Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08208-3 - Sites of Asian Interaction: Ideas, Networks and Mobility Edited by Tim Harper and Sunil Amrith Index More information Index Abdülhamid II, 148 Arturo Fong Chong, 213 Abdulkayyum, Haci, 165 Asian army, 184–186 Abdullah, Haci, 161 Asian Development Bank, 217, 217n1 Abdülmecid, Sultan, 148 protest against, 219–221. See also Abdülnazar of Shahrisabz, 163 Anti-globalisation movements Afghanistan, 177 Authoritarian regimes, 217–218 Al-Ansârî, Abu Ayyûb, 147 Ayvansarayî, 148 Alatas, Syed, 84 Aziz Bhat serai, 43 Ali, Haci, 166 Azra, Azyumardi, 130 Aligarh Muslim College, 174 All-India Old Revolutionaries’ Baba, Molla, 163 Conference, 188–189 Babad Jaka Tingkir, 124 Al-Rafiq, 31 Bahadur, Ghanshiam Singh, 174 Amanullah, 177 Balkan War, 175 Anglophone Asian public sphere, Bank for Information Center, 224 61–62 Barakatullah, Muhammad, 175–176 Anjuman Hamayat Islam society, 31 Becker, A. L., 113 Annie Larsen, 21 Bhat, Munshi Aziz, 43 Ansari, Muktar Ahmad, 175 Bilingualism, 76–77 Anti-dictatorship movement, 218 Bin Abdülhekim, Abdülhak, 165 Anti-globalisation movements, 216– Bin Abdul Kadir, Abdullah, 120 239 Bin Muhammed, Murat Kuli, 165 challenges confronting, 236–239 Bin Osman, Berat, 157 combining engagement and Bin Tohta, Ahmed, 152 confrontation, 233–234 Birch, James, 91 democratisation process, 222–226 Bismillah, 117–121 framing issue, 233 Bohman, James, 45 international financial institution Bolshevism, 35 conferences, 229–231 Book of One Thousand Questions, 5, parallel conferences, 229–231 108–113 resource mobilisation, 231–232 Borderlands, 200–214. See also Labour scale-shift process, 232–233 migration, to Amerian West Arabic script, 113–117 Bose, Rashbehari, 30, 181 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08208-3 - Sites of Asian Interaction: Ideas, Networks and Mobility Edited by Tim Harper and Sunil Amrith Index More information 248 Index Britain. See also Malaya; Singapore Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, 191, Mutiny of 1915 200, 201, 202, 204, 205 cotton piece goods, 48, 49 Chinese Six Companies. See British North Borneo Constabulary, 91 Consolidated Chinese Benevolent Brown, David, 84 Association Buddhism, 182 Chinese Students’ Literary Association, Bureaucratisation, of Ottoman Sufi 71 orders, 164–168 Chinese Turkestan, 51 Burials, Sultantepe. See Death and Cira (biography of the Prophet), 113 burials, Sultantepe Class and status division, Eurasians, 87 Byzantine Constantinople, 147 Colonial Penang. See Eurasian families, in colonial Penang Calam, Ipunu, 119 Colorado River Land Company, California Chinatowns. See 209–210 Chinatown(s) Commercial Treaty of 1870, 46–47 Camdessus, Michel, 223 Congress Party of India, 68–69 Canadian Pacific Railway, 19 Consolidated Chinese Benevolent Capitalist `democracy’, 218 Association, 213 Center for International Cosmopolitanism, 8–9, 38–59. See also Environmental Law, 224 Ladakh Central Indian Association of Malaya, commodity-centred perspective, 68 46–54 Chandler, Harry, 209–210 conceptual boundries, 44–45 Charas trade, 51–54 as cultural particularism, 44 Chattopadhyay, Virendranath, 175 as cultural