairs. Authorizes the Administrator of Veter­ Means. Amends the Tariff Schedules of the of workers engaged in custom cutting or ans• Affairs to assist certain totally disabled United States to repeal the duty imposed on combine operations in connection with the veterans in acquiring suitable housing units articles assembled abroad with components harvesting of grains or contractors of workers with special fixtures. produced in the United States. engaged in the shearing of sheep. H.R. 12488. March 11, 1976. Agriculture. H.R. 12495. March 15, 1976. Ways and H.R. 12481. March 11, 1976. Ways and Requires, under the Federal Meat Inspection Means. Amends the Social Security Act to Means. Amends the medicai·e program of the Act, that imported meat and meat food prod­ authorize payment under the Medicare pro­ Social Security Act to authorize payment for ucts made in whole or in part of imported gram for specified services performed by dentures, eyeglasses, hearing aids, and an­ meat must be labeled "imported" or "im­ examination, and related routine laboratory nual physical examinations. ported in part" at all stages of distribution chiropractors, including X-rays and physical H.R. 12482. March 11, 1976. Ways and until reaching the ultimate consumer. tests. Means. Amends the Social Security Act to Prohibits the importation of any dairy prod­ H.R. 12496. March 15, 1976. Post Office and authorize payment under the medicare pro­ uct into the United States unless it has been Civil Service. Repeals the Postal Reorganiza­ gram for specified services performed by chi­ inspected and found to be wholesome and tion Act. Reenacts provisions relating to ropractors, including x-rays, and physical unless the foreign farms and plants in which postal service which were in effect immedi­ examination, and related routine laboratory such products were produced comply with ately prior to the enactment of such Act. tests. all inspection, grading and other standards H.R. 12497. March 15, 1976. Interior and H.R. 12483. March 11, 1976. Agriculture. prescribed by the Secretary of Agriculture. Insular Affairs. Authorizes the Secretary of Amends the Food Stamp Act of 1964 (1) with H.R. 12489. March 11, 1976. Ways and the Interior to acquire certain lands to es­ respect to eligibility standards for house­ Means. Amends the Internal Revenue Code tablish the Frederick Law Olmsted Home and holds; (2) to establish a program of food to increase the estate tax exemption, and to Office in Massachusetts as a national historic coupon grants and eliminate the require­ increase the estate tax marital deduction. site. ment that food coupons be purchased; (3) Permits the executor of an estate to elect H.R. 12498. March 15, 1976. Ways aud to establish a program of nutrition education an alternate valuation of certain lands used I\>Ieans. Establishes the Internal Revenue Ad­ for recipients of food coupons; and (4) to for farming, woodland or scenic open space. ministration in the executive branch of the authorize the use of food coupons to pur­ H.R. 12490. March 11, 1976. Ways and Federal Government for the purpose of ad­ chase "meals on wheels." Guarantees restora­ Means. Authorizes the nonrecognition of ministering and enforcing the Internal Reve­ tion of wrongfully denied food stamp assist­ gain or loss, under the Internal Revenue nue Code. ance. Code, on the transfer of rail properties or Transfers all present functions, instruc­ H.R. 12484. March 11, 1976. Public WorkS stock or securities of a transferor railroad tions, rules, or i·egulations which were pro­ and Transportation. Amends the Federal corporation to the Consolidated Rail Corpo­ mulgated or administered by the Secretary of Aviation Act of 1958 to require the Civil ration pursuant to an order under the Re­ the Treasury or his delegate with respect to Aeronautics Board to detel'!llline applications gional Rail Reorganization Act to carry out the enforcement of the Internal Revenue for certificates for public convenience and the final system plan, in exchange solely for Code, to the Internal Revenue Administra­ necessity for air transportation within time stock of the Consolidated Rall Corporation tion. limits which the Board shall adopt by rule and certificates of value of the United States H.R. 12499. March 15, 1976. Ways and or regulation. Requires the Board, if a deci­ Railway Association. Means. Amends the Social Becw·ity Act to sion is not reached within the specified pe• H.R. 12491. March 11, 1976. Public Works prohibit a recipient of benefits under spec­ riod, to issue the certificate as requested, un­ and Transportation; Interstate and Foreign ified Social Security Act programs and the less the public interest or extraordinary cir­ Commerce; Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Food Stamp Act of 1964 from being disquali­ cumstances justify delay. Amends the Interstate Commerce Act and fied for such benefits because of an increase H.R. 12485. March 11, 1976. Public Works the Harter Act to establish procedures for in income attributable to an increase in such and Transportation. Requires the Civil Aero­ settling claims with respect to freight in benefits. nautics Board, under the Federal Aviation interstate commerce. H.R. 12500. March 15, 1976. Veterans• Af­ Act of 1958, to rescind the authority of any H.R. 12492. March 11, 1976. House Admin­ fairs. Repeals certain time limitations relat­ air carrier to provide nonstop service between istration. Amends the Internal Revenue Code ing to veterans' education assistance pro­ any two points if such authority 1s not uti­ to authorize and establish procedures for grams administered by the Administrator of lized within any continuous one year perioc:t. publicly financing general election cam- Veterans' Affairs. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN PRAISE OF CAPITALISM IN PRAISE OF CAPITALISM world's newest, least understood and little (By Michael Novak) loved minority. It is time for us to begin, The day I heard Michael Harrington say everywhere, organizing cells of the Capitalist HON. WILLIAM L. ARMSTRONG that most liberals are "closet socialists," I Liberation Front. OF COLORADO knew by my revulsion that I had to face an I first realized I was a capitailst when all IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ugly truth about myself. my friends began publicly declaring that For years, I had tried to hide, even from they were socialists. Harrington and John Thursdav, April 1, 1976 myself, my unconscious convictions. In the Kenneth Galbraith having called the signal. intellectual circles I frequent, persons with How I wished I could be as left as thev: Mr. ARMSTRONG. Mr. Speaker, al­ Night after night I tried to persuade myself though Congress spends much time de­ inclinations like my own are mocked, con­ sidered to be compromised, held at arm's of the coherence of their logic; I did my best bating economic issues and the news me­ length as secm·ity risks. We are easily intim­ to go. traight. I held up in the privacy of my dia are focusing more and more atten­ idated. room pictures of every socialist land known tion on the economy, there is an ap­ The truth is there are probably millions to me: North Korea, Albania, Czechoslovakia palling lack of understanding of the re­ of us. Who knows? Your brother or sister (land of my grandparents) and even Sweden. lationship between economic freedom may be one of us. The fellow teaching in the Nothing worked. class next to yours; the columnist for the When I quizzed my socialist intellectual and the other freedoms we cherish. But friends, I found they didn't like socialist recently I read an article by Michael No­ rival paper; even the famous liberated poet­ ess--0ur kind, hiding their convictions out countries, either. They all said to me: "We vak a Catholic theologian and author, of fear of retribution, lurk evel'ywhere. Even want socialism, but not like Eastern Europe." whi~h rivets attention on the way in now we may be corrupting your children. I said: "Cuba?" No suggestion won their which capitalism fosters freedom and We are the closet capitalists. Now, at last, assent. They didn't want to be identified the "innate tendency in socialism toward our time has come. The whole world is going with China (except that the streets seemed authoritarianism." I commend this arti­ socialist. Nearly 118 out of 142 nations of clean). Nor with Tanzania. They loved the cle to the attention of my colleagues: the world are socialist tyrannies.
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