
CISCCONTENTONTENT:CONTENRTRREPORTEPORTEPORT CC ReviewОбзорОбзор of новостейaudiovisualновостей рынка content производства production and ии дистрибуциидистрибуции distribution аудиовизуальногоаудиовизуальногоin the CIS countries контента контента Media«»«MediaМ«»ÌЕДИÅÄÈ ResourcesА ResourcesÀРЕСУРСЫÐÅÑÓÐÑÛ МManagement ÌManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТÅÍÅÄÆÌÅÍÒ» №№22, №2№121(9) №2February 13 1April января, April, 1 April, 30, 20152012 20132011 2012 тема FOCUSномераfocus DEARсловоDEAR CCOLLEAGUES редакциOllEAGUESи УжеWeWe areareв первые happyhappy to toдни present нового you годаthe February Aprilнам, issue редак issue of цthe иofи company,ПервыйLast autumn номер this members unique Content ofmedia Russian Report industry association выходит project, ofв televiкoneану н- КИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫ Й ContentCIS:the CIS:Content Report, Content Report сразу Report whereстало where понятно,we triedwe tried toчто gather toв 2011gather theм andСтарогоsion only and ofmovie Нового a kind producers in года, the CIS который chose and Central Red (наконецто) Square and Eastern Screen за - TV markeTs in всеmostthe мы most interesting будем interesting усердно up-to-date up-to-date и неустанно information information трудиться. about rapidlyabout За Europeвершаетings as theis a чередуmost one stopimportant праздников, destination industry for поэтevent theом wholeof theу еще season. range ра з РЫНTVО MARKETS:К В УКРАИН Е : of international events for media industry profes- TurkmenisTan, нимаясьdevelopingrapidly developing подготовкой content contentproduction первого production andвыпуска distribution and обзора distribu mar но-- хотимThe idea пожелать of the forum наши aimedм at подписчик showcasingа theм Russianв 2011 ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИ Я КА К востейketstion ofmarkets рынкаthe CIS of производства region.the CIS Asregion. far asи As аудиовизуальногmost far as of most the locallyof theо sionals.годуcinema найти for the свой international верный путь film иcommunity следовать belongs ему с UKRAINE, BELARUS, контентаproducedlocally produced в seriesэтом годand seriesу , TVмы andmovies с радостью TV moviesare further обнаружили are distribfurther-, упорством,to Yevgeny Gindilis трудясь – Red не Squareпокладая Screenings’ рук. У каждог execuо- ОСНОВНОTajikisЙTan ТРЕН andД GEORGIA, MOLDOVA чтоuteddistributed даже and вbroadcast новогодние and broadcast mainly праздники mainly inside inside the р аCISбота the territories, CIS во terriмно- Pleaseсвояtive director, дорога, do not founder forget но цель that and we уproducer нас are однhere generalа to – be развивать your of Russian local и РАЗВИТИuzbekisЯ (25)Tan гихwetories, продакшнахpicked we pickedup the идет upmost the полным interesting most interesting ходом, and а originalдальше, and original proj как- sourceулучшатьfilm company of information отечественный TVINDIE. and He analytics. is рынок.also a member По коням, of Euro го- (23) говорится,ectsprojects with withthose станет those script еще script-ideas ideas больше. that Как thathave неоднократн have international internaо- сподаpean Film! Academy (EFA). In an exclusive interview to (19) былоappealtional отмечено, appealand may and furtherвследствие may travelfurther кризиса abroad travel to основательнabroad Europe, to AsiaEuо- CIS: Content Report he told about achievements, pri- We wish a pleasant reading! измениласьorrope, the NorthAsia or конъюнктураAmerica the North both America рынка,as readymade both поменялась as readymade product ра сor orities and plans of his company and his own as well становкаformats.product Besidesorсил formats. и возможностей, there Besides are a lot there of поэтомуfull-length are a lotр featuresа ботатof full-ь as about the experience of internationalАртем coproduction. Вакалюк действительноrecentlylength features launched есть recently into и productionбудет launched над чем. in into Russia, Подтверждproduction Ukraine, еin Главный редактор интервью номера Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries Content Report ниемKazakhstan тому является and other количество CIS states собранного that for sure в это mayм And one more thing we’d like to remind you. Plan- (полупраздничном)havethat notfor sureonly successfulmay have номере notinternational only материала successful distribution. interna but- INTERVIEWinTerView tional distribution but also be the award winners and ning you business calendar for 2013 do not forget сергей каратаев : also be the award winners and nominees of different to book time to visit the major event for televi- internationalnominees of film different festivals. international Despite large film festivals. portion of De in-- «на данный момент В сегодняшней теме sion and media professionals in the CIS region - formationspite large on portion the new of movies,information shows on theand new series movies, you’ll еще остаются номера мы останови KIEV MEDIA WEEK 2013, September 10-13, YEVGENY GINDILIS: alsoshows find and the seriesdetailed you’ll report also on find the the recent detailed distribution report лись на одной из са 2013. Organized by Media Resources Manage- нерVikаспTрorоданны shkroboе фильмыT: , deals.on the recent deals of international distributors with которTHEые б WORKыли соз OFданы до мыхthe CIS-partners.