universalism, 44 Chee Kung Tong, 214 defining, 44–45 Chen, Goldstein, 75 epistemological/neo-pragmatic China Press, 180, 185 approach, 44–46 Chinatown(s), 191–199. See also Cotton ginners, 211 Labour migration, to Amerian Cotton piece goods, 47–49 West Council of Shaykhs, 164 garment industry, 193–199 Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 45 subcontracting, 194–196, 194–199 sweatshops, 196–199 Da-Bo Gong, 132 Chinese. See also Labour migration, to Dalai Lama, 171, 179 Amerian West; Malaya; Singapore Datuk Keramat, 132 Mutiny of 1915 Dayal, Har, 30, 175 immigration to American West. See Death and burials, Sultantepe, 163– Chinatown(s) 164 language. See Mandarin Dekker, Ernest Douwes, 30 nationalism, 70–71 De La Salle Brothers, 91 nationality law, 70 Dhikr, 115 Chinese Christian Association, 71 Díaz, Porfirio, 204 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08208-3 - Sites of Asian Interaction: Ideas, Networks and Mobility Edited by Tim Harper and Sunil Amrith Index More information Index 249 Drinking and drug use, Sultantepe, Ghadar, 20, 23, 26, 29–30, 31 167 Ghadar, 20 Drug use, Sultantepe, 167 Gian Bee, 98 Dutta, Bhupendranath, 188–189 Great Depression (1930), 75 The Great War from a Confucian Point `Eastern Oppressed People’s Society’ of of View and Kindred Topics (Lim Nanking, 181 Boon Keng), 22 Efendi, Ahmed Vasfi, 167–168 Greenpeace International, 228 Efendi, Seyh Sadyk, 165–166 Grote Oost, 15 Engseng Ho, 1 Guest registers, at Sultantepe, 152–160 Ennui, Nonia, 84 Gündüz, Irfan, 164 Esperanto, 36 Gureba-yi Müslimîn, 162–163 Eurasian families, in colonial Penang, 79–102 Habibullah, King, 176 class and status division, 87 Hadrami, 16–17 complex society, 87 keramat, 133–137 genealogies, 86 Hadramis, 127 histories, 79–83 Hafiz, 31 historiography, 80 Hagia Sophia, 148 intermarriage, 83–84, 86 Hajji, 152 mapping interactions, 88–98 Hanson, Norwood, 45 origins, 84–86 Hasan, Haci, 167 reinventing, 98–102 Health, Sultantepe, 162–164 social world, 83–88 Hell and paradise, 124–125 women, 86 Hikayat, 138 Eurasian Review, 4, 100–102 Hikayat Patani, 120 Eyüp, 148 Hikayat Raja Rihib, 107 Hikayat Seribu Masalah. See Book of Financial crisis, 216–217 One Thousand Questions Financial institutions, 216 Hikayat Tuan Gusti, 120 First World War, 13–16. See also Hindi, 72 Singapore Mutiny of 1915 Hoakiau di Indonesia (Chinese in FOCUS on the Global South, 223– Indonesia) (Toer), 138 224 Hoca, Kari Muhammed Yusuf, 166 Foley, William James, 91–94 Hock, Tong Cheu, 132 Foleys family, 91–94 Hospitals, 162–163 Fong Sing, 207, 208 Huiguan, 213 Hurgronje, C. Snouck, 127 Gaib-i Nazar, Andijani Haci, 167 Hüseyin, Haci, 158 Garment industry, 193–199. See also Chinatown(s) Imazato Juntaro, 181 Genealogies, Eurasian families, 86 Indian Hemp Drugs Commission, 53 Gennette, Gerard, 117, 121 Indian Mutiny, 12 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08208-3 - Sites of Asian Interaction: Ideas, Networks and Mobility Edited by Tim Harper and Sunil Amrith Index More information 250 Index Indian National Army, 186, 188 ethnicity, 129–131 Indian National Congress, 181 Hadrami, 133–137 Indians, in Malaya, 67–69. See also local character, 131–133 Malaya; Singapore Mutiny of 1915 Orang Asli, 131–132 Gandhi’s Indian nationalist overview, 127–128 movement, 67 Keramat hidup, 129 politicians and, 68 Keramat Tuah in Penang, 130 Indian 5th Light Infantry, 10 Keramat Ujong Pasir, in Negri Indische communities, 81 Sembilan, 132 Intermarriage, Eurasian families, Khaddar, 67 83–84, 86 Khadi, 49 International financial institutions, 216 Khadi Movement, 49 Asian financial crisis, 216–217 Khan, Bahauddin, 42–43 International Ladies Garment Workers’ Khan, Mohammed Deen, 42 Union, 193 Khan, Shams-ud-din, 42–43 International Rivers Network, 224, Khilafatists, 178 228 Kiram, Haci, 166 International trade organisations, Klenteng, 132 218–219 Komagata Maru, 18–19 Ismail, Haci, 158 Krishnavarma, 175 Istanbul, Sufi lodges in, 144–170. See Kuala Lumpur Theatre, 36 also Üsküdar Özbekler Tekkesi Kusno, Abidin, 37 Jammu and Kashmir, 46–47 Labour migration, to Amerian West, Japan, 186–188. See also Singapore 191–215 Mutiny of 1915 borderlands, 200–215 cotton piece goods, 48 Chinatowns, 191–199 Pan-Asian projects, 184–188 Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, Japan Advertiser, 180 191, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205 Jeddah, Arabia, 147 subcontracting, 194–199 Jha, Prem Shankar, 140 sweatshops, 196–199 Ladakh, 38–59 Kahn, Joel, 8 geographic region, 39 Kançilarya, 165 Silk Road/Route, 39 Kant, Immanuel, 45 trade in. See Trade, in Ladakh Kasian Tejapira, 226–227 Laifungbam, Roy, 237 Keaughran, Victoria, 97–98 Lapal, 110–111 Kebar, 107 Lee Sing, 207 Keramat, 127–142 Levi-Strauss, Claude, 7 conceptual description, 128–129 Lewis, Fong, 206–207 cultural politics of diversity, Leyard, Abdul Mansur, 30–31 137–140 Leytón, Guillermo, 205 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08208-3 - Sites of Asian Interaction: Ideas, Networks and Mobility Edited by Tim Harper and Sunil Amrith Index More information Index 251 Light, Francis, 83–84 Muslims, 105–125 Lim Cheng Ean, 65, 66 Arabic script, 113–117 Lombard, Denys, 132 hell and paradise, 124–125 overview, 105–106 Malaka, Tan, 37 paratexts, 117–121 Malaya, 60–77 shahada, 106–113 Indians, 67–69 Singapore Mutiny of 1915, 17, 18 language, 72–77 untranslated citations, 121–125 race, 69–71 Mustafa, Sultan, III, 148 Straits Chinese, 63–67 Malaya Tribune, 61–77 Naiman, Robert, 223 Malaysia, keramat in, 132 Naqshbandi order of Sufism, 145 Malay States Guides, 19–20 Naraka. See Swarga and naraka Mandarin, 72–73 Nation Chinese dialects and, 73 concept, 62–63 English language and, 74–75 geopolitical entity, 63–69 Mansoor, Kassim Ali, 17 language and, 72–77 Maverick, 21 race and, 69–71 Mecca, hajj pilgrimage to, 144, 147 Nehru, Pandit, 68, 189 Melang, Barbara Lucy, 84 Networks, 5–6 Mexican Revolution (1910-1920), Newspapers, 61–62 204, 206 New York Chinatowns. See Mexico, 203–214. See also Labour Chinatown(s) migration, to Amerian West New York Times, 12 Chee Kung Tong, 214 NGO Coordinating Committee for Unión Fraternal, 213–214 Development, 225 Ministry of Pious Endowments, 148, Nicholson, Alice, 92 164–165 Nirbal Sewak, 175 Misbach, Haji, 32–33 Noh, Habib, 134
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