болезненных тем ment company, this unique media industry proj- it is hard for a отечественной киноин ect, one and only of a kind in the CIS and Central TVкEUROPEANр изиchannelса» (31 to) be дустрииIn our “Focus” – рынке we continueкино the cycle of articles dedi- and Eastern Europe is a one stop destination for театров.catedIn our to“Focus” theНа страницахcurrent we would situation like to onpresent TV markets you the of over the- five international media industry events. PRODUCERSentertaining CAN’T in the Contentpost-Sovietview of televisionReport countries. мы markets не The in region such Centralis developing Asia coun rap-- tries as Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan. EVENcurrent BE circumstances, COMPARED однократноidly both in termsпублико of its TV market volume and the Please do not forget that we are here to валиnumberThese мнения markets of players о том, differ on что a it lot led from by suchthe points states of as view Rus of- but it is a responsible their volume, number of broadcasters, TV-content be your local source of information and TO THE ONE WE HAVE едваsia, Ukraineли не andосновной Kazakhstan. In previous issue we analytics. СОДЕРЖАНИЕmission проблемойfocusedproduction on TVfacilities(хотя markets этуand of trends Tajikistan, of development. Uzbekistan and TV TO DO (25) темуKazakhstan,markets активно in Tajikistan and поднима this time and we’ll Uzbekistan, provide afor short instance, analy- ютsisare все, of just such кому starting territories не безраз to evolve as Ukraine, and integrate Belarus, into Georgia global We wish a pleasant reading! ПРОИЗВОДСТВО(21): (2) личнаandTV tendencies.Moldova. судьба Fromнацио the other hand Turkmenistan is closed for TV business activities because of its СЕРИАЛ (2) нального кинематогра фа),inner governmentalсдерживающей policy. Unfortunately, data on ТЕЛЕФИЛЬМ (7) развитиеTV ratings andиндустрии share of the TV channels in all these countries is not available because of the absence of ТЕЛЕШОУ (10) «полного метра» на постсоветскомnational-wide TV researchesпро there. АНContentsИМАЦИЯ (12) CONTENTS странстве, является ДОКУМЕ НТАЛЬНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (13) катастрофическаяNow Ukrainian TV is atне the stage of sweeping chang- PProductionroduction:: (2) (2) хваткаes and кинозалов. has to fill up Од the gap where Russian content К ИНОФИЛЬМ (14) used to be. In an exclusive interview to CIS: Content SSerieerieSS (2) (2) нако рынок продолжа Д И СТР И Б TVУЦИЯ Show (15)S (7) етReport стремительно TET TV channel раз programming director Viktor moVieS FTVeaT ure Film (7)S (10) виваться.Shkrobot andИ еслиexecutive по producer Anna Gonchar told КАДРЫ (20)TV ShowS (9) водовhow the для broadcasting оптимизма schedule is formed, content distributionFeaTure (14)FilmS (11) относительноof what countries увеличе TET imports the most and how the Т ЕЛЕcПinemaО КАЗ d(21)istribution нияwhole количества strategy changed кино in light of national currency distribution (16) театровdevaluation. попрежнему In addition, they shared thoughts about Т ЕХНОЛОГИИinc inemaukraine d (istribution 22)(18) неthe так quality много of the , newто по Ukrainian TV product. внедрению совре ПРОfocusYКearАТ В 2012 (19)УКРАИНЕ (24) менныхAnd one технологий more thing we’dза like to remind you. Plan- о iinnterview ukraine (21 (22)) прошлыйning your год business имеются calendar for 2015 do not for- нк О ТР АСЛЕВ Ы Е ве всеget основания to book time для to гор visit the major event for televi- а МЕР ОfocusПР ИЯТ И(23)Я (29) достиsion andза mediaэто. Междуprofessionals in the CIS region - тем попытаемся разо KIEV MEDIA WEEK 2015, September 7-11, 2015. леси С interview (25) О браться,Organized есть by ли светMedia в Resources Management конце тоннеля?!. Рис. Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина Mediawww.mrm.ua Resources Tel.: Management. +380 (44) 459-4610; 22 Zakrevsky e-mail: St., [email protected] 02660, Ukraine 11 www.mrm.uaТел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] www.mrm.ua production production production №22, February 2015 series ussr beauTy Mid February Ukrainian group fiLm.ua in co-production with lo- Producers: Victor Mirsky, Maksim fiLm.ua, PronTo fiLm cal prodco Pronto film finished shooting 12-episode biographi-
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